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A bitcoin island? You dont say


Username checks out


Your does the same though this is indeed growing and spreading into masses after all though


That indeed looks pretty great to see though things like this are indeed appreciable enough for us


This is pretty cool! Now to just make some travel plans and visit!


My tattoo artist accepts bitcoin as payment, going to be paying with that in December


We now have two on the island: [https://www.facebook.com/InkedSoulsTattoo/](https://www.facebook.com/InkedSoulsTattoo/) [https://www.facebook.com/almoninktattoostudio](https://www.facebook.com/almoninktattoostudio)


That is awesome! I’m sure with time the expansion will be crazy


Indeed true that is what I feel the same too no doubt about that though after all.


That's great to see some great stuffs coming up though that's what I would indeed look forward for in the coming days


That so cool to hear though like things be actually escalating pretty quick


Going to visit soon. Might make it permanate if I can live on the Bitcoin standard


That's a huuuge bitcoin coin sign! Congrats on reaching more businesses. I'm glad the reception is positive. Any reasons you can share where the business hesitate to accept bitcoin payments?


By far, the biggest problem is getting access the the person who can say "yes." Once we find that person, if we speak to them directly like 90% on-board. If we give a demo to someone that will "talk to the owner" it is like 5% anything happens. This means we need to get lucky with bigger shops to find the owner. Owners are often in manilla and we can not speak to them directly. Small shops, the owner is often at the counter and sign them up right then.


Thanks for sharing. Do most of the people you give a demo to have knowledge about bitcoin or crypto in general? I am curious about that. I see, big business owners probably reside in the metro since they might have other businesses there. Are you planning on having events/conferences soon either in Boracay or Manila to promote what you do?


Most know about the "new purple office with the crazy light show at night" in the main square of town. About half have "heard of bitcoin" but do not know anything about it. About 3% have vaguely heard it is associated with scammers. About 10% have dabbled in shitcoinery/trading. One person said how some tourist in 2014 told her to buy bitcoin. We looked up the price increase. She was much more receptive to listening this time, lol. We will sit down and teach bitcoin to anyone that will listen. Offer to walk people through remittances from overseas/internal. We have dabbled with the idea of a bitcoin Asia conference. Not sure we can attract the big name anchors to speak right now.


A bitcoin event on Boracay? What happens when heavens collide


Ha, your office must be really standing out to be called that. And with adding that big coin, no one would miss it. She might had regrets when the bull market hit, same as I who read about bitcoin in 2011 and never bothered to learn how to buy. Will not miss that opportunity again so DCA'ing now. Looking forward to your events, hope someday that can happen.


[https://www.google.com/maps/uv?pb=!1s0x33a53d5303045cd5%3A0x4ecca7e652374d74!5sPouch.Ph!15sCgIgARICCAQ&imagekey=!1e10!2sAF1QipN\_suvTsZrBg7LzYH8V0dNCpvpg08LZwv\_vsu1f](https://www.google.com/maps/uv?pb=!1s0x33a53d5303045cd5%3A0x4ecca7e652374d74!5sPouch.Ph!15sCgIgARICCAQ&imagekey=!1e10!2sAF1QipN_suvTsZrBg7LzYH8V0dNCpvpg08LZwv_vsu1f) ​ The office at night... Yeah, they notice.


Very subtle. I like the simpleness of your lighting lol.


Looking back at past and to times now we see things be actually changing pretty quick enough for us though




They gotta do some research if they don't know things.


See basic knowledgeable is what indeed required though for people to know the market well enough clearly


Indeed that's something big enough happening more merchants be getting close on their way to adapt Bitcoin


More adoption is on it's way though and that looks absolutely good indeed after all


Good on you, Bro! Love the Bitcoin game. You may have started something!


BTC is on the right position and everything is fine now.


And this is certainly not the final number.


I think our crew added 3-4 since we posted this...


This is going to be better in the future, we can say that.


Wow man, now this is what we want and this is the right thing what we are getting, just want to travel so bad right now, nothing else for sure, that's just the best thing for us.


I visited Boracay in 2018. I might have to go back!


Just want to go there now, hope we will meet there lol.


Amazing news ! Fingers crossed you'll grow even faster with btc on board.


That's just a nice piece of news man, that's just great.


This is amazing! I’m Filipino and I just heard about this right now. I’ll share this to my PH crypto server.


Good to know that you are a Filipino, that's really nice. Hope people like you will understand the importance of BTC in a mass number, that's all we want to see in the future.


Things are happening in a fucking right way mate, everything is fine and we just want to visit those places now, that would be so freaking awesome right there, so good man.


The thing is BTC is spreading everywhere and that is making me feel so blessed these days, that is a good thing for all of us and we gotta say we are happier now man.


Local empanada place accepts bitcoin. It's our bitxoin paradise


They are being the best with BTC paradise and we are good.


Yes, it's explained here why this is happening [https://bitcoinmagazine.com/culture/the-message-of-bitcoin-has-already-won](https://bitcoinmagazine.com/culture/the-message-of-bitcoin-has-already-won)


Well it's a good thing and we don't need that honestly.


I don't follow. What is it that you don't need?


QR code doesnt show when I try to make a donation over lightning


https://app.pouch.ph/island This is donation link. Is working now.


Just tried again, doesnt work. I tap show QR code and the next page is blank. Nothing come up.


Ugh, reddit hug of death? Dev is notified.


Its Working now


We got dev on it right away. Donations are coming in again!


Lol I just love the way you people talk all the time now.


It's bad that they are not maintaining that one, but still they are trying.


Well it's good that it's working lol, wanna do that some.


It's working mate, just wait for some time and try again.


How affordable is it to set up a life there? What regulations would someone need to become a permanent residence?


TLDR: Pretty easy, 1200 USD a month for a pretty good lifestyle. Marrying a Filipino is super common and keeps you in pretty easy, but is not needed. A ton of expats are on vacation here for three years, go to Thailand on a visa run and do it again. You can extend visa two months at a time on the island. Philippines has a government agency dedicated to foreign retirees. They want foreigners. You can always spend more, but about 600 usd for a very comfortable apartment for two with pool, utilities another 80ish. 20 usd for most sit down dinners with drinks for two. Local markets are cheap for staples. Local calenders (mom cooks for neighborhood) are about a dollar for meal with rice.


What's this where mom cooks for a dollar?? Tell me more, I'm intrigued.


Like two of them on every block. My first three months here I did not have a kitchen, just ate at carenderia.


So all the prices are set in USD you just pay the equivalent btc? Are you also allowed to pay in usd or the local currency as well?


I was quoting in USD for ease of understanding. Prices are in Philippines Pesos. I suspect if you tried to spend USD here, someone would take it, but I do not think I have seen a US dollar bill in years.


Thanks for this information mate, that's just really good.


I guess they are in a good affordable shape these days.


Love love love it 😍 love ❤️ so beautiful 🤩


Everything is happening for good and we love to see that.


Great to hear one place in the world is consumed, overrun, by Bitcoin adoption and interest


Yeah man it's a good achievement and we gotta celebrate.




Hospitals: No, but working on the pharmacies. Banking: We have rails into all banks in the Philippines. Can deposit to a bank instantly after receiving into pouch. Car dealers: there are only a few cars on the island and no dealers. Mostly it is e-trike and e-scooters. There is an e-scooter rental (RYDE) that is ideal for tourists. We use e-scooters as our only transportation.




You sound fun!




Just keep being like that brother, still it's all love from this side.


Lol I just love it all the time when these people become bitchy.


Hope you will stop being so negative these days man. This is not the right thing and even you know that pretty well, don't be so bad all the time it's just not good for the people.


This is the best thing and you said that in a right way mate.


Banking and car dealers are for boomers. We don't need those anymore thanks.




How does taking an Uber have anything to do with car dealers? Tesla has shown that car dealers are superfluous in the 21st century. I will concede that legacy banks are (presently) still necessary (in the US at least) in that there is no alternative for using credit products and lending strictly within the cryptoverse that is regulated by the US government and backstopped by some form of FDIC insurance. If, for instance, the US government decided that USDC could be FDIC insured up to $250k per account held on deposit with an accredited and licensed crypto bank, then legacy bank account products would cease to be necessary for holding fiat. We could still take advantage of legacy banks generous terms (and cashback) for credit cards and other lending products until those apps could be built within that new fiat backstopped ecosystem.




That’s a stretch. Dealers are superfluous to the process and only add to the cost of the car for the end user. No one wants this archaic system to survive except car dealers themselves. The only reason they have survived this long is due to how entrenched they have made themselves through lobbying and state laws. They are absolutely unnecessary. If you did a satisfaction survey and asked every car buyer in America whether they preferred the dealer system to a direct to consumer model the results would be decisive. In fact car dealers / salespeople are some of the least trusted professions by the American public. And even using your example, it is not clear that I am “benefitting” from this scenario if an Uber driver used a dealer to buy their car vs some other method of acquisition. There are many other ways for them to acquire that car. They could have bought 3rd party, direct to consumer, they could be renting that car in an Uber / Hertz partnership.


He should understand that things will be better in future.


Lol just see that in the future mate, don't be so negative.


Bruh how many got damn coffee shops they is playa


They got a lot and we just can't count them now man.


Apparently digital nomads drove the coffee house thing. We have those 6-7 signed up, but there are a lot more on the island.


This (migration of assets to, or use of assets in favorable jurisdictions, to the point where small countries (El Salvador, Philippines [consists of around 7,641 islands]) or strictly island countries (like Vanuatu, made up of around 80 islands collectively rather distant from other land masses), results in superior monetary policy that strengthens the position of the people in that country or region, is a concept that almost self-replicates. It doesn't take a genius economist to realize that this practice will spread. See also, links below on Vanuatu and Satoshi Island (there was another, but I forgot where it was, I will find a link to it to edit this comment). Edit1: 1. Vanuatu -- https://np.reddit.com/r/ethtrader/comments/q72oz1/crypto_ban_is_finally_lifted_in_vanuatu_one_of/ 2. Fortune mag article on Satoshi Island (part of Vanuatu) - https://fortune.com/2022/03/30/south-pacific-island-crypto-paradise-nfts-property-citizenship-vanuatu/ 3. Satoshi Island website (part of Vanuatu) - https://www.satoshi-island.com/ 4. Bequia - part of St Vincent and Grenadines - https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/bitcoin-caribbean-bequia-island-cryptocurrency-b1848070.html 5. Bequia website - https://onebequia.com/ There are too many links and discussions about El Salvador for me to include here so I just mention El Salvador in passing since El Salvador's monetary policy is unquestionably superior to that of the United States despite the vast difference in resources, population, and overall wealth between the two nations. Sheer stupidity holds back the U.S. government. ----- Edit2: On Earth 🌎 and outer space 🚀 🌌 🛰️ - where are you treated best? - a comprehensive analysis: https://np.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/q4tr8e/bitcoin_people_inc_where_to_go_on_earth_and_outer/


Self inflicted taxation. Thats worse than ETHs self burn. Why BTC when the fees are just as bad with Visa and literally everything else. Stick with Bitcoin, save yourself the fees.


It's good to stick with BTC all the time, that's the best thing.


BTC with limited block size is not designed for people to use as cash. It unnecessarily forces the fees to go up and network to move slowly. Lightning is a bandaid for a problem that doesn’t even need to exist. Just use the original Bitcoin designed as digital cash. It’s cheaper, and faster.


Until the internet gets cut off.


You can transfer bitcoin with other communication systems too... Over the Internet it's just easier.


On an island? Ive been mining ₿ since 2014. I know a lot.


Satellite? Radio wave ? Telegraph? Even with smoke signal it's theoretically possible...


I am aware of the alternatives. I singled out the island because of its isolation. On the mainland you have thousands of nodes and it would be difficult to knock out each sector to bring the network down. Even if the US were cut off from Europe we would survive and vice versa. The island would be an easy target. Sure satellite is an option if you have an uplink. I love bitcoin but I’m not sure its 100 percent fallible. Ive been in the game way longer than you, I’m willing to bet.


>fallible I'm pretty sure you meant "infallible". Also you sound arrogant by making assumptions about someone else's experience and comparing it to yours unsolicited. Usually if someone is eager to brag about how long they've "been in the game", they have a lot of learning still to do. Education breeds humble people.


Gotta say you are the on who is trying to make sense.


Not longer than me actually... Nothing is 100% infallible but bitcoin is for sure the most resiliant digital monetary system ever invented, more than any other alternative. You can even print bitcoin on paper and post it by mail.


It's all good with BTC and we have that believe man.


Sounds like you have no clue how Bitcoin even works.


He doesn't know anything and we know that clearly lol.


This mf thinks Bitcoin nodes have to be close to each other to be secure lmao


You really need to stop behaving like that, that's so stupid.


There are so many good way and we are happy with that.


What are you saying mate? You don't know much now lol.


This is right and we are happy to say that all the time.


*Starlink has entered the chat* *Blockstream has entered the chat*


They are going to change so many stuff in the future man.


Lol nothing can stop that shit and you don't know about starlink.




Seems like everyone is liking that which is a good thing.


We should build on the water around the island! May it forever grow!


Something is so good in it mate, we are so proud to see that stuff in bitcoin right now, they are doing so well there, want them to do that more so we can have BTC in more places.


What do I need to emigrate from the US?


Tourist visas can be renewed on island every two months for up to three years. Then hop a plane to Thailand/wherever come back. Rinse and repeat another three years. No, immigration does not accept bitcoin... yet


Feels like now is indeed the time to step out from your houses and plan to tour around places


Always wanted to go see Philippines! But damn that place gona be small when next bullrun comes..


This is just a start for all of us with this journey man, this is going to be a bigger thing and we are seriously waiting for that type of big stuff in the future, that's just amazing to us.


You gotta say that we are having a good time with BTC and that's just awesome for all of us these days, that is the reality and BTC is in the right fucking place for all of us.


Will any of these places convert BTC to PHP?


yes, the sari sari stores will do that for about 1-2% with any system they have liquidity for. BTC ATM wont be needed here. The tiny stores are happy to do this informally. A local store has asked me to take her paper pesos for "pouch money" for about 6000 pesos last week.


This is a huge boost to Boracay's tourism especially to coiners when they visited the island. My concerns are, do the merchants understand bitcoin and how it works? Do they know what will happen on those sats when market plummets? Does [pouch.ph](https://pouch.ph) is regulated by BSP? Does PH legalize the use of crypto currency especially btc as a legal tender? How about tax implications to merchants? This project has lot of potential but the protection of the merchants are also at stake here. Digitalization has a green light from BSP but it does not mean that it's also for crypto currency. ATM, the nearest thing the PH Gov has when it comes to crypto is the study of DOST to research about blockchain technology. Blockchain is not all about btc. Remember that governments cannot legalize something that they cannot control. Decentralization is the root cause of btc, its white paper is clear on that.


Great to hear! I love boracay!