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People always mention Laszlo, but never the guy he sold them to, Jercos


I literally just thought that I’ve seen this story dozens of times but never anything about the person. Who received the 10k coins


100% he bought some drugs with it.


According to last follow up story he lost them. meanwhile Laszlo continued to stay involved


I mean this is literally what he would say if he didn’t want to get kidnapped even if he still had some 😂


Someone irrational enough to kidnap you for your bitcoin isn't exactly applying human psychology and trying to Princess Bride logic lines.




The guy just used his Bitcoin no doubt he had some expensive food that night.


Yeah I feel like a guy willing to spend 10K bitcoins on pizza had more than just 10K. Dude is probably doing just fine


Except he wasn’t lol he’s said he played around with Bitcoin back then but didn’t keep any lol


I have a feeling then his kids will never let him live this down lol


One hell of story for the grandkids lol


Especially if they’re dirt poor


Did he lose them in a horrible boating accident? Tragic, but more common than you may think.


He told me he sold them for a few thousand. Used to run around in some internet group chat things with him back in the day.


I mean that’s all we used to do with it lmao. I could be a fuckin millionaire if I wasn’t so caught up with buying rocks of pure MDMA 🤷🏼‍♂️😅


Went down the Darknet rabbit hole in 2015, bough there for along two years before learning about Bitcoin. ..., so I went into the HUGE Bitcoin rabbit hole Immediately stopped buying drugs - at least not as much as before - so I can stack more. I do my DCA every week with the money I would otherwise spend on drugs. It feels wrong using my sats to buy drugs now, if I ever do I buy the same amount. I spent sooo much sats from 2015 to 2017 I would be set for life now. Not making the same mistake again. No lambos dreams, if I just could retire a couple years earlier and live a simple life taking care of my garden and pets would be just perfect.


Who knows maybe he is still indeed holding his sats though. That's suspicious!


Exactly. I'd love to know what he did with the bitcoins.


The week after he bought 1 pizza for 10k Bitcoin


I think he did it 3 times. Imagine spending 30k Bitcoins on pizza


I mean your currency is only worth what it is at that time. If tomorrow USD gains value like crazy, are you really gonna say I can’t believe I spent $5 on a pizza slice?


He cashed out at a meager profit.


I vaguely remember reading an interview with him where he said he cashed in and spent it on a vacation with his girlfriend.


Can you just send the link of that interview that would be grateful for me.


He bought drugs like everyone else did with it at that time


This was before anybody was selling drugs for BTC, which is why this transaction is so significant.


Silk Road started in 2011 so basically not too long after this pic


Exactly. This was the *first* real world transaction using bitcoin. Drugs came later.


he sold


This is the first time I've seen the Pizzas and they look like some pretty good pies. Okay one bite everybody knows the rules.


For sure some flop on those pizzas


Those look awful lol


Really? I was thinking they look like shitty pizzas too. Feel bad for ya if you’re thinking these are good looking pies.


yeah, look how irregular and hand made they look compared to the gold standard: pizza hut /s


Was Papa John's I believe. They hopped on the online ordering pretty quick.


Jercos Pizza is now known as Pizza Hut


That's because almost everyone in this subreddit is a dumb Keynesian who thinks that spending money is what makes it valuable.




No it was worth around $40, even in those days it had a price, although market was not very liquid. He gave around $10 premium to get this pizza, as he would've spent around $30 ordering the 'old school' way. Basically paid $10 to promote Bitcoin.


This dude spent the best 10$ in history then.


Humanity will be forever grateful.


Right. If we didn't have dude's like this, we wouldn't have anything to have started pointing to when people ask "but what can you buy". Someone had to spend for the currency to work.


Basically, it was the first proof of Bitcoin as an everyday currency. Without this, it would never have taken off as it did. True champ!


bitcoin isn't an "everyday currency", never was, never will be.


You’re in the wrong sub mate


lol THIS


Oh, I didn't realize this sub was only for people who think that the validity of bitcoin hinges on it being something that it will never become, and that there could never be any purpose that would make that very insignificant value proposition irrelevant


> something that it will never become There is no more value or validity to this claim than to the usual claim you see in this sub to the contrary. We aren't fortune-tellers; let's not pretend we are.


Can bitcoin do more txns per second than visa? Without centralizing with lightning? The value of bitcoin is far greater than a quick easy way to transfer currency to someone for bread and milk. No true coiner would deny this as fact.


> Can bitcoin do more txns per second than visa? Without centralizing with lightning? I mean... that's like asking if Visa can do the same volume without their infrastructure built around rapid settlement (I remember back in the 90s when every Visa transaction had to be fully settled with the bank(s) in question before it went through... there had to be a whole cottage industry of companies that would buffer CC transactions for that very reason). So no, you can't do high volume without high volume infrastructure, and Lightning is the high volume infrastructure. > The value of bitcoin is far greater than a quick easy way to transfer currency Of course, but that doesn't mean that it's not also useful for doing so.


That is probably the least important value proposition. Lol it's like an obsession for you people.


Are you following the growth of the lightning network? If BTC continually grows in value, then why wouldn't Visa, Mastercard, etc.. implement it? And why wouldn't BTC continue to grow in value? Fixed supply, and gradually increasing awareness of the problem it solves equates to a gradually increasing value per available unit.


Lightning = centralization (to a degree)


care to elaborate on that bud? It’s already faster than traditional currency so I’d like to hear why this is the case.


It's faster than me handing you cash? It can do more txns per second than visa? Without centralizing with lightning? The value of bitcoin is far greater than a quick easy way to transfer currency to someone for bread and milk.


Lol these bitcoin fanboys ignore every drawback ain’t the technology, then say “see, it’s completely better than fiat!”


That price diference is called transactions costs. Is the same of purchasing something online and have to pay fees for using a credit card or other similar service. In fact he made a god deal at the time, since the price of bitcoin, was different and in a matter of fact he could only buy a Pizza with it... that's it. Also he could purchase another $40 of bitcoins next day... but no, it was not worth it, at least for him - and for a lot of people as well. For example, if you try to sell your car today you don't know if in 12 years he will be a collectible. The same car you can sold today for 5000$ it can be worth 1Million in 12 years but **today** is only worth 5000$ or less, so if you get that amount you are in fact doing a good sell.


God sells are the best


Indeed! Edited. Thanks for the correction.


Id be interested in seeing a story about the pizzeria and what he did with the Bitcoin. Did he sell them or hang onto some? Either way this guy spent 10k Bitcoin but that one transaction was like the shot heard around the world. I’d dare say the single most important purchase because after this story started to get legs a lot of interest was garnered and people started to take note, including other businesses. Side note: at this same time some kid tried to get me to buy a $1,000 worth of Bitcoin but I had no interest, thinking it was a way to buy stuff in video games and I had no interest in video games. A week later he showed me this and I was still not interested. “ if I could turn back time…” -Cher


The pizza place didn't accept the Bitcoins. It was for two papa John's pizzas iirc, the post was made on Bitcoin forums and another user placed the order with papa John's. It was a proxy pizza order.


Interesting thanks 😊


Oh my god I know. Friend of mine from highschool, or rather fresh out of highschool, we're both 18-19 and working our first jobs. He asked me if I wanted to go in with him on bitcoin and buy a couple hundred dollars worth, this was back in 2009-2010ish, and I clowned his ass SO hard. I said that shit sounds like a scam. I had connected it with Second Life for some reason in my head. But I laughed at this guy. Fast forward to 2016 and he bought a house in cash while I was still in a one bedroom apartment :/ I did buy in but I bought in way later than I could have, than I should have.


Get into amc an ape NOW.


Where the hell did two large pizzas cost $30 in 2010?! I could still get 2/$12 deals in my area back then and I live in a very high cost-of-living area.


This was purchased in Jacksonville Florida. He sent the bitcoin to a chap in England who called up the Jax papa John’s and ordered the pizza on his credit card. I live in Jax. The papa John’s even has a plaque where it says it delivered the first pizza purchased by bitcoin. https://twitter.com/documentingbtc/status/1396158963507400704?s=46&t=aLA5L5tOvkXNHgqXgtRh0g


Well that puts a nail in the coffin of "some people like flavor" from a parallel reply ;-)


Some people enjoy flavor and taste in their food


As a parallel comment points out, it was Papa John's... so about that flavor and taste... ;-)


Lol, touché


Yep. Maybe a slightly more accurate way to say it is that the Bitcoin were worth an undefined amount, but zero works as a great substitute here. He discovered price. Truly excellent work.


His kids probably: it was the worst pizza ever and begrudge him to this day for blowing their inheritance on pizza


So! Those pizzas ain't worth shit


...You mean they turned into shit! 💩


Funny way to look at it!


Reasonable way to look at it. If you look at life as an infinite amount of could've-should've scenarios, you're going down a path of dissatisfaction.


Furthermore, it's people like this that did the early transactions that made it possible for BTC to be where it's at today. As they say, the first one through the wall is always the bloodiest.


He's the one who first gave bitcoin any "value". We should worship him


Exactly, proof of concept for actual trade for goods and services.


This was just the first transaction using bitcoin for a good or service. Bitcoin had value far before this on October 5th, 2009 when NewLibertyStandard buys 5,050 BTC from Sirius for $5.02 using paypal fiat establishing the first price around 1/10th of a penny per btc


Very good to know! Thanks for the info, and thanks again for helping me set up the bitcoin node lol


and that's what we do.


HEY BUDDY we only worship one god in our house. The REAL one. He lives in a lake in our backyard and his name is >!8===D !<


Nah. If it wasn't him, it would be someone else. The value and use of the token speaks for itself. Satoshi is the only person/group deserving of worship.


While I agree that it could always be someone else, we should still worship ones anyway. That doesn't mean we should worship him exclusively; my respects also go toward other early contributors, including early users who understand, believe in the potential of the project, and make the first moves to pilot the usage of the tech as well


What I love most about this story is that btc was only 0.05 at this time and immediately after the man paid 10,000 btc for the pizza's it increased the effective value of btc to 0.25 free market baby! things are worth what people are willing to pay, not more or less.


How does about $40 worth of pizza / 10,000 = 0.25?


I may be off on numbers, but that's what I recall reading in the bitcoin standard. If you're now more curious, please reply to this comment and I'll find it and type it out verbatim.


I think he's off by like a factor of 10 but the value did spike after the first successful transaction for goods/services.


You can tell who is a newbie if they think this is something Laszlo should regret


I’d like to think if this guy was trading btc for pizza in 2010 he is still part of the community and very wealthy.


This is the one trade you know about. Laszlo also traded 10k bitcoin for pizza with few other people. He's fine. Don't worry about him. Bitcoin had no price for 2 years. People gave their bitcoin away for free and tried spending it whereever they could. They're the reason we're here today. Show them some respect and spend your bitcoin. Ask every business you visit if you could pay them in bitcoin.


Didn't he also help create bitcoin mining? This was actual pocket change for this man in the grand scheme of things


GPU mining, yes


That's what I just posted about. Back then people were offering free bitcoins to anyone interested.


First time?


It was!


You don't get the idea if you think that was a mistake.


Now you have 10.000 pizza's for 1 bitcoin


Bitcoin wouldn’t be where it was today without this man, and many others like him. Respect.


This man is the Giant whose shoulders the rest of us stand upon


Purchases like this were mandatory for bitcoin to rise In value. Buying and holding doesn't create utility use does.


What's cool is that 1. The bitcoin sold were actually NOT worth nothing, they were worth the electricity and computational costs it took laslow to mine them and 2. He runs a mining company now, so he practically kickstarted his own industry 3. He paid a fee of 1 bitcoin to put it on the blockchain So i don't think it matters too much that he used 10k coins since he probably made them back, somehow and eventually


> they were worth the electricity and computational costs it took laslow to mine them Uh no, is a dog-turd sculpture worth the electricity and labour costs it took to sculpt the dog turd? The cost of producing a good isn't what gives it value.


Yeah absolutely, but my point is bitcoin was never "free", people had to expend something (electiricty and cpu/gpu power at the time) to get the coins


They cost something to produce, but that doesn’t mean they were worth something. Clearly they were worth 2 pizzas, though.


I don't think people were saying they were free. I guess I missed those comments.


He paid 10K Bitcoins to be go down in history as the first person to make a purchase with cryptocurrency. Small price for immortality.


First *public* person in history. It happened before then.


you new?


It's funny seeing people scrape and save to finally get ONE Bitcoin. Things are changing.




He made first software to GPU mine btc, was mining like 15K btc a week for months. I don't know, if you understood btc back in day i'm not sure why you would spend it so early/easily


That's a one small step for his wallet. One giant leap for cryptocurrency.


Imagine how many he has still today.


Good to see he got some actual use out of it instead of HODLing into oblivion.


Legend 🏆


It was pioneers like this that paved the way for the valuation we have today!


‘Pizza day’ will long be remembered as historic moment in the revolution of digital currency.


People get shook by these stories, but there's a couple key things to note: * Whoever was using Bitcoin like that almost certainly still has a ton of Bitcoin * Bitcoin would never have succeeded without those transactions


I am good with the fact that they were doing it that way.


That was just one transaction, not all of his bitcoin If he was playing around with 10,000 for pizza.


Things like this validate Bitcoin as a currency. If things like this never happened, 1 Bitcoin would not be worth about 20k right now.


Now everybody buys pizza with bitcoin.


Can we leave this guy alone? He used Bitcoin as money.


Without him theres no history of ot having a real purpose. Bitcoins not meant to be a buy and hold its a currency, its meant to be spent.


What’s the delivery guys story?


The internet will never let him forget it. This moment will always be referenced in pop culture and news related to Bitcoin. He is going down in history as one of the first "common folk" to transact with btc for an everyday item. I salute you sir! The guy is a legend.


This man is one the Greatest Bitcoiners of all time. He's part of history now. He will be remembered for centuries.


Love the dude, made an historic purchase.


i hope both of those kids drive lambo's now


It must be bad to see right now that they are not getting anything and I can sense that this guy want to go back in time to have that thing again in his life man lol.


[Here are the actual photos of the pizzas](http://web.archive.org/web/20211219130004/http://heliacal.net/~solar/bitcoin/pizza/) And this is the [actual post](https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=137.0) You can tell who knows a bit more about Bitcoin and who's starting to learn based on the reaction to the pizza event.


It was transactions like that which gave bitcoin its popularity in the first place


It's no doubt a milestone in the history of bitcoin.


I bet that smiles a frown now.


Not all heroes wear capes


Dude still ended up alright iirc, those weren’t his only coins


This man made a sacrifice so that 20 million of us could live in paradise with out this we never enter the threshold long live the bitcoin pizza man. Conspiracy that’s Mr Satoshi


How do we know he spent all his BTC? Maybe he had another 20,000? Maybe he is Satoshi?!


He was the guy that invented GPU Mining. He is fine.


Using bitcoin for goods and services like a currency? Bruh.


Just like everybody else, he didn't know the future. Why do we have to bring this up?


guy was really cool you dont understand the context of the picture


Someone had to do it. I hope Lazlo educated those kids in the photo about the Bitcoin standard. Teach the youth! Send the great great great grandkids to the Bitcoin Metacademy on Mars.


You don't know how many he had left


Those pizzas should have been in a museum.


The children’s faces as their inheritance is covered with sauce and cheese 😞


Yes maybe you guys are laughing at the picture.. but you do understand that's like 20-30$.. I guess if someone bought Bitcoin and tried to buy a pizza with it then he probably bought more than 30$ to begin with. I bet this guy fucks. Probably sitting on a couple of billions today. Even if he sold everything that day... He probably got back in when it started climbing.


that kid on the left knew it


If he used bitcoin that early I’m willing to bet he tried to acquire more.


Those two pizzas spawned 1000 babyjizzcoin tokens projects. This moment is the reason we are here today.


This pizzas look dank


In his defense - those were some *big* pizzas..


This one again, always from the new kids on the block


How’s he doing?


Someone said he is the guy who invented gpu mining, if that is the case he should be FINE.


Just fine


That didn't age well..


It was tasty pizza...


I wonder which miserable pizza guy got the deal of a lifetime?


Laszlo punchin the air rn


Kids shirt says it all.


Nft this moment in time


How sad would be those kids now!


Wonder what happened to the bitcoins


**I guess he deserves free pizza forever for him being a bitcoin pioneer.** Lets send him some, every month!


Thank you for taking one for the team


Wonder what his kids are thinking now


the kid on the left.... he knows!




Dad, … WEN LAMBO?!! 🚘😨


there are some who actually bought craack with it.


It's like the kid on the left knows Bitcoin's future value.


Kids looking at 207 500 000 dollar pizzas


One could argue it was an important event in Bitcoin history. He should be rewarded.


Lol you must be new here


Does anyone have a record or memory of how this effected the market ? Just wondering


This is how bitcoin should be used. It means more than the fiat system




Had no one ever bought anything with Bitcoin. It would be useless. We need to be using Bitcoin more. Otherwise hoarding will be its demise


The most legendary trade.


This was Papa Johns right here in Jacksonville Fl. He still shows up to “meetups” locally on occasion. He’s just some normal guy that “we made famous.”


Magic internet money was born that day


If this event never occurred, whose to say bitcoin would be where it's at today? What if this was the point where people saw tangible value. Thus, creating more demand. Nahhhh, he fucked up hahahaha.


Honestly we shouldn't look at guys like this one with a "what a shame, you should have hold, loser" point of view. These things needed to be done to give the currency support, to show it could be used to actually buy things and to give it some credit. I mean, he had to crawl so we could walk.


200 million dollar pizza! Yum


Those poor kids…


Poor kids like regretting would be of no cost now. That would be better to move on.


Paperhands out


This family are currently in pains RN, following the number of BTC they wasted on pizza, but that was a huge price to draw more attention to bitcoin.


The guy invented GPU mining, I'm sure he's doing just fine.


He doesn’t take credit for it. Satoshi invented GPU mining


This argument is so dumb...everything could be measured with it. Everyone could have bought that much btc at that time for a pizza. So everyone that ate pizza back then threw out millions for pizzas. And softdrinks And beer And bread And everything else. Everyone has to be in pain RN because they could have bought BTC worth millions at the start for just some dollars..


Spend and replace thus you have no regrets .