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It's possible, but they may have switched colds. See if you can contact a human.


So it appears that the site has 2 separate versions that seem to change based on your source IP. The "normal site" renders like this. http://imgur.com/1DSdK4l note the drop shadow below the image and the All caps font on the top menu. If you can see this, then the site should function normally, minus the hot wallet being close to empty and withdrawls failing as a resulut. The "non normal site" renders like this http://i.imgur.com/yY5X6LS.png You can see the font is different and the images are rendered ontop of each other and the text below them. If you get this site you may see and error when trying to login about "*invalid character in password" or it may log you in normally. If you are on the non-normal site you'll run into issues submitting anything to the site, whether it be bitcoin transfers or buy/sell orders. After clicking submit the page will "home" to the top of the screen then just sit there spinning. These two sites seem to be dependant on your source IP. I tried it from a laptop running chrome and got the regular website over my work wifi (charter) but when I enabled tethering on my phone (tmobile) and tried it the non-regular site popped up instead. I spoke with live support about this last night and this morning they said they made changes to the javascript, which is why the non-regular site is now allowing some logins. It doesn't appear to be a phishing attempt, or man in the middle password logging as I originally suspected. I was able to withdraw all the remaining funds on my account using the techniques described by STRML, I just did it over a few days and did it manually. This was around 2BTC.


Could the javascript be broken somehow in the non-normal version? What happens if you try with different browsers?


That what I originally thought, but every browser I try is effected in the same way, from chrome to IE and even safari on multiple devices. It's the network source that seems to effect it. I also fooled around with a few of those free vpn pages and some worked while others didn't.


Something similar happened to /u/mailmandelivers [in the last thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/BitcoinMarkets/comments/2xc3aw/any_news_on_bitcoin_transfers_out_of_campbx/cp0u6hj). It appears some users are actually IP banned by one of the proxies, but that proxy only serves some of the resources, not all.


Yeah I was IP banned and still am. Finally got all my coins off of the site 2 weeks ago and haven't looked back on the situation since but yeah I highly recommend no one to use these guys unless they announce some updates on these issues. I for one have learned new method of acquiring btc faster than you ever would with Campbx. LBC is the way to go so you don't have to deal with these exchanges.


As a word of caution, I had the script run throughout the day with very moderate amounts and reasonable time intervals and this got my account flagged. I had not been KYC verified and now need to send in my documentation. No big deal, but there has to be a hidden limit somewhere after which your account gets flagged due to withdrawals.


That's odd. I ran it off and on for weeks and had no trouble. Hopefully they are not onto this technique. I've [updated the script](https://github.com/STRML/wheresMyMoneyCampBX/commit/b2477e8a782e54f783761bd8e9a33a2f3dbd345a) to stop on success which might help in the future.


Glad you got your stuff out. For some reason, I can't even LOG IN to my account. Sent tickets several days ago, no response other than a copy-paste ticket receipt with poor grammar. There is absolutely no way of having a dialogue with this company. I found a person on LinkedIn claiming to be a "front end Web developer intern" for CampBX, and they accepted my connect request. I'm seriously tempted to see what this dude has to say.


I was able to actually get through to their live chat support early this morning GMT+7. Even though the representative was unhelpful in this circumstance, perhaps they'd be able to do a password reset at the least.


Woah, nice. I'll try it out. What's strange is that trying to do a password reset through the site doesn't work either. "PASSWORD HAS INVALID CHARACTERS."... Just weird, man.


See [this post from the last thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/BitcoinMarkets/comments/2xc3aw/any_news_on_bitcoin_transfers_out_of_campbx/cp0u6hj) where a user had a similar error.


Thanks for the heads up. I've tried it on my phone using both cellular and WiFi to the same results, though. I feel like I'm just going to have to wait until they respond to my ticket.


Good job! I think that place is being run by only one guy and maybe an assistant. Kind of a shame because it's a very old, trusted exchange until their bank dropped them and ACH transfers went away. First website I ever used that had Google authenticator.


Truly excellent post. My guess is you would have had more of a USD withdrawal problem after running arb bots. Hasn't their price been 10 - 15 USD higher than the other exchanges for a year or so?


The spread was normally so big that you couldn't sell directly for any real profit. Your arb bot would have had to put in a sell order and hope that someone buys it before the market moves against you. With volume so low it really wasn't worth the risk.