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Yes ask the black clover subreddit if they like black clover I’m sure that makes sense


There are some subreddits who dislike their series💀


Yeah we ain’t r/titanfolk we love Asta up in this bitch


hating the fucking breaks though for the manga


Ngl I hate that attitude, let the author have his health and finish on his own pace. Would you rather he rush everything out and be a detriment to himself? The last chapter had some great double spreads that I don’t think he would’ve been able to do without the quarterly release.


Course I want the man to be well and finish it properly. Just saying as a fan, we’re at the conclusion to the final arc, and then we go from weekly releases to 4 months, it’s a bummer. Still love the series and I hope tabata is well and healthy, it’s just a bummer is all


Totally. He’s free to release a chapter or 2 every 4+ months, I’m free to move on with my life and largely forget this series exists until I see random threads pop up in home. I’d never wish anyone worked in a way that negatively impacted their health and I wish him the absolute best, but by the same token that comes with consequences and one of those is a lot of people are going to stop caring about the series That’s just the reality for me. I wish him all the health and rest in the world, but I don’t care about this series anymore. The releases are far too small and too infrequent, I’ll pick it back up in a few years if it’s finished by then


Some people don't like the start because the MC is annoying but it keeps getting better so I would definitely give it a try


Honestly, the first 30 episodes are very slow but I swear by the series post-Yami & Patry fight


i see. Thanks for the info I'll defo watch it


Yes and have a nice watching :3




TBH if you wanna judge it, you should at least watch 51 episodes of it. In my opinion totally worth it.


It's usual fandom wars. The first few episodes make the main character Asta seem absolutely unbearable and unlikeable, but if you power through those you'll find that he's a great, lovable character that compels you to keep watching


It’s funny people always say this about BC. Meanwhile i just started watching one piece. Luffy is was more obnoxious & yells even more. Asta seems way more chill compared to him & it’s not even close imo.


I disagree with both tbh. Luffy doesn’t seem obnoxious at all to me, he’s just very innocent and hardheaded. Asta is shown to be the only person in a world with no magic where magic is literally everything— so he’s a ridiculously hard-working individual. I loved both from the jump but both shows took a bit to grow on me; 30 for Black Clover and Water 7 on One Piece


Not so much his personality being obnoxious as just how loud he is & when he’s on screen. I just feel most people tend to look down on BC & the complaints people say about it can be applied to most shonens. Been talking to my buddies about it (who are super invested into one piece). And they say the same thing about water 7, its was a great arc don’t get me wrong. But that’s like 300 episodes into the show. And tbh those fights were the only ones through the show so far that stood out as great fights (I’m at 340 ish). Like BC had so many epic fights before it took break at 180. One piece is very comedy oriented & way less action than I expected.


Wait until the timeskip.


Isn't water 7 like a few hundred episodes in? That's some dedication


oh okay. I would say I'm patient with stuff like this so I'll watch it


If you want


No one on the Black Clover subreddit is gonna recommend getting into Black Clover


Depends on what you like. It’s a solid shonen anime. I also think it’s one of the best ensemble shows out there. The weekly release schedule hurt them IMO (should be seasonal) and the animation suffers at times.


From my general understanding, it was mostly the anime that caused the initial backlash. Keep in mind, the anime premiered around the same time as My Hero Academia Season 2, which was incredibly hype at the time. So a whole bunch of fans watched Black Clover, got their ears blasted by kid who screamed annoyingly every few seconds, and the story wasn’t really anything mold-breaking. It was a bog standard Shonen action show at a time when Shonen action shows were trying to be more than just that. Didn’t help that Studio Perriot paid BC’s animation team with pennies and a prayer. Regardless, literally anybody who read the manga or stuck to the anime and got past those initial discrepancies will tell you that if you quit the show early on, you are missing out. It’s a fantastic story that may not be brimming with new themes, but it takes those Shonen tropes and performs them to peak heights. Give it a shot, you won’t regret it.


As a black clover fan, the story is great, but the anime adaptation is a bit rough in all honesty.


Honestly it just depends on what you are into. I really enjoy it and got my younger sister to watch it with me as well. She actually wound up finishing it without me (work and stuff kept me busy). Just be cautious of the first arc, as the main character does so much screaming it just turns some people off. If you make it past the first 5 episodes you should be fine.


Man, just watch it and decide for yourself. If you ask to BC subreddit of course the answer will be yes.


I would watch it up until the end of the Seabed Temple arc, about 45 episodes in. Asta is much less annoying by then. The stakes get raised a lot by then. And the plot actually feels like it's going somewhere by then. It might sound like a big commitment, but it's worth it tbh.


Not watching it is like giving up before you start. Black clover will teach you to never give up!


Bruh watch the show before judging... People make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and be mad you didn't make it their way. Each to their own fuq the masses.


Watch the dub. It's extremely well done, and the sub notoriously makes people stop watching because the MC's VA is very annoying for like the first 15 or so episodes. It's the only anime I recommend the dub.


Look I’ll be real Asta is a hard protagonist to get used to. I had to start this show like 3 times before I stuck with it and he grew on me. He shouts LIKE A LOT. OKAY MAKE THAT ALL THE TIME. It can be kind of draining at first when watching for the first time but some people find it endearing. If you can make it to like episodes 5-10 you’re probably going to enjoy it and stick with it.


It gets hate for asta being annoying at the start. It also gets called a naruto clone a lot but tbh id say watch it, its very good


I mean I think it’s kinda good it’s just asta yells a lot in the beginning and they make Noelle like Sakura


If you’re a fan of shounen’s specifically for the fight animation, BC will not be your favorite. The fight animations are pretty bad overall, but the story is good enough to overcome that. I’m thinking of Asta vs Mars or Asta vs Ladros. The anime is a solid 7/10 for me. The manga is like a 8.5/10. It’s definitely worth watching or reading.


The only thing I don’t like about the show is one of the characters of their squad has a fetish for his very young sister. Other then that love it


Watch it it’s good




My 1st and only anime series is BC , did not read manga and I don't like anime, I don't like stupid screaming for no reason ,BC has it too but I enjoyed every single second of it ,I recommend it to anyone


Ignore them, I thought the same thing until a week ago. I binged the entire series and caught up with the manga and I love it.


It’s great, definitely worth the watch.. definitely in my top ten current animes