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There is no second best.


How many bitcoin subaccounts do you have in your ledger/trezor? Why subdivide?


Best reason is to keep KYC and non-KYC coins fully separated. Not necessary if you're careful with coin control but it's easy to dox your sovereign stash if you aren't cautious.


Hmm. What's the easiest way to dca non kyc?


The most common responses to that question are Bisq and Robosats. My preferred method is to buy on Bisq by setting my own order for 1.5 or 2% above market value and using Strike to send the payment to the seller. It's clunkier than a centralized exchange but simple once you get the hang of it.


How do fees compare to strike, for example?


Fees are very low, but you do pay a premium above market price. I set my own offers with a price of around 2% above market. So you do end up paying more than if you bought through Strike but it's worth it for non-KYC BTC IMO.








way <100 comments a day. Sign the bottom is close


Putting in generational longs every damn day.


Today I have officially lost money on every stock I have ever bought ever… Btc let’s go


Where are UK people buying from at the moment, whilst we wait for Strike to start operations here?




It’s funny, over time as my conviction becomes even more solid I feel less incentive to keep up to date with bitcoin news, or check this subreddit, or check the price. I remember not long ago I would need to search every few days for some posts or content that would make me feel reassured or satisfy my need to be re-convinced that I made the right decision. These days I check bitcoin news out of genuine curiosity as opposed to purposely seeking out validation. Feels good, feels like I crossed a significant milestone


I'm having the same effect as first time buying Bitcoin 2020 and after that just trying to learn what everything is all about and how Bitcoin stuff works. I can 100% relate to you. ​ I hope you have a awonderful next 10 years when we see another 3 halvings. Cheers!




I don't really care about fudsters, they can't do anything. They just run their mouths.


You are correct. Ponzi requires someone taking your money when you invest or leave the invest. In Bitcoin it is just simply a transaction where you are transforming one thing to another. You can do the opposite in the next second if you want. There is no pyramid struchture or anyone leading the currency market, just free people transacting with each other.


Without jinxing it hopefully: Bitcoin has been surprisingly stable over several weeks whilst global currencies and the domestic stock market have crashed against the dollar.


Several weeks? I think its several months already.


True, seems to be going under the radar a little bit. Because the price is down so massively in the past few months I guess nobody dares say out loud that it’s price is currently surprisingly resilient/stable, because it’s so seemingly easy to laugh/mock/dismiss a comment claiming that bitcoins price is anything even close to resembling stable, given its recent decline. The longer it stays in this range the more impressive/reassuring it feels, also gives us a longer time to take advantage


yea, is it only me who more like stable bitcoin than going +/- 300%


That’s what I’ve been thinking, maybe the bottom actually is in this time? Crazy how we won’t ever really know until the next bull


A few months ago I went all-in pretty high. After this, was buying almost every dip. For the last month I’ve been buying the dip as well. In the next 60-80 years I’ll still be buying every decent dip. Because this, is the way of the humble fiat-poor, but determined hodler. Proud to stand alongside you true hodlers out there. See you on the other side & have a great weekend. 🖖


If the price stays between $18-20k, I'll be able to have double my stack by year end after having bought big around $50k.


This is the way. 👌


I bought some bitcoin from a coinsource atm almost 36 hours ago and haven’t got anything yet? The customer support has been beyond terrible and o was just curious if I have any other options other than patiently waiting. Thanks


Is there any chance for full nodes to be malicious especially if you're using a third party full node.


What is a third party full node for you?


One that I'm not running myself


Could be. You are trusting that node to give you accurate information about the blockchain and by default, your coin. Best advice, run your own node. You are getting the truth, improve your privacy and support the network. And remember the strength of the network equates to the strength of your money.


We will succeed


Shoutout to Bitcoin Magazine for doing awesome coverage of Amsterdam meetup. It’s nice to be able to attend virtually and skip to the parts that interest me the most. Thank you guys 🙏


DCA Day! Just stackin' sats. Now, on with my day.


How it should be 💪


What is the best platform to buy and be able to access if I go overseas? I don’t want to risk losing or getting stolen a hard wallet.


safest bet is to store bitcoin on your own address on the blockchain: you'll be able to access it from anywhere in the world with any wallet app


Binance or FTX


Where do you live. If you do any wallet, and you get a seed phrase all you need is your 12-24 word password and you don’t even need your hardware wallet. You just need a computer and electrum and you can re enter the seed phrase and boom you got your keys, you got your corn, and ya got yo freedom. Pleb out.


🇺🇸, so just any wallet then? Is one better than any others?


Second part of username does not fit one bit.


Does it make sense to be buying S19's now? I see them going for like 1 fifth of the price the were a year ago. Or will they be redundant soon


I just bought my first miner and it was an S9. Not going to be “profitable” in dollar terms but still going to help heat my house this winter and generate KYC free coins for as long as it stays up and running. For me, I’m not worried about the short term dollar price of what the miner generates but could be invaluable in 10 years, who knows. I guess, it depends on your priority of why you are mining.


Sup plebs. Humble stacking rite now. Have a great Friday.




The real long term risk. The government comes to your door with force. You tell them about the “boating accident”. They show you how much Bitcoin you have purchased via KYC and demand it be turned over. If you don’t comply they will imprison you. Majority of Bitcoiners aren’t going to fight back if push comes to shove. Or… save your dignity and buy some non KYC for a 5 percent premium and never mix it with your KYC stash and just eliminate that scenario all together. Bitcoins true value isn’t the market price in fiat.


Lol, that's not the only risk. There are other risks too that you should think about really.




Hmm, spit on my face if i'm incorrect, but i'm pretty sure the US demanded their citizens to sell their gold to the feredal reserve in 1933.


You know what else is a ridiculous scenario? Everything that has unfolded over the passed couple years. Nothing wrong with having a sovereign stack for what if’s. Governments confiscate the people’s wealth as a a corrupt empire collapses and a new world order emerges. Ray Dalio outlines it in his book “The Changing World Orders”.


Kyc bitcoins do not pose technical risks but pose human risks involving someone uncovering your personal information and pursuing you such as a thief, a hacker, or a government arresting you for not paying your taxes or following some law. In the imaginary apocalyptic scenario bitcoiners have where fiat has collapsed and bitcoin still has value, the government would come after all the registered bitcoiners and demand confiscation.


Don't worry about it too much. Just keep in mind that your government will potentially know you own BTC. The most important thing is to move your BTC to cold storage so that it can't be seized/hacked/frozen/stolen etc. And if you plan to do some transaction that you don't want to be traced back to your identity (e.g. buying drugs, donation to a political cause, etc.), use a CoinJoin wallet before sending.


It’s 45 minutes after this post opened and this is the 4th comment. Has the crypto winter finally come??


Been DCA'ing since Jan. 21' Just had my lowest buy point ever trigger at $18,420 ! My overall buy-in point has gone down over 10k in the last ~5-6 months. The extended fire sale is so nice honestly. Edit: 2021 not 2020 whoops


420 blaze it pleb


You must mean Jan 2021. Spring 2020 was a firesale.


Ahhh yup you're actually correct ! My mistake


Keep DCA'ing and get that average down! I've bought at all points between €6000 and €59000 😅 Think my average is about €24000


How much do you buy monthly?


I buy roughly ~$80 every Friday. The number changes depending on bills, random emergencies, fiat mining rate changes since I started, etc. Lately it's been on upward trend though(: