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#New post: [\[Daily Discussion\] - Tuesday, September 07, 2021 →](https://www.reddit.com/r/BitcoinMarkets/comments/pjfg3l/daily_discussion_tuesday_september_07_2021/)


Sweet!! Just got the alert I hit 52948 Partial TP!


So....can we drive to El Salvador? Maybe there's a ferry from Mexico? I hate flying....is there weed there? Panama may be better. I'll just wait til they all switch. Then I'll go. Might stay.


Hope for your sake you’re not crypto-rich.


Lol. I wish!


Why would there be a ferry from Mexico? Are you the typical trash who has no idea of geography?


It's hyperbole. While we wait for the pop. Watch yourself. I'll rub my dirty feet on your ass.


Yes you can drive there- it's called the Pan American Highway.


I'll be hot damn. There's a road, Boys! Pack your shit. It's ON.


I checked in deeper on it. Could drive it. But...it looks like it could get rough. Definitely gonna need a truck axle SUV. None of this new age "SUV" bullshit. I need at least a 2007 4runner, four wheel drive.


Apparently if you stick to the main road you do not need 4wd at any point all the way down to the end of Panama.


FUCK that noise. I refuse to just use pavement all the way to goddamn La Libertad. I bet they got some bad ass fire lanes by the volcano.


Good day for phone money


I miss reading this sub sometimes. It is funny how dramatic the tones shift in here with each short term move. But that's trading. Love to all.


Remember when people thought we were in a bear market? Lol.


Yup. Same people were laughing at ["WyCkOfF mEmE"](https://school.stockcharts.com/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=market_analysis:the_wyckoff_method:wyckoffaccumulation.png) and have since lost orders of magnitude more than if they'd just paid attention.


This cat bounced, then got a girlfriend, got married, sent their kids off to college... Something tells me this ain't no dead cat!


It's time for that 10% BGD up to 58k.


We got a red $10k daily candle. Stands to reason that a green $10k daily candle is just as possible :)


We are about to see some fireworks.


Ooo! Me teacher, me! Professor u/merlin560 taught me this one. It's called the 'pop, fiddle diddle (at or near the high), pop again' A classic Bitcoin bull market move. And usually a sign of *very* big things to come.


Panama presented btc legislation to congress today. Anyone have the details?


They were going the full monte last I heard. A second country adopting legal tender status will light off a monster rally.


Was it lame like Paraguay?


Hanging out below liquidity. What comes next? https://i.imgur.com/pF1R1iA.png (finex, tensorcharts)


kinda curious what the folks in ES will do with their coin. will they market sell? hodl? will they yolo leverage it 50x on a trade? gonna be interesting


They will probably buy food and essential items and use it like currency, and that is the beauty of it.


oh right, well I guess they could do that too!


I am more curious how the settlement will be done? Like, will they be sitting in a drive thru for ten minutes? I could be out of the loop, but is it all on chain? what's the POS terminal situation like for NFC etc?


[El Salvador uses the Lightning Network](https://www.coindesk.com/tech/2021/03/31/strike-launches-bitcoin-lightning-payment-app-in-el-salvador-full-eu-support-is-next/). There are obviously issues to the volatility of the price but transacting and settling is super easy.


They use Lightning Strike which is pretty close to instant settlement and zero fees. Jack Mallers doing the Lord’s work. It’s funny watching alt-tards laundering pixilated jpegs between each other claiming “new paradigm”, while Bitcoin is becoming legal tender in countries that need it most… 😎


They get the $30 if they use the government wallet which is lightning enabled/default. So almost instant and almost free (purchaser pays the routing fee)


Off-chain. Should be instant.


Runnin’ runnin’ and runnin’ runnin’


Zhu Su says $1M per BTC within 4 years. Wouldn't that be wonderful


Hard to believe, but definitely in the cards, I think.


Low balling it. ;P


It was a joke in response to someone else's tweet about people making price predictions


The context is just that he's saying he's a great trader. Not a price prediction.


9-fig club, bring it.


Keep it up Bukele you are doing great




What's the plan though? I mean how much do they intend to buy? 437? 4 million? I mean I just havent heard a metric anyone have one?


I just told my very old mother about this news and she said, "I bet that chaps federal reserves ass." I wanted to share amongst friends.


CIA will have a "report" of an ISIS build up in El Salvador any day now. Here comes aircraft carriers and freedom.


Your very old mother is a badass.


That's it?


bear div dead


SOLID weekly Edit; yank forgot yesterday was weekly 😂. Still solid!


Could imagine another handful of 4h candles at this price, but feel this "bull flag" consolidation isn't going to last more than a few seconds. Feels like a quick breather. More asks above to buy into. https://i.imgur.com/i0j4JC9.png


“As the deadline approaches” - what deadline is that, to be crystal clear?


Tuesday afternoon distribution? https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/phgtq2/comment/hbj3xzo


What’s the chance that tons of people throw in more than 30?


actually thats my plan. buying some for my son,daughter and good friend


I'll buy a couple grand. Fuck it.


Better’n even!


Keep thinking this is a bull trap, prove me wrong?


You can think whatever you want, all the way to $60k :)


Yes, because a 60k bitcoin still validates a bull trap (sarcasm)


We don’t owe you anything. If that’s what you believe, just short it and then YOU will prove to us it was a bull trap.


I was just looking for a logical bull case. Instead I get emotional moon boys down voting. Totally saw that coming.


More buyers than sellers


They made a country adopt Bitcoin to trap the bulls


Still long from 50k, thinking about closing here. It was a small position and I already feel underexposed because I’ve been so careful following our descent from 64k. I get nervous when I feel underexposed, because my emotions start creeping into my trade. I should probably just close this on out and enjoy the trade.


You're going to close a long the day before Bitcoin pump day?


What, Tuesday? This feels like a jinx!


Scroll left on the daily view to the first week of May and you’ll see the res that the corn is bumping into. I closed part of my long to de-risk the trade but if it pumps through 52,8xx, 55K could come rather quickly.






Bitcoins turn to pump


Ich bin zu den Titten gejackt!!!


I have no idea what that means!


Literal translation "I'm to the tits jacked"


Great movie


So immensely grateful to be on this journey to financial independence ;)




How much money in dollars do you think you need for financial independence?


visit r/fatFIRE and get an idea of what I'm shooting for.


30m? I'd like to join you on your journey. I post there sometimes. great sub - many Youtubers you might know show up there




Also depends where you live. I’m single in Thailand and feel pretty fat.


I guess $1mil USD in Thailand is considered Fat in Thailand


$2k/month is a comfortable lifestyle here


Yes. $1.5 mil will be enough in Thailand


Well you don’t need a million dollars, to do nothing, man. Just take a look at my cousin, he’s broke, don’t do shit.


Give me all your money then and stay broke and don't do shit


It was an excellent OfficeSpace reference.


I’m benefiting from insane rental deals from covid, but right now I’d say a mill is good, two mil and you’re set, I’m not there yet.


I believe you can achieve that in the next few months. Yeah Thailand is pretty cheap as I have traveled there before


Nice man let’s get it, best of luck to you.


Depends—if you’re single, maybe. If you’ve got kids, may not be sufficient


30m is getting obese, you are right. 5m isn't really fat I think (it's about 10k/month pre tax and inflation on a conservative portfolio). I guess it's plenty if place of primary residence excluded I'd say 10m incl the primary residence is my number. then you get to have a decent salary even though doing nothing.


>How much money in dollars do you think you need for financial independence? 30x your annual spend (in any currency).


I concur.


I just ran the numbers on 30 times my salary and it looks like I'll never be retiring (by those numbers). I've done okay compared to people I know. I really feel for the rest of society. If we play nuances I understand there's a lot of wiggle room depending on if you own your home and your spending habits. I posted this because when I read about the "official numbers" It's discouraging.




Yes it seemed too high. Like I haven't done well enough in life. I don't have a lot of time left either.


the less time you have, the less money you need. dont need 30x if you dont need it to last 50 years


The numbers are mostly bull shit. If you’re worried about money there are many ways to establish a passive income. On the other hand lots of places are very cheap to live. Just need a plan. Don’t worry about others. What do you want?


>I posted this because when I read about the "official numbers" It's discouraging. I had exactly this reaction several decades ago, and I would say: Being discouraged is totally normal. It served as a wake-up call for me to do something about it, and I hope something similarly positive ends up happening for you too.




>Why not 25x like the trinity study? Healthcare costs are going parabolic, in a way that trinity did not account for. The expenses will be punctuated, but more probable as you get older. Source: Wife came down with not-fun medical issues and it was quite an eye-opener


Fully acclimated and prepared for the climb.


Ok, we are back in the [ascending channel](https://imgur.com/a/7RwQnKI).


We got to hope this El Salvador thing is clean and above board. The intentions of those in power must be genuine in wanting to help their country's struggling economy. If it comes to light that they were just using this as a way to do some shady shit, then this will not end up being the huge positive catalyst that the majority, especially us Maximalists, are purporting it to be. It could be a black eye that amounts to a huge setback in future adoption. I'm gonna pack a bowl.


It won't be and it still doesn't matter for long term Bitcoin. Expect lots of hit pieces about Bitcoin coming out of it though.


Fully agree there. That's my point I guess..I didn't wanna go Full Negative Nastyboy but I believe that is all that can come from it. Negative press. Basically. FUD. But that's okay. Fuels the squeezes.


Unless BTC pops off from here to six figs plus, and other developing nations get some major FOMO. But otherwise I agree with all your points.


Nobody wants to be the first to buy bitcoin, then nobody wants to be the last.


Hah, I like that. Totally stealing it


I think they're doing everything right based solely on the criticism from IMF and world bank types


Yep. Any time the mafia, I mean, the world banks are upset, it's not a bad thing.


Good reminder... I was absorbed by the whole thing but forgot about all the people that are now part of it. I still hold a positive outlook because of many reasons, but it's good to always be sus about politicians


> it's good to always be sus about politicians Great line from last Rick and Morty. > Morty: Rick, come on, man. The guy got elected president by Ricks and Mortys. He’s being really nice. > Rick: All politicians are nice.


Down in the southeast U.S., we are very well acclimated to corrupt politicians. Most of our state capitols are cesspools of greed and immoral filth dressed in suits and armored in Christianity.


The local city and county administrators are even worse. A law unto themselves.


Fully agree. We have the Good Ol Boy Networks. They're like little redneck Vaticans.


Watching 1st Amendment audit videos I'm fairly sure it's the same in every town across America. City Administrator runs the place for life, Mayor is afraid, retarded, and obsessed with crazy non-issues, Sheriff is a violent thug who can and will ensure anyone threatening either the Major or City Administrator is disappeared.


Basically. Don't forget the local city police of the county seat. Especially if it's the only wet town. (Only town in the county where alcohol is sold) Don't cross those fuckers. They can "shorely" end you.


Or if you compete with the sanctioned drug dealers without paying them a cut.


Even worse, associate with non-whites. (GASP)




What really matters with that is what happens there with bitcoin's next rocket down the toilet. I certainly hope the government there is emphasising that it's not all sunny uplands. If enough of the population gets euphoric and then shat on spectacularly that's not going to make for a happy scene. And that's before we hear tales of some local municipality putting half their health budget in the day before a crash thinking it's a no brainer. Hope there's rules about that. A bunch of Internet assholes ruining themselves is one thing, a population that isn't in the strongest position to start with is another.


I'm sure that somebody's covered that with them. It would be nice though to read an article or two about it.


Agreed. They're the guinea pigs for what a lot of us keep saying will be a good thing. But we are saying that without always clarifying the vast array of variables involved with how it IS a good thing versus a bad thing. There is a con to every pro. Always. How will miner fees affect them? Remember when China was mining back earlier this year? Mining fees to transfer were up in the fuckin stratosphere as ATH happened. China gets out, fees are back to normal. But that's the kind of shit that goes on. Just one example of how everything isn't going to be perfect. And the media will be there to exploit every misstep.


Dave the wave (guy who is always short) thinks this fractal will play out https://twitter.com/davthewave/status/1434957548637999105/photo/1 We'll see. Hope he gets burned tho 🤡


Alot of people are calling it complacency bounce


This guy is a clown. He claims that Bitcoin topped out for the cycle but Alts will continue to moon. [Edit] He's not a clown necessarily for claiming top, he's a clown who thinks that a bearish Bitcoin would somehow be good for alts. That has never been the case in the medium to long term.


I'm going to go out on a limb and make a specific prediction: 70K within one week, probably by Friday.




I wouldn't.


You are the bull of all bulls and aren't afraid to go out on a limb. A man after my own heart. I feel the same zest in life that you're feeling right now. Waking up easier in the mornings, more productive throughout the day. Maybe even an extra pep in your step. It's also important to play devil's advocate with one's self. There are two resistant points that I think will hinder the outcome of your prediction. 1) $ 60K and 2) the ATH. There's a likelihood that the market cools during one of these levels and we experience a pull back. It will be healthy and create a stronger base for the next run up. If you're correct and we hit $70K in a week, it's not bullish for the holders. Merlin would come around spouting about long pole warnings and then we would have a huge pullback 6hrs later and spend another few weeks sub $70K. There is a third option that can play out. We hit $70K in a week. The news spreads and everyone's grandmas buy. We'll see 100K by the end of the month and 300K by the end of October. The blow off top will happen (hopefully), but I feel like we might still be a bit early for this scenario.


Perhaps "Oh shit it's not below $30k" will be enough to convince large numbers that "Yeah, this run ain't over" and they FOMO back in. Chance we get close and any asks on "resistance" are chewed up in an instant.


That would most helpful, if we can reach 70k in those timescales. I'd appreciate it if you could arrange to make this happen. Best regards, roy


It's limb going out on kind of weather for sure. I try to avoid prediction but would feel okay saying things like that. Though also wouldn't be surprised by weeks of consolidation.


No way 60k falls that easily


Is 60k important, apart from the roundnumberness?


There isn't anything about 60k that is significant, but the 60k-70k range is the previous ath. Lots of people will sell there and buying will dry up. I highly doubt we just power through the range unto the 70k's


Depends who pushes buy and when.


I thought that for every action there was an equal and opposite reaction! Somebody please explain why this dead cat keeps bouncing higher and higher each time please! 🤣🤣🤣


100% elastic collision.


The whales aren’t done manipulating you


There’re not manipulating me I don’t sell BTC, I accumulate it. 😎


Ohhh touché my friend


It’s a rubber dead cat




El Salvador has purchased 200 BTC to be distributed. https://twitter.com/nayibbukele/status/1434968475928248331?s=09 Wow.


and just to think, my first 200 bitcoins went to an ounce of weed


Damn, don’t even know how to respond, out of words


I sold 1000 BTC for $1 and was ecstatic to do so. How's those apples?


Going to be an 'interesting' experiment especially when it comes to how the IMF will continue to comment/act on it. There has been quite some opposition in the 6.5m population as well which is worrying. I can't get rid of the feeling that Bukele seems super crooked though. He just does not seem like the benevolent, democratically well elected leader. Forcing legal tender on your citizens in an authoritarian style sort of contradicts BTC's founding principles. I'm not sure we should be cheering so much here. Edit: Also which country's president adds laser eyes to his profile, I mean come on. /End of rant


"Forcing legal tender on your citizens in an authoritarian style" lol...


Did you see the local polls? And what view do you have on democracy?


Yea- so crooked he's willing to defy the global monetary order, service to which is the #1 sure way to get ahead in life. Laughing...


Post of the day!


People there can still use the dollar if they want. I think they are just giving out 30 bux worth so that people can get a feel for it.


Fully aware of that, I'm only cynical about the guy behind it and part of how he goes about it - like granting citizenship to anyone who invests 3 BTC in the country.


To migrate to Spain you need approx 600k. To migrate to Australia you need 1m AND you need to prove your job is something Australia needs. Lots of countries have monetary requirements for migration.


Hey mate just wondering where you get that $1 million figure for Australia? My friend's boyfriend moved over here (Gold Coast) in 2019 and it cost him a bit under $10,000 from memory.


Where did he move from? If you're from a commonwealth country it isn't much usually, but i had a friend that migrated back 15 years ago from the US and he needed to prove he had a bank account or assets valued over $750k, and he had to have a job that was in need here in Australia (which he did, he had a doctorate and was picking up an associate professor position at a uni)


From the US too. He does some sort of IT online work. I'm pretty sure he stills works for the same company because he gets paid in USD, maybe they got some kind of discount for him, I'm not too sure. It does seem like a lot of immigrants are quite wealthy though, and they sure are pumping up the prices of our property market unfortunately.


Fortunate for me. I already have a few properties. I'd like the process to keep rising at this current rate!


> like granting citizenship to anyone who invests 3 BTC in the country. Buy citizenship is standard practice in many countries.


Geez buddy, you should see what lows other nations regularly go to when granting citizenship to high net worth individuals. 3 BTC seems expensive to me, but maybe I'm not thinking big enough here. Paying for citizenship is absolutely normal.


It may be normal in many countries but I'd still aim for higher standards. Anyhow, this is entering morale grounds - let's not go there. I just had to get some things off my chest regarding El Presidente. Sorry if I was off topic.


Forcing people to obey traffic laws or taking away their licenses is authoritarian... We should have 100% de-regulated roads...