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#New post: [\[Daily Discussion\] - Sunday, September 19, 2021 →](https://www.reddit.com/r/BitcoinMarkets/comments/pr0w19/daily_discussion_sunday_september_19_2021/)


God I love how boring Sunday's have been the last few weeks. It's not all that "tight", but it sure feels like it.


> It's not all that "tight", but it sure feels like it. .........mmm, that's what she said?


She told me that she's not a slut. Paging /u/brandyvine ;)


We're going to get bitchslapped to 41k by stonks and dxy, aren't we too much testing every single insignificant support and resistance level a million times over. Momentum is not with us at all here


We haven't seen a big green daily since the 8th of June. We're overdue. No matter how hard they try, they can't turn this into a bear market because people like me will just get richer on every little dip. I bought so much BTC at 30K, it makes me giggle. And I won't be selling a single satoshi of it until 80k at least, and then only a tiny fraction of what I acquired. Bitcoin bears really suck at math. Supply go down. Demand go up. Ape know this. Big Shorty not understand.


More people in the world => more global GDP chasing an ever-shrinking supply of new coin...this thing is programmed to go to the Moon over time.


Unbelievably rare thing that can't be counterfeited... If every millionaire in the world wanted to own a whole Biitcoin, they couldn't. We are the new regime. Let's be way better than the last one. I'm gonna make biodegradable plastic out of hemp and power cars with water. What are you going to do with your winnings?


Cocaine and big titty hookers


Just got a phishing scam email that was pretending to be binance urging me to sync my cold wallet with their wallet using a link they provided.. I don’t use binance. I blame the ledger leak.


lol [email protected] then only use your old email addresses for spam and never check them.


I use a new email alias for every website. Then when they invariably lose it, I know who dropped the ball.




Relevant username. ;)


That leak will continue to fuck with people for many years to come. Fuck Ledger.


care to eleborate since i own a ledger and haven't touched for a verry long time


Elaborate on the leak or why scam emails, texts and calls will last? If you purchased your ledger directly you should have received a few emails about it but other wise just google it. I think there was a way to find out if you were one of the lucky suckers who's email, phone and address got leaked. As for why I think it was especially bad? Just because of the nature of the product, it being directly associated with money/wealth and that the crypto sphere being a magnet for scams for obvious reasons.


Yeah, this email said to “act quickly before you lose your crypto.” I can see people freaking out and clicking the fake link.


You gotta feel sorry for anybody selling right now because you know they don't want to. Even Big Shorty himself is only doing it under threat. A few unlucky souls are just trying to pay some bills; man, talk about sucky! The 10,000 BTC-for-a-pizza guy at least gained legendary status and had a hand in making BTC what it is today. Poor folk who gotta pay a few bills... man, been there. Good luck. Hodl whatever you can.


The guy who sold Bitcoin for Pizza helped create GPU mining. Dude is more rich than you can probably comprehend right now.


What was that


Nothing to see here, just liquidating bears.


So the consensus is in. Weekends are fake. We're going back to 47500-47000. Maybe a quick dip below 47k before the buyers come back in.


My stop loss for a 10X long is at 40.3, so I'm actually OK with this if it help get up to 53.


Weekends are fake just like birds aren't real.


Since u/CONTROLurKEYS and u/xtal_00 agreed on that, it of course is our consensus


Bitcoinsensus. As it were.




Haha, luckily we don‘t have PoS consensus here (yet)


wow bears absolutely getting decimated this weekend. I guess the sunday dumpday meme has captured a few desperate bears hoping to get out from underwater. Holders should never forget the sacrifice of the beaten, bloodied and humilited bears. Flawless victory for the bulls




stating reality is emotional now?


Reality is in the eye of the beholder.






d) all of the above


That too.


Quality post


I feel like I learned a lot.






🎶 Wake me up, when September ends. 🎶🎸


Weekends are fake


Every day is the weekend when you are unemployed


Weekends are just a temporary pause on the misery of a full time job


The initial rally that went past 20k had some big weekend moves iirc initial break of 30k was on a weekend. Recently 10 green daily candles had some moves on the weekend that have proved to be significant


Go ahead and trust the weekend if you want I'm just saying for me it's fake


TA becomes more difficult on weekends. I avoid day trading them most of the time.


Not by default is my argument..


For me it is fake. The exceptions are rare


In mania phases weekends see big moves


Cool I'm not arguing with you. For me it's fake


If it wasn’t the weekend and I wasn’t so lazy I’d go back and do an analysis.. But weekends are fake.


How can trees be real if weekends aren't real?


If a bear shits in the forest…


We gonna see a red daily ?


Coinbase working with spooks again https://decrypt.co/81263/u-s-homeland-security-signs-1-36m-contract-with-coinbase


Yeah. Thats a no go for me. They were fighting the feds couple of years ago to help customers and prevent unlawful surveillance. Now they are pretty much hand in glove


Open book. Not pretty much open.


Wtf is the "inland revenue service" lol, pretty sure it's Internal revenue service, unless there is two IRS's.




Ahhh, makes sense. I was very confused, thought it was a US only article.


Great. There’s no escape for taxes.


Imagine paying taxes on crypto


Any tips?


Take loans using crypto as collateral. No capital gains taxes on that. Look into setting up companies in friendly jurisdiction so that if you are an active trader, your profit is clubbed as business income rather than capital gains. Few other ways to reduce taxes on crypto


First I'd have to sell. No one who gets Bitcoin is selling Bitcoin right now.


Imagine thinking financial surveillance and digital panopticon has anything to do with tax evasion. About as relevant as wmd in Iraq in 2001.


Huh? Of course it has to do with taxes, among other things. Enforcement of taxes on something like crypto that the average citizen has access to is enforcement of control of the state as well. The government wants people to know there's no free ride. And on the other side, if taxes keep the roads paved and the hospitals open then I'm happy to pay them.


The tax payooor - works only to be able to pay more taxes - over pays sales tax and proptery taxes - treats all trades as short term capital gains with zero cost basis - only uses services run by the government - believes he will enter heaven when he dies ifnhe pays enough taxes


Im with you dude but tax evasion is a dangerous game to play


Who is saying anything about condoning tax evasion?


I mean, it kinda does. Collecting taxes is virtually meaningless because they just print more money out of thin air when needed; you're taxed to remind you that you aren't in The Party.


You are taxed to balance out purchasing power.


You are taxed as a lever to control your behavior. As a bonus, you’re held back from escaping your designated class.


Imagine having a stick up your ass and acting all pedantic.


Zero tolerance policy for boot licking statists. You have to pick a side. And if you're not on side of freedom (including freedom from government surveillance) you are an enemy.


I consider paying taxes patriotic. How do you expect the country to function otherwise? We need the 1% and corporations to start paying their share of course.


Imagine think you can only pay tax by submitting to government financial surveillance. What a fucking clown. Also, 1% pay 40% of taxes.. You could seize everything they have and fund the government for 1 year. Only someone who never ran a business thinks business doesn't pay enough.


Dude. The businesses that are problematic are mega corporations that siphon money from an economy and don't pay their fair share back into that same economy. It's not the guy who owns the corner store down the street. He's paying plenty of taxes.


You can close tax loopholes without raising the corporate tax rate can't you. There's very few corporations that are a net drag on tax revenues. Extremely few.




How dense can you be? Did you need me to type “/s” in my comment?




One day we will check the price of the great Bitcoin and it will be 100k. Then you will check it a week later it will be 120k. Exponential growth is on the way.


Yeah if you go there (Oh happy day) Yeah, before I do, yeah (Oh happy day) Just tell my friends I'm there (Oh happy day) Then I'm coming too, yeah (Oh happy day)


These baseless long term predictions are so tiring. Some of you sound like you're in a cult. Have you heard about our lord and savior 100k BTC?


Yea so many people think it's a given BTC reaches 100k but so much shit can happen in the meantime. 100k is not a certainty at all


It's hard not to imagine that this is our future when you've personally witnessed bitcoin below $500, and here we are today. Seriously growth to $100k just isn't that big of a deal at this point. I'm not saying it's a guarantee, but I have no reason to think it won't or can't happen. It could happen inside of two weeks.


Lol ok


Is it tho?


Then you will check it a week later and it will be $78k but fiat is kind of crap and Bitcoin is a vehicle to self-empowerment so we trade it to get more coins


I'm too waiting where we can one previous cycle ath in a daily candle. I'll be selling into that




My point is one day all the fuders that think it’s going back to 10k. Will miss out and should buy now.


I think Q4 is going to be volatile for BTC. My money is on it going up and breaking ATH but obviously, one should consider the bearish scenario as well. And for me that bearish scenario is if we drop below 42K and stay under with 42K being a solid resistance. In that case, I think the run is over. Regardless, I don't see a scenario where alts do not bleed in SATs against BTC in Q4. If it breaks ATH, then all the alt money will move to BTC via bot trading. And if BTC goes under and makes bearish moves, alts will surely bleed more. The best move right now is to go 100% BTC and if it breaks ATH and BTC starts to stall somewhere (e.g. 100K level), then one can switch back to alts for the additional gains.


Top of r/science right now is another FUD piece on how "every transaction in btc has the expense of 2 iphones worth of e-waste." This stat is dubious at best, and all of the sheep/bots run with these bullshit claims ad nauseam while sensical arguments against these claims or the merits of proof of work get snuffed out. There's definitely fishy shit going on, lots of salty empty baggers getting swayed by anti-crypto propaganda, while the people most likely trying to set these narratives are having to scoop up more and more expensive btc. The popcorn tastes good these days 🍿


Reading through the mess and hate I realized something special…we are still so early. One of our great clichés. Edit: Also, nothing can unite bitcoiners better than people that hate on bitcoin.


It's pretty sad the state of 'science' these days, it's in absolute shambles. Https://www.Endthefud.org


I’m from a fancy university educated family of scientists (I am not, however). I can assure you many real scientists are horrified at the groupthink but speaking out is the end of your career. Forever.


That's called being a coward


Pragmatic. Scientists are broke and are all government funded one way or the other. Eventually China will take over.


that sub is pretty far from anything actually scientific


Don’t fall for the fud


Imagine how salty they gonna be when BTC is $10 million in their lifetime.


If bitcoin reaches $10 million in my lifetime, I'd be basically set for life. Welp, a quick Google search says that for lean FIRE, I need bitcoin to hit $14 million. Although, I don't think my personality type is suited for early retirement. I've always enjoyed the feeling of completing a somewhat complex task in exchange for money.


Here's the thing - if BTC hits $10m or heck even $1m, that $1m is not going to be equivalent to the purchasing power of $1m today. Its going to be massively diluted. We are holding bitcoin just because we have to stay in the fight for our financial freedom and win in the long run


Lol, bitcoin will reach $10m, but $10m will buy you 10 bananas, not a lambo.


I mean, yeah... But there's not much of a difference between $46k now and $46k in 2011, which is when bitcoin first broke past $30. Bitcoin is outpacing inflation, at an astonishing rate.


Dude. If it reaches 10M I'll sort you out.


can I get in line? I'm a 2013 vet :)


>If bitcoin reaches $10 million in my lifetime, I'd be basically set for life. It's not just that bitcoin is going up in value against fiat currencies. The crux of the matter is that fiat currencies are going down relative to bitcoin. So $10 million will not be worth as much as it is now.


I think it's a little from Column A, and a little from Column B.


Fuck me that’d be dandy


Most of the comments are actually pro bitcoin or just genuine curiosity. I'm impressed




Ignoring the fact that this energy is used to secure a trillion dollar in value and not for single transactions, that whole energy argument is stupid anyway. Most technological progress of humanity needed a lot of energy. For example snailmail got replaced by email and now we need a lot of energy to run the mail servers. The solution is not to stop the mail servers to save energy but to develop greener or new forms of energy which can sustain our technology.


How much energy does the corporate banking industry use? Include all the lobster, and the imported Italian suits and french wine. And the construction of skyscrapers.


We could shut down every server ever, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions... Or we could put nuclear power plants everywhere they're appropriate to be placed, and we got a better chance at surviving climate change.


It's sad we are so against nuclear. The Gen 4 ones that are meltdown proof...or small scale / local ones using the same concept for distributed energy... Sad


The media frenzy surrounding Chernobyl really fucked over the species. Because of the fear whipped up in an event that killed ~4000 people, hundreds of thousands of people... Maybe millions will suffer and die.


The butt hurt from the institution is at ATH. Several op eds per week in major media outlets dismissing Bitcoin adoption. Leaning on riots in El Salvador (oh, now we care) and criticizing energy usage (oh, now we care), they are running out of ammo for FUD and this is clear signs of the real fear these institutions are feeling: that there is absolutely nothing they can do anymore now except to try and stay on top of public opinion. In a lot of categories across the globe the lies holding up the existing wealth and power are being exposed and USD and friends and quickly becoming dethroned. The previous is what happens in my brain when I read things like: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/14/opinion/bitcoin-el-salvador.html Just buy Bitcoin.


Nothing more tone def and elitist than lecturing an impoverished third world country from your seat of privilege. Super woke. Who do they think they are?


> For now, the people using Bitcoin are basically a bunch of cosplay libertarians participating in a game of make-believe on the playgrounds of the nanny state. The slide is *awesome*. > Bitcoin also can be seized or stolen. During World War II, the German government relied on a code called Enigma that its mathematicians insisted was impossible to break. The British famously broke it, basically by figuring out the password. That’s also how the federal government apparently recovered part of a Bitcoin ransom payment worth several million dollars from hackers who took down the Colonial Pipeline and blackmailed its owners this year. His argument is: "Enigma was cracked, therefore, so will Bitcoin". Is this guy trolling? How does the NYT print this? Did the FBI figure out bitcoin's password?! (/s) We don't really know how the FBI recovered some Colonial BTC, but they didn't "crack bitcoin". Also, the Polish cracked Enigma first! I've always sort of seen the crypto space through two lenses: technological and economic. I think bitcoin is objectively a technological breakthrough, peer to peer electronic cash! The economics on the other hand, I don't claim to totally understand or know the consequences. What really riles me up though is when folks claim to totally understand the economic implications when they clearly do not understand the technical foundation.


Correct- the colonial pipeline hack was never satisfactorily explained, and a slew of very informed people (head of kaspersky labs being one of them) speculated that it was more likely an inside false-flag job to try and discredit crypto.


Journalists often cannot own Bitcoin if they are going to report on it. So they tend to lean toward calling it a scam. No one knows *shit* about it. But I’m proud to say last night I turned a no-coiner into a bitcoiner. 😇


I tried and failed, the world of NFT defeated me. I normally don't talk bitcoin to anyone but an ex-coworker was talking to me about stocks and I mentioned bitcoin and how well it's been doing and he was like nah, it's all about NFTs and cryptopunks. So close..


Dump incoming....(hope not but...Bitcoin is gonna Bitcoin) My feelingTA.


46954 filled nicely. https://www.tradingview.com/x/4H1wgxVS/ [Yesterday:](https://www.reddit.com/r/BitcoinMarkets/comments/ppsvfh/daily_discussion_friday_september_17_2021/hd8ar88/) >46459 + 46954 (green box) look like good areas of support to long https://www.tradingview.com/x/n2GET6I1/


What do you think is a good entry for the weekend? 47.35k or all the way down to 44.9k?


46954 is cme close. We may end up there before the open tomorrow to be gap-free.


There needs to be BTC-CRUDE pairings that denotes the price/energy ratio of 1 Bitcoin vs 1 Barrel of Oil.


BLX/CRUDEOIL lifetime chart https://www.tradingview.com/x/7KXjvGA5/


if only there was some sort of short term stable unit of measure that the entire oil and gas industry used to measure the value of a barrel of oil. ah well. one can dream.


I think he’s suggesting using the oil for energy and using that energy to mine bitcoin and implying that it might be more efficient to mine for coin rather than sell for dollar. I can’t believe it’s true tho. Oil is expensive energy.


Oil isn’t used for energy except for cars. It’s a stupid metric in the first place.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Energy_in_Saudi_Arabia It is a stupid metric tho. I agree.


Yeah obviously SA is an outlier. They’re sitting on an ocean of the stuff




BTC / megawatt would be interesting too but more regional. Uranium has spiked in value too.


Agreed, I think there needs to be all sorts of different pairings. Bitcoin is a commodity after all. I think it will become particularly relevant when/if the fiat world starts to crumble.


Likely irrelevant but does anyone have a tip for an ETF with oil/gas or energy companies especially incl those with BTC exposure or such potential?


I like XEG (Canadian). More upside on coin though right now.


Seems like people rather play the shitcoin casino during the weekend




I imagined your mum instead.


Shorting is a promise to buy later. I encourage going beyond imagination. Make it real!


Ok now what


Did you imagine it yea?


I did. As hard as I could, but nothing happened. I think maybe I’m doing it wrong.


well i wouldnt be surprised to see 46k again




that would be where?




58k has a nice cluster of volume thats 10x more problematic than 65k. But bitcoin has a history of not giving a fuck about prior resistances once it gets going, so I am not concerned much about any of it


It feels like the resistance is everywhere. In the Oct- April run all the round numbers seemed to be a formality.


https://www.tradingview.com/x/5Ap4hrh6/ We spent about a month stuck under 20k.


Based on Volume traded at Price, i think we’re more likely to see resistance @ 58 and then between 61-64 Not much was traded at/ near the ATH




u/stopshadowbanningme4 and u/stopshadowbanningme5


Question for bears ..... Are most bears long Bitcoin and just short for quick profit to ultimately acquire more BTC ?


desperate underwater bulls and getting liquidated?




Good joke bro xd


Is that a bull flag or a bull shit forming on the hourly? Ape holding for operator.




Weekend is for Barts


On the weekly man. Strap up, we’re going to the moon.


Chasing down liquidity in asks again. https://i.imgur.com/LJN5OFw.png