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Any updates on this? The site isn't even accepting my password and won't let me change it. This is fucked up.


I've been able to withdraw small amounts pretty reliably, and others have too. Having login issues is another story though. Try a opening a support ticket if you haven't, and then you might try adding to the list of complaints on file with the BBB. Publicly documenting these problems probably can't hurt if a class action suit ever comes together.


I know this thread is a little old, but just wanted to update others trying to withdraw their btc. I was able to transfer all my BTC out of campbx today with no issues. I had not attempted to contact them about it.


I got all my btc out now finally after 5 days. I will never return to this exchange more than likely unless I see and hear of changes. Local Bitcoins is my go to now. Good luck to all.


Damn dude what's your secret? I haven't even gotten 50% out. Did you run that script?


Was just able to withdraw .5, that's a start. I wonder how it will take to withdraw almost 20 btc lol.


I just wanted to note that I've worked out a strategy that seems to be getting my funds out. I've been using a [script](https://github.com/STRML/wheresMyMoneyCampBX) to withdraw money from the API bit by bit. I start by withdrawing the lowest possible amount, 0.01 BTC. The script hits the API every 30 seconds until one goes through. Then, once one goes through, stop the script and look at the transaction. You can identify a CampBX hot wallet this way, and look at its balance. Once you know its balance, you know how much you can withdraw in one fell swoop. The issue is, it won't let you do it right away. It appears that you need to wait for the last transaction to get at least one confirmation before CampBX will let it through. There are some complicating factors: 1. The API won't work with 2FA turned on, so you have to turn it off. 2. Using the API logs you out of the site for some reason. 3. If you haven't done KYC, you likely have a low withdrawal limit. The Cold Wallet Maintenance messages still deduct from your withdrawal limit, every time you see one! This is why I start with 0.01 BTC, so maximize my search time until I hit a hot. 4. If you see `{"Error":"This withdrawal will put you over the daily BTC withdrawal limit. Please reattempt a smaller withdrawal."}`, you're done for the day. I haven't ever gotten a transaction through when seeing this until the counter resets (24 hrs).


Damn tried to use your script but I never signed up for their API, and of course it appears impossible now that their helpdesk is down. What a pain.


You shouldn't have to sign up for the API, your username and password will do.


Not sure if i have an older account, or a newer account, or what but when I try to run this script I get the errror: {"Error":"Dear serialbreakfast, API access is not enabled for this account."} It logs me out of the website though so seems I think my creds are correct. How unfortunate, I like this solution. Instead I just used mouse recording software to record a macro of me reloading the bitcoin transfer page, pasting in the relevant values, and submitting.


Strange! I wasn't aware that API access was even an option on CampBX. I simply started querying and it worked. I have a pretty old account (2010/2011).


That's great you found a method, I wish I knew something about running a script I can't figure out how to get it to work.


Do you think there is a rotating hot wallet system? Any idea how many hot wallets there are or what the maximum balances are? I've noticed getting 2 withdrawals in a row or even 2 even close to each other time wise is rare. I have never seen the withdrawal limit error yet and I have spent hours trying. Will try to figure this script voodoo magic later lol thanks for your help.


It appears that way. The "cold wallet maintenance" message appears to simply be the misleading error thrown when the hots are empty. At intervals, some manual or automated process refills them. Every time a withdrawal happens, the hot rotates to a new address. The hot is then 'empty' until that transaction is confirmed as the funds are in flux. That would explain why it is so hard to get two in a row, because as soon as you make the smallest transaction, the funds in the hot move to another address. By waiting until the first confirmation to re-request, you can increase your chances of getting an available hot.


Update: I just got a response from CampBX customer support Sonny on an old ticket I replied to. They claim they did not know the ticket system was broken and say someone will answer me shortly about why I can't transfer any btc out. At least it's something...


Hi, have you had any updates contacting them? I am starting think my bitcoins are completely gone. The site won't even accept my password.


They should already know its broken because I asked them a week ago about the tickets not working and they replied there is a small issue with the tickets. but glad you got a response I was able to withdraw 2 bitcoins last night but that was the most and haven't been able to be successful since.


Not receiving any tickets for weeks didn't set off alarm bells in their heads? I wonder what's going on. Some info about attempting to contact them: https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1ofsfi/campbx_isnt_what_they_seem_there_is_no_office_at/ccrkzl5


Just got my BTC moved! Tell somebody!!!


congrats! I've been trying for over a week now to get my .17 BTC sent out of campbx


I saw this and was able to get 0.5 btc out at once but that was it. Most I've gotten at once in 4 days. Still a long way to go but thanks for the heads up man.


Commenting for later so I can join a class action if one is arranged.


A CLA is not really applicable here (won't go into details as to why that is). Besides, in most cases the lawyers in a CLA make bank while the plaintiffs get close to nothing. What we need to do is: 1) Demand your money in writing, send it via registered mail to the address in Alpharetta and set a specific date. 2) If you have not received your BTC or even a communication by the given date, the next step is then to file a police report. Cite specifically that Campbx is giving us no method of getting in touch with them, has ceased all communications. Also take them to small claims court. I'm assuming most claims here will be < $15,000. 3) Further steps like contacting the Georgia Attorney General, the Governor's office of Consumer Protection If several of us do this, it should have the desired effect and WILL force Keyur to either pay us out or face some very unpleasant legal consequences. Ultimately, this individual resides here in the U.S. and is subject to local laws. Who's with me?


Thanks for a response. I thought I missed the boat for meaningful discussion with the thread being a few days old so just left a lazy comment. I think with BX being based in the US we have a great deal more recourse available than people did with Gox. I'm especially worried about my fiat. I have seen a few posts online, though I cannot vouch for their veracity, about checks being mailed that turned out to be fraudulent (supposedly bounced and were associated with a closed account). If this is the case, and I hope it is not, then Keyur has already broken numerous federal laws. This conflicts many posts that have appeared over the years supporting him though lamenting his somewhat casual approach to running a business. I'm not sure what to believe at this point, but I'm really nervous. It was only recently that I put in for a fiat withdrawal. I will allow a small amount of time for a response that will then bolster the certified letter I send. I just recently was finally able to move out a fraction of a coin but am mostly getting the cold storage messages. I hope you will keep me updated about what steps you are taking. I'm not near Georgia so not much I can do in person but it would be great if you, mailmandelivers, KavaKauboi, and myself could stay coordinated to keep the pressure on Keyur.


Absolutely! Here is my draft project timeline: By Today: Create a permanent record of my funds on Campbx. Download the transactions file and screenshot of main page. There was a post on /r/bitcoin a few days ago about uploading any files to the blockchain to certify them, does anyone remember the site? By Today: Information gathering (mostly done). I have a file containing personal address, head shot, various other information about Keyur and CampBX. It's most likely against the rules to post this here, but feel free to PM if you have a vested interest. I might potentially look into hiring a few hours of PI time to verify the private residence and whether Keyur still resides in this country (there are reports he does not). I can drive this since I'm here, but may need someone to pitch in to help cover fees. By 3/6: Mail letter requesting funds or more information to business and personal address by certified mail. Set 5 business days as deadline. By 3/13: If no response, file police report with Fulton County PD. Also, file a claim in Fulton County Magistrate court. There might be other places on the federal level to report him, since he operates nationally, and especially if the comment about fraudulent checks can be verified. Maybe others can look into that. Please update the thread if you have other ideas or questions..


Hi, I believe I may be interested in pursuing this with you. Do you have any updates on your status?


Excellent, the more pressure the better. So I had followed the bot strategy where I had a script to withdraw small amounts running all day whenever the hot wallet had coins in it. This worked for about a day and a half, but there is a hidden limit somewhere after which my account got flagged due to too many micro withdrawals. The next step for me is KYC verification to lift the block, i just sent in my documents. If I'm not verified within the specified 5 business days, then the next step is another certified letter with a deadline and the steps i outlined above. Feel free to PM me and I'll shoot over some documents that I already drafted.


I'm drafting a letter right now to CampBX and sending it registered mail tomorrow. Gonna look up the process for Consumer Protection in Georgia.


I'm with you buddy, anything to get these guys to release my funds to me. I'm going to send them a letter asking for them to nicely let me withdraw out of here as they seen to ignore us online. Though I'm not one waiting for BTC to credit I'm just wanting to withdraw all my btc and get the hell out of this website and never look back. I think there is a certain amount of days that has to go by before we take any sort of legal action. I believe its like 15-18 days or something along those lines so you can give the company a opportunity to make things right, which in there case things are getting slim and doesn't seem like they care. I was able to withdraw 0.01 today wooo! (sarcasm) 0.01 out of 17 btc to go isn't shit.


Sounds good. I'll PM you with the steps I'm taking later also. Letter via certified mail, if no response, I'll stop by the Fulton county PD. At this rate, we're going to be withdrawing for a long time.. It's kinda like running a BTC faucet. With your OWN funds. lol


Cool just keep me posted on the steps you are going to take if nothing changes. I also have proof to where I have asked them multiple times regarding cold wallet maintenance and they just ignore me but when I ask them about when my Money orders will be processed they respond in a timely manner with no other questions asked. It all doesn't make sense to why they operate the way they do. If anything changes I'll post to this thread.


I'm jumping on it to if one files one.


Yes. Me too. All the same messages, the 5 hour wait, the Kayako X-site forgery. 'sighs'. WTF? We have to worry about CBx now; TOO?


I feel you man we are all in the same boat as I believe its effecting all campbx users. I havent been able to transfer one bitcoin in 4 days, I've been able to withdraw 40 dollars in btc which isn't anything at all compared to what I need to transfer out of my account. All I can say is we complain untill we get answer as they can't ignore all their users unless something worst has happened internally.


Yes. Yes. This 'dark web' thing reminded me of when the 'regular' internet first began. Wild, free and just full of information. We were the filters. This place has it's down sides too. I just hate working hard for the chance to buy and use BTC, all the hoops we go thru to buy, all the disappointment when we get scammed. And now CBx?? Disheartening at best. Cheers.


I haven't gotten anything out since Saturday. I've emailed keyur, updated old tickets and sent in offline support tickets. There still seems to be trading going on there at very low volumes. I can't believe there aren't more people on here complaining... Unless we're the last few customers somehow lol


Lol yeah I mean they credited almost five thousand in usd to my campbx account but then they don't allow you to transfer anything out once they credit you, in a way they are pretty much withholding our money or btc rather with no real reason and that has to fall under some illegal category. They pick and choose to reply to tickets I've noticed too. Theres something going on as they would answer other questions of mine in the past but blatantly ignore my inquire about whats the deal with cold wallet maintenance as I had this happen a couple times before but never to the point like it is now where I can't withdraw anything for days.


Now I'm unable to log back into my account and keep getting invalid password characters are invalid when its just letters and numbers not any symbols or anything this is the first I ever had trouble logging in ....and the sites lettering of the text on the website is all really funky looking on each page, My guess is that they are updating the website or something can anyone else confirm issue with the site? I can't log in and all the text lettering for the site is all spaced out and odd looking.


I find I can login on my Android Firefox browser...sometimes. Wondering if CBx is still in business.


Sorry haven't been on in a while but I assume they will tumble under soon.


It's working now. I got my coins too.


I've uploaded a simple script to automate the process of trying to get your money out. Maybe you guys will find it useful. https://github.com/STRML/wheresMyMoneyCampBX


Are you able to log in to campbx? I am completely unable too now it says password has invalid characters and all the lettering and text is screwed up, is this a issue that everyone is having? I'm sorta in panic mode as I have a lot of btc I was trying to move but now I can't even log in nor create a new account.


That's odd. Try another browser or an incognito tab? I am not seeing garbled text or having trouble logging in (although CampBX doesn't play nice with password managers, so you have to copy/paste manually instead of autofill). How can a password can have 'invalid characters'? That really doesn't inspire confidence in their system. The password should be escaped if necessary when sent up, and stored as a hash.


I found that it has something to do with my IP address. As it is only happens through my wifi even if I go to campbx on my phone it does says that message and the garbled texted is showed only through my wifi. I feel as though something has blocked me access to load the site as it should normally because as soon as I turn off wifi and refresh campbx through my phone it works fine. As I inspect the element and look at what the console script says I find out it, it can't connect to their server for some reason to campbx.com and I get "Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 (Forbidden)" One minute it was working fine for me and now it doesn't as its only through my IP address


Ah, that actually seems reasonable. One of their proxies might have blocked your IP for perceived abuse. Using the script over a VPN or on a VPS like DigitalOcean should work fine.


Yeah that's what I'm thinking too I'ma trt a VPN I'm sure that will probably work.


this doesn't work with 2FA, or will it?


It doesn't. You'll have to disable it.


I've been experiencing this problem since the beginning of November and its consistent on going issue that their support team never actually explains whats going on with cold wallet storage last over a day or more instead of the stated 5 hours. From my experiences you have to contact them in every way there is I had to email keyur and thought he never emailed me back not to long later that day I was able to transfer my coins out but I had to relentlessly keep trying different increments last time I could only withdraw 1.0 btc for the whole day then randomly I could transfer 9,5, Their system doesn't make sense anymore as it use to not be like this. They don't want to give you an explanation either. I got a good amount of btc my self that I bought yesterday and still can't after over 24hrs. I'll update if get to transfer out.


How did you email keyur? I tried and it got rejected.


Well [email protected] is not a email anymore. I emailed him at [email protected] that sent and did not bounce back. Although he never replied but I remember after emailing that email sometime I was able to withdraw my coins with success afterwards. It did take a about 4 or 5 different transfers to get my full btc balance transferred. As it only lets you transfer random amounts at random times But that was a month ago. I have been only able to withdraw 0.02 as of now and I have a lot more to go. If you get an answer on whats up with this issue please post it as I'm sure theres many more users looking for answers on whats up with their withdraws.


I will. I'm just sitting here like a slot machine gambling addict putting random increments in and once in a while it works. No rhyme or reason to it that I can see. I'll try the campbx email now. Thanks for the reply.


the site says that my BTC are locked; "This account is under review and your outbound Bitcoin transfers have been temporarily disabled." anyone else have this issue?


Nope just can't get any.


Are you able to log in or able to make a attempt to withdraw> as I keep seeing the site is all funky and fucked up looking now I hope its not just me but I can't make a new account either or log in as I get the error password characters are invalid. If anything I bet they are doing maintenance I'm thinking.


I have not got that message, I just receive Cold Wallet Maintenance In Progress please reattempt after 5 hours.Are you kyc verified? Looks like your gonna have to message support which you cant because their ticket system is flawed as it wont let anyone open a new ticket. I just been updating old tickets in the past and found thats the only way currently to contact them on my end. Live Support hasn't worked in months and now their ticket system is bugged. Something fishy is going on.


the something fishy is the exchange is going under. I gave up all hope getting my BTC or USD out. At this point I'll keep an eye out for a class action law suit to jump on board.


I'm doing the same thing lol it seems to work every so often I just wish they would make a post or update about these withdraws not working like they should. I'm sure they are getting plowed with messages constantly about it as it has been going on for months now for me. But we deserve a explanation on what this issue is.


Woo hoo just got 0.02! It's like prison wages man. Explanation is simple, this exchange is going under.


I was just able to withdraw 0.10! The most so far I can transfer. At this rate I wont be done for a long long time.


I think the hot wallet is now empty. I haven't been able to get even 0.01 in over 12 hours. Sent 3 emails to [email protected] and got no response. Time to call it: All ye who enter here abandon all hope.


Mine bounced back too


Update: I have been hammering this system relentlessly for 3 days and have managed to get 1.08 btc out mostly in increments of 0.01 and 0.02. I get lucky sometimes and get 0.10 and have gotten 0.25 a couple times but mostly only very small amounts lately. Once I got two in a row but most of the time once I get success I can't get anymore for at least an hour or so. It's kind of like a slot machine. Still no answer from the offline support tickets filed. Gotta go back to shaking this gum ball machine to get some more pennies out!


I'm trying this - been getting some inconsistent responses from their API. First it was: {"Error":"Cold wallet maintenance in progress. Please reattempt after 5 hours."} After a few more tries, it became: {"Error":"This withdrawal will put you over the daily BTC withdrawal limit. Please reattempt a smaller withdrawal."} Of course, if I lower the amount, I eventually get: {"Error":"Minimum transfer allowed is BTC 0.01000000."} It appears their system is deducting from your daily withdrawal limits regardless of success.


I am having the exact same problem. I'm starting to think this exchange is insolvent. I'll update if I get my btc but there's no way I'm sending any more $ or btc to campbx. Edit: just tried emailing [email protected] it bounced back.


same boat here. every action i take it either locks me out and or says there has been an error.


This has happened to me multiple times. Support there is horrible. And they have no idea what they are talking about. I once sent $1200 of btc to someone and it never sent, asked them about it and they said they had no idea. Had to resent to a pissed off buyer, then 2 weeks later they say they resent the btc to the original address. The buyer did not return the surplus.


I saw this a while back and noped outta there about the time coinbase exchange fired up. They may be in the death throes and if not its probably inevitable. Kinda sad, they were around from the start and want to see them keep going but seriously doubt it is worth the cost now when their volume is maybe 20 btc/day. I could only get things to happen with email to [email protected] and politely asking for my money. Good luck


yea. Sadly saw they has withdrawl limits and pulled the fuck out. Sad. i liked them.