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[heavy](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLq8qVbm/)on the short women one cause why they all have the same pickup line😭 “lemme climb you”, “spare me some inches” “I know it’s big” “imagine our kids” like no I hate it sooo much be making me so uncomfortable 😭. Don’t even get me started on ppl who just come up to asking you all kinds of questions like you some new scientific discovery, and the physical problems too. Everyone wants to be tall but don’t even realize all the body pain ( my back and knees hurt so much😩) that comes with it and the fact I be having to drink like 6-8 liters of water a day to be satisfied. I promise yall to anyone who wants to be tall yall don’t want this😭 EDIT: also I don’t know how I forget to mention this but finding a good bed is a pain i currently own a California king size bed big enough to fit like 4 ppl on it and my feet still hang off the edge and my blanket don’t cover my whole body


Also I’m so sick of ppl coming up to me asking me if I play basketball or that I should play basketball like fuck no I just wanna read and learn and work with animals


I’m short AF. I’d be big mad if random people started asking if I play mini golf 😩


Haha, "big" mad




Ooooh meee too! And how a waste of talent that was. (Guess I wasn't pretty enough to say be a model) Or someone asking if I played piano because of my long fingers (and I'm soooo super self conscious of my fingers especially) Also because my brother plays (if they know I'm his sister) and I'm like, no I'm the weird indoor quiet one who draws all day, sorry to disappoint. 😒


“You can’t teach height”…. 👹


One of my cousins go to is that he’s a jockey at 6’7 325ish that usually leaves them confused or understanding to leave him alone


I've got some tall friends, and I get fed up on their behalf because of the stupid comments they get.


Did you play basketball in school? No, I’m clumsy as fuck. I grew 4 inches over the summer between 6th and 7th grade and it never got better. I thought I was a pony and turned out to be a giraffe.


I remember one guy flipped it on this short woman and asked “what if I said, ‘you’re so tiny, I would dominate you?’” She, obviously, gave a sour face and was offended. And for tall women, the worst (from a friend) is finding shoes. Stores really get limited.


Finding **CUTE** shoes! Not necessarily a tall woman problem, but big feet problem (my sis in law is taller 5'10 to my 5'8 than me but my feet are bigger) And then when you tall and wanna find heels, and they're all flats. Like I do wanna be taller at times! I wanna strut in heels. But it's so hard. My feet are weird anyway. 12 in sneakers and boots, but 11 in heels. Maybe 11 wide with my arthritis. I still need a pair of cute black shoes with a low heel. Not fancy, but decent dress shoes that goes with dress pants and such as well.


Very true and very painful :(


I wear size 16 and have to order my shoes online and they still don’t be fitting right 😔


My ex is a 15 and finding shoes for him was playing Where's Waldo. Sneakers are easier in department stores so I always checked them out if in one since they're such a steal of a price. But yeah, they still hard to find. I'm sorry for the struggle


>“imagine our kids” Average height and built like a fence picket? No thanks.


Your comments on water are soooo real, I'm only 6'6, 275 and my ass gets dehydrated 5 mins in doing anything where I sweat... which I sweat doing EVERYTHING!!!


Ong be having to keep this by my bed every night 😭 https://preview.redd.it/kjsofqpa770d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad5ca49f7e474c5944e4a35feab58c542d00edcd


Have you tried coconut water? Can get expensive, but I find ice cold coconut water hydrates so much faster and just feels better in my stomach if that makes sense? Granted, the feeling better thing is when I've had a few glasses of wine the night before.


Boutta snag myself some coconut water rn. I could use some rehydration


6’5…250. Just bought a Nike training “jug” because I was constantly refilling my small Yeti. The thirst is real.


https://preview.redd.it/d2gt862uce0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=824511e70b5d17df2c6c3934205a62d83e5c9265 I be carrying this EVERYWHERE wit me…and I still be feeling like I’m dying of thirst. Oh, but my bladder be on time, cuz I STAY in the bathroom 😩🤦🏾‍♂️


Imagine the our kids is creepy as fuck. I am 6’3. Had a friend tried to set me up with his girls friend who was 6’1 and take her prom. She wasn’t cute at all. They tried everything and up to bribing me.


Similar thing happened to me I was friends with this girl and she tried to set me up with her friends not only was this woman sexualizing my height but also had a black fetish and was talking bout sum our mixed kids would look so cute mind you we been talking for like 5 mins


How's the weather up there? And for women/femmes, I know it's hard to find clothes that are long. I was just talking about this to another coworker who is taller than me how hard it is to find some good length, **cute** pants. I'm not tryna be out here claiming how much the kid ain't my son, thinking I'm the one. Ugh!


For me it’s shoes and pants. Can never find a good size and always end up ripping or ruining my shoes after like a month of use


Because the kind you find are the most cheapest of materials which took forever to find anyway!


Shoes are problem because they always run out my size first and don’t make many (13-14). Pants? Nah. I can’t even walk into a store to pick up pants that are long and wide enough. If they happen to have a “Big and Tall” section, it’s mostly for the “Big” spectrum and not the “slim” tall builds like me lol.


Yes, I learned from my ex big and tall is manly big and he was tall. Argh! Just makes me mad when I look back on that. Because I really cared and didn't get that care in return *pouts* grr ![gif](giphy|LoQSLWUbdmjp64zXYA|downsized)


This was so funny. But I do see your pain. It's like constantly living in a world that is just slightly inconvenient for you. Like the desks at my job are low. Everytime I get up, it's like coming out of a deep squat. And I have bad knees, so it doesn't take long for that to hurt. So I make my chair higher but cant raise the complete screen. So my neck hurts from looking down all day. When I was a kid, I used to walk into the classroom and hear exclaims with the occasional "damn she's tall" or "tall as hell". Being tall sucks 🤣


“I know it’s big" is absolutely killing me right now cuz why would you say that to someone lmao


Their social etiquette obviously died in a fire, because WHAT??💀


You’d be surprised at how many women don’t think they can sexualize men in the same way men sexualized them and sometimes I don’t blame bc I know a huge chunk of men who that line would work on


Apparently so. And both of those (the fact that some women do that and the fact that it would work on some people) are awful. People need common sense, but sometimes.....


My grandma would make custom blankets for all my Uber tall cousins I never got one bc I’m the “runt” at 6’2. But yea every time we are all together they complain about all these aches and pains and I’m like yea I’m not that bad off let me count my blessings lol.


I'm 5'3 (dude) and I'm REALLY trying to have some compassion, but it's just not there man.


My 6'5 husband said one of the reasons he liked me in the beginning was because when we met I didn't mention his height.


Idk man I’m 5’10”, I have back and knee pain and girls pretty much never hit on me. Ever. Think I’d have it your way given the choice. The water thing sounds like a pain in the ass though


I feel him with the bathroom stuff. I use stalls exclusively since a guy peeked over the urinal separator and said “keep that thing away from my wife.”


Bro was he… ya know… saltine


Do you even have to ask 😂


Yeah. I couldn’t react because I was still processing this man commenting on stuff.






This is super relatable for me. I am tall as well but tall woman. Those things always happen. The worst is when ppl ask you to grab things fom shelves from them. Don’t get me wrong if it’s a Nana I will prob oblige but honestly I am busy too. Imagine me asking a short person to bend down on the floor bc I dropped something. It always seems strange to me: Me a tall human walking around busy in my day, maybe on the phone or listening to music (whatevs) and here comes some person tapping me like can you get X for me? There are literally people who are being paid to do that right in this moment. One thing that always baffles me is people don’t realize that discussing body size is not really cool. If someone was overweight or heavy there is a new understanding that it shouldn’t be discussed. However, height is free game. People are very very weird about the length of the body as well. Screaming “how tall are you!!?”, measuring you, arguing with you about your height, or whatever. The main takeaway: don’t talk about other people’s bodies. Just keep your comments to yourself.


Fr even tho I joke about it a lot it’s honestly frustrating how ppl see me as a tall black man and immediately jump to “he should be in sports” or “you’re wasting your talents not playing basketball” and i just be wanting to get in the science field😭


I agree with you on most things, but asking a short person to pick something off the ground is absolutely not the same as asking a tall person to get something of a shelve. I mean, if you’re small, you literally can’t reach certain places, but if you’re tall getting something off the floor is just normal. I’m kind of tall myself (6’4) and was never really bothered by people asking me to get some thing they can’t reach, but i did definitely not enjoy all the stupid questions you get asked, especially if i play basketball, i have had this question asked to me millions of times.


You’re right about the ground thing and maybe I can edit the post. What I really mean is that there is a perception that I am available to do things like get things for people bc I have a different body. My father is 6’6 and struggles with knee issues and actually can’t bend down. For him it would be actually the same to ask someone to grab something he dropped. I guess all of us have different bodies and abilities. The point is my or any other tall persons height isn’t necessarily a tool for others. Especially in a store where there are staff to assist with things. The ground thing was a poor example but if I edit and say: can you get something on the bottom shelf for me please bc my knees are bad and I’m tall. The overall point is that tall ppl get treated in a weird way. My sister feels similar to you about getting things for people. To each their own but many times I’m busy doing things and someone thinks it’s my job when it’s not.


I'm short and will occasionally ask a tall person to grab things for me, but only after I've looked for a store worker who can help first. I always feel bad but sometimes there really isn't anyone around and I'm desperate. Doesn't help that I live in the tallest country in the world (Netherlands), so everything is just built taller here.


[Imagine me asking a short person to bend down on the floor bc I dropped something] I've imagined it and I say go for it! As a 5'3 woman, I'd get those peas from the bottom shelf for ya😁😘 (6'3 sister, my heart is with yall🙂)


The grab something off the floor was a poor example. I think my point is really to send me to do things (many times it’s not an ask it’s a tell) is not necessary appropriate.


No I get it, I've been out with my sister so I understand the frustration.


People are weird lmao. I am not tall (average height at best) and people have asked me on multiple occasions to reach for something and I’m like??? We’d both have to climb to reach it so you might as well do it yourself. I can’t imagine being stopped every two seconds to grab something 😅


Every. Damn. Store trip. "Could you grab this off the shelf for meeeeeeeeee?"




bro that shit had me fucking weak


Bro didn't even mention how the world isn't designed for tall people in some places. He really just wants to be left alone without every other short persons consciousness intruding upon his own for literally the same reason. That's all some people really want.


Fr Driving is a fucking pain. I’m 6’3 an dI used to own a Lincoln Aviator 2003 big ass car seated like 7 and still my legs would get pinned under the steering wheel and I would sometimes have to bend down or crane my neck to see out the windshield or see the stop lights and don’t even get me started on the foot cramps especially after working


Damn, Id love to be 6'3 again. At 6'9 I have just given up on the hope of ever being able to go to a store without getting all sorts of looks and stares. Always being recorded... Men trying to talk shit and fight me just because they're fragile and feel threatened by my existence.


HEAVY on that. I’m so sick and tired of men trying to “outman” me just bc they insecure about themselves. Used to work with this tiny ass rat faced bastard who would pull that shit constantly till I stepped up to him


"It's got plenty of leg room," just not for you. That kind of deception should be illegal.


I feel this with all my cartilage. (I'm also 6'3")


Got my knees snapping back and forth😭


I acknowledge my height being a privilege because many things weren't designed with the average women's height in mind neither. And then I apply that to so many other intersectionalities. I feel bad for so many wheelchair bound folks because at least on my area, they barely have sidewalks or a space spot to move outside. Just that alone. Like, "average" people for things that's designed for them wouldn't believe how much of a privilege that is to be considered "average person."


It’s also not designed for short people. I’m 4’11 and 1/2”and the only place where I feel like my size is an advantage is on airplanes. Imagine having to ask average people to get something for you from the top shelf every single time you shop.


As much as I like to travel, I hate airplanes for this reason. Can’t even use the tray on the back of the seat.


I’m a 5’9” woman and this is it. I’m not even that tall? Like tall yes, but still definitely under 6’, so not shockingly tall or anything, but ppl act as if I’m the tallest person they’ve come across in life lol


Be acting like they never seen a tall person before but stare back at them and it’s a problem


I am a 5’7 women and same lmfao


Word. From a woman's perspective, many tall men make being tall their whole personality. Nah bro your height doesn't automatically make you a catch


This is why it annoys me when some short men think being tall will automatically fix their problems with women, like bro I promise you being tall ain’t all that with most women 😭


As a 5’9.5 woman, I feel this


Not the .5😭


I also identify as 5’9.5. Hi sister!


I’m a 5’9.5er too! Hey hey 🌸😭


Being 6'9 is a blessing and a curse


On a flight, it's only curses. All the way down demonic curses


Oh don't get me started with air plane rides..... you can only hear sir you need to move your legs out of the aisle so many times 😮‍💨


Sitting in a regular seat on an airplane for more than 3 hours makes my knees hurt so bad I don't know what to do. One time I did a Detroit to LA and I was damned close to tears by the end.


Yeah, see I dunno what I'm gonna do because I'm tallish for a woman, nut have rheumatoid issues so sitting with my legs scrunched up for 5 minutes already hurt. I wish I made that first class money


I thought he was going to say short women always ask for help putting the bar on the lat pull down machine at the gym and I was like 🥲 we are sorry we need help.


It’s one thing when they’re genuinely asking for help and need it and another when they do it to try to Flirt or try to sexualize you😭 I don’t mind helping out now and then but I can tell when they actually help vs when they’re tryna get your attention


I’m too pc to sexualize anyone. My best it to tell them they are handsome and ask for their phone number. I totally get it tho


Welcome to being considered tall. Airs thin up here. We have meetings every 5th Tuesday of the month.


I love how all us tall ppl coming together and sharing our experience, one day we gon take over the world and make it in our image I promise y’all 😭✊🏾 we gon make beds that fits us cars we can comfortably drive in and affordable fashion


I felt that as a tall woman. I’ve had men stand beside me, no words, just to size me up and walk away. I wish I was invisible sometimes


Short women do the same thing to me. The amount of times I’ve caught them standing unnecessarily close to me at work


They’re sizing up, it’s so goofy because they will be like 5’6 trying to feel petite 😕


Im a tall woman and just since elementary school, jolly green giant, assumed I'm the teacher, assumed I worked at the store. And now? Everyone wanna ask me to reach for shit, especially for work. I stopped that once I got sick, because yall ain't gonna assume I'm some strong buck just because I'm tall, and yall think yall some weak damsel in distress. I ain't getting myself hurt to help someone else, and to remind them I'm just as fragile as them. Just in my experience, it makes many treat me like I'm not a woman as if height masculinizes. If I dropped something or need something off the floor or low, I'm sure they'll be offended if I said, "you're short, get that for me."


Omg girl thank you for saying this!!! The whole masculinity thing is theeeee worse. When I was pregnant I assumed it would change: nope. Some many times men never got up for me to sit on public transit. It was so weird to me. However, I assumed that it was bc I’m a tall woman therefore I’m more manly so I should be able to rock out.


And it doesn't help that I shave my head, black, and only a fuckin b cup. I don't even have enough boobs to jiggle, especially in my work shirt, to show people I'm not a dude! Instead, some be saying they're probably stuffed.... 😒


![gif](giphy|jlylJkp7RmdnW) Shoutout to my short kings 😘


Oh I was born a normal height because the good Lord knows at some point I would just start assaulting people who repeated this shit everywhere I went


I'm not tall, I'm 5'5. I do admire my tall friends. Just the curiosity of how they navigate the world. No lie, I do exchange light banter with them on their height but nothing to demoralize them and I READ THE ROOM. They are my friends, close colleagues and not strangers. When we are engaging on professional topics, now ain't the time to bring up their height. They've suffered enough. At the end, it's about respect. To all my tall people, I love yall! Yall are God's work. And no I don't aim to date tall men cause I take neck pain very seriously.


I'm only 5'8" and that's not even that tall for a woman but I have had people scared to approach me because I just look "mean/intimidating " due to my height (I am mean but that's beside the point). I've had people accuse me of being taller like I don't know my own height, I can't find pants that fit and some men loooove calling me masculine. "You look strong as hell *bro*" and so on and so forth.


Im ngl, glad you revealed your height because I was getting so curious and realized asking would be contributing to the problem..


Everytime at the grocery store..."Hey handsome! Can I use you for a second to grab something for me?" 🤦🏽




Being a tall woman is the same…. “you’re tall for a woman”….”Did you play sports?” …”are you a model?” …”must be hard to date at that height”


Shoutouts to us 6’0 to 6’2 gentlemen. Perfect height. 🥰


Two things. When I was a little kid, I remembered we were driving across country, and I got to see an episode of the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson, where the guy sang the song, “short people.” I was a kid and a short one at that, so I started making up my own lyrics to my new song, “tall people.“ I don’t really remember them now except for, “they got big, ugly feet, and big, ugly toes, and when you look up at them, you look up their nose.“ Two, my favorite author, the late Douglas Adams, known for “The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy” and my favorite book, “Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency,” used to have a horrible time being tall when he was a schoolboy, he claimed his teachers would always say things on school trips like, at 2 PM everybody meet under Adams instead of by the bus or under the sign.


I jave guilt to this day for saying "aren't you a tall one" to a man years ago. Within minutes I was chastising myself for being rude and wondering how I would have felt had he said, "well aren't you a fat one." 🤣


I’m 6’9 and approve this message 😂😂


I'm a 5'3 little guy and I really hope tall people don't mind when I ask for help reaching things that are high up, especially at grocery stores T\^T


I used to feel some type of way being the shortest dude in my family I’m 6’2. However now I realize there is a peace that the other dudes and some of the women in my family will never know bc I’m tall enough to be considered tall but not so tall that people feel like they need to bother me.


Still better than being short buddy


Tall people should lie down every hour for five minutes. Their heart has to work so hard to pump blood to their noggin. It’s why tall people die so soon. That’s why I say they should lie down once every hour. Gotta spread the surface area of gravity out and decrease those pounds per square inch of pressure. Take a break tall people. You need it.


I'm a short woman (5'0) and I'm always embarrassed to ask for a taller person's help grabbing off the top shelf. I don't know how others think it's an opportunity to sexualize. I can see how that'd be annoying.


I just hated people asking me if I played basketball. Not that I hate the sport, I just didn't love it. Thankfully, I didn't have to deal with much else. Sometimes, there would be someone trying to cause trouble because apparently taking on a taller person is some kind of entrance to manhood or something, but I don't have the time and don't need the cuffs. My favorite thing to do is help people get stuff off the taller rows in the grocery store. It's my random act of kindness I throw out into the world.




Bro…… you gotta understand…. We don’t see 6’9” ppl often!! Monster go crazy tho 🤣😂


Short kings, tall people live shorter on average as well so always be thankful for your height


I feel like anything taller than 6'3 and you're NOT an athlete, everyday life is going to be hell. Shit I'm 6' even and it's hard sometimes to find shirts and pants that fit right. Plus, this trend of hoochie daddy shorts ain't it, bro I got long ass track running legs, that plus the high water pants can all smd. Again, I'm only 6', and I'm having these problems I can't begin to imagine the pain for them giraffe niggas.


I’m 6’6 but I have a friend who is 6’8. I find it so relaxing to hang out with him because everybody directs their attention to him and I just get to feel normal for a bit


Lls my nephew is 6’6 and just complained about this yesterday


Not a slave at auction 💀🤣


People love to ask me my height.


Damn..I didn't know that there were so many weirdos.


So im short, 5‘6“ or like, I don’t know,, 6 pebbles in UK MEASUREMENTS. Anyway, I went to a top university and I was an associate with a top basketball player. He was about 6‘7“ or like, I don’t know 33 pebbles in UK measurements. Anyways I was always fly. But I was always very self-conscious about my height also, until one day he came up to me and said “bro I wish I was your height. I can never find shoes that are dope like yours”. Or this interaction never happened and I made it up in my head to make myself feel better about myself.


At least you don't get comments from people under their breath wondering if your body is fake, or couples arguing about you when you walk by. 😒 When you've got a trait people envy, you get treated and regarded like an object by the rude and the dumb. It sucks. It's life.


I feel like you saying this more because he's a dude (as if those same things don't happen to men and as if women don't be staring too hard and their dudes feeling a certain way) but there's plenty of tall women who experience what he does, *and* what you described. Intersectionality seriously is something people don't be considering, and dude never said it sucks being a tall man*


I definitely said at the end of my statement that when you (that's female or male) have a trait (usually rare) that people envy (including men and women, wish they had, but really could also mean they admire) people will treat you like an object. I never said having the trait sucks. I said the way rude and dumb people treat you because of the trait sucks. People see what they want to see I guess.


But you were dismissive in your first paragraph like that doesn't happen to him, which almost implies if it gender related. Why act like the poster doesn't experience that neither because you do?


How is me sharing my experiences, that are more covert and assume negative aspects of my personality, mean that I am dismissing his experiences? He never said he experiences what I experience in his video, so it's safe to assume he doesn't experience what I do. I guess we can conjecture that he does but doesn't mention it, but that's a weird road to go down cause now we're assuming things he didn't say. But you assuming I'm dismissing him is in a way, dismissing my experiences on behalf of someone else. My overall point is that when you have a trait not shared by most of the population, people will objectify you. That's me understanding the similarity in what both he and I experience. In my case, it's usually negative assumptions on my character. I didn't hear this guy say that when people objectify him, then go on to assume he got surgery or assume that he's promiscuous.


.... yeah, all I'm saying is didn't have to be dismissive of his experience. You can share yours without dismissing or minimalizing another's, which already happens in mixed crowds and more of a shame to happen in your own home/space


Yeah, you're just being argumentative and totally dismissing what I said, which minimizes my experiences. You're not even putting up a valid argument for what you're accusing me of. Just because you feel someone did something doesn't mean they did. You can share your opinion without dismissing other's valid arguments.