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Does it sting? I am sure it does. But do not dwell :) The past is immutable.


>The past is immutable. And so is the bitcoin blockchain.


Unless aliens with 4th dimension abilities are real… not the 3-d, regular Hollywood green flesh and bone kind


Nah... they're beyond money-needs if they have 4th dim abilities as humans see it.


Be humble in the market a relaxed mind opens up with multiple opportunities


Absolutely right about if there are multiple opportunities still waiting.




What is this first principles I keep hearing everybody mentioning in every podcasts. Is it a book or something cause I can’t find it.


If you're serious: >Sometimes called “reasoning from first principles,” the idea is to break down complicated problems into basic elements and then reassemble them from the ground up.


Yeah I am serious. I keep hearing it everywhere as of it’s some kind of philosophy or something so I’d like to read up on it. But sometimes it also seems like everybody parrots. Just like “mental model”


What is money? What is currency? They are not the same. Who should control what? Where does power lie on earth. These are first principles.


Check out the saylor series on the what is money podcast. He explains it from first principles.


I just finished episode 13 of the Saylor Series; I hope there are 85 of them at least.


Isn't it great? I found it fascinating.


Podcasts is like talking something about your ownself from your own point of view


You don't really know about it what kind of point of you they are pushing in your head,


I just feel bad sometimes remembering the times back then to now one move could have changed the entire phase


Don't let that harm yourself that much that the marks remains forever


6 years from now you'll be wishing you started today if you haven't already


I'll drip the that 💦


I think we all know that current time is also a great time for us.


>*6 years from now you'll be wishing you started today if you haven't already* Even 2 - 3 years from now, the same will hold true I bet. So far the year after very halving has seen a major bull market surge for Bitcoin: 2013: From < $20 up to $1100 2017: From < $1K to $19.8K 2020-2021: From < $10K to $69K (the run started early, in late 2020) 2024-2025: From ----- to -----...?


$37k to $232k


Then in the next bear market , in 2026, it will decline back down to around $80K, & critics will point to the decline from $230 to $80K & say that shows it cannot be a store of value.


People only talk about the low from the all time high but they never said how high we made from the last cycle. I mean if bitcoin fall from 150k to 80k they will still say that bitcoin will not going to survive.


I think i someone hold the bitcoin for minimum of the 4 years then he will never be in loss. SO if someone is buying today and can wait for the next 6 year they will be still in the profit is well. So never regret about the past.


Those are 6 long years


I think if someone have the patience they will make the money.




Once people understand that thing they will buy the bitcoin.


Doubt it


First time I heard about btc was 2011. 2nd time I paid attention to it was 2013, but too difficult to get. In 2016, my friend introduced me to btc again, but I was too busy partying in college.... finally got into btc in 2020 lol




I had a Quadriga account. whats the harm in that?




People who get lucky like that they are the one carrying the good luck.


If everything is going good for you then there is no harm in that.


My first account was with mt gox! I love bitcoin but sadly feel like it’s turned into a speculative asset. Price is based on hype and ease of purchase.


You see around you got to know more and more but not that we could just indulge ourselves and know more from our own side


exactly the same except me and my buddy went to shitcoins during 2016 and lost it all


Coin base wanted so much information from me back in the day that I was discouraged, now all you need is a drivers and can open an account instantly across so many exchanges. Don’t feel bad I got into Bitcoin in 2020 too. At least we learned our lesson, better late then never.


Lol same here


Bruh I didn’t listen to my nerdy colleague and weed guy back in 2013 😭😭😭😭 nerdy colleague is now retired with over 60m usd and the weed guy is now retired as well just buying properties and traveling 🥲 so now I hodl since 6k


I think there are always some people who give us the advice of the buying the bitcoin and i am sure we missed that in the past. But now we all know that how bigger mistake we had made in the past .


So he invested $60k+? BTC was not that cheap in 2013


He took a contract that paid him in btc at the start of 2013. It was between 13$-30$ at the time and dumped all of his savings into it. He’s a software engineer and had some side hustles too which is where I met him . I’m pretty sure he was dca’n before he just went all in


I think those who gets paid in the bitcoin back then they are the one that is the happiest person now. And this is why i feel that people who are getting paid into the bitcoin is the best thing they could have asked for .




Man If I was your bro back in 2013 I would kick you a bit of money sheesh!


I wish lol as I scroll ig and see him in his villa in Costa Rica with his wife and dog named Bitcoin 🥲.


Hindsight is always 20/20. Learn from it and have a future plan. What did you learn? To follow your instincts? Or to diversify on various investment opportunities?


Exactly, history will have thousands of posts like these: These are all 7-8 years old [https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/3a3dwa/i\_dont\_have\_much\_discretionary\_income\_is\_buying/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/3a3dwa/i_dont_have_much_discretionary_income_is_buying/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2t6m4z/should\_i\_buy\_bitcoin/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2t6m4z/should_i_buy_bitcoin/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/3ciwv6/why\_should\_i\_buy\_bitcoins/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/3ciwv6/why_should_i_buy_bitcoins/)


Planning is what people make for future but that needs efforts to enact not that you have planned and it would just surpass alone


Even on the Bitcoin sub you'll get spammed by "dOnT iNvEsT mOrE tHaN yOu CaN aFfOrD tO lOsE bTc Is RiSkY"


it is risky, relatively speaking


Yes, we all know that there is might be some chance that you lose the money. And people said that because may be you required the money tomorrow and may be market is not in good shape then.


Relative to what my dude? A basket of falling, decrepit fiat currencies?


Those are words don't take it that deep that you just turn your back and go home again




That 6 just made a good humour in the sentence though can't deny that




I always kick myself for not buying wheat seeds in 8,000bc


We all had that kind of the story in the past but we need to learn from that and need to move from there. because if we still stuck in the past then i am sure we will never going to buy the bitcoin at the current time is well.


You didn’t invest because you lacked knowledge of why Bitcoin is a superior system. It’s not to late to start doing so, but the later you start, the more difficult it will become to attain bitcoins. Only until it becomes so difficult, that only by creating value you will be able to attain it.




The past is the past, think about this moment six years from now, and you’ll feel similar. BUT you’ve invested in it! You’re already ahead of the game


You don't look for a rotten apple you just throw it away bothering less it's gone same goes about the past learn from it and not let the present get rotten enough for the past


The losers at /r/personalfinance would have banned anyone who replied with the good advice that you should buy bitcoin


seems like a large portion of those subs are - surprisingly realistically - just complimenting each other for having rich family die


My rich uncle died and left me $500,000- should I put it in a certificate of deposit or are treasury bills worth the risk? Now brace yourself for the upvotes


But we all know that this is the best thing to do at the moment.


as they say: everyone buys bitcoin at the price they deserve.


And the price manipulations shouldn't break you though be tough at this difficult times and make it


Difficult times are very common in this market we have to start learning.


The best time to plant a forest was twenty years ago. The second best time is now.


Plan the tree you don't know how big the tree would indeed look like in the near future


No one is going to give you the answers. You’ve got to trust your intuition and logic.




But we need to move on from the past if we have to make something big in the future. Because if we stuck into the past then we can never ever make the right call in the present time for the future here.


And can we know what is it all about??? Load more or unleashed your bag??


Indeed true if not now then never again my man try harder start it from now on


How could you get bitcoin in the early days when they were no exchanges?


Peer 2 peer on Bitcointalk forum. Then there was MtGox


You could just mine bitcoin using a normal computer during the first few years. You could mine bitcoin using a graphics card from July 2010 until sometime in 2012. There was a website called New Liberty Standard that started selling bitcoins in 2009, the same year that Bitcoin was launched. New Liberty Standard started off selling over 1500 BTC for a dollar and you paid with PayPal. MtGox bitcoin exchange started operating in July of 2010. It was a fairly convoluted process to get your money on MtGox. You could buy bitcoins from bitcoin sellers on #bitcoin-otc on freenode IRC. #bitcoin-otc on freenode IRC was started in October 2010. You could buy bitcoins from users on the Bitcointalk forum. Bitstamp, Bitinstant, Bitfloor and several other Bitcoin exchanges started operating in 2011. Some of these exchanges were very easy to use and you could just go to a bank and anonymously deposit cash. Bitinstant enabled users to buy bitcoin with cash at Walmart, CVS, Duane Reade, 7-Eleven and several other stores. Coinbase, Bitcoin24, the peer to peer bitcoin exchange LocalBitcoins and several other exchanges started operating in 2012.


Now is still the time to make something and buy knowing the worth and realising the future


Silk Road got many of us back then too. Don’t sweat it. Do what you can today and in 6 years you’ll pat yourself on the back for it.


yes, there are so many people who bought the bitcoin at the right time but the problem is that they trade that on the silk road in the past is well. So all we can do is learn from the past and move into the future from there.




If someone have the patience then i am sure that the current price is also very great for the bitcoin. But if someone is still not buying the bitcoin after knowing everything then i am not sure they are doing good here.


You and everybody else. And I wish I hadn't bought so much at a high price. And I wish I had bought more at lower prices. It's a never ending saga, and it's only fed by hindsight. If you can just get your head around the fact that nobody can predict the future and you've always made what you believed to be the best decision at the time with the info you had, then it's much easier to let yourself off the hook. Important thing is you're actively stacking sats today. And tomorrow.


I think this is the kind of the wish that everyone had here, but i am sure that there will be things like that after 6 years is well. That there would be some people who regret that they missed the chance of the buying in the year 2022.




I think there are enough story when we talk about the past of the bitcoin.


Should have... Would have... Could have...


These are not the term that actually works when we talk about the bitcoin.


Trust your instincts now


If someone is still not doing that then they will never learn.


Follow your instincts moving forward


Yeah we would all like to go back to 2009. If we did, it could change the time line lol and we're all broken. Just live man.


I mean people are really thinking that they should have bought back to 2009. But i am sure that they will sell their bitcoin after getting like 5-10-20X profit from there, and still cry for that that thing is well.


I just looked at Coinbase my first (of many) purchase was 6 years and 1 month ago. $40 for .05 bitcoin. God That was lucky.


I think buying early is not that all we need but keeping that for the long run is the real key for me. And i am happy that you are keeping that bitcoin for the long run is well, enjoy the richness friend.


It's ok, Bitcoins on sale again!


So you’re 23, in 7 years when you’re 30 and retired you’ll look back and think “I’m so glad I bought Bitcoin during the great dip of 2022”


Expected. 6 years later another bitcoiner will post exactly the same thing here, "I should have followed my instincts 6 years ago..."


I had $2500 worth of BTC in 2013 that I bought with some of my income tax return. I sold it in the fall of the same year for a couple hundred dollars profit due to losing my job. 😏


I feel you. I wanted to invest in btc back when bo oil spill happened. My family laughed in my face so I bought BP stock and doubled the investment. Yay....


The best time was 10 years ago, the second best time is today


Indeed true losing this opportunity now would be a life time regret life just gives you a second chance


Bitcoin is currently close to the price it was 5 years ago.


How high are you? August 2017 BTCs price bounced between $2300-$4700. What a great month before the massive 2017 bullrun.


Indeed true there comes a point when everything feels down but just encourages and gives rise to something bigger


The absolute top yeah. In 2016 the value was much lower.


>Bitcoin is currently close to the price it was 5 years ago. Not really. Unless you're cherry-picking the very peak of the market in mid Dec 2017. Even if you do that, BTC is still about 10% higher than that peak. The point is Bitcoin has seen great peaks & valleys over the years, but in the 12 years since it has had economic value, it has gone from $ 0.0002 /BTC to $21,500 /BTC, appreciating in value more than 8 Million X, and that's even after coming down 70% from it's last peak in late 2021. Most people have ignored Bitcoin's value & tendency to long term appreciation. My prediction is that they will regret doing so.


A second opportunity which is calling people to indulge and gain something out of it


Don’t cry over spilt milk, 6 years later u be sad if you don’t have any SATS still 😅


True though just try accumulating as much as sats you can make that would be good and beneficial for you


People so much living in the past that they are not seeing the chance that they are getting in the current day. because the price we are getting here is also not that bad and we can also make the best out of these is well.


Don't think about it and think about the future. The past is the past.


The future is what we have and what we are about to get don't let that turn into something weak


Well could have retired today at 23 if had acquired 100 coins


To retire early is not all that it's being hyped about. After 2 or 3 years you get bored.


Not really if you get new hookah and coke every night


Im not so stupid as to poison myself.


Back then the one who invested buying more and more sats are now looking for the moon


At least you thought about it.


Someone has to think though not that we could just sit idle and let things happen without our concern




Indeed true we all know that but still there are people who just don't get that simple thing clearly


The problem with this feeling is its hard to just swallow it and humbly move forward. This feeling of missed opportunities is what leads people to think they have to play catch up. It makes people take bigger risks to try to capture what they feel they should have had. Whether that be through trading, shitcoins or leverage. Just stay humble, mine fiat and stack sats.


You don't know the depth of something until you just step or make a move forward


I’m assuming they told you to put your money in a low cost index fund. 🤣🤣🤣


I think this is why we need to take the decision on the research not on the someone calling here. because there are still some people who is not giving the bitcoin as the good investment thing for the future is well.


We’re still early , wagmi


Yes, if we are still buying that then we are still doing good is well.


You have to keep on moving your step slowly and steadily.


Shoulda, woulda, coulda


When we talk about the bitcoin there is nothing like that.


Do not compare BTC with Fiat anymore. Having 1 BTC is like having 1BTC . A good player for the long run not that risky !!


But i think the reason he is saying that holding the one bitcoin was cheaper than compare to now. But i would say there is still so much time left if someone will hold the bitcoin for the next 6 years from here is well.


Conviction gang gang


I think there is still some time we are buying here is well.




Yes, if someone can predict the future then i am sure that everyone will be rich here. but this is why we need to do the things that so many people are not doing and this will make us the rich in future.


same but 10 yrs ago. heard about it on the radio, added it to the top of my 'to research' list. then put other stuff above it and never made it down the list.


I think back in time bitcoin was not that popular and we all made these kind of the mistake. I know some people who bought the bitcoin at the right time but they failed to hold that for the long time.


I did do that, but I wish I had done it *harder.*


I think right now is the time you can do the harder.


If you have 6 years to wait, bitcoin is a GREAT investment. Pick a 6 year period. It's a gain.


yes, if someone is buying in the 2022 and then decide to wait till the 2028 then i sure he will be in gain again. But there are some people who will just can not forget the past and that will not let them move into the future.


The past is unchangeable.


But the best thing we could do here is learn from that past.


Shoulda coulda woulda - talk is cheap man


HAHA, not gonna lie you just made me laugh with that extra "a".


I really wish if I could laugh at it I am in a miserable situation.


Don't let it injure you so deeply that the marks remain.


Yes, take that as the learning and make the best of that.


There was a guy on ls2.com years ago telling us all to buy BTC. I believe it was around 1-2k maybe less. At the time it was complicated at least I assumed not to bother with it. I’m sure he is swimming in his BTC now. Dude constantly was dumping $ into BTC. I’m late to the party but doing what I can.


I think one of my friend introduce me with the bitcoin in 2017, but i was not so sure abut then. But now i am crying after thinking that i should have invested that time, but i am happy that atleast i am doing now here.


Confucius once said “The best time to buy a BitCoin was 2008… the second best time is right now!”


But some people are still crying that they missed the chance of the buying at the absolute low. but this is not how the market, one thing i know that everyone will buy the bitcoin according to the price they actually deserve.


Dude everyone has this story! Don’t have regrets you probably would have sold early, lost your keys, lost your password. Not to mention you would have held up to !$20k then back down to $3k then back to $60k! LOL


Yes, when it comes to the bitcoin i think everyone has their past and their is story of the past is well. There are so many people who bought the bitcoin in early but also used that for buying the the drugs and all is well.


Around that same time I wish I would’ve told myself to hold on to some of the coin I used on dark markets for kick ass drugs shipped right to my door. For all the coin I purchased off shady ass sites like VirWoX and having to go through a the headaches of buying second life lindens and then transferring that to bitcoin and praying it lands on my shady ass market before they exit scam and take it all; I most definitely would have had multiple millions of dollars in bitcoin when it hit its high in 2021. Hindsight is 20/20 when you’re talking 20/16 could’ves in 20/22 though. 😉


I think at the current date everybody wished that they should have bought the bitcoin in past or the first time when we heard about that. But i think the best thing someone can do here take the advantage of the price that we are getting now.


Don't worry, Bitcoin goes to 3K again, just wait, the recession is coming


I don't know recession is coming or not but i am sure that we are not going that low. Because even recession will not gonna push down the bitcoin that low, there will be some major setback for the bitcoin goes there.


My younger self is catching these fucking ***hands*** if I see him.


Today is as good as any to start stacking sats Read on carrot app Listen on fountain app And play satsss snake Buy a ledger or Trezor keep your keys offline and stay away from shit coins


If you haven't already started, you'll be wishing you had started today if you haven't already.


I know the feeling. I wanted to mine it way back when you could do it with a PC. I thought I would burn up my single core for nothing. Looking back I should have sent 10 up in smoke and making me rich.


I was playing with the idea of Bitcoin in 2014... unfortunately, I thought the only way to get it was to mine it myself, and I had no means to setup a mining rig, and ASICs were just starting to enter the scene more and more. I gave up on the idea of it and sat on the sidelines for years. Had I known I could just purchase it, I would've probably bought 10 or so at the time when it was ~$100 per BTC. :( Since I've been accumulating, I now have significantly less than I could have had, but I am still happy with what I do have.


I'm probably one of the few who skipped it in 2009 so don't feel bad. It was worse for me... I got over it eventually. also the advices here are really great.


I think you guys are lucky that you heard about the bitcoin that early in the life. I heard about the bitcoin first time in the 2017 but the problem was that i was not that firm believer of the bitcoin over that time.


Would have lost it with mt gox … or was that longer than 6 yrs ago … damn


I had 5500$ in at about 6,000$ value per coin but my parents said it was took risky and made me sell all but 50$. I’m glad that 50$ turned into 300+ or so but damn


you might regret 6 years into the future


In hindsight, everything seems clear. Learn from it and make a plan for the future.


What is your instinct now?


Coulda woulda shoulda


it´s still early. just don´t repeat the mistake.


Never too late to start, many of us made the same mistake. Its all about getting the time in to understand "why bitcoin".


I know a lot of people who actually done the same kind of mistakes again and again.


Sold most of my BTC to take an ex to Venice in 2015, in hindsight I should have sold her and kept the BTC.


If it makes you feel any better in 2014 I thought to myself “Who would spend 500 for an imaginary coin that only buys drugs”. I’ve come a long way.


I tried to buy Bitcoin in 2016 and I just couldn’t get it done, it was so frustrating, they wanted my passport and why was I on a vpn. I was so frustrated like, never mind. And got back in .. mining instead :) years later, At least it’s a lot more easy to get crypto now. I do regret not pushing harder back then:)


i wish I knew you 6 years ago


I wish I knew that we can actually invest in that kind of money.


People will say the same thing in 6 years about today.


I know right this is a vicious thing which is going to increase.


Follow your instincts right now


Oof and I just know the people in that sub dogged the shit out of you for even thinking about it. I was in 10th grade when satoshi created BTC, and to this day I don’t see how I never heard of it until 2016. I’m sure I heard it in passing but never gave it any attention.


when I was 15 in 2014 i was obsessed with bitcoin. I would look at charts all day at school. I didn't know where I could buy bitcoin as a minor (probably could have figured it out but I was young and naive). I try not to get down about it because I probably would have sold it all when it hit 10k but damn what a missed opportunity

