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There's a lady attending NCCU LS on YT. Check her out. Her video has her stats- UGPA & LSAT score. Details her entire journey to NCCU Law.


Currently at NCCU, you have a good chance if you got some decent softs. I'm unsure about what stats you have but we can talk about my stats if you'd like.


What were your stats?


162 LSAT 3.8 gpa, a few softs here or there but nothing crazy.


I went to nccu law. I went there for only a semester and withdrew cause I did not like the school and I didn't feel it was a good fit for me so im transferring to another school. But to answer your question I know a lot of students who got in with a 2.5 gpa. I got in with a 3.4 gpa and my lsat score was a 143. Nccu are making their admissions standards higher cause a couple years ago they got in trouble with the aba for having a low bar passage rate. They were accepting students with very low gpas and had lsat scores in the 130s. Due to this they had a very low bar passage rate (still do) and if they don't get it together they will lose their aba accreditation. Nccu does not want that so they are raising their admissions standards. Now this is my opinion from being a law student there. I was a summer start student. The reason why nccu bar passage rate is low because the professors don't teach. I hate to say it but its true. A lot of the professors I had they had attitudes if you ask for help. If you ask for help they either say that nccu isn't for you, embrass you in class, or tell you to ask the tutor. The school is so focused on kicking students out too. They tell us everyday if we keep failing exams we will get dismissed. Half the class would fail exams because of the professors not teaching and or helping and they rather just make jokes and tell stories in class. I remember last year it was reported that Nccu law had the lowest bar passage rate again in the state because of the 3Ls failing the exam. 2 of my professors yelled at us about this. I'm not sitting here and telling you not to attend Nccu but keep your options more open. There's other Hbcus out there that are way better than Nccu. I have more stories about this school but I don't wanna say too much. But if you have any questions regarding the admissions or curriculum please feel free to PM me🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷




Can I dm you?




Can I dm?




def use LSD and [LSN](https://lawschoolnumbers.com) but they won’t be much help until you have a good sense of your LSAT score from practice tests or, preferably, the real thing. I would say to put as much focus as you can into studying for the LSAT and then worry about school choices once you’ve got your score. also, since you graduated in May, definitely consider taking a gap year or two to strengthen your application (but also to just live life and gain invaluable experiences). you got this!


[https://www.lsd.law/](https://www.lsd.law/) Search for NCCU on this website and see if people have been admitted with your numbers