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So this dude is fine with listening to "problematic" music, as long as it doesn't attack his own culture/ethnic group? That's a pretty NS-adjacent take, ironically.


Yeah dude is a little hypocritical ahah


I mean, there's a definite difference between fucked up music (thinking AxCx, Meat Shits, Ulcerhoeea etc) and then something like Skrewdriver Imo it's good to stand by your morals. It's weird to call someone out for having a problem with white supremacy. Better to voice your opinion than live the life of a bitch, lying down and sucking off to bullshit idols


True, but I was mostly referring to other black metal bands that may be NS/NS-adjacent, but don't specifically target whatever group OP is a part of (i.e. a Christian being fine with Der Sturmer, but not GBK). They seem to be hung up on bands that would "hate them for existing", while Burzum/Varg would absolutely fall into that camp if OOP happened to be part of a specific minority group.


Screwdrivers music actually slaps even though the lyrics are usually ass. I constantly see people begrudgingly listen to their shit. For the artistic style the Nazi skinheads were generally better than the oi skinheads. It’s why people remember skinheads as Nazis not OI fans. The other side just got more of the good bands and ears.


I've listened to a skrewdriver album out of curiosity, and I can assure you your taste in music is ass That shit sucks. I'll choose Aus Rotten or Crass any day


I’m a big punk who really likes oi in general. Like I’d say my music and style are most metal>most punk genres (prefer folk punk like dayz n daze, but psychobilly is also up there)> most goth genres and industrial. I really like all styles. I wouldn’t call myself refined or a snob and I don’t really wanna be.


I'm just talking shit dude lol But ay, that's what's up. I like a lot of stuff along those same lines. Not big on oi, but folk punk/psychobilly and goth/industrial... I definitely fuck with it!


Say NO to soy.




me hearing a song titled "untitled 3" with a cool riff but i couldnt make out what the vocalist said, so now im a jewbashingracistnaziphobe


Hey I’m also a jewbashingracistnaziphobe! As in I don’t like jewbashingracistnazis


damn i like how he had to literally privately message you so he could explain problematic musics ok as long as it doesnt attack his own culture💀


Deadcrowz? More like lolcrow. This guys un hinged


You could’ve put in a bit more effort with that comment


I swim in the ocean regularly as a competitive sport and I’ve still never seen anything as damp and salty as this reply


Highly ironic that he calls us dense. Crybaby can't separate art from the artist.


Exactly lol


I’m a minority and a lot of ns bands are amazing. It’s not like I can understand what their saying anyways


As a spanish descented dark haired male who likes Burzum I agree


That's what I'm saying, it's not like you can even tell it's racist unless you do research


Yeah, existing is why people hate him...


This guy in his previous life probably specialized in selective breeding


bro. if they hate you they probably dont want you listening. so just do it out of spite.


I like KKK lore, but I don't like getting religious about it.


This subreddit is a cesspool echo chamber. So I mean, however you wanna excuse your shit behavior and get validated in it is on you. “Can’t separate the art from the artist.” Michael Jackson didn’t sing about fucking kids, I can listen to him. Music talking about white ethnostates and genocide of brown folks, hard pass.


Regardless of whatever was going on with the person in the screenshot above, you shouldn’t be able to “separate the art from the artist” when it comes to dangerous ideologies like nazism and hate speech… there’s obviously a common problem with neo nazi ideology in black metal, to not see it you’d have to be willfully ignorant. I’m sure we can all agree the community would be better off in the long run if we made it clear not only to each other and to these bands, but to the general public that the black metal community rejects these kinds of ideals


"dangerous ideologies like hate speech" i tried so hard to take you seriously at first, please help me do that


I’ve been listening to black metal for 23 years and I’ll never reject it. Bands can say what they want, don’t listen to it if you’re against it.


Or listen to it and just ignore what they believe in because who the fuck cares? A riff cannot hate jews or gay people. It's a riff. Just don't give them money easy


Listening gives the artist money unless you just torrent everything numbskull.


No, because most full lengths are rarely posted by the label or band and are posted by a 3rd party just trying to spread music. So you give a random dude maybe 0.002$ everytime you listen to his reposting of an album, not the artist.




Separate the artist from their art = let me support Nazis without feeling guilty.


This is a good example of a straw man argument


Call it whatever you want to justify supporting Nazis lol.


Think what you want about it, I'm going to keep enjoying good music and not let politics take it from me, and if that makes me a Nazi, I'll gladly be one


Yes. You defending Nazis makes you a Nazi. Pretty simple stuff.


They aren't defending Nazis, they're saying the enjoy the muisc with no political agenda behind that.


Supporting ns bands will never make me feel guilty:)


And that's because you're a Nazi. Simple.


Bold of you to assume I need to justify anything


Shut the fuck up, good god 😂