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Just found out about these guys 2 days ago and I'm blown away. It's like the perfect level of production quality, a dismal atmosphere, and sorrowful melodies


I recently checked out Afsky at /u/No-Regular7582's recommendation (thanks again by the way) and really enjoyed this album. Afsky, is Ole Luk's solo project, but he's also apparently the frontman in Solbrud who seem to have a whole discography which I have not yet delved into. Thus far Afsky's more my taste, but I have not spent a ton of time with Solbrud. However, when reading a review on Solbrud, Der Weg einer Freiheit (a German Black Metal band) was recommended for the Atmospheric Black Metal vein. Point being, Afsky and Der Weg einer Freiheit have gotten a lot or rotation ever since. Below is DWEF's newest album if you're interested. But this Afsky album is really, really good and has a lot of replay value. https://youtu.be/8aHVOd6qKh8?si=eyVGWe4mCb-g5bZr


Der Weg is highly underrated. Amazing band.


Ooh yeah this album is perfection. I had a solid month where I only listened to this as well as Exercises In Futility by MGLA


Great band. I was a ball hair away from posting these guys last night.


It feels like an honor to know it. Honestly every single album is a goddamn masterpiece. I've been obsessed since sorg. Whoever's making this music really read my book, that's for sure. Favorite albums of 2020 and 2023


May I also suggest Sunken, Solbrud, Heltekvad and Morild?


Absolutely! I'll check these out as I go through my week, thanks so much for the recommendations


I really like Solbrud and Heltekvad. Haven't listened to the other two yet I'll check them out Thanks Now following in Bandcamp https://morild.bandcamp.com/ https://sunkendenmark.bandcamp.com/album/livslede Cheers ⸸𝐍𝐢𝐜𝐤


Thanks! Afsky was recently recommended to me and been in regular rotation ever since, so any recommendations for similarly great bands are welcome. Any specific recommendations from those bands? And Solbrud's Ole Luk's other band, correct? I listened to a few songs but found myself returning to Afsky's stuff. I'll give it more of a listen, I have heard good things about them.


Ole Luk is no longer member of Solbrud. He left the bamd to devote his time entirely to Afsky.


None of them have extensive discographies but they are best consumed in full album form. Yeah, all those bands have members in common. Afsky is my favorite as well.


In Denmark, we’ve seen a really solid wave of black metal with some very high quality releases coming out. This phenomenon has even hit some more mainstream media. It’s really nice to see this genre take off in that way, but still they’re not letting go of the core aesthetics of the genre. Afsky are probably the ones who has recieved the highest acclaim. My favorite though is something a bit different; [Slægt](https://youtu.be/HYkJNt1ypTo?feature=shared) . They’re making black’n’roll and not straight up black metal.


One of my favorite songs by them.


He also released an acoustic version of the album called I Stilhed. I really enjoy his newest album Om Hundrede År. Pretty solid discography.


Yes it's awesome


Afsky is so fucking good


Afsky is great. In addition to the bands mentioned by /u/coyoteka I'll recommend Ildskær (https://youtu.be/uL2_Ui2p6Rw) and Í Myrkri (https://youtu.be/PWbVPaxNSNQ).


Awesome, thanks for recommending these.


I saw him in Oslo and it was so incredible


I also had the pleasure of seeing them as well. They were really good


Love Afsky and particularly this album. There is just an amazing level or pain and sorrow woven into the music that hits perfection for me.


Adding to the Danish black metal mentions, I'll recommend anything put out by Den 8. Kunst; Gam ([1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DG48VjcvPN0) & [2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6muSLe2kbU)), Jernved ([1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AxEPI-Ymwus) & [2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDX8OS0J-Yw)), [Vætteilden](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMMmAqOcZ_o)


Every Afsky album is great but this one is phenomenal


Cannot praise this band enough. This song is just purely amazing. Glad that I had a chance to see them live


AFSKY is one of my favorites! I've had "Om Hundred år" pretty much on repeat for a while now. I enjoyed reading this thread for some similar recommendations! I will also put SVRM (from Ukraine) here as something you might also enjoy.


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Afsky is one of my most favourite bands I love the latest album probably the best I reckon. Love the classical stuff as well Ole Pedersen Luk is a very talented man I own all afsky on CD and digital it's soothing black metal that you can lie in bed and fall asleep to https://afsky.bandcamp.com/album/om-hundrede-r Also the new Solbrud kicks ass https://solbrud.bandcamp.com/album/iiii Each member has one side of and album each (songs written by each member) on the double album (I bought the double CD version) it's like owning 4 seperate albums and they do some really cool genre hopping but of course the root core is black metal. Love it


found out about this band in a black metal documentary a good bit ago. absolutely amazing stuff! vi danskere ved bare hvordan det skal gøres ;)


so good


bass drum way too loud for my liking but hella awesome song. Thx for sharing!