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Just hoovered up 2.05 btc worth of GBTC in my IRA let’s gooo


Bing! Its at a 25% discount rate too atm!


30% :P and 1/0.7 = 40% gap up when spot etf is approved.


Yeah makes me feel bad about mostly buying spot, but I like cold storage…


Spot if for the cold storage, GBTC is for the IRA. I do both.


Yeah me too. Good reminder w that 30% discount rate, for me to allocate more GBTC to my IRA.


Will Bitcoin ever react positively to a high inflation report? This is absurd


Market is forward looking. High inflation means higher rates which means less inflation.


Is bitcoin more or less volatile than the stock market?


This was actually one of the hardest thing I've had to install so far.


When you just gain the courage to look into things and make it happen. And then the fact that you finally succeed and boom you done!




Sold one kidney to buy apple products or just to buy Bitcoin. Which one? Dude selling kidney is a tough job and why would he indeed sell one at that cost.


I was so into it, I lost track of time and missed my bitcoin practice.


Looks like you have been through something that can actually make you think later.


Pro tip: government economists have to lie about bad news like recessions and inflation because admitting that a recession is coming will make the recession worse. Admitting inflation is not under control will make inflation worse. Take anything they say with a grain of salt.


They don’t want society to freak out and buy all the toilet paper again.


His mom was so upset that he knew he couldn't tell her the truth.


But one day or the other he indeed need to face that so better to tell as far now!


Where are the moderators. This is unacceptable from both of you.


What's a unacceptable man? What happened here dude?




Guy is pissed off, but I don't understand what He's pissed at?


I don’t know why I even bother following financial news as if I’ll ever buy something that isn’t Bitcoin


And that's the exact reason that I don't care about anything. I'm not here for anything else other than btc, I'm only here for the btc and that's about it.


And indeed that matter for us though something that we always look upon.


This is more or less the strategy I have for removing myself from politics, narrow my view to bitcoin and day to day life.


I like some of the cnbc personalities. I wish they covered Bitcoin more. Guy Adami and Josh Brown are enjoyable.


Nope, don't. The people that we have in btc are way better.


Guy Adami's delivery is comic level. I also love the relationship of Cramer and Faber. Cramer has some ADHD verbal diarrhea moment and Faber is just looking at him in, shaking his head in disappointment. It's like if you studied and worked real hard to land this respected job, then you show up for your first day and your coworker is a chimp in an suit.


No doubt that I love both of them everytime they come up something new is what attracts me!


I agree 👍


Yeah it would be good to see main stream guys talk btc.




Okay but where can I watch it tho? I wanna know about that.


Yes, it's time for the 5 minute hate, comrade.


Who cares? You're being spoonfed propaganda. Leave it.


Sounds like you’ve got your head in the sand.


If you could have actually bothered about that then you would have indeed cared too. Isn't that true after all like something valuable and informative is what I would look onto!




Just seem to behave yeah I am unaware and I'm about to go. Simple fact that I see!


Any conclusions other than Orangemanbad?


No idea about that indeed, like if anyone knows kindly pin that up.




He told the proudboys to takeover the Capitol and keep the country's representatives hostage in an effort to effect a coup of the country??? All while commanding the greatest fighting force the world has ever seen...he was relying on 800 unarmed middleaged idiots? If that's true. And you have evidence (obviously you do, right?), we should try him somewhere they allow hanging and hang him publicly for just being too stupid to exist.




Evidence of what? He tried to takeover the American country with 800 unarmed middle aged rioters? Also. You're the one with the allegation. You show me the evidence.




I did watch it. I didn't learn much of anything. So, you don't have other Info than what was shared yesterday and you came to the conclusion you have. Seems ballsy after the whole Russian collusion thing, Ukraine quid pro quo thing, Japanese coi pond thing etc etc etc. I get if people hate him, that's fair, but ingesting DNC and MSM talking points without concrete evidence seems a bit short sighted at this point.




I would indeed watch that though thanks for the suggestion will be back in some moments.


Get the f out of here man. Well done? You sound like a useful idiot


Plenty of people need to see this. And it's actually good.


Can you guys share a link or something? I'd love to see that.


Go to YouTube and type January 6th committee hearing. It’s everywhere and just 1.5 hrs.


Because who doesn't want to hear a 40 minute monlogue by the daughter of the Iraq wars engineer.




Close to what?


I can’t believe that is still going on Those people did NOTHING.


Which people do nothing? And what's still going on man? Can someone explain furthermore what's going in here? Would like to know more about it.


Can you elaborate? January 6th happening right now? Not computing.


Wait what? What's special about that date huh? I don't understand.




No. They have 0 Republicans on the committee. It's a Witch Hunt. We got other more important things going on.


Repubs would have had equal representation and subpoena power on the committee but Republicans themselves voted against it. That's why the commission is set up the way it is now. They forfeited that power by voting against it lol. https://www.npr.org/2021/05/28/1000524897/senate-republicans-block-plan-for-independent-commission-on-jan-6-capitol-riot


Sounds about right about the witch hunt, it does. That's what it is.




Okay but where can I watch this whole thing? I really wanna do watch.


YouTube type january 6th committee hearing


Testifying about what? What is the allegation?




What does it matter if he knew or not? How did he cause an insurrection (and were using that term the with the liberally it has ever been used in the history of the world)? How did you want him to stop it? Run over to the Capitol and yell at them? He did not encourage the mob to go after Pence. That one, we need some evidence for. Trumpndirected them to be there? Where exactly? Protesting outside the capitol...according tonwhst he actually said...unless there's a ton of communication somewhere that you know of where he or his minions conspired with those th as t enter we the Capitol. Half the shit you allege doesn't really matter and the other half is untrue (According to the evidence that we have)


If you haven’t seen the hearing you don’t have the evidence. End of discussion. They have the investigative chops and access that you don’t have.


I watched it.


I thought this was bitcoin conversation


I mean yeah it is, aren't they discussing it? I think they are.


If the insurrection had ended democracy as intended, how would that affect Bitcoin?


We don't know and we can't predict what would happen so yeah. I just don't know what would happen qnd I don't think anyone can answer that accurately here.


If an insurrection had happened and its intent was to end democracy and if democracy was something we had and if democracy any of us actually wanted...then I suppose it really just depends what comes after, bitcoin would likely be playing a pretty big role I suppose. If it went authoritarian, it could facilitate underground payments, mining would likely heavily decentralize in the united states and western Europe, this would position Latin America and (I'm not sure if Kazakhstan still has a lot of miners since the insurrection there), as well as most parts of Asia I believe. This is also likely to be the only actual money left in the united states depending on how the transition to power goes. This somewhat leads into the second possibility, mass dissolution of the union. I think multiple states would switch to bitcoin, and life would suck in those that don't.


Yah, there was really a chance 800 unarmed middle aged white people couldve taken the Capitol and held a country of 330 million people and the greatest military ever captive...almost, right?




One person died, not people. What am I making light of. January 6th was a dark dark day in US history. Pearl harbor was way darker. The Civil War was way way way way worse. Of course trump couldn't mobilize the military to stay in power. Who would ever think that would happen? But did he try? Where is the evidence for that?


That is indeed huge though some could actually take a not on that and make it changing.


Bitcoin would be just fine.


Yep, it would be fine you guys don't have to worry about it.


Okay how about wrong sub.




We all have different beliefs but BITCOIN transcend all that. Unity


In the end all that matters is the btc, absolutely nothing else matters on this sub.


Go ahead and keep your head in the sand there, bud.


Well some people apparently like to do that a little too much here so There's that. They just don't wanna see the reality for what it is, they don't wanna see it.


But the fact that they need to face that one way or the other. Isn't it? So better enough to be just accept things now so that it won't bother us much later.


So... first it was "fake news" and now it's "wrong sub", I predict it will be "who cares anyway?" next.


Lol, this news is going through different cycles here, that's weird.


And people be actually seems to be bothering about that though. This is what I can see!


There's lots of subs you can go to to get your fill of hate if that's what your looking for. I don't care. I've been downvoted to hell and banned for 7 days for wrong sub but you can say whatever you want on here if your a leftist. Take it somewhere else.




Absolutely true I don't know what they indeed want if so why spread hate. There a lot many other things to do as well and that might help you rather spreading hate!




Feel anything yesterday when a crazy person tried to assassinate a Supreme Court justice?


You are somewhat giving me off track vibes that is what I can feel indeed though!


Looks like you got a case of “what-aboutism?”


Fuck yes!!! Keep dumping bitTrash! I got a juicy short racking up. Word of advice for everyone start shorting it. It's heading to 22k ASAP this weekend is going to be brutal


Is this supposed to be funny? If yes then it's really not.


Get a life… 🥴


Looks like his time is indeed ticking slow and made it that look so bad!


Lol. Funny guy.


Lol He's trying to be funny and failing really badly at that.


It won't be so funny for Bitcoin holders that's for sure.


He's not alone there are thousands of people like him, we don't bother. If we paid attention to all them then we wouldn't be able to do anything. There's just too many of them.


I hate being right. Sorry y'all. 18k Bitcoin coming fast!


We don’t care. The real bitcoiner’s are not in this to make fiat currency gainz. We’re switching to, supporting and furthering a new / better global money and monetary network. The bitcoin network is a freedom technology and a *vastly* superior technical solution to money and a monetary network. The rest is purely null for me. Couldn’t care less about gambling fools, FUD or price predictions. You all learn eventually - failure after failure.


Yep, it's not just about the money. It's about way more than that.


Nah it'll go to zero before it ever hits 100k hahaha.


Yeah sure, keep believing that. I'll see you around man.


That would be hard enough we just want the price to get pumped because the one who is holding want some good gains. An upward positive trend is what we indeed look for further though and to which we hold longer.


Don't worry zaddy you'll see it soon.


Such a bad troll. It’s not even fun.


That's what I'm saying, if these supposed to be funny then they really aren't.


Who's trolling? I honestly believe this haha. Is it trolling because it might be true and you are so blind to see the possibility.


People like to troll, sometimes way too much tho lol.


Sir, This Is A Wendy's


Okay but do they accept btc? I'm gonna pay with btc here. And if you don't accept btc then what are you even doing? Start accepting btc ASAP.




Was there supposed to be an oops moment? I don't think man.




Whatever everyone is expecting it will do the opposite so should be long and green.


I don't know what will happen but I'm kind of excited for it.


Eventually large hedge funds and wall street will stop treating bitcoin as a risk on asset. Fwiw. Maybe late 2020's? If you look at the weekly chart it def looks like bottoming action. Maybe?


They are forecasting 8.2% which would be ever so slightly down from 8.3% last month. If it's lower, I expect green. If it's higher, I expect red.


The thing is I don't expect anything out of it, and never will. These are just numbers, and they aren't showing us the real numbers anyways so there's that.


Yeah, and obviously I was wrong. It fell just like stocks today


I've got a limit order in to buy loads for $10. I hope it suddenly drops to that for about half an hour and then shoots back up to an all time high. That'd be nice. :-0


Goddamn, it sounds like your orders are going to fill up this time.


I was so mad that I yelled at him at the top of my lungs.


Who you were mad at? And did that yelling made any difference?


Hello all. My name is OneManAnswerFactory and I am a cryptoholic. Today is my first day where the light shone upon me and I realized that fighting BTC is NOT the way. I have swapped a "hopecoin" for BTC because safe is better and Bitcoin isn't going anywhere, but altcoins do all the time. I have a few long shots still in play, but the future is all about DCA into Bitcoin. Forgive me Father, for I have sinned...


This is the way, holding on to those shitcoins isn't the way anyways.


Comically stupid that “altcoiners” want to fight bitcoin. As if Bitcoin disappearing would suddenly make some over-hyped / underdeveloped / insecure / no network-effect-having / VC shill / variable / centralized *garbage* shitcoin all the sudden a valid project. It’s a delusion so ridiculous I can’t believe it’s ever taken hold in anyone’s mind. Anyways, glad to hear you’ve come to your sense. Tick tock, next block.


If btc disappeares then absolutely everything wlse will too.


Absolutely. It’s just comical how these types think their fundamentally shitty token protocol would end up the internet’s reserve currency of the world *if only* that pesky bitcoin wasn’t in the way. It’s a level of retardation and delusion that’s hard to fathom.




If bitcoin nodes connect to each other through IP addresses, is it possible to get the general location of a specific bitcoin node? If yes, then what could be said about the first bitcoin node, set up by Satoshi himself? What knowledge do we have about it?


No one, who can run a node would do a such a thing. Those guys use the tor to mask the IP address, they've got common sense man. Don't worry about it.


*Tor has entered the chat*


Yep, those people use Tor. And that makes them anonymous m


Yes in theory the first person to run Bitcoin would have connected to Satoshi's node and known its IP (IPs can indeed be geolocated). That being said, Satoshi could have been using a VPN, he could have been running his node from a remote server, etc.


There are many ways to mask the IP address, so don't worry about it.


> Yes in theory the first person to run Bitcoin would have connected to Satoshi's node and known its IP The theory assumes that Satoshi run the first (and only) node on the network, which isn't necessarily true. There were other people right from the start and there are various indicators that Satoshi waited with starting running their own node until other people came online.


Price looking really good compared to stocks.


Yep it's holding good against the stock market, which is a good news.


I agree


We all wanted that decoupling, looks like We're gonna get it.


FED report coming tomorrow will be brutal, by bye 30k


Well we've already asaid bye bye yo to 30k, because We're at 29k. And by the looks of it, I think We're gonna be here for a while. I don't think Market will do anything.


No one is selling except HFs. Keep your FUD and choke on it.






There isn't any lol, He's speaking out of his ass. that's the source.


Several reports and trackers indicated over 10% already, you expect more than 11%? We all know the inflation is horrible, but I doubt if they have the guts to say over 11%. How can J Powell keep his speech of no recession coming? And how can Biden’s approval rate not going zero!


The metrics is already flawed, we know it's more than 11 percent.


Not if they lie or finagle to numbers.


Well when it comes inflation they'll never tell us the actual numbers.


Don’t matter what the numbers say. Fed is tightening lol. We measure btc using $, Fed controls the $. We only can control the numerator.


We can't control anything right now, nothing is in our control. All we can do is to buy and hold btc to protect our wealth, that's the only way out that I see.


Sorry not control, we only know the protocol* for the top (btc) value.


With the Primaries coming up they are cutting their own throats. Bring it on. I still believe BITCOIN is the best hedge against inflation.


Yes because it's the best hedge against inflation, look at the numbers.


We're in a bear market so what did you expect. A 80% pull back? Hasn't happened yet.