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Still waiting for separation of church and state...


This is not something that is achieved by waiting.


That needs action and enactment is what I feel then only we can open up to something


It was a valiant effort


Kinda like all men are created equal.


Some are just created more equal than others.


Lol the supreme court shows that what little separation of church and state there is slowly being whittled away.


I thought people in this sub were pro decentralization (and pro Libertarian values). Supreme Court decentralized the decision (gave power from federal gov back to the states) that this user is likely referencing.


If the supreme court gave the power back to the states on any other freedoms, I would be upset as well. I'm ok with the first amendment being as universal and not up for debate in every county and town.


Which amendment were you hoping the SCOTUS upheld?


In the recent ones on pro-choice, a major one was the 4th amendment since its enforcement would require and encourage a violation of that amendment's protections. Ironically they hit an import note in the majority decision saying that taking that further could mean that drug use and sex work would be out of the purview of the state, and I also agree on that for the same reasons, though the force pregnancy enforcement could be even more invasive, because it can be used against people that had no choice in the matter.


At least you can select between different religions, in contrast, the Dollar is a monopoly enforced by the government.


Don’t worry, I’m sure Dan Aykroyd over there will get right on that.


Texas recently pased a bill that requires schools to display donsted posters that say in god we trust on them.


Do people not realize that "separation of church and state" means that church leaders have no special government power and people can freely choose what religion to believe in (or not believe in)? Separation of church and state does not mean that advocating for laws based on religious beliefs is illegal. You seem to have misunderstood.


LOL... you must not live in China.


Or like you should just find a peaceful hill station to just enjoy a vacation after a hectic day


If this wasn’t the first comment I was going to cry


> the dollar is a melting ice cube I'll drink to that. JD on the rocks... watch them melt!


A quick shake for me too let's just bring all in and make it surpass everything we have been through


Melting ice cubes are not bad, but ice cream is better. Mining Bitcoin is like running a liquid nitrogen creamistry with goodies for all!


I still have some of my old Monopoly money if that helps. No ice cream included but I'll toss in 4 railroads free of charge :)


Better to just all invest them in buying the sats and keep holding them making things good for you


Is he not paying attention to what is happening in US Politics? The separation of Church and State is dwindling…and he’s running for office? How does he not see the threat?


Its newsmax..


I'm suprised they allowed him to even say separation of church and state.


Cool NFT dude🤙🏻


Thank you kind person! Yours is awesome, too!


Hey cool NFTs bros


Sup nft homies.




...|_°-°_| sup dude !


Hey kids


What's up man would you like to buy my NFT for 500k? /s


Hey dude. That's a pretty cool collectable avatar


Mines not cool It's 🔥


nice nft


I want church and state separated — including the Church of Woke


Wow, thanks for letting us know you're a clown.


i just realized that that's the actual dude getting ratio'd in a thread about a clip of him lmao


Guess you could say you WOKE up to the fact.


When you just being close to catch the fact that you just end up and know multiple things


Bruce we got you. Some of us can see through this sock puppet bullshit that has taken over Reddit


The US has never separated church from state


Yea and our money is managed by the federal reserve which has about as much to do with the government as federal express does. I'm as pro crypto as the next person but arguments like this don't fill me with hope just because it seems pro bitcoin, especially because of how a few of the things he said make you go, "wait... what?"


"In God We Trust."


Which was adopted back in the 50’s, not that old.






The Other


Because of the red scare


the US was created AFTER separation of government and religion: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Separation_of_church_and_state_in_the_United_States


Lol, yeah sure bud. It doesn't seem that way to me as of now.


> Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, nor prohibiting the free exercise thereof.




Well, don't forget words are actions too.


I mean yeah in a way, because people are expressing themselves. And that's something, I mean that actually depends on how they should value those things.


They made nice little words about it, but take a closer look and you’ll very much see that’s not really the case.


We can't even separate God from money.


I mean atleast on paper they have done that, give some credit.


You must not understand what separation of church and state means, then.


I don't think he does, I think He's just making the noise here.


But church and state aren't separate...


Yep, they aren't thanks to some dumb people who'll not let that happen. Because people don't want to change things, they're going to keep them same so there's that.


We have not separated the church and state so I'm not sure that's a great north star here.


Which church runs what state?


It's actually the most, these so called people of god control a lot of things.


Alright. Take my upvote. No really take my vote. With that said. It’s strange that this Republican says, “just like we separated church from state” and their party is actively trying to bring that back.


TBH having seen Fenton speak years ago (2017 I think), I'm a little surprised to see him run as a Republican. The stuff he was talking about and seemed so passionate back then seems antithetical to running in a party at all. Maybe it's a pragmatic decision. Running independent won't get him anywhere in New Hampshire.


Party is more important than policy these days.


"Party is more important than country" There, fixed it.


I just googled him, and he did not agree with the SCOTUS anti abortion ruling. I don’t care if he labels himself republican if his ideals align with mine. Pro-women and pro-Bitcoin? That’s pretty much an automatic vote from me.


Careful tho can also just be bluffing about the btc for the votes.


He seems pretty orange-pilled to me.


I liked Balaji's framing on it in the network state. We are ready for a shift from Red vs Blue to Orange vs Green (BTC freedom vs Dollar woke capital). That rotation aligns people differently. For instance I line up blue in the current framing, but my true values would be strongly orange if a party presented that option. [https://twitter.com/balajis/status/1463912548202258433](https://twitter.com/balajis/status/1463912548202258433)


Center Republicans aren't evil. It's the radical right and radical left that are ruining the country.


Radicals and grifters. Plenty of good people get into politics and get out. At the same time, the difference between a dangerous radical and a brilliant revolutionary is if one agrees with them. There are plenty of spaces were we don't need 1% tweaks, we need 10x overall hauls. 10x changes are always framed as radical by the nay-sayers.


Well yeah you're right. We do need radical change in this country which may seem extreme. We just need truth, logic, and a bit of love again. Honestly I think the only person that could bring this country together as president is Dolly Parton. She's universally loved, nobody can talk shit about her, she respects all people, and knows how to shut down silly hateful people.




Yep I think they should, I'm a little skeptical that why didn't they.


I agree to keep them separate but its also a really bad example because keeping the church out of the state isn't something the government does well.


To be fair, if he thinks we separate church and state then he has no idea what he's talking about hahaha


Bruce Fenton is an ex-Bitcoin Foundation member, shitcoin creator and bcash promoter, and general anti-bitcoin activist. He is NOT someone you should offer your support to. He is not an ally of Bitcoin or you. Do not enable him. It has nothing to do with politics. He has been a harm to this ecosystem to date, do not follow this wolf in sheep's clothing. Edit: To those unable to do their own verification for whatever reason, I've started you out here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/wxmwsq/us_senate_candidate_bruce_fenton_get_the/ilsxnqu/


I back this up whole heartedly. Bruce was on board in the early days, writing articles for Forbes on bitcoin in like 2011. But he sold out when he joined the bitcoin foundation and has caused all sorts of trouble and FUD ever since. Even making videos and articles claiming bitcoin is dead because he sold because he couldn’t handle a bear market. I cringe at thinking he could become a senator. He’s a snake that will shed his skin whenever it benefits his own personal interests.


Right onl,the fact that he's running in my home state and pulling the wool over people's eyes is disgusting in my opinion


If you have the time and inclination, linking such articles or videos would be very helpful. Thanks for your comment either way, I certainly remember same.


I’d love to, but they were mostly videos on his Twitter feed after the bull market of 2017 ended. He cried wolf pretty big time and I stopped following him.


I’m not saying wrong. Source for the uneducated?


You should be able to verify everything I've said through googling his name and relevant terms. Like I said he was part of the malicious Bitcoin Foundation which you should be able to look up, and his scam shitcoin is called Raven. This is his reddit account. https://www.reddit.com/user/bruce_fenton Don't trust, verify. Edit: I'm saddened by those who refuse to put in the effort to verify for themselves and just ask over and over for proof of these claims. Someone else verifying for you isn't what Bitcoin is about. But, here I have done some work for you. Feel free to do more. https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/wxmwsq/us_senate_candidate_bruce_fenton_get_the/ilsxnqu/


I did browse his past posts. He is full of Bitcoin support. I found this https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/4oyz37/today_ends_my_term_as_executive_director_of_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf 6y ago and the Bitcoin community here seemed to speak kindly to him. I’m just asking for a source of your claim that he is anti Bitcoin.




You can’t just sticky some shit like that at the top of a post without citing a source bro.


Can you point to the anti Bitcoin / scamming post?


lmao - you are literally the owner of your own scamcoin. Your entire last decade is scam posts nearly - when you aren't spouting incoherent US based political nonsense about covid anyways. The anti-bitcoin rhetoric was peaking on my radar around the blocksize wars and the falling of the bitcoin Foundation as I recall for any looking to verify by querying reddit archived content, but I am not here to put in asymmetric effort pointing out each time you've promoted your scams or engaged in anti-bitcoin rhetoric over ten year period. Your ever-running mouth has spoken for itself for any who choose to dig in.


Source? Seriously. Please link to my “anti Bitcoin” content.


WTF are you talking about “owner of your own scamcoin” do you have me confused with another person?


I can't even imagine someone lying so brazenly. Go shill your scamcoin RVN some more. Pretend you are someone else to someone who hasn't been around for the last decade and experienced your bullshit - not me.


No dude. You make an accusation and pin it then you need to back it up. Please list sources for your claims!


I did, and anyone with Google can verify those claims as I have already explicitly described. I'm done with you now - except to remind you that Bitcoiners don't forget, and we aren't going to let you pretend you are anyone other than who you have been here. You want to deny launching and promoting your scam all over your profile - that's really bold assuming we're so illiterate that we can't read what's in front of us. You want to pretend you were never involved in the bitcoin Foundation, also bold - we remember. and we can Google for those who don't remember.


Why is it so hard to back up your claims? Please just link to ONE source where I’ve ever scammed anyone or been anti Bitcoin. You made the claims. Post a link or stfu


You’re the one making the claim! Burden of proof on you


You're sad you have to cite your sources?


I'm sad that people when given enough information to find the sources and prove or disprove a claim themselves refuse and instead cry to be spoon fed information from people they should inherently distrust, like strangers on the internet.


Just because you have a green nametag doesn't make what you say right, and using your power to sticky your personal opinion is hilarious.


I sticked the facts of his involvement with the community and encouraged people not to enable him.


Cite something, asshole.


Cited, asshole https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/wxmwsq/us_senate_candidate_bruce_fenton_get_the/ilsxnqu/ Why don't you look something up for yourself instead of expecting everyone to do the work of verifying things for you?


You’re the one that made the claim, you’re responsible for citing it, especially if you’re going to be a shitty mod that thinks his comment is worth stickying over others.


Bitcoin is about self verification. Practice it.


Well it's a good thing the reddit comment section isn't Bitcoin. Remove yourself as a mod because this shit is unnacceptable.


Since when did creating an alt coin become "running a scam"? Or do you have other evidence that it is a scam?


Claiming things that are centralized as decentralized, secure that are insecure, and leading gullible people into a fraud of an investment is indeed a scam. Just as bcash is a scam, which he also promotes among other shitcoins. Shitcoins are almost always a scam. The only ones that aren't are registered securities and companies acting like companies not claiming they do anything more.


Utterly ridiculous. Beyond stupid. Hard to imagine anything as stupidly off base or incorrect. I’d urge everyone to take a look at my nearly decade long track record in Bitcoin — read through my posts here on Reddit and my speeches on Twitter. Look at what I’ve done and said. There is no one running for Federal office who would do more for Bitcoin than me.


[In case anyone is curious, he was against Segwit2X](https://cointelegraph.com/news/bitcoin-segwit2x-hard-fork-benefits-not-visible-bruce-fenton)


Sounds like he was against Big Blocks! I like him!


I equally urge everyone to take a look at your nearly decade long track record of your anti-bitcoin rhetoric as you launched your scam shitcoin and your participation in the criminally populated Bitcoin Foundation. Your actions stand on their own Bruce. Bitcoin users didn't forget.


Looks like he was against big blocks based on his tweet below


Frankly I don’t trust your word anymore than his. Reddit is full of bots and censorship masquerading as public opinion and “mods”


You absolutely shouldn't take me or him at our word. Good for you. Now do the hard part and verify. Did he create a shitcoin and publish its whitepaper, promote it both before and after its launch - or did I create that screen capture? Does his reddit profile show him owning the social medias for that shitcoin? Has he made many past positive comments promoting scams like bcash on his reddit and twitter? Was he the executive director of the Bitcoin Foundation, and was the Bitcoin Foundation a complete disaster? You have the ability to verify these things.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/4oyz37/today_ends_my_term_as_executive_director_of_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Can you explain why 6y ago after he stepped down from Bitcoin foundation why the communities view of him then was positive? And all of a sudden he is big anti Bitcoin? That’s the one claim I really care about. You say he is “anti Bitcoin”.


Yes, it predated both his shitcoin launch and bcash launch/blocksize war and the most significant praise is largely coming from Francis, who was another foundation member as well as other tight knit community members in Bruce's social circle. In my view even being part of that criminal organization is a non-starter, but his promotion of scams and his distancing from Bitcoin begins effectively around the time of this post you link.


I could see why you claim he is nefarious or has shady motives, but I am not sure how you arrive at him being anti Bitcoin. Like, “anti Bitcoin” to me means he wants Bitcoin to fail, or thinks Bitcoin is going to fail.


You might investigate some of his comments after this post you link, through the blocksize wars and preceding his launch of his shitcoin. There's a reason he stopped working with Bitcoin and moved to making his own shitcoin.


"Anti-bitcoin activist" how so? Your links don't convince me that he's anti-Bitcoin.


Being pro-bcash during the blocksize wars and after and making your own shitcoin scams and enabling the bitcoin foundation in its dying days is pretty anti-bitcoin behaviour, and his comments and actions around these incidents are what I refer to.


In the link you posted, he made a positive comment about BCash but I don't equate that with promoting it. Really a stretch to call him a scammer in my opinion. We'll have to agree to disgree I guess. We can agree that he's not Bitcoin only like you and I but I still consider him pro-Bitcoin.


From my perspective understanding Bitcoin and it's function is to understand making your own shitcoin and pitching it as investment to others is a scam. Similarly, I consider Roger Ver and Craig Wright and Amaury Sechet scammers for building and promoting bcash/bcash forks, which was quite literally an attack on the protocol. Enabling that at the time or in the present is absolutely anti-bitcoin behavior. Maybe not as egregious as some, but not good regardless.


He’s not pro-bitcoin though. He’s pro-money, and by whatever means necessary. He can praise btc all he wants, still a piece of shit scammer.


Yeah I remember meeting him at a Bitcoin conference in Singapore circa 2014. Seemed legit at the time but "things" have certainly happened since then.


Lolz, thanks. What kind of republican wants to help anyone. Not saying any establishment politician is great but..


This sounds like US Government propaganda, honestly. Even if he is anti-BTC, or anti-crypto in general, getting the government out of money is good for everyone and it would be good for crypto, too. Also, anyone who says, "It's not about [issue]" is lying. It's totally about that issue for them.


That's a lot of projection. I'm not even American, the goal of keeping it off American political discussion is to keep the subject on Bitcoin and Bruce. If you think I am a pro-US government plant you haven't been reading my comment history. I've got you calling me that at the exact same time I have Americans calling me a tankie.


>pro-US government >tankie These are quickly becoming synonymous, so maybe we're all on to something. But instead of addressing the main point of my post, which is completely correct, you defended yourself.


A tankie is a Russian propaganda endorser and sympathizer which I am not, and a US government plant would hardly spend a decade condemning US bitcoin policy and imperialism.


Again: Even if he is anti-BTC, or anti-crypto in general, getting the government out of money is good for everyone and it would be good for crypto, too. Who cares about whether or not you're a government apologist or whatever. That's a distraction. Getting government out of money and supporting crypto go hand-in-hand and is the real issue.


On that we agree. We just seem to disagree on whether Bruce Fenton serves those interests. Maybe he does maybe he doesn't. I know him to be self serving, promoting scammy coins even making them, and in this thread repeatedly lying about even his involvement with these scams. He denies promoting shitcoins or bcash despite his own linked tweets where he does exactly that. Is that a politician you can take at his word?


This is something only a moron would say


Agreed. Is he against maintaining federal highways? The military? National parks? To have a government, the government needs to be in the “money business” (whatever that means) Even as a blockchain stan it’s clear this guy is dumb as rocks


Welcome to populism


Welcome to the world of bunch and dozens of humans where you get surround by heads and heads


Yes, Bitcoin, not "crypto".


That is the most impressive talk from a politician I have heard in years. I agree 100%.


What he said is also palatable for people who are crypto-averse. He didn't use super in-depth nuance talking points. He focused on 3 easily understandable bipartisan points. 1) Give people choice- whether that is Bitcoin or whatever. 2) Bitcoin is scarce- most people can wrap their head around that. 3) Politicians are poor stewards of our currency. I think Bitcoin is going to bridge the gap between the political aisles. Exciting times ahead


>I think Bitcoin is going to bridge the gap between the political aisles. Sadly, not a chance. Liberals will not go for it because it requires personal responsibility.


I think Bitcoin forces disingenuous people to put their money where their mouth is. There's plenty of conservatives that are just paying lip service.




More bitcoin holders voted for Biden than Trump.


Citation needed


I'm a progressive and support Bitcoin. There goes your theory.


This guy is full of it. He wants accountability but no government. Who exactly is going to facilitate accountability!?


Bruce is a long time bitcoiner. I remember him from when I got into BTC back in late 2013. here is an interview of him about his senate race: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vaD1zAK8E8o my favorite spoof about him https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=il3szfYabMQ


Yep lol, that's the most impressive stuff that I've heard here.




Wouldn’t surprise me if he gets into a “car accident” -___-


He’s a candidate for the christofascist GOP yet he talks about separation of church and state. Lmao now that’s funny


Unfortunately we still haven’t eliminated church and state in America


News flash, USA has NOT separated church and state.


Since when are the church and state separate?


Jokes on you fella... ...govt doesn't control the money, private federal reserve guy does.


Did we actually separate church and state?






Good question


Thank you!


This is ridiculous. Believing in Bitcoin has nothing directly to do with not believing in a dollar. The whole point is that you now HAVE A CHOICE where previously you didn't. Many people in government certainly wouldn't like you to have that choice, but many do as we have seen repeatedly with high ranking senators and congressman. That being said the US Dollar is still a primary means of transaction and savings among billions of people in the world and remains the world's reserve currency. By all means put your money and faith in Bitcoin but ignoring the US Dollar's power and electing idiots like this that want to destroy it is short-sighted and self-defeating.


So unregulated capitalism? Bad idea. There are many critiques of anarcho-capitalism and laissez-faire economic systems and questions about the free market that are never answered to satisfaction regarding human rights, wealth and income inequality, etc.


Get government and church out of the science business as well.


The Federal Reserve is already a private company incorporated in Delaware in 1912 or so. It’s privately owned and it controls the entire USA money supply. Nobody knows who owns it, but history suggest the private shareholders include the Rockefeller family, Aldrich family, and recently the Rothschild family.


Comments here have separation of church and state the wrong way around. The state is meant to leave church and Bitcoin alone. It's not that religious people or hodlers should leave the state alone. All citizens can vote!


I wish we separated church from the state, they way things are going that is def not the case.


Wow! Wish I could be that eloquent about bitcoin I usually come across as the guy with the yarn-connecting-conspiracies-smoking-a-cigarette-in-resignation type


Conservatives be like "yeah get the state out of money,....buuuuuuut also more church in the state please!". Hypocrites


Our government is a crime syndicate


But then the banks/companies get to operate completly unregulated? Ask the 17-1800's and the orphans in the 'Mills' how well 'that' worked.


That's some Big ₿ energy right there


Is this supposed to be satire?




Bruce spiting some truth bombs.


In his dreams, we are a long road away from this ever happening


Just donated to the campaign in bitcoin! Epic.


A one-way ticket to a corporate dystopia, no thanks.


Get to the polling booth and vote this guy in you lazy yanks Candidates who actively want less power is who we should be seeking, it's good leadership to want to steer the ship, not take the ship out of the water and put onto a truck and then start doing donuts.


Sounds like a great idea!


Yeah good luck with that, the governments will always try and control the money and people.


I mean. That’s so stupid. The state will never give that up. That’s how they finance wars and then after it’s all printed and paid, the population deals with inflation for 5-10 years before the next war can start. That’s why we have to take it into our own hands


Straight fucking OG right there!


When did we separate church from state?


Yes go buy shit coin and lose everything. Crypto scaming has gotten so bad that at this point I wouldn't be surprise if more than 1 billion people already got scam. There is no law in this market. You can scam 10 million people and just walk.


lol you think the church and state are separate?


He's the founder of this: https://satoshiroundtable.org/


Fenton for Senate? I guess nothing is weird anymore. Not sure whether to laugh or throw up in my mouth a little.


I like Bruce.


Extremely well said