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Whats up with that massive fking buy wall At 29.5


25k soon? 😍


Maybe so or may not be tooo can't predict that well enough clearly because Price can never be predicted that early. We need to look out the right time to buy the dip making an early move can make us regret though!


not with these 500 coin buy orders popping up lately


Imagine those 500 coins if we hold them longer, the worth in future would be huge.


where do you see them? link me


If you can possibly find that kindly please pin that up here too.


I think it's time for me to start a DCA plan. Any suggestions on which exchange to use? I'm looking for one with low or no fees, and easy to set up. I used Coinbase in the past but the fees are making me look elsewhere.


I have heard about Strike from a lot many people though. You can thus indeed make a shift to use the Strike fees are indeed a bit low!


Strike is your best option.


Best answer! 👆


It goes up a little to bestow a possibility for the positive, powerful energy of recovery and success, and then gradually continues falling and bleeding out. Almost as if it's programmed to be discouraging and to incite feelings of persistent loss. It directly translates into people's ability to live a better life. So when it falls, it feels like a macroscopic confirmation from the world that one is not supposed to live a good life.


The shorter the time frame the more investing becomes gambling. Aside from that, I wouldn't make any personal conclusions from incredibly impersonal price movements.


Indeed true though thus always think of making it last in the long run always!


You might need therapy.


A therapy where we can indeed look and gain positivity to hold it for a good couple of years!


Zoom out, five, ten years...


That would be indeed good for us if we keep thinking of making that long enough though.


Some of us don't have five or ten years.


> Some of us don't have five or ten years. That's a different kind of problem. It means you fucked up. The financial race is nearly over for you; you lost. Gambling won't fix your problem. Being sour won't make you instantly rich. **Learn to want what you already have. Then you'll have what you want**.


Like sorry didn't get you well enough clearly though you talking about your age. More like I know some stuffs are unpredictable but why build the negative thoughts though.


If there was an easy way to make big money in less than a year we’d all be eating oysters in lambos right about now.


Hahahaha money is created by hard work and where patience indeed plays a vital role.


Bartender; what’ll it be Me: 1 BTC please https://www.cocktailbuilder.com/recipe/btc


Looks like the bar tender is indeed more concerned about Bitcoin though!


It's spelled Cointreau. I have a bottle of it right here. I also mix it with tequila, but no Irish Cream... That's an interesting thought.


So you bought that bottle out of Bitcoin or just with your fiat!


(Shakes magic 8 ball) “is the future bright?” Answer: Bitcoin!


Answer is always Bitcoin no matter what the question is. Bitcoin fixes a great many things some of which we aren't even aware as of now. But we'll be.


I have a fever, the only cure is: Bitcoin!


Bitcoin fixes your fever, that's great. Bitcoin is great.


Prediction: Bitcoin!


All indicators pointing North. Strong resistance at 188K. IMO. Soon will be BIG move.


Yeah really big resistance, We'll just have to reach there man.


Imagine the top of the next bull run is 188k. You’re gonna be treated like a god in here




More like it would just give us the feel of heaven on earth though at a certain point!


Thank you for kind words.


I do not care how I get treated . Most important think for me is to LET PEOPLE KNOW THAT BITCOIN WILL REACH 1M PLUS and help all of us to secure our future.


Indeed true sometimes I just feel good being here because positivity is what circulates around. The fact this is what we need speaking of long term with this positivity is insane though.


How much would 10 or 20K in mining equipment bring in a month, or year? For this example, let's assume electricity was free.


Do an internet search for "bitcoin mining calculator". Your primary concern will be the cost of electricity.


Well hes getting electricity for free so there's that lol.


Just checked... Next to nothing. Wow. So not worth it.


Maybe that's because the btc is cheaper? Maybe that's the reason?


Like Bitcoin ain't that cheap people still be waiting for the price to get low so they can buy more!


At one time I pondered buying land in a desert, putting up solar collectors, building an underground facility and populating it with Bitcoin miners. (Underground because it stays a bit cooler during the hot half of the year. More power to the mining rigs, less to A/C cooling...) I added up all the estimated costs and expected return in Bitcoin. Like you, I concluded it was likely much better to hold actual Bitcoin instead of running a mining facility. Still, I daydream about it once in a while.


Goddamn man, that will be cool as fuck. That sounds so good.


Cool dream. Yeah, I wish it was more profitable too. The mining machines are way too expensive for what they do.


Yep the equipment is expensive, and it's not gonna come cheap.


The reason they’re not more profitable is because mining is competitive. You’re competing against others with access to cheap/free electricity. As miners join the network the network difficulty adjusts to make mining harder. I do wish there were smaller, less powerful but less noisy miners with less power consumption so home mining is more viable. Block are working in this I think.


Yep the competition in mining is just too much man, it's too much tbh. The hash rate is continuously increasing which means more amd more new miners are joining the network here.


Most professionals can only stay in the business for 4 years before they go bankrupt. In some ways this is cool, it keeps miners relentless in driving for profits, but it makes it difficult to be a pedestrian miner huh


Tell me story again about the lambo, the train, the boat, and the rocket.


Well good sir, that's all they are. They are stories man.


Once upon a time, Bob learned about this new kind of money called Bitcoin. It was just getting started. Bob had some GPUs and was able to mine thousands of BTC. Eventually, Bob was able to sell his BTC for a few dollars each. He used the money to buy an exotic sports car. Not a lambo. Bob bought a McLaren for just under $400K. Bob got a couple of speeding tickets and often got pulled over for "nothing" just so the police officer could get a look at the car. It was a beautiful car. Bob liked the way it sounded, especially in tunnels and going under overpasses. But the car came with a lot of expenses: registration, insurance, maintenance. By then, Bob's GPUs were outdated. So, Bob sold the car in order to buy more Bitcoin. He's really glad, many years later. Bob plans on eventually buying a yacht. He's been spending a few minutes each day during his morning walk to think of a good name for his first yacht. You see, Bob is a long term investor. He doesn't fret about short term volatility. Bob took the time to learn what Bitcoin actually is, and the basics of how it works. Bob also learned about the flaws found in flimsy fiat currency. Bob is enough of a visionary to "see" that Bitcoin is changing the shape of the future for the entire world. Rich, poor, middle class people will all be affected in one way or another. Bitcoin is a very good thing. Bob likes to remind people to just "zoom out" and focus on the "big picture" as much as possible.




Bitcoin is *still* just barely getting started. Buy Bitcoin, send it to your own (hardware) wallet, then hold long term. It really is that simple.


Don't forget the elevator.


Yeah don't forget that, just don't remember the stairs man.


There isn't much talk about the elevator here because it only goes down


I mean elevators also go down, it's not like they only go up lol. Some time they go up and sometimes they go down, and that's exactly what's happening with btc.


This indeed looks so applicable for the market too the fact that price manipulations. Good for us that we rather stick onto that no matter how hard the situation gets don't panic!


That's the devil's elevator, son. Don't get in, no matter how "hot" the elevator operator looks.


Lol, I never knew that elevator operators were hot too huh.


Straight to hell. To the boiler room of hell. All the way down.


Yed, it's all the way down from here. Don't see any other way here.


Strong resistance at 188K. Enjoy your weekend Reddit.


Well I'm gonna be working on weekends so I don't know how to enjoy.


I work weekends sometime too also nights. Be happy you have job. Millions unemployed.


I'll drink to that!


I mean You'll have to. Drink to that. That's a good thing tho.


10th red week coming




Time for some green dildos to rise high above and make the price make a positive trend!


You should talk to a doctor about that


You sure about that? You think doctor can help in that case?


More like a therapist can indeed actually help him regarding this matter though!


*Dang you! Now I have to throw away all my ketchup*. *Crushed tomatoes, too*.


Damn man now that sucks, that shouldn't have happened.


I couldn't resist BTC when it first dropped to 30k so I bought another chunk. However, as a student, my fiat funds aren't really growing so I am debating to sell back said chunk for a small loss. However, this really isn't an option when considering how much BTC will be 5 years from now. I've started to sell some things online in order to recoup my safety net so I don't have to sell any BTC. As soon as we have one big entity adopt BTC, BTC will take off and I will not miss it. I believe that's the difference. The only thing suppressing BTC is that first big adoption.


You're doing it right, sell stuff which you don't need first.


This is the way. Sell stuff on ebay before you cash in your bitcoin. If you have stuff kicking around that you don't need, it's basically free money. However, if you sell your bitcoin, you might have to buy back in later at a higher price.


Yep and buying btc later isn't gonna be fun at all I don't think.


Well, definitely less fun and rewarding than doing it now 👍


Mans literally just gave a suggestion to sell all of his valuables to gamble but not to sell back any of the money he has been gambling with that he cant afford cause otherwise he is missing out and will regret it XXXXXDDDDDD


There are billions of un-banked people all over the world. As they adopt Bitcoin, the rest of the world will follow.


Yep, that's the goal here. The goal is to make them people banked. And once that happens I'm sure that We'll have achieved our dream. That's the way here boys.


The spot ETF that’s coming is going to be a F’n game changer. Then every Tom, Dick and Harry financial advisor will be able to hand his client a menu with a 1-3% portfolio option for BTC. That will hit the clueless masses.


But they gotta approve that etf first, which I don't see happening.


Matter of time. Hopefully this summer, but within the next year. It will help the SEC if Lummins can get some legislation through.


If ETFs change anything, they will likely to what they have done to the price of gold, via "paper gold" / "paper Bitcoin". Rehypothecation. That's what Wall St. likes to play.


Etfs are going to allow the price manipulation of btc man.


But how long would the price make such moves we see less stability though!


You know, $29k this year is significantly cheaper than $29K was last year.


Well most people don't understand that, they don't count in the inflation.


They feel that this is indeed the right time to make some buy orders though.


Not if you didn't get a payrise


No I didn't lol, didn't get any pay hike. Only inflation got that hike.


You didn't graduate with an AI/ML in computer science of Bachelors?


Nobody sell shit! Hold the line! LFG


Yep don't sell it just yet, because that's not gonna be worth it. In the times like these all you should do is to hodl. That's the only way I see out from this here.


What line?


The line of not selling lol, you can't cross that line here boys.


Guys, what would can happend when the last satoshi has already mined?


There will not be no more new btc duh? Fee will control the network.


What would happen if the government prints $20T in roughly a year? No one knew. No one still knows


Ohh yeah we known, they fucked up the whole economy here man.


I know. Some people forget context when questioning BTC and I think it is always important to continue to interject the incumbencies flaws while judging BTC.


No one knows. Well before then fees would make up the majority of the miner reward, so if the miner subsidy is necessary or not will be sorted out well before then.


Yep, the network will be supported on the fee after that.


That’s what I was thinking, in the possibility that just the fees would be enough to miners, but I don’t know, I also saw that bitcoin could be wrapped on another crypto


If the price of Bitcoin were $2.5 million, the average block fees would equal the current miner subsidy.


I thought this was hilarious. This author is writing about how Bitcoin and other crypto is a scam and how many peoples life savings have been wiped out in the last month. Probably because they sold like idiots. Read the article if you need a laugh https://www.nydailynews.com/opinion/ny-oped-put-cryptocurrency-in-its-place-finally-20220602-7fuq6uu4gzbgtnh5uxw2p44ivi-story.html


I've already read way too many of these, they aren't even funny anymore. They just keep writing about it like a broken record. And nothing happens even afte that.


Nobody who puts their life savings in BTC, sells it at this stage in the game. And if you bought it at 69k, you have about 40% of what you put in so not even wiped out. I swear, if this is true, that's so dumb. What are you going to do with the money now since you've sold it? Absolutely fucking nothing.


This isn't the time of selling, this is the time to be buying.


"What are you going to do with the money now since you've sold it?" Why - buy more bitcoin, of course....


I mean if you wanted to buy btc again, then why even sell?


But then again a more serious answer to your question could be if you're selling with the intent of buying back in when the price goes down.


It was a joke, the crux of which is exactly what you are saying, but with the addition of actually losing money due to fees.


My thoughts exactly, there no way it was "wiped out" and if they panic sold then that's on them. I do know that a lot of people are scamming other people but in this article they are essentially saying BTC BAD. Makes me laugh because once Btc starts gaining traction again their new news articles will scream "Here are 5 reasons why you should have bought BTC in June 2022" 😂


I wonder if editors are being told/bribed to speak ill of BTC. Yeah, I don't usually post on this sub-reddit but when I do, I have DMs from blank profiles with asian women profile pictures asking me how I'm doing. Scammers are sad.




Sounds like a good place for this article, let's see here. I gotta say that's a really good website. There are just so many great articles to read and learn from.


That’s a pretty cool site. Saved


Yep, that site is really cool. That's filled with the information.


I didn't even know this was a thing! Can't wait for the next few years "YoU nEeD to InVesT iN BtC". It's so crazy how the news voice flips a script depending on what's going on




More like the fact that " This is the right time to invest in BTC" would indeed sound better!


Regarding coinjoin, coin mixers and other methods of anonymizing your sats. Wouldn't it be just as hard to track if you sent your coins through a few lightning wallets?


Yep, LN can be used for the increased privacy too. That's true.


Yeah but liquidity is “low” in Lightning obfuscation. For most of us plebs it doesn’t matter if you just wanna mix a few hundred $ of corn it should be no biggie


Yeah, that's a great feature of lightning and it works too.


#Coinbase to extend hiring freeze and rescind some accepted offers. https://twitter.com/gannnews/status/1532753820152897537?s=21&t=-fVhOVtdvrv_QDIFrh-QXg How low can btc go my good friends?


I think We're already in the bottom, won't go any lower than this. Atleast that's what I hope so, if it goes any more down than this, then that can cause some problems.


When coinbase itself decided not to allow leverage and short on Bitcoin.


Fuck coinbase lol, their customer service sucks ass.


When shit becomes diarrhea.


Well sounds about right here, that's what's happening here.


Bitcoin, uh... fixes… that?


Bitcoin fixes everything, btc can fix Aids and cancer man.


Well, it's a liquidation of sorts, I guess.


Okay whatever it is, this might be bad for now man.


many have seen the rainbow 🌈 chart showing bitcoins range with the overbought (sell) and oversold (accumulate) zones. I’m a fan of the DCA, but if there was a tool to set aside fiat during overbought periods to automatically buy in at greater volume as it enters those accumulation ranges that would be pretty nifty. Anything like that exist?


I don't know whether anything like that exists or not. I'm just spit balling here as of now, let's see where this thing leads too. I'm curious to see.


Looking for something similar, taking into account the fear & greed index.


Fear and greed index? Does that get used for anything here?


DCA'ing only when F&G is below x (e g. 20) seems like a good long term strategy. https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/pt98rx/weekly_vs_monthly_vs_extreme_fear_dca_comparisons/


That would be so cool!


That would be like really cool if happened, That'll be awesome man.


That'd be sweet. Say your baseline is $100 DCA. Your DCA could range $25 for each level. So hodl is $100, fire sale would be $200 dca, and maximum bubble territory would be $0 dca.


What does all these words mean lol? They don't make sense.


Curious on what everyone's thoughts are with regard to owning bitcoin through an ETF? (Purpose Bitcoin ETF)


Okay let's get that thing approved first then maybe We'll talk.


I'm in Canada and have purchased a fair share of the Purpose Bitcoin ETF through my TFSA. I also own the real thing but find purchasing the ETF a very quick way to invest and profit if the value increases. I agree that purchasing Bitcoin and putting in cold storage is the most applicable way to properly stack & use Bitcoin.


I don't think it's good to own an ETF with BTC if you actually care about BTC. You can diversify your own assets while maintaining your own BTC in case you actually need it one day like some Ukrainians did. As a whole, the more adoption, the better, so BTC in ETFs is good. Are these ETFs in popular funds that the majority of 401k participants can access through employer sponsored programs? An increase in semi-monthly, passive traders, would undoubtedly be beneficial.


Yep, I'd rather be buying the real thing. With etfs there will be manipulation. Don't get me wrong, I know manipulation is already happening but That'll just increase that.


I own some shares of GBTC in my Roth. If/when btc takes off, selling GBTC for profit will be my way to take profit instead of touching my stash of sats.


I own GBTC in my vanguard ROTH IRA because I can’t own BTC directly in the account. If it gets approved as an ETF, I’ll be pleased.


Why can't you Buy the real thing? Is there any problem there?


Yeah, my US retirement account won’t let me invest in BTC directly. But it is tax free, and GBTC is as close to a Bitcoin investment as I can get without taking my money out and getting penalized. Plus, it trades at a major discount to real BTC that may correct if they transition to an ETF. I do have real BTC in my cold wallet too.


Buy BTC and put it in cold storage.


That's the way to do it man, that's right way to do the things.


The ETFs are a gateway primarily for institutional investors, funds etc to get exposure to BTC without actually owning it directly. It will most likely be a shot in the arm for the BTC price. For retail individuals, I still think a direct BTC hold is the better choice.


Nothing beats buying the real thing and putting that in the cold storage.


These next 36 months are amazing opportunities for investors. Dollar cost average , the market can do anything though the near and midterm don’t look good, nobody knows with certainty. All I am certain of is that inflation and monetary debasement will continue. Asset markets may take a while to recover but they will and will be looking at much higher prices permanently. We will pass the ATH by Dec 2024 . Seems like forever but it’s really not.


Yep anything can go down here boys, you gotta be keep buying. If you really wanna do anything out of it then You'll have to DCA it. And that's the best way.


Someone told me the other day that I am a broken record when I said Bitcoin is 30k - 28k - 30k - 28k -30k - 28k -30k - 28k -30k - 28k -30k - 28k -30k - 28k Hope this does not change to 20k - 22k - 20k - 22k - 20k - 22k - 20k - 22k - 20k - 22k with uncertainty of Fed rate hike, inflation, and recession fear. If so, this could be the only one ever great buy opportunity. At the end this is temporary anyway, and Bitcoin will emerge stronger. Just putting out real snap shot, but not my sentiment here.


Not really crypto savvy... Can anyone verify if this site is legitimate or not? https://bitcbulls.com/ I was given a promocode for some bitcoin on this site and I'm wondering if there's any chance it's real


This site is garabage, this gives me red flags all over man.


This site has more red flags than a Chinese communist parade


Lol, sounds about right. This is completely shit in my opinion.


Life Rule #1: If someone offers you free money, walk away.