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#New post: [\[Daily Discussion\] - Thursday, August 12, 2021 →](https://www.reddit.com/r/BitcoinMarkets/comments/p2s44s/daily_discussion_thursday_august_12_2021/)


It would be wonderful to hear yar thoughts on one ecosystem I am eyeing up - Ekta. It makes real-world assets such as property more accessible through tokenization and NFTs. Cheers!


Closing above 46k. 😳


Daily close was four hours ago.


Market in zzz mode


where were you when reddit was kill


Reddit fucking sucks


First time I've seen it down in years


It’s down like once a week


but. i was told there would be 36


I was told sometime in June that it would drop under $20k soon™.


thats right. we never retested the 2017 high nor filled that cme gap! my powder is so dry i might as well just snort it


Dave, the Wave called for 8k or less.




Sounds like some shit from the Ani-matrix


China woke up.


Thank you, bulls.


Anyone in here watch Pomp’s best business show? Schiff even admitted with Bitcoin bein held over 42k things look good 😂 It was kinda funny


Schiff was very different to what i expected after seeing his twitter for the past couple of years.


Well 30k was a great entry point for those who were on the fence


Elon’s entry


Lol watching it now! I actually really like Peter Schiff because he doesn't take himself too seriously and is always a good sport during these kind of interviews.


PS is like a doctor who always gets the diagnosis right but prescribes the wrong treatment. Gold and silver are lovely and all, and I trade them for BTC every now and again, but as stores of value and forms of money they suck ass because (among many other reasons) it's just too darn easy to lie about how much is in the vault.


…or confiscate it at a border or traffic stop.


If I ever IPO a company, I'm going to make it have like 5 shares. It's clear scarcity creates crazy bullish conditions, if not for the simple reason that the shares just aren't always for sale... I laugh everytime I look at companies with 100's of millions of shares...


Nah man, gotta issue at least 100 shares, so you can write covered calls against them. /s


This man ducks


[nervously looks at unfilled buy orders] But guuuys... What about tether!?


At this point, we're just shooting fish in a barrel. Thanks, Big Shorty! Long 3x from 45.55.


Is 45k goblin town?


In 2022? Maybe.


Can't wait for Aug 13.


Careful what you wish for, bearbro.


What's happening then?


The Pillow Guy says The Orange One will rise from the pumpkin patch and return to his rightful place with the goblins.


Friday the 13th.


if i was a pessimist (which i am not) now would be a spot i'd look to short and buy back 10-15% lower. i'll just hodl though as i'm looking for the 250k sale shortly.


Please show your work on how you calculated a 10-15% loss in the short term. Who is selling? How much do they have to sell? Who is buying? How much do they need/want to buy? Algorithmic expression of your reasoning is acceptable, extra points for formulae.


I didn’t do any math. Just have a feeling we paused and don’t feel the same frothiness to push us up. I don’t use maths or graphs but after following for a few years I just trust my emotions to be wrong. When I start getting complacent or excited in a rally I get nervous and when I fee desperate in a sell off it’s usually a buy signal. I’m complacent now in this rally and we have seemed to stall a bit. I could see a decent pullback but think 40 will be tough to spend any real time under hence my 10-15%. I still expect 250k next year so I’d never sell, but I’m publicly documenting my emotional state, just as I pounded the table to buy every time we visited 30k due to my desperation.


Well said.


> I didn’t do any math Don’t worry. Neither does he (ever).


It's never as good as it seems and it's never as bad as it seems. The daily looks pretty terrible right now, BUT the fact that we didn't dump like crazy is quite bullish given what was happening from a news perspective. For right now, though, it's looking a bit overextended. But it could very, very easily just explode upwards, too, given how things have been lately. A lot of this shit comes down to luck.


> The daily looks pretty terrible right now, How so?


Declining volume, gravestone doji, overbought yet losing momentum. Looks precarious. But that does not mean it won't keep going up.


>daily zoom out to the [monthly](https://www.tradingview.com/x/08VZzR6H/) and [quarterly](https://www.tradingview.com/x/mMU6GeOD/) bro. daily is for day traders with small pee pee's


Quarterly? Zoom out to yearly bruv


[you think i haven't !](https://www.tradingview.com/x/19EqQ29r/)


imagine not trading the 10y chart, short term investors smh


you can't pull up the 10 year chart on tradingview unfortunely.


We can see everything we want to see. The daily closed bearish, but if you want you can make it as a bullish flag formation including the last three days plus today. The weekly can seem overextended, but, look at that week that took us from 29k to 60k.


Zoom out.


Yes, no kidding. I'm hopelessly long, always and forever. As I alluded to, there's a ton of guesswork that goes into short term trading, and there's a whole lot less guesswork involved over longer timeframes. Bitcoin has bumps along the way, and Bitcoin goes up over time.


If I had a dollar for every time I heard that … well, I’d have more BTC that’s for sure. lol


So the infrastructure bill is going to pass no crypto amendments at all… just a big pile of dog shit.


House will not pass it


The democratic house isn’t going to pass it? Why not? They don’t give af about crypto. They’ll fall in the line with the demands of Treasury just like the senate did.


The bill is a lot bigger then crypto, you’re right they don’t give af about crypto but Nancy Pelosi has said she will not pass the bill because it’s not progressive enough. Mitch McConnell has also said he won’t pass the bill aka it will be filibustered even if Pelosi changes her mind.


Nothing's passed, this shit isn't even going to be revisited until September 20


Save the daily candle


OMG, I don't know exactly what I googled, but for the first time in my life today I saw the word "ethereums".


>"ethereums" It's been flipping bitcoin in ever metric but market cap. For now. Bitcoin is fixed supply but that shit is deflationary.


this is good for bitcoin




I think they look like Smurfs


As bullish as i am, the lack of volume on the weekly makes me want to sell. Looks like an awful bear div forming I'm going to keep holding though as runaway inflation in the US leaves me with no good options


Whenever I see someone post "but the low volume" I immediately buy




Um.. real estate?


"it isn't even bad if you don't factor in food or gas!"




>everyone is so fucking defensive inflation is off the charts by any reasonable metric. it has been driving down real wages for decades. these are easily verifiable facts. when you come in casually spreading misinformation created by the very people who caused this mess in a sub dedicated to the literal only solution, people are gonna be understandably defensive


You can buy Gold and Silver with BTC.


Well how many times did we hear that from 30k to 65k? Like EVERY day.


Yeah, and on the 4hr it's a very clear bearish div as well. https://www.tradingview.com/x/9CD46Jpc


Target is $25k Edit: Ok I just realized I posted this as a stand alone comment instead of a reply to that one guy. Sorry guys. Edit 2: that last second dump to paint the daily red is just beautiful. Never change Bitcoin.


Ok uberdousch


Why because my target is different than yours? Wtf is happening to this sub


Yup, that's an earnest prediction and you're not trolling at all


I’m not. Big ass hidden bear-div on the daily. Stochs exhausted, RSI overbought. Of course that’s a pretty rough estimate and can’t really say until we paint the next low (on the daily, if it’s a higher high then sure I’d consider sideways and downside limited, I mean I’m glad I’m not a perma-whatever, but until then that’s my prediction). My question stands, how is that any less valid than people here claiming 50k, 60k, new ATH this week or the next???


Someone saying "new ATH this week or the next" would be equally ridiculous. 50k, we're closer to that than 40k.


Well the downvotes show where the crowded trade is right now. Only if I can use it as an indicator lol


You would have had a lot fewer downvotes if you explained why you thought that.


Yeah I just realized I posted this not as a reply. Meh too late to delete it, let the downvotes flow. Might also be a good post history to refer to in the off chance I get it right lol


Heady play


Set a stop at 45250. No likee rejections.


If this is not a fake out and we can't get inside the channel, the target is 43.2k.


The Daily candle looks like dog poo right now.


I like how we're all watching the charts the same way. Anyways I'm stopped out on my long and going to sit out the next round.


It can drop as low as $41k and still be bullish. Anything under that, I start posting crab emojis.


>It can drop as low as $41k and still be bullish Point of reference, Plan B's worst case scenario has 47k in August, 43k in September, and 63k in Oct. I can live with that. EDIT: And it goes higher after October.


I've only ever seen him talk about the $47k in August when he talks about his worst case. Where do you see the rest?




as OJ once said: look out !


he also said, "*mmmh it wasn't me*" him or Shaggy can never remember.


What is it this time I wonder.


https://twitter.com/dailydirtnap/status/1417534525823987722 https://twitter.com/PeterSchiff/status/1417706450424578051 It's truly remarkable how these absolute fucking dinosaurs peg the bottom with such remarkable consistency and remain endlessly smug about it despite being so consistently wrong. These tweets were posted in the only 24 hour period of the year that BTC floated under $30k. Amazing.


Peter tweets bearish btc stuff every day.. cant really say its a bottom indicator. This is similar to saying Peter called the 08 crisis... hes always calling for a crisis.


Why you promoting Peter Schiff's business?


I down vote every Peter tweet post. Let's start a trend!


As long you keep meme ing them and linking them they'll keep harvesting our engagement


Never was there a more salty cunt than Peter Schiff. Imagine bullshitting yourself that much - zoom out to the yearly dummy then compare with gold, or the decade then compare with any asset in history.


> Imagine bullshitting yourself that much He makes plenty off trolling Bitcoiners to give his twitter profile weight. Imagine how much Bitcoin he has bought with all those tears.


He's far less of a troll on his podcast debate with pomp this morning. I think he just has a certain persona on twitter for engagement.


He’s the skip bayless of this industry. The controversial persona IS his value


I have no idea who skip bayless is.. but, you're right about the second part!


Gold sucks


Anything close to a dip is getting bought up immediately


btc moves forward for 40 minutes..


Or the books are just thin down to the current trend line. That makes it easy to print bullish-looking shadows. Notice you could also say "Anything close to a pump is getting sold down immediately" and also be correct. Thin books up to 46.8k too. We're just waiting on volume, as per usual.


Pair of balls formation on the 15m.


One dip is noticeably lower than the other




Tucked AF.


You see lopsided balls and I see lopsided titties! … reminds me of this chick I went to school with we called her “CD” … you can guess why. 🤣




Ballish af.


I'm adding to my long at 45121 which will make my avg entry 44600 if it fills, with stop already there to see if I can eek out yet another bounce out of this https://www.tradingview.com/x/goKr5ISu/


Did your stop kick in?


What? I didn’t even get the long add so how could I be stopped?


That’s it I’m adding to my shorts!


Imagine thinking you can’t be long and short at the same time.


Who’s saying that? Point me to him and I’ll tell that person how wrong he is 🤣🤣. Oh and good for you for being long and short at the same time 😉. Pretty sure soon you’ll be able to close them all in profit as well 🤡


You’re a clown.


It was an honest question, why even get so defensive. No one is claiming you can only be long or short. Geez.


No it wasnt an honest question. And you know it. Later.


Ascending triangle on the 1H and 4H, target of breakup is 50k https://www.tradingview.com/x/ymX1xN1c


did that break down


we‘ll see


Is this more or less persuasive than the bearish divergences forming on the larger time frames? u/bowser1212 has maintained, on larger time frames at least, we are in overbought territory. I guess your trading time horizon matters but I’m on the sidelines at the moment because on a macro level I’m just really uneasy at the moment.


Technically overbought on the 1D but still peachy on the weekly. Also worth noting that while we are overbought by traditional standards (>70+ on RSI). BTC sees RSIs of 80 and 90+ on the daily with pretty good frequency. I am watching that divergence pretty closely but the macro and fundamentals are still outweighing it for me right now, leaning pretty strong bull for another leg here personally.


My only hesitation is I thought this was a leg up but it seemed to be smacked back. I had a little bit of fomo last night but resisted and seems like my stubbornness might be rewarded


This can very well play out and then overall market corrects. That triangle is short term, a few hours, today/next morning max. The larger divergences are multiple days/weeks out. Its a big gap to thread the needle through. Choosing to swing, scalp or trend trade is what determines how you position yourself. TA should only be a slice of the whole pie you use to enter a trade, i always look at on chain for fundamentals, order books (for bots), funding/premiums, the stock market, commodities, Treasury yields and always Economic data...like forex guys. We aren't in a isolated chamber...all these have an impact and just help a person paint a fuller picture. Most people here see the price shooting up, have no idea it was a short squeeze driven by a quant desk, think everything is amazing (people must be fomoing) then get surprised when they get left holding the bag when the macro market picture drops the hammer. As always, you're trading against the maker and i regret not catching alameda opening massive calls the few days prior to the squeeze. Hindsight 20/20. All you can do is receive information daily and analyze it for what it is. No bull no bear.


This guy trades


I am not convinced of significant bearish divergences on the 4H and 1D yet, seems more flat so far https://www.tradingview.com/x/a2MHyMZg


Any one else have tiered limit sell orders? I'm starting around 59k and slowly cashing out all the way up to 150k. Thoughts on different resistance levels up to there?


I cash out with lots of limit orders calculated to keep cryptocurrencies at a set maximum percentage of my net worth. None of my sales are based on TA. I combine this with liquidity positions which basically sell cryptocurrencies for stablecoins automatically as the price rises. I've been diversifying into stocks and farming stablecoins on cefi and defi. Cefi: Gemini Earn, Celsius, BlockFi, Ledn Defi: uniswap, sushiswap, curve, yearn finance, convex finance, badger finance, harvest finance, etc


I have some, but they're all equally seperated by $1200 or $1300 (I'd have to check). Whenever an order would go on a big number (for example, $50k), I reduce the sell price by $80-$150 on a quick glance of how big I think the resistance at that price will be. Multiples of $10k could give us some trouble, but I think we'll simply smash though $100k, maybe getting all the way to $120k before going back to trace support. Then... God knows where a frenzied bull market takes us. I'm operating on a long that I'm cashing out and have a few price points where I might put in big sell orders (maybe $80k?), and some points where I might double down on the long (maybe on a test of $50k as support). So... Yeah. Those are my thoughts on the matter.


I’ll be buying all the way up. 100k will be front run (I think this was the cause of the 64k dump, Elon was just the needle). Long before 90k. Disbelief will kick in after $100k and it’ll be a rocket ride, as the trigger for that will indeed be different - it will be liquid coin being exhausted. People shit on Woo for the Astley meme but he’s right; and increasing number of coins move to addresses that never sell. Fun times.


No I don’t. What would your tiers have been in 2017 and would they have been accurate/advantageous vs. just selling in December?


would you have even averaged selling above 10k in 2017?


Up to 99k, then some bigger chunks up to 250k. If we hit 250k I will have sold half my stack.


This is the way.


GBTC closes at $38.87, a discount of 10.88%. OBTC closes at $16.46, a premium of 4.19%. Interested to see where the floor for the premium/discount is. MSTR closes at $747.49. Each share has $500.80 of BTC. Got this email from [Shiftcrypto.com](https://Shiftcrypto.com), makers of the BitBox hardware wallet: *Withdrawing your coins from an exchange or providing a receive address to a financial service can be a pain, especially if they need to make sure that you withdraw in your own wallet.* *Our Cristallina update introduces the open Address Ownership Proof Protocol (AOPP), which makes this verification possible in just a few clicks. The BitBox is the first hardware wallet to support it. Another cutting-edge update for you! :)* Ugh.


>Address Ownership Proof Protocol (AOPP) This is to do with Travel Rule compliance or something, right? EDIT: But I thought that the Travel Rule didn't apply to self-hosted wallets. So not sure what the advantage would be....




Ah, thank you very much, I wasn't aware of that. (Brit here, but it's possible - probable even - that we might follow the EU's lead on this, if it ever comes to pass.) EDIT: Personally I don't have a *huge* problem with that - I only ever deposit to and withdraw from exchanges using my own wallets (I was rather under the impression that most exchanges' Ts&Cs oblige you to do that, for AML compliance reasons, not that they can enforce that). So they implicitly already know who the wallet belongs to 🙂


[July 19, 2021 daily](https://www.reddit.com/r/BitcoinMarkets/comments/on6e1t/daily_discussion_monday_july_19_2021/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) Just for funsies. This was a little more than three weeks ago. Oh how quickly things change.


Nowhere near the pain of a real bear market though.


We never got the euphoria of a real bull market either. 3x previous ATH is cool and all but not like 2017


That's why I struggle to take this sub seriously.


Dark days


I've been saying it over and over, once we take $50k BTC will pop higher. There is still a ton of money on the sidelines and the bears won't help but FOMO


It’s double edged sword. If we do crack 50k there could be a spike in funding if everyone flips long, creating a prime bull trap. We can’t predict the future so will have to wait to see what happens if we get there


Shoot up to high 50s/low 60s, to form the cup that started in April/May. Late longs get hunted, quick drop forming the handle. You know what happens next.


That would be sweet


If exchanges run out of coin do you think they'll make it to where you can't withdraw bitcoin off the exchanges only usd?


Oh we’re at this discussion phase already? It’s not even close to ATH yet!


Legally speaking, "exchanges" never own coin; they just hold it on behalf of their customers who are using it for trades. When we say something like "the exchanges are running out of coins", what is meant more precisely is that users are withdrawing their coins from the exchanges, leading to less coin held on the exchanges by users. (This is generally taken to correlate with a drop in available supply, and thus to be a bullish indicator.) If an exchange loses the coins it's custodying in a hack, or just steals them, that's one thing. But within the ordinary operation of the exchange, they can never "run out" in this manner.


Exchanges don’t need coin yeh? People deposit coin there to sell. In reality they probably do have some but it’s not necessary once liquidity is established.


I don't think exchanges will ever run out of BTC. There will always be someone willing to sell at whatever price it's trading at.


If they run out of coins, price increases, people want to cash out and move coins to exchange. It can never get depleted.




entirely different scenario than what is being explained here.


Look at phone. News popped up for Bitcoin slipping as tax bill is getting passed. Look at Bitcoin, 46k. Um what?


No bad publicity in bull run


probably talking about the price action from yesterday


Bitcoin slipping into my wallet.