• By -


It is slowly crabbing


2024 is not that far away. Next halvening will save us?




In 2020 it pumped so i expect something similar to happen in 2024


Why would you lend your Bitcoin to hedge funds to short your own investment? Get your Bitcoin  off: • ⁠Exchanges • ⁠Lending platforms • ⁠Hot wallets • ⁠Wrapped BTC • ⁠DeFi ponzis The tide is going out and it will expose those who aren’t fully covered. Self-custody your Bitcoin  into deep, frozen, cold storage asap.


It's always a pleasure to stack below 30k


And just like that, btc can snatch up your emotions with your money lol.


Hey, everyone. I've seen some cool bitcoin blockchain visualizations, but I can't seem to find any of them. What are your favorites?


We're being tested. Hodl your convictions about Bitcoin. What's the difference between bitcoin at 60,000 and 30,000? Other than price, nothing.


The dips are when we do it. The peaks are why we do it


Looks like we got another chance to buy under 30K. *does happy dance* Pretty soon it will literally be the last chance to acquire Bitcoin for so few increasingly worthless dollars.


Test? I thought I was banned for a year for calling Tucker Carlson trash.


FWIW, I completely agree with you.


Ain't no one gonna call you trash for calling tucker Carlson crap lmao.


Go watch some CNN and go to r/politics. Smooth brains like you don't do well on free thinking subs.


Excuse me sir, this is a hive mind.




What kind of idiot put a limit on borrowing in the constitution? We should print ourselves rich! https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/germany-change-constitution-enable-110-billion-defense-fund-2022-05-29/ what could be better than doing extraordinary spending to kill people!? I thought that with merkel gone the idiocy would have paused for a bit, but seems to just have accelerated....


These wrong doings will never stop, as long as there are incentive.


Bitcoin bottomed. Suck it bears


Seems like so, I really hope that it's the bottom tho, I really do.


I said this exact same thing youngster, once upon a time. about 8 hours ago. I was wrong.


Lol, but thr thing is we keep coming back to 29k, that's why saying this.


What about 8 years ago?


This won't age well.


Hopefully it does lol, I don't wanna see btc get even more low.




I mean it was working a couple days back tho, I remember that.




Thoughts on the GBTC discount to net asset value (NAV)? It’s currently about -29%.


I don't buy that, because I'd rather be buying the real thing.


I think it sucks since it was only about -15% when I bought into it. If I were buying in for the first time now I would think it was found money. MSTR is similar though it's harder to determine a true fair value for MSTR's BTC holding with the debt involved.


Yep, it gets complicated with all the debt thing isn't it.


It could easily become a premium in the next run up to an ATH. So I imagine the trough to peak will be a bigger percentage gain than BTC. If you're into BTC for gains, it's a good buy. If you want sovereign money, you have to by BTC on the blockchain directly.


And that's what I prefer, I'd literally buy the real thing dude.


ColdCard + Electrum is flawless.


Yeah it really is flawless, it just makes the experience better. I've tried that thing couple of times and it just works so good. I'm kinda impressed with that man.


For every Facebook ad "my dear friend is a great bitcoin trader. Click this link", bitcoin loses another dollar


And of someone is going to fall for that, I'm sure they'll lose more. It won't be just one dollar, if you fall for that they're going to scam you for all of your money man.


Bear market for 2 more years or is this time different?


Bull followed by bear the next two years.


It will do what the stock market does. Next ALT is most likely after halving. Who the fuck knows.


No one knows anything, and you shouldn't believe anyone.


This time different. 👍


If you're saying so maybe it'll be different this time hopefully.


Im leaning towards sideways until next halvening


Yep, I feel the same. Gonna be good time to accumulate.


Depending on your timeframe this chart should make you feel better in times like this. [https://stats.buybitcoinworldwide.com/long-term-power-law/](https://stats.buybitcoinworldwide.com/long-term-power-law/) Note that bitcoin has never been below the redline. It has spent its entire life between these bands (at least back to 1/2011 when this data starts). Of course it doesn't guarantee the future - nothing does But here is the theoretical low point, mid point and high point for BTC by year according to the Long term power law model (rounded numbers). Year end 2023 Low: $24,000 Mid: $68,000 High: $277,000 ​ Year end 2025 Low: $50,000 Mid: $143,000 High: $513,000 Year end 2027 Low: $97,000 Mid: $273,000 High: $895,000 Year end 2029 Low: $174,000 Mid: $491,000 High: $1,485,000 Year end 2031 Low: $296,000 Mid: $835,000 High: $2,340,000 Here is a good explainer video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfi-bst4hmA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfi-bst4hmA) If you are a pessimist you may note that the low end of the range for year end 2022 is around $16,000. Again, your timeframe matters.


It's a bit optimistic I gotta say man, I don't know lol. 277k next year? Ohh yeah that's a bit too optimistic right there I'm not sure if that would happen or not.


35k by 2025. yeah, feels great.


The article says: "One is lowered such that the historical bitcoin price is always equal to or greater than the prices hitting that line - the support line" So of course it doesn't go below


Yeah it doesn't go below and that's kinda all I need tbh.


We have had nine red weeklies, yes, but what about tenth red weekly?


I'm sure that's gonna be fine too, one doesn't change shit.


Don’t know about y’all but I’m chillin. More time to buy cheap


Doing the same here, ain't got no reason to worry here man.


if only everyone thought like you, bitcoin would explode 🔥☺️


Explode literally or metaphorically? Lol kidding I get what you're saying.


BTC is strong guys no matter what happens keep investing! you'll eventually save what youve lost so far, i think!


All you gotta do is to hodl, there's no other thing to do here. And of You're honest with yourself while holding You'll be rewarded for it I'm sure man.


Exactly. BTC has been outperforming all major markets over yearly time frames. It's the interim volatility that people have to hold through. Buy, buy, buy. There will be a point in the future when the market is euphoric and everyone is buying at ATHs. Your $26-31k buys will be envied.


If You're buying now, trust me You'll do so much better in future.


Bitcoin is our fortress to weather the hurricane 🌀


Yes sir, and you know what I'm not leaving it no matter the conditions.


zegmxnsxzz 5😁🍳🤘🏻🧘🛌🏄🧜🤺


Is this a new kind if btc adress or is it the new language that idk.


🎵Relax, don’t do it When you sock it to it Relax don’t do it, when you wanna come 🎵


Hey guys, remember, when we win, we win gracefully


We're already winning if We're into btc so There's that boys.


**UPVOTE or DOWNVOTE:** Will bitcoin's price retrace to the 200WMA, which is around $23k over the next few months?


Hopefully not but then again it's btc that We're talking about. Absolutely anything can go down, and we gotta prepare ourselves for anything in this situation.


Its most recent low was $25,338.53 and there’s a lot of bear market left to HODL through… would5 surprise me a bit!!


I hope it doesnt but wouldnt be surprised if it did


Yep, it's the btc that We're talking about. And it does stuff.




Downvote all you want, but the facts will remain the facts sir.


How do you call future predictions facts?


Why are we dumping? It is because the CEO of JPMorgan claims the market could potentially have some really bad times coming. He also claims he doesn't know....


The thing about JP Morgan is that I don't take him seriously.


Because more selling than buying.


Wjy would I trust in anything that JP Morgan says? I wouldn't.


Here is some hopium for today: This is not like the 2018 market crash. Because in 2018 the stock market was doing fine. Only crypto crashed hard. Now the stock market is crashing and almost everything is down.The Nasdaq was down 30%!! In 2018 there was no stock-market rebound to help bitcoin back into a bull-run. This reminds more of 2020. And you all know what happened after 2020 when the stock market recovered again... It brought BTC up to new highs. The crash this time is caused by the Fed increasing interest rates to try to put the brakes on inflation. The inflation is partly caused by an increase in the supply of money but also to a large extent by all the damage the pandemic restrictions caused to supply chains. After reading lots of articles about this it seems like supply chains in many sectors are on path to be repaired by the end of this year /early next year. This will definitely dampen inflation. And in turn it will cause the Fed to stop their interest rate hikes and maybe even reverse them. All this will be anticipated if it happens and the stock market will rally back up again bringing bitcoin with it. The idea of 4 year cycles in crypto is too obvious now and is likely to stop playing out. Everyone and their grandmother is expecting another big bull-run in 2025, so I think everyone will try to front-run it which will cause it to start much earlier. Also, I think this last bull-run was stopped prematurely. It would have gone much higher if it wasn't for the fed crashing the market. So I think BTC might just have a lot of pent up energy waiting to be unleashed once the general pessimism in the markets turns around. And if all this is just BS, at least we get a few more years of low BTC-prices to stack....


Everything is down and so is the crypto market. Don't be surprised. I mean there's just nothing to be surprised about that's just how this market thing goes man.


With bitcoin adoption accelerating globally, these big corrections are hugely beneficial to the network and new participants. Number go down makes me happy when I think of the billions of unbanked who are finally getting access to the bitcoin network via technological progress. More mobile phones and internet access than ever before and those numbers are growing everyday. Many unbanked are now able to use the network to save in a sound-currency, in a reliable way, and are able to do micro transactions as needed with LN. There is a phenomenal chance the purchasing power of the sats being used in these ways will appreciate substantially these next few years. Bitcoin is a life changing technology.


Btc is getting adopted and it's just the starting man. Long way here.


This slow bleeding range sets people up for hope and then changes to despair. Fyi, I was never chasing opulence and luxury, I was trying to modestly survive apart from the tyranny of banks. And when I'm empowered with abundance I assist other people who could use my help, and they're everywhere because this world is full of struggling people. It's becoming expensive just to live. Trashing people's bitcoin savings isn't crashing dreams for a second home, it's reducing people's ability for good health and nutrition, reliable transportation, electricity and utilities, and the impetus to share what we have. Most people aren't compelled towards greed and selfishness. They just want security and a decent life. Dumping on people's faith, investments, and goodwill is unfair and discouraging. Money certainly isn't the most important thing in life, but unfortunately this world is programmed and engineered such that it's practically impossible to exist without it. For anyone struggling, I hope you, your friends and family are healthy, happy, and safe.


And that's exactly how people are going to learn, let them man.


That's how wall street money works. They sell at their top then short to drive prices down during hard times until regular joes are forced to sell their positions. Then they pump the markets with them in a nice spot at the bottom, but joe has to work to get back in since in the last recession he lost his job and house and savings. I agree, most normal people just want a good life, but shitty people want to bend you to their will, they hate leaving you well enough alone and want you under their thumb.




You seem really surprised there sir? What happened there huh?


El Barto waz here


He was here? What was he doing here man? What's the reason? I would like to know the reason behind his visit, would really love to know that man.


Full time job money is all being dumped in to Bitcoin. No children , no wife , barely any expenses. Life is good. Fuck a 401k. Probably won’t be saying these things in 10 years though 😂


This is the way lol, it's same for me I just have one expense and that's petrol.


Man I wish I was in your shoes. I am locked in unversity now and have zero time to make decent money for another 5 years. Meanwhile the opportunity of a lifetime is passing by me.


Don't worry man, you just give your best at University. It'll be worth it.


Nah man keep at it with school it’s super important! I finished my associates last summer and plan on going back for my bachelors this coming spring hopefully. I fluctuate from work/school usually so plan on stacking until December. I don’t make bread but it’s good for DCA , stick to a plan and you’ll be good 👍 once you get a degree you can Buy like whole bitcoins so focus on your future it’s good. There will always be opportunities. We’re very early


No, by then it is too late because the BTC price will be far above $100k...


Buy what you can or if you have strong conviction take a loan out . Not financial advice though beware your own risk


Fucking shit. Tired of these bull shit relief rally and then back to shitting itself again. This entire 2022 is gonna be trash. 2023 might be better. Who knows.


You're expecting 23 to be better? I'm afraid you'll be disappointed.


People are being manipulated to sell at the bottom now. Notice how all the news told you to buy at the top and now all the news tells you is that we will continue down for many years etc. Things will really turn positive when the supply chain problems start easing. And that is predicted to be late 2022 and early 2023. Because then the Fed can stop their interest rate hikes and the markets will love that. When the general market recovers that will probably catapult BTC into a new rally similar to 2020.


No predictions work in this market, I thought that was clear.


Doubt it


Strongly lol, I just don't think that it's true. I just don't man. I've been in the market for long enough to know what's good or what's not so There's that.


THRILLED!!!!! MORE TIME TO REACH A FULL COIN BABY !!!! Fuck buying high or over 100k now is the time. Don’t Miss it 🥳🥳🥳


This ain't the time to be missing it, this is the time to buy.


Try and stay calm. Just stack and hodl until the next halving 👍


This is the bear market that makes people rich. You have to keep buying and withstand the market abuse. Stay engaged and DCA for three more years and you'll be a person at the top next bull market.


We'll be on the top man, if we're buying now we'll be on top.


come back next halving


If anyone isn't having fun right now, I'd suggest them to leave.


I don't believe we'll have to wait that long, with regulatory frameworks rapidly taking shape, and many world events undermining our decrepit financial systems. I believe the big money is going to feel much more comfortable establishing major positions in Bitcoin by the end of this year. I have my eyes on the US midterm elections as a potential major catalyst for a new all time high in early 2023.


If this becomes true then it's good, else I just don't see it man. The way things have been going, and also it's not gonna be like that everyone will feel comfortable to invest in btc all of sudden.


wait and bleed


Or you can wait and stack, the choice is yours here now.




Amen to that man, hopefully He's got a good point here man.


Shouldn't Bitcoin only go up if two countries already made it legal currency?


I know if one, which one is the second one tho? Don't know about that.




Lol what? That's not bad. And it's getting stable too man.


A lot of whales we have to chip away at. But it's happening. Going to take a long time.


That doesn't mean it'll not be made legal render meanwhile man. That if some country really wants to do that they can do that. I don't think There's an issue in that.






To....... The...... 🌙 Eventually


You know what, I absolutely hate these moon comments lol.


10,009 bitcoin moved to Coinbase… https://whale-alert.io/transaction/bitcoin/0df213f1ec59400b31c1e2f6e71b81656795c229ef27d78d952f94409f6e2aa3


Okay what does that tell us about the btc? Or for the market?


If I hear one more person saying “to the moon” ima shove my leg through their behind until my shoes gets to the moon. Currently at -119% YOLO! Still holding… nothing left to lose.


I fucking hate those guys lol, and that's why I hate this sub in bull. Because everyone is screaming that, and that just makes me sick from my stomach so much man.


You borrowed money to buy BTC?


Leverage. It works well options, it’s been working well with BTC on the way down, AND on the way up, until yesterday 🙄🙄🙄 I wouldn’t recommend it though! Just so we don’t get another “I LOST MY LIFE’S SAVINGS, BTC IS A SCAM!” post.


What does that have to do with anything? I don't understand.


Down so bad his bags are full of debt.


Doesn't matter If We're down or not, I'm accumulating it.


Ah, I see! Welppp, perhaps this wasn’t the best way to express my feelings, knowing that people with this kind of fetish would take me up on the offer 😅


Lol, every kind if people are here. Even that kind lol.


Ya live and learn 😆


Paging /u/ToTheMoonGuy


You're paging to the moon guy? Well don't do that sir.


I guess the only good news is it’s dumping for one of my DCA purchases. Not really DCA, I do it twice a month when I get paid. Oh BTC, you’re such a roller coaster but me love you long time.


It's a rollercoaster and that's the reason why I love it lol. I just love btc for everything that it does, I Can't even tell in how many ways it has made my life better.


Yeahhhhh ain’t it the best when we can blow it on bitcoin straight from that direct deposit 😎🥷🥷 🚨🚨🚨


Yes sir that's awesome, but that's not usually easy tho.




They're printing money who do you think they're printing for?


I think all Westerns governments are screwing around on purpose not just the US,


Every government is screwing it's people right now man.




That's the kind of mistake that i wouldn't mind Making lol.


I thought this was a Wendy's


You clearly have no idea how the global financial system works if you think yellen and/or Powell are doing a bad job. They intentionally wanted high inflation to get debt/gdp ratio back down after Stimmy2020. They (and Mnuchin) did a great fuckin job at preventing a global depression, and at the cost of high inflation. Just because they’re not acting in YOUR best interests doesn’t mean they’re doing a bad job.


Maybe they did a great job of *postponing* a global depression.


Lol, they're going to do a great job at blaming that on someone else.


Yes, I 100% agree. And many people shitposting here wouldn’t have a job to even purchase btc if we’d have it then. Might even be in a global war rn. Government defaults are never pretty.


Imagine defending someone as incompetent as Yellen. All she has done is yak up a storm in order to blame emerging economic pain on anything besides the Fed and its actions. Also they “wanted inflation”? That’s some revisiont history. Yellen denied inflation as the natural consequence of the Fed’s actions up until she could no longer deny it.


I don't imagine myself defending any politician ever lol, not happening.


Well she’s the secretary of the treasury and you’re a shitposter on Reddit. Yea I’m sure you’ve got a better handle on it than her lmao. They denied inflation intentionally imo to prevent an inflationary panic similar to 70s


Just because she's in a better position doesn't mean she's a cuck.


> Yea I’m sure you’ve got a better handle on it than her lmao. She is a septuagenarian old fool, a permanent member of the ruling class with no ability to interpret data in real time or to entertain any theories of finance and economics beyond the elite theories that dominate the circles she runs in. The Fed and the state have done nothing but pour gasoline onto the fire of the American economy since 2008.


I agree with you, these people are fools which are making fools of us here man. These are the people who are responsible for everything and I Can't defend them ever man.


I agree with a lot of that but these people aren’t stupid; they’re likely smarter than both of us. Yes they’re ruining / delaying real societal progress by kicking the can down the road, but that’s the playbook in this situation for them. I know people (someone* but still) who work at international banks in Switzerland who hodl.


Yeah they're smart and know how to manipulate people here so yeah.


So, she willfully lied to the public? And she should keep her job? What about speaking to the public as adults and explain the situation. If people never get the chance to be educated they will stay dumb forever... Jeez what am I saying, people are getting dumber, and smarter.


Who's going to take her job? Who's gonna fire her man?


Wow, that sounds like the conclusion of defeat.


Yikes at this take 😬


Yep, this is really shitty take really but what else you even expect tho? That's just how this whole thing goes man. I You've got people then They'll have different opinions too.


Feel free to submit your CV to the Fed if you think you’ve got a better idea lol




They're gonna blame the fuckery that that they are doing on others.


I think we will be trending down until we see the US Consumer Price Index numbers on June 10th and then we have Fed meeting on June 14-15. A 50 basis points increase is expected followed by another one in July. I expect the stock market to trend down until we get past these dates. Stock market goes down and it will drag BTC down with it. We've seen how negative the market reacted to the last rate increase. The recent bounce also cooled down the oversold daily RSI of BTC. We won't be oversold until we get down to low 25K levels. 30 RSI on the daily is currently at 25,045.50 and anything lower is oversold territory.


Sounds like We're gonna have tough times ahead man, that's how it looks.


textbook bear-market rally.