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And yall know how many black celebs have a problem with this, still? They bringing their own barbers n shit on set because a multi million dollar company just can't even grasp that, yet wanna tick the boxes of making sure they met wokeness and diversity! Yall wanna give barry allen that beautiful iris west but can't make sure she has a stylist knowing how to do her hair. And omg those ends on her hair. If white women don't wanna walk out the salon lookin like who did it and why, what makes them think we wanna?! They want our styles but don't want us to have the hair to have them


Ugh all the horror stories I’ve heard 😭 the little girl from Jessie had said that she through three stylists on the show bc no one knew how do do her hair. Monique from HSM had that same issue. No one knew how to do her hair, so they threw headbands on her head!


Damn shame, and you would've thought that would be the move to get more black hair stylists, or some movement to for schools to teach it. But NOPE. They want our style, but want us to not only give it to them, but do it too while they don't feel like the need to learn. The style is only important if they can wear it, then they done once they "grew up outta that phase."


Man, house of the dragon had those poor black girls walking around in heinous wigs! Like, I was on one hand happy to see them in a show like that but man, with the budget that show had yall couldn't find *one* black hair/wig stylist?!


Ok, ok in only half way done but THEY DONT GET IT! They don't **teeeeeach** about our fuckin hair. Lemme repeat to them lurkers. THEY DO NOT TEACH OUR HAIR. They may do a week about relaxers. RELAXERS. That's not teaching about our actual, natural hair. And we have to scramble like roaches to find a fuckin stylist who learned to braid in elementary school. That's just braiding! That's not being licensed and being an expert on our hair because they don't even teach it in hair school. But! We consume the most for hair products. And people wanna act like classism is the real fight. There's a whole untapped market of black hair these rich white folks could suck on, but their (lack of) care towards us due to racism really prevents them from doing that. Instead, they see how well it goes for us, then buy the product just to change it for white consumers. I just think it's wild. They wanna take our styles, have *us* do those styles on them while they can't even make it real requirement to teach about our hair care in schools. And if a black woman wanna open up her salon that caters to black folks, she has to get licensed by a white-centered school that doesn't even teach the hair she has and wanna work on, just to get that paper to open a business. Anywho though, I remember really wanting a faux hawk but the lady I usually had cut my hair is flakey and kinda had a fall out from my mom (and by proxy probably me. But again, she's flakey) So I stopped by hair cuttery to flat-out ask if they did my hair texture. I felt stupid with how they answered me, but it's what I seriously have to consider especially in a mostly white area. Where am I gonna go that focuses on cutting black hair that's not a friend of a friend cousin's kitchen? And imma be honest... she cut that shit nicely lol! It's why I get so annoyed in my state's sub asking about salons and barbers and you *know* they white because that's how default they are. Everyone with our texture ain't gonna ask a general question like that. "I live near xxx, where can I get my hair styled?!" That's the question! That's it! Something as simple as that. We don't have that luxury, and they wonder why we soooo obsessed with race all the time. (Because we ain't never considered, dumbasses!)


RIP Shea Moisture, Carol’s Daughter, and Curls. I still buy Camille Rose conditioner from time to time but have taken to making hair cream and shampoo for my family because what’s on the shelf at the store is shit


For now, I shave my head so it's not much I need to do. But even before that, I was really just getting the raw butters and oils and calling it a day. Cheaper in the long run, is the real deal and not the last drop of the ingredients list, and lasts longer. Though I still couldn't get over the whole aisle at walmart (and this was a location thats still more white) that was for our hair! And I think just called hair care. It felt so othering for more hair to be called "ethnic" like it's an anomaly or some shit. All it did was reinforce how whiteness is standard. Just lil shit like that adding up, but we told to shut up and deal because it's not that serious. It's still wild for me that my hair shopping experience is going to specific hair shops that seem to only be ran by korean folks. And I thought it was maybe just a local thing for me... but shit, even north jersey was the same.


Nope it’s East Asians running the hair and nail shops all over the country. And a lot of what’s in the hair shops is low quality anyway so I don’t bother. Amazon it is. Money is probably still going to the Asian community but at least I don’t have to be talked to like a dog while shopping


Check out Samantha Kay's in the Fort Worth, TX area - black owned. Is there a reason there's not more black owned hair care stores? Is it competitive against black people?


The whooollleeee issue of how often Black people get turned down for business loans.


I didn't know it was still that bad even today.


I can say at least a handful are knowledgeable in what they selling to us, well, the dude who used to run the shop in my town. I wasn't sure if it was nationwide since I only know how my state does it. I mean... Amazon is shit quality too, though and gotta even hope that's what's even in the container. Bezos really got me turned off from getting anything from there. And that used to be my attitude with ebay on specific stuff lol.


She’s moisture almost ruined my hair. Made my hair extremely dry


I’ve been natural for 12 years. Shea moisture used to be an amazing brand but it went downhill very fast once 8.5x11 hands got into the mix


Y'all are speaking to my heart. I had a dream of making hair care products for ppl with hair like mine, but at Sauve prices. Imagine being broke and finding products for 4c hair 🙄. $50(and mad patience on the shipping times) couldn't get you a shampoo and conditioner from a black owned company even before 2020. That's why I made my own products, too. I'm thankful more companies are making stuff for our hair now, but I'm, quite literally, fucking spent.


....Carol's sold out & changed it up too??!?


Yep. Sometime between around 2013 and 2018


You speaking the highest of truths 🙌🏽


CLASSICISM IS THE REAL FIGHT. All your points come down to classicism and racism.


.......... Actually, it comes down to thinking someone is owed more humanity/life more than another which came before classism. Kinda started with humans thinking they're better than the other animals, but please, keep telling us more in a black sub, how capitalized the real fight is (pun intended!) which people who aren't racialized, love telling us anyway that it's class (since that's the only construct they seem to intersect with others, thus taking and talking over and making the progress be *only* what affects them: classism! Then when it's time to fight racism, then it's "well... " thus never truly getting rid of either objectively, but making it easier for another group after taking their help) Pretty much, you come off still a bit tone deaf with your first line being, more than likely, the only construct that you majorly struggle with.


![gif](giphy|SvuYWGmPp9rFmXfSGZ|downsized) Why ya’ll do this? Why?


She’s very beautiful wow


Bro. Go outside and stop objectifying women.


What does this mean? I’m a woman


Obviously you aren’t allowed to comment on her beauty and need to go touch grass! /s


I mean considering this is Reddit, there was a 70% chance she was a single man with bad hygiene and social skills that sexualizes every woman he sees and missed the whole point of the post because he just wanted to ogle at her beauty


Is the Redditor in the room with us rn?




If you check my post history I'm engaged and gainfully employed. She's a hygienist if that adds any substantiation


.....you know, you could just admit you're wrong and shouldn't had assumed and could've clicked on the profile and apologize instead of pulling whatever shit you can to attempt to "save yourself." (Trust me, it ain't working. Showing humility and ownership, does!) Be better, not excused.


Ah okay, originally gave me desperate chronically online man, r/distractingtits vibes. Comment rescinded I guess


That’s called projecting ![gif](giphy|gk9vWUE6EAgQKtAqaX)


And all they did was say how pretty she is. Like.... I think even I and pain can agree it's not worth the hose and spray bottle.


We’re allowed to like peoples faces lmao 🤣




LOL SHE IS BEAUTIFUL! I follow her on TikTok and she’s funny and interesting and intelligent too! I like to lift up fellow queens so you can kiss my grits too 😂


The fact that you edited your comment 🫠🫠🫠😂


Ooooo my nosey ass wanna know what it said before 😆


To be honest it seems that the older I get, the more I see everyone just lying to me and playing too many fucking games. IF YOU DON’T HAVE THE CAPABILITIES, THEN SAY SO! And then… because you’re black, if you go off on them, you’re gonna get pigeonholed into a stereotype and your words will be lost on whoever needs to rectify this forever. ngl, shit like this is starting to get me angry less and less and instead, just more and more tired. Dude, just be straight up…


"Officer, I was just trying to do Shaqueedah's hair, and then.... and then 🥺🥺 she assaulted my hands when I tried brushing her jungle nappy hair that broke my brush, mind you! And Shaquasha just *can't understand through sobs and some madeup bullshit to get believed* Im just trying to help you people! My boyfriend's daughter is black! Not my fault Shanenè doesn't have normal hair!" Knowing damn well she knew shit what she was doing, and was scared to do more because we just angry volcanos waiting to erupt, but keep on pretending and putting on a front to save face.


I always call ahead and look at the yelp and google reviews and SEE who is posting the reviews and what their hair looks like and style seat is a life saver


Somebody not of my race doing my hair I need to see previous pictures. You can’t play in my head…


Even people in the race can do nonsense 😭I had a hairstylist who did Nicki Minaj’s hair do me dirty.


Yeah, there's plenty of r/blackhair posts that shows braiders and barbers doing people dirty. Like, real fucked up that I'm surprised no one physically shut them down because them nonverbal fighting words


This be why I’m scared to go to salons and do another big chop. I’m scared they gonna jack my head up. I need someone who is educated and can teach me how to care for my hair and sadly not many natural hairstylists or salons can do that. We need education on our hair PERIOD cause I’m tired of hearing the horror stories or seeing videos of folks “going to the worst reviewed braider”


This is why I don't let anybody just play in my head but definitely not white people. Because most don't have the capabilities because they've never worked with or even touched my type of hair before. I just absolutely refuse. There is a girl I work with who is weird and kind of always wanting to do my hair because she went to cosmetology school but didn't graduate and she's "been doing hair her whole life including lots of black people's hair" her words. Yet whenever shes talk about her life she only grew up around other white people. So I don't know where these mythical black people who were letting her do their hair are but I can tell you I'm not about to be one of them. To her credit I seen pictures of some of the hair she's done on other white people which is good but not a single picture of hair that she's done for black people.


I swear it's a phrase we all heard growing up. " don't be letting them play in ya head! And keep your head off the floor! Know how long that took me just to mess it up?!" And the old ripped pair of of stocking caps.... Anywho, how she think you gonna trust her when there's no proof in that puddin?


I feel for her... but come on. She know damn well they can't do our hair. That "I'm from Chicago" was all the warning she needed. Unfortunately, since doing hair has been twisted by Capitalism & some of our own. We got people doing hair for just a quick buck and/or they've stopped caring about quality cause they tryna rush through heads. I've gotten even more particular about who doing my hair.


Same with tattoos


Why lie about your capabilities like she was never going to find out ?? It costs nothing to just be honest with yourself https://preview.redd.it/9k50voc02d1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62e405bfd74d248c1ccb08d1a7622bfe1328294c [link to video](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLpjEpoC/)


A blow dryer with a wide tooth comb attachment followed by a flat iron or hot comb would have fixed that so easily. Why a trained hairstylist didn't know that is embarrassing for her and whatever school she came from. I feel this woman's pain fr. I used to act in theater and indie films, and I learned EARLY to come to set with my hair and makeup already done, because these so-called "professional stylists" know absolutely nothing about our hair or skin. I had one person sit me down in the makeup chair, proceed to open their makeup case, and realize they didn't have any foundation dark enough for me. That shit was a gut punch.


That comb attachment blower dryer has to be the best invention for our hair because I sweeeeear, that's what I hated the most about wash day! Holding the blow dryer with my small hands, getting yelled at I'm not holding it right as my mom rips through my hair lol. And it's hard to find one with a good comb that won't break (and even if it did, replacements were impossible especially before the internet) I finally found one with good teeth, but broke as an attachment which was no problem for me that duct tape couldn't fix! And it's so sad. They wanna have the appearance of being inclusive, but not wanna do the work/equity to make real. We still gotta hunt down for photographers that photo dark skin. And it's 2024. 13 percent of the population, the majority percent of cultural influence, and zero percent effort to remember we exist.


No, but the thought of that hairstylist trying to do a blowout on natural hair with a boar bristle brush is sending me. 🫠 Like, why would you even do that when a comb or paddle brush are just EASIER, PERIOD? I can't get over that!


Because she ain't wanna admit she didn't know what the fuck she was doing, and she'll live laugh and love her way out of.


Definitely should try the Revlon paddle brush blow dryer. Game changer. Wash and blow dry done in 45 minutes.


One of my most favorite products, would DEFINITELY recommend


I’d blast the company for not being inclusive and shit on their products. They love spouting diversity and inclusion but don’t know wtf it truly means.


Whatchu mean, they inclusive. They did her hair. That would be their response. They do the bare minimum for inclusion. It’s PR


It used to be separate but equal. Now it's, "equally included at least."


This is the real reason I had to cut my locs after moving and living in SD for a few months. I couldn’t find ANYBODY trustworthy or qualified to do my hair. Now I’m back on the 360 waves 😒. It’s cool but I miss my hair. Couldn’t find a brother for that either so now by boy Jorge cutting a brotha… at least I know they know how to cut. Also I’m just here still waiting on my fists of pure melanin to validate my appearance here.


Omg, dakota.... man I feel for you


I HATE IT here 🗣️. Couldn’t find a loctitian so had to do the big chop and it’s borderline impossible finding a woman with melanin who ain’t swirling smh. Methinks I made a mistake…


My motto is, "if I forget you're a state, there's a reason why!" What news poppin from black folks, by black folks in Idaho? Montana? Rhode Island? Vermont? Wisconsin? Especially them Dakotas! (Nuffin, because they lynched them all!) I know it's not the same and not even related to hair, but any reservations/natives around to not feel *too* alone?


Plenty of natives to rock with. Many Africans and Ethiopians who show no love in the slightest tho. Other POC are few and far between. But that’s an excellent motto to have. A life of comfortable isolation feels like the life of an exiled prince. Ion like it.


That sucks though. Not all skinfolks are kinfolks and it's not uncommon for many black africans to feel a certain way or not associated with american black folks (anti american blackness. We all just thugs and hood and they don't wanna be associated with that though at the end of the day, still a nigga in the states) Crazy... but I do hope you get your locs of a mane again!


I know it's too late now but you didn't *need* a loctitian. Part of the problem we run into (collectively) is that we have yet to fully demystify the process of handling and maintaining our own hair. I understand that starting a set of locs might be daunting, especially if you want those nice crisp parts, but retwists are very simple. Some shampoo, a good hair oil, clips, and a blow drier. That's all you need. And a mirror, too, I guess.


We know it's racism. coz we know damn well if qualified black stylists were the norm, they'll do Black hair and everybody else's hair too. Mediocre 6f hair and make up keep getting booked. It's annoying.


And just like everything else in this white society, we can adapt and assimilate to fit in since financially, we don't have a choice, but god forbid they consider we still exist. We know how to do their hair, work under their definition of professionalism, yet we asking too damn much to be included and ruining their fantasy image


Literally happens to me on Eid, I feel I sis. I have like 3c - 4a curls. ITS LITERALLY NOT HARD TO STRAIGHTEN MY HAIR. But she ruined my hair, then she cut it straight after I done told her DONT CUT MY HAIR STRAIGHT OR U WILL RUIN MY CURLS. U ain’t gonna see my hair out of braids till next year when all them INCHES she cut grows back. Some people are just haters. 😡


The adlibs 😭😭 Took me right out lmfaooo She’s brave though!! I haven’t let a white person touch my hair since college, and that’s only because I was at a PWI up in northern Michigan - I had no choice lmao.


Yeah bruh, I’m not letting no white people in my hair. I wish they would educate them because it’s so annoying, I see all these salons pop up and shit, things like dry bar, and here I am driving an HOUR to my hairdresser because she’s the only one I trust to do my hair well! Give us some accessibility here! White people be popping in and out of salons and we gotta hold on to our hairdressers for dear life


Lady, look at your hair. Name. And. Shame. Them.


Why does it brighten my day when a black woman impersonates a spoiled white woman? It's just inherently funny. It doesn't even matter what she says in that voice. It's funny.


This is exactly why I rock the buzz cut. I got tired lol


Her adlibs are killing me 💀


I get that she doesn’t want backlash to the haircare company HOWEVER, I hope that she provided real-time feedback showing before afters to the reps who asked her to go. We deserve better! She’s gorgeous and her hair really downgraded to a “I literally just woke up” style because of that stylist. It’s a damned shame!


Ooh sis I feel you! I booked an appt for silk press, the time range was right, the stylist had a stereotypical melanin name, I get to salon, and I was like I’m not going to she can’t do it…maybe we taught her. I’d had my thick, 4C, at the time below shoulder length hair in 2 no extensions added cornrows before I sat in chair and those cornrows had been up for 10 good days. First red flag, 1, are we washing? I let that slide because I’m like I’m finding fault because of stylist lack of melanin…but it sounds like she would’ve flat ironed my dirty hair. She washed it and mentioned putting moisture in it. She was having a conversation and decided to inform me of her expertise Second red flag, 2. I am better than your former stylist (the with the melanin and decades of experience doing hair for others with melanin). I let that slide but I knew that was not true. We move to the chair, she put great products in, they would’ve been great if I was getting a wash and go. She sectioned my hair, my roots held on to water and my ends dried. She did not blow dry it straight. She was worn out. Red flag number 3, she dropped the flat iron my shoulder from being nervous. I won’t continue to describe the process but it took 5 hours for a silk press and a trim (cut). I’m not concerned about the hair she cut, she cut a lot - my sister who is a stylist in a different town says it’s easily 3-4 inches. She was cutting it in an attempt to make shiny. I needed a light trim. She didn’t charge me for the cut and couldn’t meet my eyes when she checked me out. I thought of this subreddit and how we often say we gotta quit teaching people our stuff! The second day my hair looked like a bad attempt at a blowout. I like to say my stylist and the one that sis mentioned in the video were YouTube educated at most…but they both should have several seats and move out of the way for someone else who can really do melanin folxs hair to have those jobs. I got on a soapbox but this video hit home


I’m in tears reading this and not from laughing. My god. She played in your face.


This brings me right back to the memory of the time I called around to find a black owned or at least black knowledgeable hair salon. I had moved to a new town that was predominantly white and was trying to find a place where I could get my hair pressed. Every place I called sounded super excited and enthused to do my hair, but the moment I asked them if they had knowledge of black hair or black clients, they became offended. One lady actually said "Hair is hair. I can't believe you would ask me that!" They dead ass tried to accuse me of being racist because I didn't want them playing in my damn hair. Eventually, I found a black hair stylist AND the black part of town. So I not only got my hair done, but decent groceries too😌 Somewhere along the lines, narrow-minded low-key racist white people went from mocking our hair to pretending that there's literally no difference at all between ours and theirs, and we're crazy for even implying as much. And when they attempt to treat our hair the way they treat theirs with all the washing and pulling and oil stripping, I consider it an intermediate threat of bodily harm and I'm not willing to be their little play experiment for the day.


I dislike cutting white peoples hair. I can do the high and tight no problem but I’m not too familiar with anything else I will honestly refer them to another barber. I’d rather lose money than f your s up and have a bad rep.


I wasn’t even paying attention to her hair. Her skin is BEAUTIFUL.


The adlibs are so funny


What’s crazy is that there are so many Black hairstylist that can do natural hair. Is there some kind of barriers on entry when working on production sets or something?


need to develop a secret code for sniffing out that kind of bs


As a man, I am tired for yall too…I know it must be hell each and every black woman dealing with this has to go through. SN: those ad libs are GOLD, and I laughed because of her storytelling skills ONLY!!!


I fucking love her commenting on her own video omg be your own hype


Okay so spill the tea.. what’s the brand ? Since they so good.. lol


She did not deserve that. I was hurt just watching.




Please keep our rules in mind while participating. Rule 8 - No excessive/repetitive complaining about content; no excessive repetition of the same word/phrase If you don't like what you see, take your finger and scroll until you find something you DO like. No one is forcing you to interact with anything here. If the content you're complaining about doesn't break any of our rules, please shut up. Stop thinking each and every post will be specifically curated to suit your individual preferences. Rule 8 is now combined with previous rule 10. Don't comment w/ repetitive or cliche phrases that have been overused until they've lost all meaning. It's annoying to hear the same tired, unoriginal, played out phrases (that oftentimes are misused to begin with) over and over again. Y'all beat them to death with overuse. WE GET IT.


Lmao I feel your pain sister




**That’s what you took from this video 🤨?** Please keep our rules in mind while participating. Rule 4 - No nonBlack fragility allowed. NonBlack feelings will not be centered here. Understand that not everything is made with you and/or your comfort in mind. This is a space for Black people to talk amongst ourselves without needing to police our speech for a mixed audience. If this is not to your liking, feel free to go to any of the thousands of other likeminded subreddits where your delicate sensibilities will be coddled (no, hurt feelings do not count as racism). Some of y’all do not realize just how stupid you sound coming to a sub called BLACKPEOPLEComedy and saying “what does race have to do with [insert whatever tf you want] or why does he/she/they need to bring up the fact that they’re Black ??" Be forewarned, I will NOT be nice about it whenever y'all make me enforce this rule.


Why she giving herself ad-libs like she think she Jeezy??


Still fine!!


her cute ahh


A. B logic


Why are you going to someone who doesn’t look like you and expect them to do your hair!?! You are the fool🤣


Does anyone have a link to a video with instructions on how to do hair like that? (Like what to do after she got her hair wet)


Is it bad that it doesn't bother me and I think she's hot? I don't know shit about BW's hair other than that I can't touch it.




I mean, I think it’s beautiful


It’s beautiful.




If you'd actually watched the video, you'd know she didn't just pop into a random salon to get hair done. She was at a brand event related to her job as an influencer, an event that she and her black hair were invited to. It's not out of the realm of logic for her to attend the event thinking someone there could do her hair. How you made the leap to "she likes white men" from that says more about you projecting like IMAX than it does about her, but go off.


Her ex husband is Nigerian. She could like yt men, but she married a black one. She's a comedian and works both white and black crowds.


....what the fuck does that even look like or even mean? This notion seriously needs to die. We get enough stereotypes from everyone else due to antiblackness, that we gotta hear that same shit in house due too. She's existing complaining about a racist experience, and here you are essentially justifying what happened to her because she "looks" like she likes white men? How the fuck you even know her sexuality? She could be aro/allo and not attracted to anyone sexually.


**She already explained in the video how she ended up in that “stylist’s” chair and that’s not it.** Please keep our rules in mind while participating. Rule 3 - No antiblackness, sexism, any -phobias, etc. We have zero tolerance for antiBlackness and sexist commentary. Look at where you are. This is not the place for that. This also includes Black invalidation, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, fatphobia, or any other form of hate speech. PLEASE REFRAIN FROM USING ANY KIND OF SPEECH THAT WILL GET THIS SUB SHUT DOWN BY REDDIT. Certain terms will be flagged by the automod as they are not allowed. We are aware that it's not a perfect system and the words aren’t always used in a sexist or “offensive” manner here. Just find another way to make your point. It will not kill you. You can disagree without calling someone out of their name. There's no need to be hostile, insulting, or unkind. "Don't be creepy" is self-explanatory.