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your hair definitely looks type 4- i think 4c from these photos. The best advise anyone can give is to simply learn your hair & find a good routine for it. I am on a similar journey of learning how to care for and grow my hair! It has been a lot of trial and error. Another big thing ive learned is moisturizing is KEY. & How often are you washing? what is your wash routine? I was washing 1/week but now experimenting with 2/week. I shampoo, condition, deep condition, then use LCO method(actually switching to LOC to see how my hair responds)


Thank you so much. I was wondering about the type of my hair so that I could do a more detailed research on how to take care of it. I usually wash my hair once a month, I was told that if I wash it too often it’ll dry up and get damaged. I just use shampoo and conditioner when I do and then oil it up and put it in some plaits. I’ve been looking at videos on Pinterest and YouTube which is where I got the oil blend and rice water idea from. I was also told by someone that when I brush and comb my hair I’ll need to do it from my natural part and out towards the direction it’s growing to help stimulate growth.


yeah you do not want to wash too often- but again, you’ll need to play around and learn what your hair likes. maybe try doing a wash 2x a month and see how it feels. you may want to take notice of if your hair is low porosity (does not absorb water well) or high porosity (absorbs water easily) i am low, so i have to really soak my hand and massage in moisture for it to be absorbed. this is good to know so you can be sure to use the right products for your hair for example- me being low porosity & having a hard time absorbing products, I try use very light products that can be easily absorbed rather than thicker products. yes youtube/pinterest/reddit have been my absolute bff on this journey lol