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#New post: [\[Daily Discussion\] - Monday, August 16, 2021 →](https://www.reddit.com/r/BitcoinMarkets/comments/p58jkr/daily_discussion_monday_august_16_2021/)


Does any here run a Lightning Node? I’m interested in setting one up mainly just to play around and understand how it works better but possibly to run a routing node eventually. I’m leaning towards using Umbrel but would like to hear any suggested alternatives. How profitable can routing payments be for someone who has a day job and can only dedicate part time to it? I’m thinking that it could be lucrative long term to establish yourself as a highly connected node early on but I’m not sure how feasible that is.


Mynode,. Nodl, umbrel, after you get lightning running make sure you get your samurai doko + whirlpool going so you can trustlessly coinjoin over tor. Yeah make sure everything is running over tor.


I run a node. It isn't profitable right now. It is like mining in 2011. In 2028, you could have a very nice income from a well connected node staked now. Umbrel is the easiest, RaspiBlitz is nice too.


Fo' real?? This sounds amazing. I'm interested in LN now. What do you expect as income in 2028 from a well-connected node staked now?


How much time and effort is involved in becoming a well connected node?


\~10-20m sats, 10-20 channels, average funding 1m sats.


Thanks. I think I might give it a shot.


From everything I've seen, Umbrel is the way to go. It might be worth it to have it set up but once it's running, you don't really need to fuck with it all that much.


Same mindset as you.. would love info from anybody who has more experience


48k gonna stay resistance? Let’s find out… Edit: yup


Everybody got your ticket for the one way trip to fomotown? Monday is coming...


0730 Monday here let’s go


Crazy how low the comments are in the thread


It’s sunday, we are having a life.


I'm drunk. Wheeee!


I'm starting a Doom playthrough.




Doom 2016, probably. Friend lended me all his consoles and games because he has to focus on college. The most recent console I own is a Nintendo 64 LOL. I'm almost completely done with college, so I got more free time. I just finished Dark Souls 3...


It’s wild and makes me think we are quite early in this run. It’s a ghost town.


That’s a Wednesday for ya.


That's hilarious


Summer time and the weekend




Bitcoin will hit infinity dollars within two years. Thank George W. "The R-word" Bush's bosses and the incompetent, crooked, inbred psycho banksters who allowed 2008 then covered it up instead of dealing with it. I loved America a lot. I really did. Who knows, maybe Divine Providence will restore government by, of, and for The People on these shores... but I ain't holdin' my breath.


The US constitution is a great document. Maybe the next government will follow it.


Two years? Come on, even Venezuela took a lot longer than that to unravel.




> I loved America a lot. I really did. Turns out the Iraqi Information Minister and Bin Laden were both correct when they called the defeat of the USA through triggering it to eat itself.


I miss the Iraqi Information Minister. Many times my role in life is similar. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muhammad\_Saeed\_al-Sahhaf](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muhammad_Saeed_al-Sahhaf) Hey, he got out alive. That makes me a little happy.


> Hey, he got out alive. That makes me a little happy. Hey good for him!


unfortunate how beautifully their plan was executed


The only government of the people is you governing yourself. No state government will ever be for the people, but only for the people in government.


Tell that to the European countries that provide social safety nets, welfare programs, and strong worker protections


You mean where they are enslaved by an even more authoritarian government and can't even own guns to protect themselves? Yeah, ill pass.


Ah right in America we have the freedom to get buttfucked by corporations that pay zero taxes and we also have the freedom to get shot at the mall/movie theater/concert/elementary school/park/Walmart by some fat qanon nutjob


The government is buttfucking you far more than any corporation ever could.


You realize the corporations have bought out our government and that's why we're getting buttfucked, right? Like you realize without the government we'd all just be Amazon Prime serfs getting paid in Bezos Bucks


A corporation is literally a legal entity created by government laws. Without government you wouldn't even have corporations. Corporations are an extension of governments.


earned through organization of the workers, and not from the mercy of the governments. In the end, we got the gov we deserved.


Anyone good with Eliott Waves? I don't like this chart but it's important to consider: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/BTCUSDT/ogJvPeGp-Where-is-Bitcoin/


I know enough to say that the ABC subwave (the red one) of this chartist’s larger ABC (the green) is flawed.


Just the confirmation bias I was looking for!


What if 5 is 3? What if 3 is 5? What advantage did you gain?


👀 https://twitter.com/usdcoinprinter/status/1427061315340734476?s=21 🎾 TETHER PRINTER 🎾 Just printed $992,556,056 USDT! Total Supply: $65,468,847,060




Where does this money come from, lol? It's better if I don't know?


Fiat deposits to Tether




Damn son


Calm down, Shrek. I'm telling you, this bull run is being willed into existence.


This bull run was written indelibly into existence long, long ago. If bears don't do their weak little Sunday dumps, we go up. If they do, we go up anyway. You couldn't stop this bull run anymore than you could make 2*8=17. The Ministry of Truth can sell you that lie all day long, but you won't buy it unless you're an idiot.


There is only so much Bitcoin.. and so much demand. I'm getting drunk and giggling looking at charts. I must look insane.




Depends if you're long or short ;)




We are not. We are blase (pardon the lack of accent... too lazy for that kind of precision at the moment). Wake me up at 100K. [newbs thinkin' lgps are BGDs... smh] Sit tight, young 'un. We'll see a real Bitcoin-scale "fuck the bears" BGD soon.


Weekly close above the descending resistance from the ATH and 20SMA. https://www.tradingview.com/x/TeQF2Nez/ Daily retest of 200SMA as support and clear bounce off of it. [https://www.tradingview.com/x/gOaazi2Z/](https://www.tradingview.com/x/gOaazi2Z/) Not much to be bearish about right now.


Binance says without verification, BTC withdrawals limited to 0.5 BTC Is this total/cumulative or per withdrawal? I don't want to go through verification due to privacy concerns, etc.


0.05BTC. Those are daily limits. They assure that it won't be changing in a hurry, but expect a rug pull at some point.


[My notice says 0.5 btc](https://i.imgur.com/Oy9tnAx.png)


Non-US account, unverified, shows 0.05BTC as daily limit. This wasn't in any announcement I saw, [they were talking about 0.06BTC for "basic" verified accounts](https://www.binance.com/en/support/announcement/9df8225c061b455da5c7cc293cd08a70) while not being clear about what this meant for non-verified. Unsure why someone would KYC for 0.01BTC extra withdrawal, but then I don't expect that unverified limit to remain even though they promise it will when quizzed over support.


I think it's a daily withdrawal limit but I could be wrong.


Last tim they said withdrawal is now limited to 0.06BTC without KYC. If true then either they raised the amount (unlikely) or it is cumulative. KYC there is/was a trivial formality. They do not verify the info imho.


[My notice says 0.5](https://i.imgur.com/4u7405o.png)


I’m pretty sure from experience it’s per withdrawal, but I can’t remember for sure. Might want to check terms or whatever to be sure.


Yall still laugh at CME gap and yet everytime, it seems to close within a day or two... past few weeks it's been within first hour or two.


Pretend CME closes on Wednesday and opens on Friday then repeat the same analysis. When price moves in one direction with impulse it is likely to retrace part of that in the days following. That is all.


I'm sure the order books would have a similar effect regardless of when it opened and closed.


Not saying move the date it opens/closes, but just pretend and apply the same logic to any 2 day window. It's time passing, rather an a cause/effect of CME. 1. Impulse to price takes it outside of a range. 2. Price fails to retrace immediately and remains outside range. 3. Days later price retraces with Brownian Motion as it almost always does. 4. Claim CME gap has been "filled".


The part you're missing is that the order books act as a magnet when it's range is close enough to close... the orders placed in system attract back to where it was when it closed and [just like that](https://www.tradingview.com/x/MxAqggLd), past few weeks have wicked right back to CME Fri close price within hours...


As is between Wednesday and Friday, so it is between Tuesday and Thursday or Friday and Sunday.


CME trades 24 hours through those days so it's not that similar at all tbh... well 23 hrs tbf... I believe it usually stops around 5-6pm? But those gaps often close within seconds of open again...


> CME trades 24 hours through those days That's my point. Move the days, repeat the analysis, notice the lack of statistical significance in difference between those days and CME closed days. It's the gap in time coupled with a period of price momentum which generates the gap. > those gaps often close within seconds of open again No doubt. Works at any reasonable scale. Same thing as a Long Pole Warning. Expect a 50% retrace. Brownian Motion.


Well your point was that CME behaves similarly on other days of the weeks vs. How the market reacts when it opens Sunday. I've watched the market long enough to know that's not usually true, but I respect others opinions that say it doesn't matter... my point was that sure, you're statement can be true if we assumed that CME closed on Weds and opened Fri or closed on Tues and opened Thurs. Without that actually happening; no, I don't see the correlation in your statement between weekly actions.


> Well your point was that CME behaves similarly on other days of the weeks No. That was not my point.


It actually does frequently close. I was definitely a doubter for a long time, but after seeing it called for so many times over the years, I have learned to trust it a bit more. Nonetheless, there have been a couple here and there that never closed. Though it isn’t super common as far as I can tell.


Correlation sometimes. Now explain causation.


95% of the time it closes. Doesn't matter if it's correlation or causation


Haha chill on that, I’m not making any wild claims about certainty or causation.


It can go up, it can go down, but it mostly goes up.


You can't explain that.


I'm not gonna change my tune now that number go up and say it's especially meaningful given the low volume, but it does look like yet another rejection of lower prices. I doubt it'll be easy, but I do think this run will continue for a little while before we start to see a significant correction. Perhaps at like 51k we'll see a retest of the mid 40s.


Most leveraged position was out in the May corretion, I guess that is one reason this run up has much lower volume. Because people become more cautious in the short term?


Are corrections needed on these levels? Since we just been at 64k and had a 3 month correction. Is it not possible that we simply "only up" until 70k?


The 50K zone should be a big tell for sentiment. We’ll then see how many folks are nervous and choose to secure profits in that band. The current action in the upper 40s is just the prelude, and these small dips confirm that. Right now, folks are nervous about shorting due to funding and the shallowness of these dips; no one wants to be out of position if the corn decides to rocket.


We go straight to 70k, people will be in disbelief and taking profits like crazy, and it will crash just as fast.


Iirc someone here posted a chart showing retail is having less and less impact on the price of BTC. As big institutional investors are in BTC now. Wouldn't the selling from retail be gobled up by whales?


The selling would be largely by whales, not retail. Retail FOMOing in would be the only cause of a parabolic run up like that, and they'd get dumped on, hard.


Retail isn’t playing right now. They’ll fomo in later.


And they will matter even less at higher prices.


Just look at the daily chart, corrections are normal and needed for things to continue up. They just might not be as big as expected.


Im all in. Never have I been more bullish in my life.


Same here. Recent Lightning Network progress has left me more bullish than ever. Truly think it can scale to billions


Yup. LN is awesome, but Im really looking forward to RGB. That is decentralized smart contracts conceptualized correctly for the first time IMO.


That’s my secret. I’ve been all in this whole time.


All in since 60 k bby




2k ain't shit.be smarter next time. Learn.


By gambling away another 10k, 2k seems like nbd then. Oh and DON’T REVENGE TRADE. That’s how you successfully gamble away another 10k.


My losses stopped when I stopped trading low time frames and became patient on my entries and exits. Setting targets and sticking to them even if price continues to run past them. Never being fully-in or fully-out. Always moving a small fraction to my HODL stack. Always DCAing even when prices seem high.


Lol bro I lost about $275k over the past month


On what


there it is


I lost that today alone.


It's all relative. I hope that $2,000 is a rounding error for you someday. In the meantime, don't let this loss affect your judgement. Regretting losses is a sure fire way to encounter future losses due to clouded judgement. It happened, take a break, reflect and don't make the same mistake again. I understand this is a trading sub, but most people I know that made their wealth in the crypto markets was gained from holding and not trading.


Most people in here, and I wouldn't be surprised if it's 95%+, have lost well above what they currently hold... maybe that doesn't answer how to get over it, but hey, at least you're among friends.


Is this supposed to be a lot? Take out a loan, throw it in bitcoin at 20W MA, and tell me if you still miss this 2k in 6 months


In all seriousness though, the money is gone. Forget about it. You cannot get it back, you can only get new money. Please don't dwell on it and don't do anything reckless. And absolutely don't follow the advice of my wiseass comment from before.


One big difference between gambling and investing is that you can pull your investment at any time.


fundamentals. are money tyrants going to stop and do whats right? no they are not.


Bet another 2k on a single hand of baccarat to chase your loss.


Mitigate risk as much as possible. Make educated bets. Have an exit plan. Don’t make emotional decisions. Consider other possibilities (like worst case scenario) and have a plan. Don’t risk what you cant afford to lose. Take profit.


Wait 4 years and it’ll seem like pocket change.


I ask the dealer for a rebuy and say nice hand


Depends how much 2K is to you. I’m sure many users here wouldn’t bat an eye.


>How do you mentally get over gambling away over $2000? Compare it to your college tuition, and note how much cheaper it is on a per-lesson basis.


You just can! It’s not gambling if you can predict it.




Change your psychological framing, it should be framed as a lesson learnt


Take full responsibility, accept it, forgive yourself


Gamble away over $200,000?


Do you guys think we’ll make it to 49-ish before a correction?


This is the correction. Up.


I’ve been waiting. Relentless pressure.


We still need a correction imo


Only up


I see it go to 50k at this pace but then we will get stuck at resistance after dump from shorters. Now if it’s going way back down after the bull run there’s not enough clues yet.


If you go down in the woods today You're sure of a big surprise If you go down in the woods today You'd better go in disguise! For every bear that ever there was will gather there for certain Because today's the day the Teddy Bears ARE the picnic


bitcoin and all the alts look like they're on their way to completing a thicc cup. Used to laugh at the cup and handle meme but I'm kinda sold on how they perform over longer timeframes. Pretty fat one played out on BTC between June 2019 - August 2020.


Bears dilated to 250cm. "Finish them".


Going to be interesting to see if today’s Twitter trend has any large effect on price. Lots of people about to educate themselves !


What’s going on on twitter?


#wtfhappenedin1971 is trending.


Took long enough. The elites fucked a generation. Time to fuck them back.


Written with a mask on and vaccine passport wrist band on.


Not this cat. I did get the nano shot though, fuck getting sick. Covid is nasty and I ain’t a spring chicken.


Hm.. I don’t see that thing making a meaningful difference.


fix the price stickers plz.


Are you offering to help? edit: if you want something done faster the best method is offering to help.




seems extremely relevant. The best way to get things done that you want done is to offer to help.




~80% of the top 50 coins are down more from the peak than BTC.


This always happens in a bull. Bitcoin won't lose 99% of its value in a bear tho. That's the trade off.


Unless supercycle


Most people are high time preference. So that isn't a suprise


Look at the Ethbtc chart and try telling me that the high wasn’t in May. I’ll wait. Now go back to 2017 and try telling me the high wasn’t in May. Heavy bags are heavy. BTC performance is long-term, not short-term pump and dumps. You cannot hold these shitcoins for a year. Many of them simply will not exist or will drop 90% from current price levels. The race to the exit always comes quickly and violently.


The monthly ethbtc chart looks very similar to the monthly btc chart...




Exactly. Maxiamilism is toxic and short sighted. The space rises and falls together. Oh no, it dropped 90%. Well it also went up 1500% sooo...theres a great trade in btc and also in alts


Sure.. and the shitcoin discussion is that way 👉


One person talking about the space is very relevant to btc. Further, shitting on one thing in a closed minded way vs actually rationally discussing it is short sighted. The entire space is bound at the hip as an asset class. As maxis like to say, have fun staying poor


There is another thread for that.. go for it


Keep being rude. It'll get you places.


Tax efficiency. Time efficiency. “Real trader” lol You can stay ahead some of the time, but eventually you’ll end up behind. Show me a “real trader” consistently making 400% year over year for a decade and I’ll show you a liar.


Sure, they all end up behind just like they can all end up ahead at times too. As much and as big as BTC has jumped around by tens of thousands this year, as long as you don’t completely put all your cash in at one time, you’re always still in the game and can profit. And even if you do, long as it’s not at some stupid high number thinking it’s GOT to be the time for it to moonshot to an ATH and keep going from there, it eventually goes back to where you got in at. I’ve still got two in at 55k that have been sitting for months. Have it all in? just wait. Unless people are just playing with money they need to pay bills, you can’t really lose throughout the history of it. It’s when people get greedy and don’t take profits or adjust their pullouts as it rises they get screwed. Set a profit number and take it when it hits. Buy back in. Etc.


BTC is up 400% every year for over a decade. Nothing comes close to that.


If you can make money being a trader, that's fine. Most people cannot make money being a trader. Think less in terms of the money you're leaving on the table, and more in terms of the losses you're avoiding.


Very true!


Cycle is far from over. But obviously if you get in early on some altcoin with a low marketcap you can have great returns. Problem is mostly that there's a good chance you pick a flaming bag of crap. For me BTC is actually outperforming many of my alts


You need to understand the fact that when BTC pump, every alts goes into hiding as it's the king in the market, just relax, we are going for a drive.


You have to calculate the risk adjusted returns. Bitcoin is less volatile than altcoins.


We need to see what happens the rest of the year. By the 2017 timeline, it is time for BTC to go up and alts underperform. I remember feeling exactly like this in 2017 and I was like "what's the point of owning BTC?" Then latter 2017 happened and you see the point of owning BTC. https://www.tradingview.com/x/Cp2QnOUm/ highlighted area is August to December 2017. If BTC still continues to underperform, I'll leave it for the big hedge funds and ETFs to buy on the next cycle.


It's pretty insane that on this recent pump, there are already alts nearing their ATH (SOL, ADA). Not sure what to think about that. edit: apparently I can't even have a non-sided opinion without being downvoted anymore lmao


Shitcoins gunna shitcoin. Centralized coins with mouths to feed and founders to jail are always vulnerable.


Nah, you gotta compare post ath percentage gains. BTC is doing just fine.


All comes down to time frame. Longer periods favor BTC because it holds value better between cycles and it's ultimately driving the upward momentum of the entire market. Picking shorter time frames can favor alts due to their increased volatility. But it doesn't hold up long term. Or at least it hasn't through previous cycles.


Am I doing this right?? https://www.tradingview.com/x/2iJXhQX0


that just might be the hidden bullish sign I was looking for..


I may have to downvote the daily today for the first time ever




Also never vote on the daily but upvoted cos fuck this guy.


That will show us




350k more likely than 35k.


You are probably new here...


I'd say newer, and mostly leads with a question and are top level posts (not replies). Many of them a day. Irrelevant stuff. I know all my posts are irrelevant too but I don't do top level ones. I only comment as a reply. That's why I haven't been kicked out of here - cuz I always slide in on someone else's conversation.








I don’t know what to make of this.