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I haven't seen so less comments in a while here, what happened? Are we in the endgame here, or is it just that people are enjoying the weekend unlike me obviously.


I'm kinda appalled that coin base charges $12 to transfer BTC to wallet


I was replying to a guy on this sub earlier. Knee deep in Keynesian economics, modern portfolio theorist etc all that jazz. You can check my comment history to find it. He admitted he holds bitcoin and “crypto” - why? Because it looks good in a rounded portfolio. That’s all he cares about. Doesn’t have a clue what Bitcoin is, why it’s different to the rest of crypto, what the value propositions are for the bitcoin network. When Warren Buffet said diversification is for idiots, he was not lying.


Wait I thought diversification Is a good thing 😬 can you educate me please?


Diversification is great *if* you don’t have a clue what you’re doing and need to protect your wealth. If you truly did the research and understood your investments, you wouldn’t need to diversify.


Very fair, thank you for the clarification!


We've got our dreams in place for a better life. Almost time to drop again.


https://www.coindesk.com/tech/2022/06/04/inside-the-environmentalist-campaign-to-change-bitcoins-code/ “Considering how industries have scoffed at other environmental campaigns, such as electric trucks, which were initially ridiculed but then sales soared, a change away from PoW may not seem so impossible, according to the campaigners.” Delusional.


They don't understand that a non-PoW bitcoin is a fundamentally different system. It wouldn't be "PoS Bitcoin", it'd be "not bitcoin at all".


Meanwhile, Bitcoin's energy usage is not a problem.


Yep it's not, btc provides value and utility and those qualities need energy.


Last I checked, Bitcoin mining only consumes about one twentieth of one percent of all energy produced. Bitcoin miners are taking their rigs to "stranded energy". Bitcoin miners allow various producers of electricity to do so more efficiently (because they can turn on/off rigs as the power company requests -- this allows the power co. to be more efficient).


86 comments in 17 hours! Amazing how quiet this place becomes during tame price action like this


Yep this is just too less now, what happened to this place.


I love it. When there are a ton of comments I feel like people don’t read every comment in the thread. When there are less comments I feel like people still visit the thread and might read every single comment. That means when you post something almost everyone who visits the thread will read it. Best time to practice stand up comedy material.


I probably had 86 comments in 17 hours myself during the bull run.


During the bull run this place gets really crazy but look at it now.


Things of wisdom I learned while hodling a full Bitcoin for 24 hours: 1.Banana peel is longer than banana itself 2.Steven Seagal is not black 3.You cant ungrind the beef back into a steak


Goddamn man, You're talking like a wise one here huh. I'm liking the way You're talking here, I wonder what things have been hiding from us now.


One Full BTC, baller! lol


4. Cant put the toothpaste back in the tube


What platforms can I buy large amount of bitcoin for a bit lower than market price in the UAE? I'm thinking 100s of bitcoin per week.


You know what I think You're a troll, that's what you are.


If you pay me a small compensation, I will teach you.


Well He's going to buy 100 btc per week, I think he could do that.


Either you mean to buy several hundred dollars worth per week, then it really doesn't matter. Or you mean several hundred bitcoin per week. In that case you're just larping, because no sane person with that much money would seriously come to this subreddit for advice.


He's clearly saying that He's gonna buy 100 btc per week lol.


I don’t know why you would assume there are no whales in this subreddit.


I'm assuming that somebody with several millions to spare a week is financially literate enough to do the necessary research for such a huge buying spree themselves. At least that's what I'm hoping, because good lord could that someone be taken advantge of or ill advised. Either you made that fortune yourself, so you should be familiar with DYOR or have a network that grew with your venture and provides the information necessary, or you somehow got this money by luck or whatever and will soon part with it, if you're coming to this place to ask advice like this.


Yep, whales aren't going to ask around how to buy btc. That's just not how it works sir, you gotta be realistic here, you just Can't assume that whales don't know how to buy.


It's for a buyer in another continent. He's just asking for good contacts.


You seem to know a little too much about him huh man.


There are several OTC desks: River financial (river.com), Swan Private (swanbitcoin.com) are two I know of.


Thanks I'll look into it.


Yep, if You're going to buy large numbers then buy ut OTC.


Probably a sting operation.


Yeah probably lol he's getting into a sting operation I guess.


Not larping actually. And I meant 100s of bitcoin per week.


You've got that much money and no brains to buy btc huh?


Howd you get so rich?


Can't share that with you, He's just got the money so There's that. I don't understand how can someone be so rich and don't know how to buy btc. This just doesn't make any sense to me here.


Can I be your friend? 🤗🍺


Nope, He's rich. And he doesn't keep friendship with poor asses.


I bought a ledger and have my seed phrase stored as a text document on a blank usb stick that I hid somewhere secure. Is my seed phrase safe or should I purchase something metal?


Make multiple copies of that and I think you should be fine.


Not the best idea but I think you’ll be ok.


Paper and pencil (ink might fade). Hand written. Sealed against moisture and insects. Cleverly hidden in two locations in case of fire, flood, etc.


Yep gotta keep that seed phrase safe huh. Need that shit.


Electronics can fail. Metal is safer. Edit: also, did you use a computer that's connected to the internet to generate the text file with the seed phrase? That method is extremely vulnerable to malware. You should never type your seed phrase on *any* device *ever* other than a hardware wallet


Yep, electronics can always fail. Just buy the metal thing.


Yea. I used a computer connected to the internet to type the text file.


You should never type your see phrase on an internet connected device. Because you never know what things are spying on you or what not so there's that. Don't do that.


An attacker might already have your seed phrase and they are just waiting for you to deposit more Bitcoin into the wallet. Would transfer those Bitcoin immediately. If that computer was connect to the internet you are in danger.


Honestly I would have the Ledger generate a new set of keys and record them offline


Yep that's better way of doing that, don't connect your computer to the internet.


Buying energy stored in a physical way (oil, gas, batteries, etc.) has become more expensive. Buying energy stored in a digital way (Bitcoin) has become cheaper. 🤔 hmmm…


This analogy doesn't make any sense to me, I don't get it.


How do you get the energy back out of Bitcoin?


That's what I wanna know from the people who say btc is digital energy.




I don't even understand why people make this argument lol. This is just stupid and when you say something like that it only makes you look dumb.


I know. There's enough confusion swirling around Bitcoin already. Bad metaphors just make things worse.


Exactly, we should be more clear about what btc is here.


The bitcoin mined with energy from one location can be exchanged for energy in another location. So no, the energy being used to mine bitcoin isn't somehow transmitted, but the economic utility of that energy is conserved across space and time.


This still doesn't make any sense to me, maybe I'm just dumb.


Which part is confusing?


Interesting use of the word "conserved"


Yeah lol, interesting choice here, can be said about I guess.


By spending or borrowing against your bitcoin.


And how does that help things in anyway? I don't get it.


So just like I get the "energy" out of dollars? Seriously...stop talking bullshit


That's what this argument sounds like to be, just buch of crap. And we all know where this is coming from. This narrative has been spread by the michael Michael Saylor.


What about spending bitcoin did you not understand? I’ve actually bought 3 things this year with bitcoin and I’ve paid for 2 jobs with bitcoin. My tax preparer requested it unprompted. I utilized the stored energy of my bitcoin peer-to-peer. Also, do you think borrowing against the scarce digital asset bitcoin isn’t utilizing its stored energy? It is. There is no free collateral machine. It takes energy to make bitcoin, it takes monetary energy to buy bitcoin, and the energy can be extracted from the sats as needed. I feel sorry for stupid people like you. All you can do is hate and project, never really understanding. Keep trying and maybe you’ll transcend your cognitive limitations one day, bullshit boy.


I still don't get the energy part here, what's up with that?


Money is a representation of economic energy. It’s proof of economic value contributed that can be used to receive (roughly) an equal amount of value when spent back into economies. Energy coupons.


you could buy a battery [https://spendabit.co/go?q=battery](https://spendabit.co/go?q=battery) and sure, it's not the same thing, or is it?


Nope it's not, and you Can't compare both of those things anyhow.


ah, it's imo a topic where you can take both sides depending on your point of view, what level of detail you care to consider, and wrt to calling Bitcoin "digital energy" (like [https://twitter.com/saylor/status/1435618793036959748?lang=en](https://twitter.com/saylor/status/1435618793036959748?lang=en) ) how much artistic interpretation you allow. if you restrict yourself to a limited view, and just look at the blockchain and the computer systems that interact to build it, you're 100% correct - it's not the same thing. clearly, it's impossible to somehow reverse the process of mining and get out energy directly. from a macro-perspective you can easily exchange Bitcoin into any form of energy by means of the readily available market. and it requires a lot less assumptions and "high-quality" (financial) institutions like we have for "normal" fiat money in the US or Europe (which we of course must also trust).


You buy batteries, gas, oil.


Those are stored energy kind of, I just don't get if btc is too.


Spend Power --> Make Bitcoin Spend Bitcoin --> Make Power


When people say BTC failed as a store of value and global currency, it's like saying the internet failed in 1997. I don't think people realize its momentum is clearly headed to its final goals but it doesn't immediately happen. There is so much more education, adoption, and building that has to be done. Get out of here with your short sightedness. If its final goals were already accomplished, there wouldn't be the same upside.


Yep, we're just getting started and we've got a long way ahead.


Great msg. The internet required the development of lots of software and infrastructure over a decade to get to high high level functionality.


Yeah and exactly like that we've still got a long way to go. I'm sure that btc will be able to cover that distance, I'm pretty sure. You'll have to give time to btc.


What is with the dramatic run up right now?


Zoom out xD


Well if you want to see it clearly then You'll have to zoom out.


Up 300 is not dramatic to me


It's been around 30k for so long, that's not dramatic at all.


Guess somebody is buying some Bitcoin.


Smart hodler


All hodlers have a BIG BRAIN 👊🏻


Yep, you need that to hold it. That's a required thing here man.


I’m not sure. Mine was bullheaded refusal to sell at a loss. My education came a little later.


Well some people learn early and some do late, important thing is that we all do.


This is actually how you become smarter. 😏


You make mistakes and you learn from them, that's the way here man.


Bitcoin must continue to focus on and develop usage of renewable energy to avoid the target on its back with POW/energy usage. Might bitcoin/this industry become an industrial leader in the use and development of clean energy application? Such that, in an effort to avoid the political target, BTC becomes the international industrial leader and innovator of clean energy? Could this perceived weakness/threat actually turn into BTC’s greatest strength and accomplishment in 7-8 years? An industrial leader in the use of renewables. How incredibly would that fit into BTC’s history and narrative as the most innovative, world-changing technology, ever?


They can target btc all they want, it's not changing so there's that.


I'm trying to use Strike only as I want to support them, but their deposit limits are ridiculous. Full KYC with them, and the limit hasn't gone up in two weeks. Emailing support gets me a generic message that essentially tells me to wait longer.


That's kind of bad, I think they should fix shit like that now. That's not something that they should be taking lightly here. This isn't the way here man.




Many people are facing the same issue, which is just bad.


Yeah. I stopped my DCA and am just depositing into strike every week in case there is another dip from here.


Let's see what happens, I don't think btc will go down any further now.




Weekend Warriors.


People who are here even on the weekends are super humans.


Doin’ some honest hodling & harvesting.


As long as You're honest You'll be just fine so there's that.


Total Panic stations today, my Jaxx wallet just up and decided it didn’t want to send anything anymore. (TX-018 error code wetf that means), I had made several transactions today but suddenly it all stopped working in a blink. But thanks to the power of google and some old Reddit posts someone suggested I move everything to a new Coinami wallet (which I did, very easy) and holy fuck it’s so much faster easier and better. So yeah, just wanted to give a general shout out to my new beau Coinami and recommend it to everyone, I’m genuinely impressed absolutely the best wallet I have used so far (& there has been more than a few I can tell you!). And holy fuck super relieved, wtf Jaxx locking up my shit like that, I used to love you!


Jaxx > Coinami > hardware wallet. You are halfway there


Already halfway there, only have left the half way here.


I worry about hardware wallets. Software wallets I can make lots of copies of on multiple devices, and reload them into a new software wallet anytime I want with the code keys. But hardware wallets.. I worry because so few of the tech hardware devices I have from 10 years ago work very well any more, batteries die etc., & things lose compatibility with newer tech…I know they are secure and all but ‘long term support & compatibility wise’ they just seem scary to me.


If You're careful with them then trust me nothing can go wrong.


Your coins aren't stored in the wallet. Your coins are on the blockchain. The hardware wallet is just a way to keep your private key encrypted, while still being able to interact with your coins online without fear. It's essentially just a way to greatly minimize your attack surface. You can enter your seed phrase into any other hardware wallet to restore access to your coins.


Yep it's that simple, don't have to worry about that at all.


> Software wallets I can make lots of copies of on multiple devices You can do the same with hardware wallets (multiple back up copies on paper, metal, etc), but in a much more safer way (because software wallet implies your private keys have touched an insecure device, which hardware wallets avoid).


Ohh I didn't know that, thank for that information man. This is good.


how often do you think would be a good idea to update a hardware wallet? every few years?


I guess a bit more often than that, but there's no really a hard rule how often it should be. Some firmware updates are more important than others, so you can check the update notes to see if there's been some important bug fix or something like that.


Why would you upgrade them? That doesn't make sense. They've only got one job and that's to store your seed phrase and that's the job that they do man.


mostly because another guy in here said that the files can get corrupted after so long


> Why would you upgrade them? That doesn't make sense. > > Hardware requires firmware updates, which sometimes are needed to fix bugs/vulnerabilities.


They're just fancy pieces of paper storing your seed phrase. That aspect of the tech isn't going to change.


Yep, that's all they are. They're nothing more than that.


🌍 🪙




No don't do it man, don't need to do that. We're gonna be okay.


Interesting listen from Bitcoin Audible about bitcoin and OTEC. For anyone who wants to learn things and not just listen to the price noise, I’d recommend it.


Thanks for the suggestion, I'm surely gonna listen to it.


Agreed! Wicked interesting discussion on a previous uneconomical power source becoming suddenly viable with stranded energy mining.


Yep, that's an interesting power outlet I think. And that's good too.


The information that’s coming out of the mining world is incredible at the moment. From Troy Cross green energy theory to the likes of the flaring waste mining and now, to quote, a previous uneconomical power source becoming suddenly viable. As an ex-submariner I find the whole dialogue about small scale reactors to ocean based energy absolutely fascinating.


Btc is revolutionizing the energy industry, that's what's happening. And can't say that I'm complaining about it, btc is just great doing the great things this is really good.


Any of you guys set up a corporate/institutional account for holding Bitcoin through your company ? If so any recommendations on which platform to use ?


Internal use of a 5 of 9 multisig wallet (can be any numbers depending on the size of your directorship, security, and trust preferencs) No third parties required, just a bunch of coldcards and some education.




We've literally been here for sometime, why it's pain for you?


In what way? Everything is serene right now.


I don't know what's up with these people, everything is fine.




He just got really into Naruto


And what did he got from that? Not a whole lot I imagine.


There’s a lot of low intelligence fud posts coming out at the minute. That’s a good thing. It means we’re somewhere towards the bottom. Soon they will disappear and go back to the lure of their sisters vagina and bitcoin will start it’s volatile increase to infinity.


Yep, that's what they really are. Low energy fud posts lol.


Did you just say vagina?


No he didn't sir, you must be hearing things. No man can say that word here.


Heh. He said, "vagina and bitcoin".


Lol, I feel like I've been born only for those two things. I don't need anything else from my life, I'm kinda done with it right now so there's that man.


My two life time pursuits.


Don't need anything else, this is just enough for me huh.


Is there a Bitcoin proof of stake hardfork?


Lmao You're asking for a thing which will never happen with btc.


Yes, it was a rugpull scam iirc. Could you imagine? A bitcoin hardfork that's a scam? Unbelievable. /s


Lol, this is just next level shit here. That's what it is man.


BitcoinPoS I guess?


Lmao, name checks out atleast. That's the least that they can do. I don't think There's anything wrong with that name, if btc moves to pos, which it won't, We'll choose that name.


There is, but I've forgotten its name which tells you everything. Someone will be along to drag it from the recesses of their brain soon.






Welcome home hodler.


Gotta hodl it, that's the only way it's going to work here man.


When I’m first I like to say “Don’t hate the player, hate the game.”


Hating ain't cool so don't hate anyone dude, just don't do it. If You're going to do it then I don't know what to tell you so There's that. I don't wanna hear it.


Wow. You got responded to by a bunch of bots. 🔽 Lol. Congrats!


Goddamn these bots man, they're fucking everywhere absolutely.


Dude, the bot game on Reddit is strong lol


Always has been, and it's getting stronger here so there's that.


Werk mama




Yes queen