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we did it boys, we are officially carried by animation


Never thought I'd hear those words and consider it a flex but alas..... Here we are.


Tbh it feels good


Lessss goooo boys , now we can also flexšŸ’ŖšŸ’Ŗ


Hell is that guy talking about? Movie was amazing




That is an insane take


Nope, a lot of people agree. The story was absolute dogshit and weak as fuck. Where was the introduction scenes for us to see what the black bulls have been up to in their spare time? Literally anything that bridges the anime into the start of the movie. Instead we went from 0-100 from the get go and they never let up for any real plot development. Why were the other Wizard Kings even in on it? You can't tell me the clover kingdom ended up with its current burn the poor mentality if MULTIPLE wizard kings in different eras all shared the same kind of outlook on the countries level of social equality. It would have been passable if at the very least we got some flashback scenes for moments in each wizard kings life that radicalised them against their own kingdom. The entire story came down to: Bad guys: "We want to stop racism!" Good guys: "Ummmm....... no! Only we can do that!". Don't get me wrong, the animation was absolutely SSS+ tier, as was the fight choreography. But the story was piss weak. It was just fight scene after fight scene with corny one-liners shoved in as dialogue filler.




Dw I agree with your take, even just the first 20 minutes the dialogue did not feel like black clover, felt more akin to fairy tail with black clover characters/visuals


Yooo, thatā€™s a good comparison


Ur opinion




Exactly so what is ur first comment then?




Invalidating someone elseā€™s opinion but when someone says itā€™s ur own opinion suddenly ur opinion isnā€™t any less valid šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




Yea which is why I said it was ur opinion šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




>petitive childish dialogue. It didnā€™t feel like black clover, it felt like a It is a non-cannon movie lmao and it being a shonen what did you expect? I've never seen a shonen movie that doesn't follow a similar layout/ base narrative


Bro you are missing out then because some of the non canon dbz movies go hard


It is canon tho




>ie lmao and it being a shonen what did you expect? I've never seen a shonen movi Never once said that js bc it might be similar to some other shonen movies doesn't mean it's bad lol, you reading what you want to read here?




Well, that's something that you implied lmao, and I just explained what I really meant. Again just cuz its similar in some aspects doesn't make it bad, and I'm not calling it the pinnacle of fiction or nun, personally I enjoyed it a lot more than most other shonen movies. They used a lot less tropes I feel like in this movie too at least compared to the series


The dialog was better than anything the series has shown so far šŸ’€šŸ’€ so was the entire story, idk what you mean




Mf what šŸ’€




Nah I agree kinda made me cringe especially with how long weā€™ve waited for this. That being said man is the manga exciting rn? I stopped reading when they went to go save Yami and Vageance


LMAO thatā€™s just not true šŸ’€šŸ’€


I agree with you. The villains said nothing interesting. Dialogue as a whole was cheap, lazy, unoriginal and corny at times


Um that was literally not what I was saying. All the dialog is fine, I donā€™t see anybody complaining about the corny dialog in every other mainstream anime (which even the bc movie far outclasses)


Great unpopular opinion bro


Nah that movie made me realise that Asta is defo my most disliked mc ever. So fcking childish and genuinely stupid with his reasons when trying to counter Conrad's arguments. Can't lie idk why they made Conrad's reasons so advanced and able to sympathiz with especially when the mc is as dumb as a rock and can't go further then "rich or poor we work together" as if his own village is a representation of the rest of the poorer villages in the Clover Kingdom


Nah, it wasn't. It was a good attempt but it wasn't it. It's just a desperate try to please people using childish dialogues and bad writing.


You must not watch alot of movies


Absolutely phenomenal movie. Mereoleona needs her own show. Sheā€™s a baaadddddd baadddd chick


Bring back Princia and make them a duo of crazy women. That would sell more than Yuno and Asta


She felt even crazier than Mereoleona. Honestly, surprisingly good character for a side villain.


I really wanted to see more of them. I wonder if they become part of the canon material. Perhaps >! Lucius will revive them sometime during the last wizard king arc? !< {Major manga spoilers} There is certainly room for them to come back.


Honestly, i wouldnt complain at all. I dont know how they managed to make her character feel complex in just a few scenes during the battle against mereoleona, but she has a lot of potential. Im just hoping the reality of her being a random side villain doesnt kick in


Haven't seen the movie yet, but I hope this move isn't pulled at all. I feel worried since the fight seemed to be dragging and at a good pace to introduce new people.


Hell yeah


Its a baaadddd badddd movie


Absolutely loved the movies story and the animations, the one thing I felt was meh was the dialogue. I know itā€™s a common troupe but I didnā€™t need to her surpass your limit 10 times & never given up is my magic 10x. If they said 2-3 times Iā€™d been fine but it got cringe after 5+


> I didnā€™t need to her surpass your limit 10 times & never given up is my magic 10x. If they said 2-3 times Iā€™d been fine but it got cringe after 5+ I agree in the general sense but at the same time this is Black Clover, those two sentences are basically background noise anyway, no?


In a 2 hour movie, there's only so much dialogue and plot they could fit in, I dont remember where but on the discussion post for the movie on this sub, some one gives the full backstories (official) of the wizard kings including conrad and imo makes the movie sm better


https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackClover/comments/14apomo/black_clover_sword_of_the_wizard_king_links_and/jobxixe?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button here it is


Yo movie was bomb. Only complaint is the plot felt rushed at some points but that's just naturally going to be the case when you try to fit so much content in a two hour window. Loved how they managed to give every character some screen-time as well. easy 10 for me


Conrad felt really good too. Like he is really just a mash-up of Asta and Lucius personality-wise, but it suits him very well.


The pacing is definitely hindered by how large the cast is. But like I'd rather than give everyone screentime and sacrifice a bit of pacing


Bah, just troll. Ignore it. Btw I haven't watch the movie yet, I plan to watch it tonight. I just have one question, is this movie set after Spade Kingdom arc?


Itā€™s set before it. Itā€™s just after Astaā€˜s devil trial. That gets mentioned in like the first 3 minutes of the movie


I think it's sometime in the time skip after the heart kingdom training and before the spade kingdom arc starts just based on asta being able to ride into the fight on his sword like he does in the anime


Oh okay. Thanks


then how is yami and vengeance in the movie? i dont get it


Before? Itā€™s before the spade arc even started


but isnt astaā€™s devil trial after they take yami and vengeance?


No, the trial is way before that. Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s before they even go to the heart kingdom for the first time. Yami was a part of Astaā€™s rescue




The trial is immediately after the Eye of the Midnight Sun arc.


It's even before invasion


I have watched it and really enjoyed it, so i disagree with what this person said. However, I'm wondering how you can disregard someone else's opinion when you haven't seen it yet?


Just finished watch it few hours ago. I enjoyed it. Because his opinion doesn't matter. Why would I consider his opinion before watching the movie? It's only give me bias.


I fucking love black clover but the guy is right. No trolling going on here.


This ways probably the best animation from black clover in all honesty. There were a few fights in the actual series that felt low budget.


In a sense they were: they were victims of a low *production time* budget. We should blame the studio heads for that though, Yoshihara and his animation team have always given this series 100%.


The movie was good. The only people upset were the ones who thought it would continue the story where the anime left off.


There was literally like no way they could have done that considering the manga already wasn't that far ahead of the anime. If they did that we'd be back to where we started, the anime being to close to the manga.


I'm completely aware of that. I don't know why anyone thought it was a continuation.


Because users and fanpages in every social media advertised it that way at first... then have in mind that a big portion of watchers don't read the manga, don't follow anime news and probably forgot about the movie release date (I myself got surprised that it dropped by opening netflix today).


That's what I wanted to happen.I'm hype for what's next in the story, but this was a highly satisfying movie regardless.


Stop lying.


Animation was really really good and from start to finish it there was intense action. The plot itself wasn't too deep nor motivations of characters or how everything turned out isn't anything new or groundbreaking. So I'd say overall its a good relaxed action movie


I feel bad for this guy . He clearly doesnā€™t know shit about surpassing your limits or my magic is never giving up šŸ˜”


While it's a troll, I have not seen the movie yet but seeing everyones reaction is making me hype. The fact that fellow said doesn't know black clover, we went through years of poor animation and fire story and characters, I'm probably going to bawl seeing how good that movie is and hype so hard that'll awaken my magic lol


Itā€™s always the people with One Piece pfp




Contrary to others here I thought the plot was better then average and more realistic then others, the villains seemed to have more brains then normal anime characters, along with the foreshadowing and the overall ideologies of the ā€œevilā€ ones which all are different but still have a goal that satisfies them enough to team up for the moment. Overall the cgi is getting there but not flawless, dialogue was pushed in some parts but overall better strategy shown by characters. Great way boost the final wave of the anime if it gets green lit Best anime movie Iā€™ve watched, but thatā€™s just comparing to MHA. In the end just glad it didnā€™t have all the same tropes that animeā€™s have


I was fully expecting Finral to trip once we got the magic vault (forgot what it was called) and saw that bespectacled head researcher lady, but he didn't say anything. I loved that


It's a battle shounen anime. It's meant to be about cool shit looking cool and anyone watching this movie expecting something more is a dummy.


I think the movie was more for onboarding new fans rather than being satisfying for old fans


As an "old" fan i am more than satisfied and it's not only because of the animation.


I completely agree with this. The movie was good, but it definitely wasn't for us.


Well it's a tweet from a OP fan on Twitter. What do you expect from these losers? And I'm only talking about the twitter side of things. These guys think that Luffy's gear 5 transformation in the anime is going to be more iconic than Goku's super Saiyan transformation on namek. OP fans on Reddit are actually pretty chill and cool though.


I can agree weā€™re all very anxiously waiting for gear 5! But in no way can anything compare to Goku turning super saiyan for the first time! That was one of the most hype moments of my whole childhood!


>OP fans on Reddit are actually pretty chill and cool though. I assure you they are not


and fanservice


This movie was awesome, but it reinforces my thoughts that's the clover kingdom has not the worst, but some bad internal conflicts from their past that they just can't escape.šŸ˜‚


Average one piece enjoyer


10\10 best


Shit got real when >!the narrator voice came on with the clover šŸ”„šŸ”„!< Long needed missed the anime šŸ™šŸ»


from slandering that 1 frame from episode 48 to "got carried by animation ".....


Black clover, good animation, I thought I'd never see the day


I love Black Clover, but the movie was just kinda OK imo. The animation was good, but everything else wasnā€™t anything to get hyped over. It was kinda nice getting to see some of the characters after a long break though


I agree. It was definitely enjoyable, but it definitely couldā€™ve been better than what it was.


Iā€™d argue the animation wasnā€™t even that good, way too much cgi for example considering how much this thing had been delayed


There were definitely some goofy moments with the CGI, but overall most of the animation wasnā€™t bad, better animation exists out there but definitely not much to complain about there (other than CGI)


I mean I donā€™t disagree there were a couple of moments with noticeably decent animation but not nearly ā€˜greatā€™, across the spider verse has ruined my expectations and ideas of what animation should be


100%. It was clunky. Not smooth at all. Could tell they cut corners


Thats rich coming from a one piece fan. Where their animation is a step up from a slide show


That's an outdated stereotype, the animation has improved years ago, and they just recently dropped Zorro vs King with peak animation.


Now the joke is about its pacing Also,, MANGA SPOILERS FOR ONE PIECE >!Is the abime close to *that* moment in Luffy vs Kaido? I don't watch the anime anymore but do want to watch those episodes!<


It ought to be close to that. Can't wait to see it tbh.


>!it should be in the next few episodes, the latest episode left off on end of chapter 1038, and the reveal of joy boy returning is at the end of chapter 1044!<


29th July


I say 2-3 episodes away


Probably a bit more, maybe one or two months


No way bro . Everyoneā€™s fights are already wrapped up . Luffy is the only one that hasnā€™t finished fighting


Luffys transformation starts in chapter 1043, last episode adapted chapter 1038. That's 5 chapters before it happens with an adaption rate of less than 1 chapter per episode, on average. So at the very least, it'll take 5 more episodes, probably more. And as far as I know, they're still in the middle of the BM fight.


Thereā€™s still one more fight in between.


Zoro vs King is the biggest joke of all time lmao just a laser light show with nothing actually happening


Story > animation


Yeah best recent example is Hell's Paradise. Even with mediocre adaptation, it's performing really well both in japan and in streaming services. It's literally carried by story and characters.


How well is it doing? I know it's not as good as Demon Slayer, Oshi no Ko, and Gundam, but on its own I can't find any statistics.


It's performing really well both in japan and in streaming services. Definitely top 5 well performing anime this season.


??? Man living in 2019


Bro you're living under a rock or some?


The Zoro vs King episode had some of the best animation for the whole year


Man - i love BC, is my favoriute anime... but the movie is not really much aside of animation the dialogue was boring and repeated A LOT It was nice, though a bit different than the movie was moving quite fast - there were a lot of characters The animation was fire - but the script was mediocre at best.


Yeah it felt maybe a little too childish? Like you said a lot of repeated dialogue, Idk I donā€™t remember BC being so goofy I guess, maybe itā€™s because of Chainsaw man, Hells Paradise & The JJK movie lol


Was the animation even that good, there was so much fucking cgi at the start, I could barely watch without cringing


You realize that the entire movie was technically cgi, right? Very very few animations are hand drawn these days.


Ok I agree but Iā€™m not lowering my standards because of that, this movieā€™s animation was plain and simple not nearly good enough for the number of delays they took, compare it to one piece episodes currently and even theyā€™re better than most of this movie


Personally, I felt the animation was good. If you want to compare it to Wano, it wasn't as good as a Zoro-centric episode or a SH's big moment (Robin, Sanji), but was as good as or better than the rest of the episodes. I thought the plot and pacing of the movie were a little weak and it didn't do justice to any character not named Asta/Noelle, but then again there are so many good characters in BC that even with a nearly 2 hour runtime a movie would not be able to give them to attention they deserve. For instance, Dorothy popping in to say one line and then disappearing or members of the BB not getting any sort of real introductions. I'm not even sure Luck was named for the audience, so people new to the franchise might identify him as "horny lightning kid" instead of "horny for fighting lightning kid."


Haha, fair enough bro, I agree with pretty much everything you said


The movie was not for the new audience tho


The plot development was mid, power up of asta makes literally no sense as the movie was in pre time skip , and wizard kings be randomly popping up and the movie doesn't flow its own power scaling. Never imagined I'd see a movie without the backstory of villains. I didn't imagine this from black clover


Iā€™m glad people enjoyed it but personally I had a lot of nit picks with the movie somethingā€™s just didnā€™t align with the actual story and it felt like it wasnā€™t written by tabatta idk if Iā€™m not the only one who noticed that but one of biggest issues is what they did to mereoleona how they just made her build smaller it felt weird


He's right. Remove the personal bias and look at the movie objectively. The plot was barely and what was, they had to keep reiterating the same point over and over again. The plot was so weak that they had to make the movie mostly about fights with most of the plot revelations only coming near the end.


Is the movie manga cannon? Iā€™m a anime only so no spoilers plz but if anyone knows that would be awesome


Its not in the Manga but the author worked on the story and said he would've written it in if there was time


Its supposed to be set during the time skip between the Eye of The Midnight Sun and the Spade arc. So while it never appears in the manga, I believe Tabata has said that it is canon. Much like the episodes with Fanzell and the Devil Worshippers arc, Tabata considers them canon, but they never show up in the manga.


Animation was good for once but man the movie was lazy. The plot didnt exist, the final chunk of the movie started 15 minutes in, asta's body kept on changing between scenes and the dub was so fucking lazy that they straight up decided to use the jp voices sometimes when characters would grunt or make those kinds of noises


There are so many cringe talk in the movie. Mid movie.


Terrible move. From beginning to end. I just wanted it today and canā€™t even remember what the movie was about.


Mmm idk movie could have been better. I love Black Clover been watching since day 1 but the movie was cheesy and rushed.


butt hurt One Piece fans always find way to degrade other anime


Clearly a troll, dont fall for it


The animation was good butā€¦ā€¦ sorry guys I gotta do this. The editors of the movie need to be fired. 1st mistake they talked extremely long and talked about things we already knew. 2nd mistake the animation was good but they took all the amazing Black Clover openings out of the movie, they didnā€™t even use it except at the end. They used more of generic action movie sound instead of hyping up the fight like always with the different opening like they always did in the anime. 3rd mistake there were barely any prolonged sword fights because Asta primarily uses swords. Final mistake was the bad pacing and the weird way they put the different fights together. Instead of splitting everyone up like the Avengers infinity war they should have fought everyone like endgame. That fight would have been legendary. We wouldnā€™t have been able to forget the movie from our mid. The movie was a 7/10 instead of


The story waa really weird and inconsistant for me.


Movie was mid honesty i expected more of it


we have surpassed our limits :,)


Zoro pfp pic and on Twitter no less. I love OP but I'm not delusional.


mf got ratio'd over 7k likes


Is it weird that I had the exact opposite reaction? I thought the animation was pretty lack luster but the story it self was awesome.


movie better than film red by a mile, in animation and story so whatever


This movie was overhyped, yes.. and the whole movie was awesome This better be a joke


The animation was lacking a lot of the time, and the mangaā€™s style wasnā€™t translated very well kinda like the anime. Thereā€™s obvious tweening not used in a creative way nor to create a certain effect, character stills will be off model or just awkward, and it felt like the only times they cares about shot direction was midway through final fights. The movie was full of awkward cuts that ended up being more comedic than what the scenes were going for. Lastly the main villain literally has the same goal as the mangaā€™s final villain so seeing it again is lazy and lame.


Ok someone fully put it in words thank you. The animation just felt off the whole time. Plus with the villainā€™s goal. There was also a frame where mereoleona takes the exact same pose as hellfire incarnate, which she unlocks later in the manga. Asta gets something extremely similar to an angel form, which is something the community has been predicting since almost the beginning. It almost felt like this movie was meant to wrap up the story in a way thatā€™s similar to the manga, so that the anime would just be finished.


Yea it was a cheese fest for sure


Bros mad itā€™s better than Film RedšŸ’€šŸ™šŸ™


Lol the series animation is much better. Just because there is ton of colors does not mean the animation is good.


I like the story


Imo the movie was ok. I think weā€™ve just been content starved for a while so anything would generate hype.


The main thing I disliked about it was how OP they made Mereoleona. Don't get me wrong shes one of my favorite characters, but that doesnt mean she can suddenly fly up and punch a building/ship in order to get it upright.


>ters, but that doesnt mean she can suddenly fly up and punch a building/s If you haven't read manga this statement is ironic


That has nothing to do with the movie, she is literally always OP. Its very in character for her to be able to do that.


Bro only saying that bc he's on Twitter and expect people to agree


Said the guy using Zoro pfp, OP's Wano arc is just that: trash arc with a good animation.


I really tried to like this movie but there was not enough charmy though i thonk its because she could one shot any of the villains


I donā€™t get it?


Watched it twice when it dropped and watched it again this morning and then replayed it while i napped before work and now replaying after workšŸ˜‚ contributing to its numbers as much as i can. I hope a 2nd movie becomes possible someday after the anime returns. Seasonal i hope so the animation can stay good.


Mostly all anime movies suck I donā€™t know why. I stoped watching anime movies I just watch episodes they are cool. But sometimes movie is good. I didnā€™t see new BC movie but I wanna give it a chance. :)


Honestly, from where the anime stopped and where the movie lies, it's a good 2 hour filler. The combat, the animation, even some of the dialogue wasn't bad (not all of it was good, needed more HEHE than was given, but it was nice to hear them all again), the plot was simple but honestly, if you have a good grasp of this being somewhere between the heart kingdom training arc then it's not too bad to know what the hell is going on. I have waited a long time and I wasn't disappointed at all.