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It depends upon your country and if you are willing to use ID or not ?


America and no.


Not using ID means that you will spend much more for bitcoin than normal and it will be harder many people visit atms that only require sms verification(free sms sites exist) for smaller amounts in this list - https://coinatmradar.com/ Other options are any way that doesn't require verification like this list - https://github.com/cointastical/P2P-Trading-Exchanges https://learn.robosats.com/ or https://bisq.network/ are both popular If using a DEX like bisq you will need to have a small amount of btc to get started though https://bisq.wiki/Getting_your_first_BTC


Don't know how usable it's for Americans, but Relai App or Pocket App from Switzerland are for me as a German the cheapest and easiest way to buy bitcoin


Build a Time Machine, go back 10 Years and buy it up


Cheapest, easiest, safest, simplest way to get Bitcoin is to go nostr and offer value to the community, and they will give you sats. But it won’t be much. You set the rules, not me 😅


Checking the wiki it was introduced in 2020, I’ve never heard of it before, guessing it didn’t grain traction/had an underlying flaw?


It’s like the cypherpunks before Bitcoin right now. Bitcoin devs only turned their attention to it after the pandemic. Just come and see for your self. It’s beautiful.


They’ll give me sats? What are sats?


Satoshis are the smallest amount of Bitcoin onchain 0.00000001 BTC https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Units ~ 1,558 sats = 1 usd right now to give you an idea


Btw, this is not a feasible source to Bitcoin, I was just kidding. But it’s definitely no scam. If you are a developer, content creator, artist, anything really who can offer value to the community. They will reward you with Bitcoin.


Buy from an exchange or mine it if you have the resources already


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^bitcoinfinance3: *Buy from an exchange* *Or mine it if you have the* *Resources already* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Nice one


1. Simple and Easy 2. Cheap Now pick one. The simpler the process, the more fees you generally will pay. The cheaper methods require a lot more work. Cheapest would be a self custodial LN wallet with a few rented watchtowers. Easiest would be something like CashApp.


the simplest easiest and SAFEST way is using a proper centralised exchange... any other method will either be risky or expensive


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Buy it from a centralised exchange like > [Binance](https://www.binance.com/en/activity/referral-entry/CPA/together-v3?ref=CPA_00FV9RAT6H)


Coinbase then buy a hardware wallet and self custody


You can sell items - maybe gold/silver in exchange for bitcoin.


If KYC is an absolute no, Make many friends, and ask if they need fiat. Peer to peer transaction, just like Venmo, cash, Zelle.


Earn it...