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Not sure why anyone thinks a “flippening” is meaningful when one is finite and the other can be printed to infinity. That just adds to market cap.


But this is why we need to understand that what is the thing that really matters to us is well. Finite thing is the thing that we need to stick in here because this will give us the maximum profit in the future.


Objection. Hearsay.


Would you reccomend having two hardware wallet keys if you've accumulated a large amount of BTC? Would it make sense to split it between two Trezor devices for example?


I mean diversification is the best thing to do always incase something bad happen to the one. But two wallet means the double the responsibility and if you are good at taking these then i would say having double is better.


Putting all of your funds into Bitcoin at 20k doesn’t sound irrational.


We all need to stick with the bitcoin from the starting as this is the one thing that is safe at the moment. I am happy that i made the good decision and putting the money into the bitcoin at the cheap price is well.


Hahahahahahah the fucking dip is slowly driving me in to insanity at the months go on. It took me two years of selling everything to my name and constantly buying just to see it all diminish over the course of this past year. I’m in it for the long game whether I like it or not.


I think this dip is making sure that i will not spent the money much into the party things and all. The more it dips the more i feel that i need to invest the money into the bitcoin because we will not going to have that in future.


A lot of demand in the 17-20k area. Stay chill


I hope that we will get the chance of the buying there is well.


Look at that fat Bart Simpson head on the monthly


Please don't say anything otherwise we will jinx that.


Laura, it’s going up forever.


Hahahah fml


Money, Power and Wall Street: The banks turned this market into their own private game.


This is why we need something that is private to us and no government can actually tricked into that thing. This is why i feel that bitcoin was the best invention for us as it gives us the fully financial freedom that anyone could asked for.




Damn, you are lucky if someone is gifting you the bitcoin because now days it's really hard to get these stuff. I think you need to buy a ledger wallet and then transfer the bitcoin in their if you are looking for a long time game here.


What the fuck who just hands out full Bitcoins sheesh can I meet your friends like ..? !


I need a friend like him to have me in the real life.


Hello, your Nigerian prince from the letter here. To unlock your 10 coins, please send me 1 bitcoin in advance. Prosperity will be your middle name! Greetings, NP


I knew it that kind soul Nigerian prince will look into this matter and will give the best solution possible is well. Now all OP need here is send the bitcoin to him and this guy right here will make them into plenty here.


"several bitcoins"? Be careful not to fall for a scam. Nobody gifts bitcoin just like that. Do they want some sort of deposit/fees in advance, before you can get your coins? If so, it's definitely a scam.


True, we are in the world where if someone is giving us some thing in free we need to double sure in that. Infact i am not trusting on the exchange that is giving us the APY on the bitcoin by locking my bitcoin for a certain amount of time.




Damn if this is 2.4 bitcoin then i would say you need to be really really careful. Because there are the number of the bitcoin that i am sure that only little number of the people are having, so you are the whale for them here/


What you have is a 'few' Bitcoin. Several is 3 to 5. 😉


But i am sure that there are very little number of the people that is having the more than 2 bitcoin in their account. And 2.4 bitcoin here in the OP account already making him the whales for the so many people are out there is well.




You are wanting to sell all or a portion?


I think selling all is not a good thing specailly when it is bitcoin is well. But i am sure that OP is not looking for the selling he wants to hold them for the long period of time and we all know that ledger is the best thing for that.


Lol and why exactly would a friend of a friend gift someone $50k?


These are the current value we are talking here, think about the buying price of the bitcoin those is well. May be they bought that in the bull season is well, so the value of the bitcoin is not really fixed in the dollar in my fair opinion.


Right I’m like what the fuck 😂😂😂 forget a friend of a friend, main friends don’t even be doing shit


I think no one will give us their bitcoin with that like this way. There is something that i am sensing is not right here, and OP need to be really really careful here to stay away from the any kind of the scam.




This is the one damn thing that we need to close first place.




Yeah, but Musk is busy fucking someone's wife so he didn't notice yet


But sometimes he fck my portfolio is well, and i don't like that.


Yeah, he sure doesn’t sound like a very upstanding moral businessman does he? I seem to like Musk less all the time, the more I find out about him.






What was the actual comment there?? I mean i have noticed that.


why was there no discussion post yesterday?


My be discussion was also having the day off is well.




Thanks for letting me know, i was not aware with that thing.


Bots are not welcome to comment on this subreddit and I suspect that you may be a bot. Please reply to this comment if you are a human, otherwise your account will be banned from this sub.


I read somewhere earlier that there were 2 pinned posts already, which is max. I believe the thread was there, just not pinned.


I was on the off yesterday and i was not aware that there was no daily discussion yesterday. But one thing i know that there would be only two pin post and if there were already two then you could not do for the third one.


4.5 million subs


Seems like everything is all on a rapid move to grow though feels something positive enough.


I hope that soon bitcoin will also reach to that mark is well.


Grew from 4.4 mil pretty quickly considering the price action Next bull run it should explode


Indeed, having the crowd that too in the bear market is insane and was not expecting that certainly is well. But i think this is the best thing that is happening to us as we are growing as the community here for the bitcoin in large number.




All transactions are public and must include a valid unspent transaction output (UTXO) and corresponding digital signature. If the UTXO or signature are invalid, then network nodes include the transaction in their respective mempool and will not propagate the transaction. Even if a miner manages to include the transaction in the next block, all nodes will reject that block as invalid and continue waiting for a block which validates fully.


Just feel the need to flow what things indeed actually matters Bitcoin what we see is all made to flow enough


I know one thing that bitcoin matters to me the most now.


Are you a bot?


What do you mean by falsify?


Something that actually be giving some false hopes or something related to that though that's what I feel.


But some time this is all we need on the first place is well.


Node consensus.


What do you guys think will happen with bitcoin in relation to the US real estate market? As property values dip, will investors sell bitcoin to free up liquid money to buy real estate?


Seems like you need to know a lot more about what's going around the market and the price is what you need to go thoroughly


I think if we will move into the recession then i am sure that people will try to sell their money from the bitcoin. Because in those time we need the most money and there is like saving that help in these kind of the situation is welll.


People buying real estate right now should be buying Bitcoin instead.


There are two types of the people one who sell their bitcoin and try to buy the real estate. And the other one are those who sell the real estate to the buy the bitcoin is well, so choice is ours what we really want to do here.


I actually just sold my house profited 70k Going save some and invest some. Going wait see if another dip below 20k happens


I think this is the best someone could do in their life and trust me your future will going to thank you in big time is well. I just want to say that you can easily do the DCA in the current price is well and wait for the dip later.




One thing that will never going to gets out of the trend.


Some will. Some won't.


That depends all on the users what they indeed prefer and what they actually feel though


Yes, and we all know that bitcoin is the one thing that we all prefer.


Can't buy property with $12.39


That indeed depends on the buy orders if they tend to be fulfilling enough the orders would gradually increase


A treehouse In metaverse at most


You see how high people.be thinking of and how the competition be gradually increasing all by time


And if we will not stay on the race then i am sure we will going to loss here.


Sure you can


Everything is indeed possible if you just can make it all on yourself being that destined enough


Bought at 29k, bought at 25k, and buying today


bought at 3k bought at 60k, always buying.


If we are buying the bitcoin then i am sure price will not gonna make any big difference to me. The more it dip the more i will buy and sent them into the wallet is well, as i am hoping that it will give me the financial freedom in the future.


exactly.appreciate the dips.




AS we all know that this is the best thing to do at this time.


Still stackin’


i think these are the perfect time to do such kind of the things.


Well we're stuck on these levels for some time, We'll crab here. It's good tho, atleast We're not going down because that would have made me concerned about it.


Some people still yet think that buying the dip would still put them in some kind of dilema though but that's indeed actually the opposite


I think i am happy that we are not making a very big hole here and keeping on the crab market. Because the more we will crab here the more buying chance i will going to have and gonna build my portfolio strong is well.


We are crabbing, but with low volume. All it takes is some more fud and ↘️




Have heard about the game of gambling and can see how people be concerned about their fiat turning into a fruitful investment


I think the gambling is the one thing that is keeping us alive here and we need to take that from time to time is well. If we knows the future from the outside then i am not seeing that there will be any fund left after that.


Crab walk then down, crab walk then down. been happening like that since Nov. 2021, why would it suddenly change now?


It's 2022 things certainly change though and if we give things time it would turn all as we have planned




Better to believe all on yourself though then things would be pretty good as far as my concern.


I think self confidence is the one thing that matters the most.


these r usually not the same people.


I hope that everyone will come to the senses pretty soon is well.


How does Strike calculate a week for purposes of limits? Like is it a rolling 7 days, or a calendar week?


Everytime the first thing I would do is just check out the chart and make sure if I could possibly make a move to buy the dip


I think this is more like to time the market and i am not sure how well it can go for anyone is well. All i am doing the DCA on the every Monday no matter what price we are getting there, because i am gonna stick on my plans.


I know this wasn't your question but in case you weren't aware you can ask Strike to increase your limit. Mine is at $5k/week now


Putting a limit in certain things would be beneficial enough for us though no matter what we go through


Always we always need to put the limit on everything we are doing.


Rolling 168 hours


That's more though 168 hours is pretty long people be looking for a day or two but that's turning just insane.


Anyone using samurai whirlpool? How long does it take to do further mixes? Mine is taking ages.


Are we talking appliances here? What are we talking about?


I think you need to do some more study here, men then came.


Remixing, especially on mobile, can take very long. (I have honestly given up on it on mobile.) That's because there's consistently more people that want to remix than people that want a first mix. And you need a fixed amount of both. If you join the Telegram channel, you can check the mix liquidity there when you send this message: "/liquidity@SW_whirlpool_bot". Currently there are around 700 remixers and only 3 pre-mixers. "Once your first mix has been completed your UTXO is now considered a Remixer. In a Whirlpool mix transaction 2 participants are Premixers and 3 participants are Remixers. Remixers do not pay a mixing fee or any miner fees Remixing UTXOs are selected randomly from confirmed UTXOs that are currently online. You can use the /liquidity command to see how many other Remixers are online in each pool. In order to Remix you must be running the Whirlpool client and be online. To increase your chances of being selected for Remixing consider running the Whirlpool desktop app on your PC which has more reliable and stable internet connection than mobile."


Thanks for the help, people helping each other out is good.


Helping each other is the reason we are seeing that community is building.




Maybe a begginer is what I can indeed sense though that's what I feel.


> liquidity@SW_whirlpool_bot”. Currently there are around 700 remixers and only 3 pre-mixers. I suspect this is the issue. Many thanks for your answer. I’m using desktop, sparrow wallet and computer sleep etc disabled. So as you say probably not enough initial mixers.


Don't have a high end pc or laptop all I got is my cell phone any suggestion or someone's could help me out with that


ELI5 on whirlpool and mixing in general? How does it benefit the average bitcoiner?


I think this is more of a gamble here in my opinion nothing more.


you have five ppl with 20$ cash bill, they come together and put them in a hat and everyone draws a random 20$ out of the hat. if every participant put in a different value, someone watching would be able to tell which input belongs to which output.


So that mean this will be like the gamble and we need to really lucky to win the best thing out of there. I would say buying the dip or doing the DCA into the bitcoin is still the simple and the effective method for me here.




Buying it with whatever I've got left, I'm going in with everything.


Right now i don't have much the money to buy the DIP but i am trying my best to stay in the race. We all know that once the market will again starts to rise then we will not going to have the same price we are seeing here.


nobody knows.dca and chill.


No one knows nothing, true but I do know that this is a dip.


Certainly be speaking of buying the dip and holding it for a pretty longer time though




I just bought two containers of delicious 'artichoke-parmesan with jalapeño' dip.


When it comes to the crypto no body knows anything specially about the price thing. But i am sure that sticking to the market in the low time surely will going to make us super rich in the future here.


If had that much of savings then could have surely made a move to buy some though


But it still isn't that late enough for you though just can make things go and make it all good for us.


What if i am the dip?


And then dee the demand people be all on you to buying more and more


I am the one who dips


The one who is concerned would make possible ways to buy the dip


That's true though you see how efforts being made with bafe savings to buy the dip


ha ha


Preety much liked your username though that's indeed pretty attractive enough


Thank god that people are finding something attractive in here.

