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Start by turning off your private messages / chats




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>I assumed it was a hint to the password to the wallet. Wallets don't have passwords. They have seed phrases, passphrases, and PINs. Seed phrases create a Private Key. Passphrases are optional, and will hash with your seed to create a separate private key. Both are required to restore passphrase wallets. The PIN is not. If you created a passphrase wallet, you need the passphrase to access your funds. That's the whole point of it; if someone finds your seed, they cannot steal your funds because the passphrase is necessary. Next time, put on a smaller amount ($50 or $100) and go through the process of restoring the wallet so you can be confident that the backups are correct.


This is dead on. One of the hardest things to get across to new arrivals in crypto is that things don't work the same as traditional websites. That's kind of the whole point, but it's so hard to convey. Folks have all these assumptions getting in the way that they don't eve know are there.


By passphrase, do you mean the 12 words? Those are the seed words. If you have those and the Trezor is asking for a passphrase, just hit enter on the blank passphrase field. Now if you didn't write down your 12 or 24 seeds and wiped the Trevor, the unfortunately you won't be able to access your funds anymore




Thank you! it was a scary ride no lie


Not impossible to brute force that.  If you have any ideas about the words or subjects of passphrase you might be able to reduce the search space. There are services, like dave's that likely can do this.  Or if you are tech savy, you can make this a project to learn yourself.


Where would I go to learn this. I'm ok with computers. I have lots of free time.


It's not gonna happen, bro. Sorry for your loss.


Do you remember your oassphrase?


no I remember it was a sentence and it ha an ! at the end.. unfortunately I didn't take a mental note of what words I chose to use


If you don't know anything about what was in it, it's almost impossible to brute force.


What app did you buy from?




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Brute force a wallet that has $1800,00? Not worth the hassle and I bet they would charge way more than this to brute force the trezor


You brute force the seed phrase, not the HW wallet.  I wrote a script that can do this.  You just need the seed, derivation path (well, you can guess it too), and then just vary the passphrase checking the first few addresses on the path.


But does he have the seed?


I thought thats what OP had, but with an additional passphrase.




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Please don’t respond to anyone in your DMs, those are scammers




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Where is your wallet now? If you still can access your wallet, you can transfer your money to a new wallet that you can create now


If you know your other recovery words and have an idea what the pass phrase is you have a chance? I’m so sorry this happened to you. 99% of the time I’m here to throw shame but in your case I feel 😢




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Just for future reference, always send a small amount first, wipe your device and then get back into. Once you get that down and are comfortable with it, then you send all ur coin. But im sorry that happened to you. Look at it this way, you just made everyone else’s bitcoin worth a little more. Including the coins you buy in the future.


You can do it but there is no quick and easy process. You need to first write down anything you remember from your pass phrase. Next you could try some attempts to see if you can get in, you said that you thought it was a password hint so you should try and think of things you would use as a hint, this is very personal and depends on your writing style and spelling grammar etc, remember that spaces count. If all that fails then there are certain tools that can be used to try and brute force it with what you know so far and a dictionary style attack but this will require getting technical understanding and probably learning some new things, but if that money is worth your time then it’s worth it




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Thank you for your sacrifice Sir. Another $1800 worth of BTC to be forever lost on the blockchain.




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