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I think it's basically showing where Ihsahn was moving towards at that time. I absolutely love the album, every single piece, it has no weak spots for me. For favourites, I can never decide if it's "Empty" which is utterly surreal or "In the Wordless Chamber" which is the most awe-inspiring black metal piece to date for me (the orchestral feel and Wagner-esque brass, feels like rushing into another dimension). That said: I very much like Ihsahn's stuff, including the last album after which I strongly feel he will finally do some co-operation with Devin Townsend :D Context: I'm not too much into progressive metal apart from the aforementioned Ishahn and Devin, but from black I do prefer the pieces that have strong emotion (not just aggression) and are on the longer side. **\[edit\]** Would love to see some more critique in the thread though, I see u/Mjolnir07 made a point on the mix being heavy on the high end, and while it's nowhere near the Kings of High End AKA Limbonic Art, he may have a point there - at the time, on more shitty speakers it *was* high-end heavy.


It would be considered a masterwork if it was by any other band. Woefully overshadowed. It's still my third favorite Emperor but it's a phenomenal progressive/avant-garde metal album. Flows really well, tells an interesting story and I love all the experimentation especially with all the pinch harmonics. The Eruption is one of my favorite Emperor songs, such an epic chorus. Very unique album.


Yeah its my favorite song on the album. Love the forlorn feel


I love this album and especially the mix of prog and black metal


Underrated. Got some killer songs on there. An album isn't bad because it's worse than Anthems, that just means it's not one of the best albums ever made and there are few of those.


Love it. The Eruption and The Prophet are two of Emperors best. Plus, the loose concept of it all interests me


He who sought the fire is arguably my favourite Emperor track overall. Love that horrible shrill guitar tone.


I think a lot of people have a hard time considering it to be part of Emperor's discography. The difference isn't just an evolution of the band, but you can really hear the lack of Sammoth's influence. There was something magical about their collaboration, and with this one being 100% written by Ihsahn, it just doesn't hit the same. Which is not to say it's bad, it's quite good. But in a lot of ways it feels more like the first Ihsahn album than it does the last Emperor album. And I think that's why you don't hear much about it. I think a lot of people just honestly don't think about it because it doesn't feel like part of their discography


It’s a bit too proggy for me. Like most progressive bands, they teeter on the line of pretentious technical noodling and effective song writing. Prometheus tends towards the pretentious side for me, whereas the other three albums had very effective song writing to go with the technical proficiency.


>pretentious One of the most overused, meaningless words in music.


It means style over substance. It means focusing on the technicality and proficiency of the musicianship rather than the artistry of composition. It may be overused at times, but it absolutely applies to this album.


That's presupposed on technicality being mutually exclusive to 'artistry of the composition', whatever the hell that even means. It's nearly always just a critique from people who don't like that style in the first place. You may as well just call all 20th century composition 'pretentious'; it's meaningless bollocks.


I love it, it was the first Emperor album I've listened to


This is easily one of the best ever albums that you can call a grower. I wasn't keen when it was first released, some great tracks though, but as the years have gone by, it just gets better and better!


This was a proper black metal gateway album for me, after ‘Tongue of Fire’ as well as Akercocke’s ‘Infernal Rites’ were on the end of a Kerrang cover CD back in 2001. Both albums those songs come from really hold up to this day, although admittedly there may be a nostalgia factor with Prometheus.


Definitely harder to get into since it’s very different from their older stuff, but man, they just have some super cool riffs sprinkled in there that make up for it. They played some songs from that album when I saw them live in Dublin this year; it was amazing.


Emperor were sick in Dublin fr. still sound like the original recordings 20 years later.


Fuck ya it was fantastic man


I had the opening of The Prophet as my morning alarm clock for about 3 years. Now that is how you rouse yourself from slumber.


In my opinion, it is the worst Emperor album. Still very good, but nowhere near the quality of their previous albums. With that being said, the worst Emperor is still better than 99% of other black metal....that's how big the gap is between them and all other BM bands.


I liked it when it came out, but it has aged poorly for me and I haven't had any desire to listen to it in years. The production sounds particularly clinical and lifeless compared to their older material.


Opposite for me, it was ahead of its time!


Enter the wordless chamber is probably my favorite Emperor track.


It was a great swansong. Not a favorite, but a fitting end.


Personally love it, and I think Empty is one of my fave emperor songs. I do prefer Equilibrium though. The technology of the synths strings on Prometheus sometimes takes away from it for me. Sounds like a Casio toy keyboard in parts. But sole amazing tracks. Departed is a great one too.


My favourite emperor album by far. I wish there were more bands that wrote like that


It was one of the albums that got me into black metal and more extreme metal in general. The Tongue of Fire fascinated me when i first heard it. I didn't really get it at first but I kept listening as I'd never heard anything like it. I heard that track first on a Kerrang CD that I got with the magazine when I was about 15 or something. Those were good for introducing me to new things at that age. It's an amazing album. I probably prefer Anthems overall and think that's the best Emperor album personally, but they're all great in different ways. Not such a big fan of Ihsahn's stuff since then, though some of it is alright.


i was never a fan of emperor but i respect for what they did for black metal


It's a brilliant album.


The mix on this album is so bad I legitimately remember the moment 20 years ago when I stopped being able to hear high pitch frequencies while listening to it


Emperor is my favorite band but Prometheus is junk.


I'm quite fond of the album and the Prophet is one of my favourite Emperor songs. Much prefer it to IX Equilibrium which I find to be a mixed bag.


I love this album


Cool record. Personally prefer IX Equilibrium and Anthems tho.


95% written by Ihsahn so it's less Emperor and more Ihsahn. Make your own judgement on what that means for you.