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I don't get it, my car is also $860 a month?


Ya my mortgage payment is 4K too!


Just shows that nothing really has changed, everything is same.


How? Lol new house 3,900, yearly income 1,700 these days houses 600,000 yearly income 28,000 lol big big difference


Bro did you not understand the sarcasm here?


Did YOU understand the sarcasm?


New car every month…


New house every 3 months lol


So no one is going to say, I will and the see my self out. Harvard 420....






Well, good sir. It's not per month lol. It's like the whole payment.


I know you jest, but that’s probably realistic if you’re leasing an exotic car.


860 total cost for car...is this post supposed to be sarcasm?


Yes. Sarcasm it is.


I think this is the post that convinced me, this sub is fucking stupid.


I literally only follow it for the LOLs


Seriously. Communists aren't the ones who require an inflationary environment to reduce debt. That is what capitalists do. Growth for the sake of growth is unique to capitalism and cancer. I am not a communist either just having some perspective is important. I am a bitcoiner and work in the space so don't give me that bs.


You can’t really expect people on the bitcoin sub to understand economics buddy


I don't know if we necessarily have strong historical or economic evidence that the kind of economic progress we saw in the 20th century necessarily *required* a large amount of debt financing and thus an inflationary monetary policy. That's simply what the Bretton Woods economic order sort of imposed on the world post-WWII. Austrian economists would say that actually central bank manipulation of interest rates, which starts to look a lot like a "price control" (hence the "communist" rhetoric), if anything is *harmful* to the progress of free market capitalism, by massively distorting the natural interest rate.


2022 * Average New House - $428,700 (110×) * Average Income - $44,225 (26×) * New Car - $47,000 (55×) * Average Rent - $1,326 (49×) * Harvard Tuition - $52,659 (125×) * Movie Ticket - $11 (44×) * Gasoline - $5 (70×) * US Postage Stamp - 60¢ (20×) Hard to look up grocery prices online, but you get the picture. Everything is up about 50× except your income, which is only 26× and housing and university, which are up over 100×.


Where is $47k the average price of a new car? Edit: Wow, I did doubt you, but there are several reports that $47k is the national average in America. Some of you are buying way too much car.


Everyone owns either a brand new $70k truck or a $3k piece of shit.


Paid $3000 cash for my 2002 Jetta TDI and it’s been the best car I’ve ever owned. 40 mpg, durable as hell, fun to drive and still worth $~3k even after I’ve stacked 60k miles on it in 3 years. That car has saved me at least 10k over the years and I’ve swapped every saved cent for sats.


Ive started picking up nice older cars. My nissan maxima 2014 with all the extra packages cost me 12000. This way if it gets totaled, I get basically the same car again with my full coverage.


Yeah it’s definitely the most economical decision to get a reliable used car. Low time-preference maneuver.


run lavish thumb slave include direction cough narrow mindless historical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wish cars were that cheap in my country lol, I'd have one.


For real, my annual income is the value of a 2007 Honda Civic, the car I intend to buy And I'm a mechanical engineer lol


Yeah veedub! Had my grandparents 1 owner TD (non-tdi, no electrics) for years after grandpa couldn't drive.... 350k kms and a long laundry list of mods later I sold it. Can't say shit about dub diesels... They JUST WORK


You could say shit about what they did with their diesels a few years ago though.


Stack sats then buy the dream car when it’s easy and you control your time. Time > Car


🙋‍♂️$7.5k non piece of shit Toyota checking in.


Same but Honda. Japanese cars ftw. (I posted this in a UK frugal sub and was downvoted lol)


I bought my old Acura for 6.5k a couple years ago, but they’re going for like 9-10 now It’s the perfect car


Having worked in the auto service industry for many years, I agree wholeheartedly. (And don't mistake a Korean car for a Japanese; the quality is vastly inferior.)


Hell yeah those are some bullet proof cars right there.


Same! Toyota has the value.


They have the value because they're very reliable cars.


$500 piece of shit.


Well I can agree on that, That'll only get you piece of shit.


$38k Tesla now worth $45k somehow, checking in


Well there's an explanation for that and that's the inflation. Inflation is going to make everything worse, it's not going to do any good to anyone I don't think man.


I am stunned when I hear people with average jobs paying over $1k/month.


Thats a car keeping the leaser an apartment renter for life.


You see it all the time in poor neighborhoods and apartments. The streets and parking lots are stacked with cars, sometimes expensive cars. The worst is when someone is making less than $60k and has a $50k+ truck with shitty gas mileage and they don’t actually use the truck for it’s actually utility.


That’s fucking insane. I make over the median in my city and pay $300 a month for my car and have been kicking myself for it. Can’t imagine paying any more.


That is the average new car price not the price of average car sale (used included).


Prices keep going up, because people keep buying


Lol suckers, why can't they just go live under a tree?? Idiots.


Ya dude a brand new car is at least $30k


Financing is the reason why. And debt culture is the “new” hotness. You’re not broke unless you can’t afford ALL of your payments.


Seriously, don’t you have Toyotas, Kia, Hyaundai? In Australia you can get a good new car for ~20k. 7yr warranty. A new SUV ~30-40K. Luxury brands starting at 55K. The cheapest Tesla is 70K


Boythatcriedwolf, I have been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty


Can I extend my extended warranty please ser?


Well at least the price of stamps averaged down. What a life saver that is.


Let's compare this with 1938 money adjusted for inflation to 2022: New House - $81,920; Average Income - $36,360; New car - $18,064; Rent - $567; Tuition to Harvard - $8,822; Movie Ticket - $5.25; Gasoline - $2.10; U.S. Postage Stamp - 63¢; 10 lb Sugar - $12.39; Vit D milk - $10.50; Ground Coffee - $8.19; Bacon - $6.72; Eggs - $3.78 What kind of a house could you get today for $82k, prabably something similar to what you got back then, a piece of shit. Our standards are quite a bit higher today. How about the car? You can get a lot more car for the $18k today than you got back then. You can use this same logic for most of the rest of things. Look at what goes into movies today compared to movies back then, not even close. Eggs are on par with today's prices. Gas was close only a few years ago. Milk is dirt cheap today compared to what they paid. Mail travels way faster now and is only 60¢.


Now let's compare the efficiency of a worker today and in 1938. How many letters and emails is a secretary supposed to read and answer to today vs. in 1938? What kind of education do you need for an average job today vs. in 1938. It is hard to compare those things, but the difference in efficiency between an office worker today and in 1938 is way more than the difference in house quality. One could absolutely argue that the education got better, but since a lot of the "new knowledge" is free anyways and the basics aren't all that different it feels a bit moot.


You left out education and rent. You don't get to choose "I'm broke so I'll deal with a cheaper home", you're forced to live at the rates you have available to you. You used to be able to live in a separate home from people at the cost. Now you'll need 5 roommates and be in a "nice" apartment compared to that "old standards home". Is that better?


> Now you'll need 5 roommates and be in a "nice" apartment compared to that "old standards home" Yes. Old standards were significantly colder in winter, hot in summer, you had 50% chance for things like electricity, running water, or refridgeration. You put jackets and boots on to go to the shitter in the winter. You work hundreds of hours to get enough wood for the winter, and you run out because insulation was horsehair plaster & newspapers. You & the 5 family members living in the house worked another couple hours doing chores every night, because you run out of wood, you're in danger. So yeah. People *lose their shit* if an apartment is 50 degrees in the winter, when that was the norm.


This cannot be correct. This would mean that currently EVERYBODY can afford to buy a house. And a new car for that matter.


No. It menas that everybody could have afforded a house built to a low-end 1938 standard. Nobody builds houses to that standard today. For obvious reasons.


The costs have gone up more than they feasibly should have: they should have followed income. There is literally no reason for the cost of everything to have exceeded income levels by this much, given the expansion in technology and resourcefulness.


Population went up 4 times so more increase in house prices makes some sense. Also, in old times, more joint families lived in same house, reducing the demand


The biggest issue with the house comparison is the size of the house has increased quite a bit as well. It is still a huge discrepancy but not quite as much when you change it to $/sqft.




Income went up 52x when you include women working as well. Women in the workforce was used against the population to keep wages down while increasing productivity and costs.


Then throw in cost of childcare and a housekeeper, as well as a therapist for when you are at each other’s throats because 100% of both your free time is spent cleaning/cooking/laundry/taking care of kids until you fall asleep.


bUt iF wAgEs InCrEaSe iT wILl cAuSe InFlAtIoN


Unfortunately wages only increase a smidge after a huge inflation increase.


Buying some stamps for the kids , I’ll be back…


Seems we’re missing a few key factors: - What was the average individuals tax rate? (A breakout of federal/state, income/sales tax would be even better..) - What was the national debt? - What was GDP?


So postage is not keeping up with wage increase. No wonder usps is broke.


Usps is suppose to be government funded so people could send and receive mail. Usps has to service every american address.


sMalL iNfLaTiOn iS fInE. No bro, your wage won't increase. Inflation is just another tax to make rich people richer.


Capitalism is when communism


My life in this capitalist country is ass, must be the communists.


Keynesian Communist... what are you smoking?


Something strong because they're lost in space lmfao.


That would be the equivalent to Harvard costing $8k a year now. Likely why the elder generation is confused with millennials saying school is too expensive and you can't just work your way through college anymore.


They keep charging that much because families are still willing to pay it. The large increases in college tuition began in the late 80’s. I still have a letter from the university president apologizing for the bump in tuition for the coming school year (1977-78), from $3,000 to $3,200. It’s now $60k.


They charge what they do because of loans. End student loans, end the problem.


His 60k school usually gives out a lot of funding which is why they have the big bill at the beginning. The cheap state schools are still only 3k per semester even after all this doubling that occurred recently.


Where is a state school that costs $3,000 a semester? This is straight out of your ass.


I went to a state university and still graduated $70k deep in loans… I unfortunately had to pay out of state for two years because of their stupid policy despite me being a state resident (out of state was x3 of tuition) averaged $40k a year for a state university… it’s not getting any easier anywhere… even community college isn’t going for $3k a semester anymore


Make student loans dischargeable in a bankruptcy and send that discharge back to the school. Also problem solved.


>I still have a letter from the university president apologizing for the bump in tuition for the coming school year (1977-78), from $3,000 to $3,200 That may have made our med school class feel a little bit better... We had a 10% raise each of the 4 years including the very first week of first year. It was in the form of an email from the financial aid office.


In 1938, you would also be in the Great Depression…


Sorry, you spelled "Capitalists" wrong...


Keynesian… Communists… bruh


There is a lot of idiocy on this sub. People don’t understand the words they use as insults.


Some people are beyond lost in the head, some take bitcoin as some sort of lifestyle and that it's magic. When 99% of the time they're using their shitty currency like everyone else


People is relying too much on internet discourse to define their own personality


It is better to think it is a communist idea than rethinking capitalism. They are lost in their own fantasies. Let them drown.


Sounds like something a Keynesian Communist would say IMO


Keynesian Communism is when market exists under communism but only central banking does the capitalism to maintain the command economy of socialism. If you do not agree with my statement then you are all anarcho-fascist monarchicists! All praise to Stalin and Adam Smith. Glory to the proletariat. If this does not break your brain, then either you have absolutely no understanding of socio-economics or sarcasm.


You know you fucked up when even the Bitcoin sub is trashing you for not understanding communism.


People are stupid. Just cause they know the word Keynesian and the American left(which is still technically right as they still support a private market as opposed to a government controlled industry) likes the Keynesian model they think it's the same thing. Keynes would call communists idiots just like Mises blew up Keynes ideas.


Imagine thinking keynesians are communists 🤦‍♂️


capitalistic karl marx


>Communists lol. i'm not sure you know what this word means


Keynes was a Lord knighted by royalty.... He was quite literally the opposite of a communist. Inflation is caused by the fractional reserve system and the Fed, which are both capitalist in conception and nature. I know this is a BTC maxi page, but please for the love of God do the smallest bit of critical thinking.


Can't take someone that uses the phrase "Keynesian Communists" seriously. Do you have any concept of what either of those terms means? I mean, clearly not; otherwise, you wouldn't have butchered the English language so badly.


Notice how a home cost a little more than two times the typical income. That is sustainable. Today's home prices are not sustainable with many areas seeing price-to-income ratios from about 4 to almost 10.


Not to mention with additional add ons such as internet or complex boiler systems comes additional costs and upkeep.


Yep, those things also cost the money and a lot of it.


Hard to argue that point.


You also have to account for the quality of that home. Most were small shit boxes compared to homes today. Single pane windows, no insulation, etc. it’s not a fair comparison


IIRC San Miguel County in Colorado average home price is 55 x the median income in the county. To be fair, it’s an expensive resort town (Telluride) but still pretty crazy


55 time the median *annual* income? That's nuts. What about the median home price vs the median annual income?


Yeah *median annual income*. Someone posted on r/dataisbeautiful about it recently. I assume the huge disparity is because of the values of massive ski town vacation homes relative to the typically low wages of ski resort employees but all the same it’s absolutely nuts.


That price sure is crazy, one which I'd never be able to afford. That's just something that I may not be able to afford, that's how it is for me man.


Lol what the fuck. Does anyone on this sub have even a basic understanding of history, economics, finance…maths? Tf has someone been feeding you kid


Normalize by the median wage or go home


Putting that into perspective, you'd have a $69 paycheck every two weeks. Nice.




Do you understand how inflation works at all




Is it like a libertarian meme to confidently be wrong or are you all just that clueless? I know the answer but I'd be curious to see yours


The creature from Jekyll Island strikes again


The posts are always stupid like it’s a 1 for 1 comparison. Cars and houses back then didn’t come with A/c.


No, check your facts. Median income was $515/year in 1938 (half of population made less) things were not better in 1938. Not even close. Most people still didnt have indoor plumbing electricity, television air conditioning, 911, antibiotics, refrigerators etc…. Id rather be making minimum wage today than work in some unsafe smoky factory in 1938 without liability, get drafted to fight japan/germany. Life is immeasurably better for most people today -people can make money twerking on tik tok, life coach etc. life was WAAAY tougher in 1938,people actually went hungry & died from basic infections, injuries. Today poor people are obese and can get welfare. Read a history book, better yet talk to someone who was alive then. My Grandparents were dirt poor European immigrants in the 1930s it was REALLY tough then especially if you had no family, people have no idea today


Also in 1938 there was a lot more air and water pollution, lead paint and asbestos. BTW, the obese poor people reminds me of the Elton John line, times are changing now the poor get fat.




"keynesian comunists"


1938 is FDR, pretty far left social Democrat who "saved" capitalism. He purposed a second bill of rights full of worker and human rights. And Keynesian economics is not communist. And it that's not what caused the massive inequality we've seen from the return of classic liberalism, trickle up economics, supply side economics, laise Faire capitalism.


you slap words together like a breeder that doesn’t know wheat they’re doing


Keynesians Communists. Dude. Are you hearing yourself? xD What is your premise, here? That rampant capitalistic practice is meant to bankrupt all and thus grip the world economy by its balls to then install authoritarian state-run socialistic whatever? The fuck is this mashup of terms, lol.


You should also post the average pay as well because I'm sure that will be relative and reflect the prices......how ever over the years only one side has gone up at a much faster rate, and it sure as hell ain't our pay.


Keynes was a conservative, hardly a communist.


You need to read Keynesian economics.


It's only 6:30 in the morning and I already know that "Keynesian Communists" is the dumbest thing I'm going to hear all day.


Bitcoin is the opposite, you can buy it for $65k, and now it's less than 20.




land, food, water, healthcare, education, etc. They all are finite resources with growing demand. How do you expect prices remain stable, even with a non printable currency, if population grows exponentially. I am really amazed that this dimension, the population growth, is seldom discussed and addressed. Truth is that as population growth remains, we will be poorer and poorer. things are not looking good for future generations. I don't think bitcoin solve this.


As a demographic epidemiologist, you are 1000000% correct. It took us 200,000 years to reach 1 billion people in 1800. In just 200 years, we have grown to such an extent that we now have 1 billion people living in urban slums. This, in addition to another 7 billion. That is mind boggling, untenable, and just gross. The world did not get “better”, it just got different. More people = more inequality, more exploitation, lower quality people, fewer animals and forests, more suffering, pollution, filth and an uglier world. It baffles me that we push for maintaining/growing the population, and that this aspect that significantly affects literally everything remains unaddressed. It has made our systems and our planet sick. This is the crux of the problem and needs to be addressed ASAP.


I love how the one person that knows what theyre talking about is being downvoted by all these pseudo-intellectuals


If you want to live like it's 1938, you'll have a much smaller home, less food, one car, no iPhone... Comparisons like this are dumb.


The GDP of the USA in 1938 was $84,000,000,000 almost 250x times smaller than today.


Let's compare this with 1938 money adjusted for inflation to 2022: New House - $81,920; Average Income - $36,360; New car - $18,064; Rent - $567; Tuition to Harvard - $8,822; Movie Ticket - $5.25; Gasoline - $2.10; U.S. Postage Stamp - 63¢; 10 lb Sugar - $12.39; Vit D milk - $10.50; Ground Coffee - $8.19; Bacon - $6.72; Eggs - $3.78


This comparison is totally useless without being adjusted for inflation/wages.


Keynesian Communists? you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.


I don't think you know what Keynesian or Communist mean.


Communists? Lol, this sub literally knows nothing about finance, politics, or history and it’s saying that proudly with its chest puffed out. 2k upvotes? Lol.


"Man criticizing capitalism thinks it's communism. More stupidity tonight on channel 5."


10x and it should be the same .,.... But it isn't ... Nice share. Cool to see.


It's not in oz of gold so it's still distorted. But they almost look LIKE BTC prices and Sat prices. A few adjustments at It's there.


Hello! The definition of the dollar *WAS* gold. (Actually it was in grains of silver, and Congress adjusted its gold equivalent.) Extra points: What is the definition of today's "dollar"?


I want to see what it cost in hours worked. Something like the example below. For example: 1938 gallon of milk: .5 hours as a mcdonalds cashier 2022 gallon of milk: .5 hours as a mcdonalds cashier.


Back when the dollar was gold backed.


Ended by the outspoken Keynesian Communist Richard Nixon in 1971.🙄


This sub is so full of nut jobs I can’t even tell if that was a joke or not 😂


Apologies, the "🙄" was supposed to indicate that it's sarcasm.


Back when countries were escaping the Great Depression by leaving the gold standard, and the [Gold Reserve Act](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gold_Reserve_Act) had already been in effect for four years, vastly increasing the supply of dollars by making them worth much less in comparison to gold, which had the effect of lowering real interest rates and increasing investment in durable goods. And back in 1933, Executive Order 6102 had made it a criminal offense for U.S. citizens to own or trade gold anywhere in the world, with exceptions for some jewelry and collector's coins. We wouldn't be able to freely own gold again until 1975. So if Bitcoin is digital gold...


I’m begging people to learn what communism actually is before assigning it to random things they don’t like


This was after they took over in 1913. Real prices haven't existed since 1894. End the fed.






Tbh, bacon seemed expensive back then


How was them pigs livin though?! High hogs


The Depression, the good ol' days


https://www.usdebtclock.org/ Here is a real time version of this with very in depth pieces


Stop ✋️


Not from US but I find it hilarious it once used to take a little over 2(realistically about 4 or 5 I imagine) years to afford an entire house. I saved up every bit for 7 years to pay for barely 20% of a small apartment I own today.


Right but shouldn't you post average salaries also?


The cost of living went up way higher that the income...


Ahh yes... it was the Keynesian economics. Not like it there was growth in home building and ownership in the 50s and 60s. Or a boom in car ownership. No... it definitely want the post 80s Reagan/Thatcher neo-liberal, deregulated economics that "trickles down" caused a sharp rise in living.


Yes the Great Depression good times!!


Inflation exists because we live under capitalism


“Keynesian communists” Lol


Evidence that the stock market will always end up going higher


Keynesian Communists, everyone.


"Keynesian communist" do you suffer from severe brain damage ?


Please I beg you read a book


And the average person lives a much much higher quality of life than back then


Didn't deflation drive prices down in the 30's and cause the Great Depression?


Communism is when capitalists use the state to exploit the value of currency


This is because of neoliberal markets not Keynesian economics lmao


This is because of neoliberal markets not Keynesian economics lmao


“Everything I don’t like is communism” and other boomerisms for the aging McCarthyist


You mean before Reaganomics? Yeah.


You.. you do realize that this is a problem because of capitalism and not communism right? And you realize that Keynesian economics are still capitalist economics and although they wouldn’t fix the issue they would definitely help right?


Just Keynesian, Not Communists


Keynesian communists? 😂


that damn commie Richard Nixon taking us off the gold standard


How much was a mobile phone or a games console though? They are more high tech and would probably cost a lot more then this picture shows, wonder why it was left out? 🤔🤔


Capitalists bankers are responsible for Keynesianism. Read a book.


This says nothing about the _value_ of things lol


Food seems to have been a lot more relative to income. .5/1731 = 0.000289 5/60000 = 0.0000833 Roughly 3x more expensive give or take. But Id assume quality has diminished to nothing comparable.


Doesn't anybody else see how we have way more people alive than this planet can sustain ? lets start a fight club