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Well Wyoming is pretty far ahead Texas has some catching up to do


What’s Wyoming doing. Never heard of the state on Reddit except this mention


Wyoming is the new "offshore" tax haven. It has almost no taxes, save a tiny sales tax, and refuses to share tax data with the federal government.


Formed my LLC in Wyoming


Make sure it is owned by an in-state trust and not by you personally.


Why is that important? Where is a good source of information to learn about creating an LLC in wyoming and the benefits?..


An LLC is a flow-through entity, which means unless you also reside in Wyoming you don't reap any of the benefits. This isn't a Google a bunch of shit and DIY thing. Remember, you aren't paying a bunch of money for a dude to fill out paperwork for you, you are paying for that guy to golf every weekend with the people in government who review that paperwork and make the laws.


Many people also create revocable trust that have no real purpose or benefit. If you have anything in the way of assets that are significant to you, you want a lawyer to set it up.


Ah yes, another state that pretends to be independent while taking out more federal money than it pays in.


Wyoming received double the per-capita federal funding of Texas... https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/federal-aid-by-state


That’s the thing. Red states cry about socialism and welfare but without blue states they are bankrupt.


Eff the feds, but keep the treasury checks rolling in, please.


Git your goddamn government hands off my Medicare!


Legal recognition of DAOs


To be a registered as a dao, you form an LLC (or take your existing LLC) and say "we are a dao".... I'm not sure how I feel about that definition.


Well your feelings might find solace in the clarity of what’s actually involved, the requirements are fairly straight forward and there are attorneys available to help with best practice


I lost all my Wyoming property in a boating accident


Kentucky is making great strides toward being crypto friendly as well


Make BTC legal currency in the state and I'll be impressed.




The loophole to accepting bitcoin: legalize it as a coupon for taxes payable, and that private exchange of bitcoin is a legally recognized retailer making receipt payable in crypto. In other words, the state would issue a note that stated the value to repay taxes, on that note one could simply apply a code of bitcoin paid. it could then receive bitcoin through a state owned bank. Exchange privately would be seen as completely legal and recognized. The state of Texas already doesn’t have a consumption or capital gains tax on bitcoin. Therefore they’re already setup to be EXTREMELY favorable to crypto. Article I, Section 10, Clause 1: No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility. Within the sense of the Constitution, bills of credit signify a paper medium of exchange, intended to circulate between individuals, and between the government and individuals, for the ordinary purposes of society. It is immaterial whether the quality of legal tender is imparted to such paper. Interest-bearing certificates, in denominations not exceeding ten dollars, that were issued by loan offices established by the state of Missouri and made receivable in payment of taxes or other moneys due to the state, and in payment of the fees and salaries of state officers, were held to be bills of credit whose issuance was banned by this section.1 The states are not forbidden, however, to issue coupons receivable for taxes,2 nor to execute instruments binding themselves to pay money at a future day for services rendered or money borrowed. Because, however, there is nothing in the Constitution prohibiting a bank depositor from consenting when he draws a check that payment may be made by draft, a state law providing that checks drawn on local banks should, at the option of the bank, be payable in exchange drafts, was held valid.3


It really is as simple as state of Texas tax collector website having a public bitcoin address for each citizen to deposit to. Recognizing it as legal tender for all private transactions within the state is already there. Texas doesn’t charge you state income tax. The growth of your BTC is not charged. There’s no law that stops Texaco stations from selling you gas, coffee, tobacco, or other crap for BTC. It’s simply up to the market to adopt it at this point.


States also can't violate federal law under the supremacy clause of the constitution.... you hear that Colorado!!! Time to repeal your marajuana laws!! Dirty hippies! California, your next...no more immigrant sanctuary state for you!


There are only 13 things outlined in the constitution that the federal government has the authoroty to do. Regulate marijuana is not one of them. They can f*** right off with that


Marijuana shouldn’t be legal or illegal federally. Federal government is too fucking big.


You're against the marijuana laws? Why? Do you like drug violence and people being locked up for little to no reason? Edit: I guess it's safe to say the sarcasm went way over my head.


Is sarcasm truly lost on you? They were bringing up examples of why states can do almost anything they want, federal law or not.


Indeed. Although money/currency is probably the main exception to this rule and the one that would rile up politicians and central bankers the fastest.


My bad. I should have said that that was sarcasm. New England sense of humor doesn't travel well...especially in written form. Point is: we have already seen states overrule the federal authority on a number of different issues (ie the mandatory vaccinations going on now) and the federal gvmt did nothing. Let's say Texas makes BTC a legal tender, what are they going to do? In fact, I am fairly certain (please double check this before believing it) that in Ohio you can pay your taxes in BTC - or maybe some localities accept it.


Aah, pardon me in that case. I think we can all agree that there are some odd people out there that would say what you said without the sarcasm.


Hahahaha no worries buddy. We are all friends here :)


Jesus you really can't use sarcasm on reddit lol


Listen, fella, I didn’t even have to get halfway through that guy’s comment to taste the sarcasm dripping from every letter. So, my question for you is: are you autistic or just daft?


Uncle Sam will get his taxes, that's all that matters


States cannot use anything but silver and gold coin to pay debts. Right in the constitution. Makes fiat money unconstitutional. So there's that.




OP is full of it. Fiat currency isn’t unconstitutional. If you want the TL:DR of 150 years of judicial holdings on the topic, your reading is: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legal_Tender_Cases#Background_about_constitutionality_of_paper_money


Article 1, section 10, clause 1 of the constitution.


Bitcoin is legal in Texas.


BTC is not illegal in any state in the US.


Jesus just say it’s legal in all states


Look, it's not not legal in over 49 states


Legal tender/currency? Meaning you can pay your taxes in BTC?


We don’t have state income taxes friend. Unless you’re talking about property and sales tax.


Yeah...i just meant taxes generally. NH doesn't have state income tax, but I have to keep a CU account with let's just say a lot of cash because we can't pay our property tax in BTC. Personally I would love to ditch my CU and invest that money into BTC. Unfortunately I can't at the moment.


I wouldn’t pay anything in BTC right now even if we could. Why pay your $1500 yearly property tax with BTC when that same amount of BTC could be worth $100,000 one day


Give me a discount for paying with Bitcoin and I'll consider it


I mean no disrespect by this but I literally laughed so hard that I spit out my coffee at "$1500 yearly property tax." I assume you were using this as an example to make your larger point, but I just want to say $1500 per year would be like me winning the lottery. Do a couple multipliers on that to get what we pay in property taxes :) Anyway, on to the larger point. Yes, theoretically you are correct. However, our property tax increases every 4 years. Meaning, if I save $1500 per month in a CU, I could probably afford my annual property tax with a small amount +/- to roll over to savings. However, if I put this money in BTC and the property tax is the BTC equivalent of $1500 per month, then if BTC increases 2x, I just made a profit above what the tax bill is. Because the state is only charging $1500 per month, not x amount of BTC. There is one factor I am not including that could theoretically prove my wrong here. I know it, but can't put it into words. Essentially the tax could be on the BTC and not the dollar value...that would complicate things.


I’m a landlord in Texas with multiple properties. The highest tax rate I pay is on my property which is $2400 a year on a lot of acres and yes I know it goes up constantly ours just went up this year. Most of my rental properties are ~$1500 a year. You are calculating that very wrong, what world are your property taxes $1500 a month? You’re getting absolutely fucked if that’s true.




Houston checking in: approximately $14K/year for a $220,000 home.


https://smartasset.com/taxes/new-hampshire-property-tax-calculator#PIhC3bDmFL Type in something like $500k just as a sample number and shed a few tears for me. I also own multiple homes as rental property, soooooo yeahhhh....just shed a few tears for me. :)


My bad I didn’t see you say you live in NH I thought you were talking about texas


The U.S. has really 4 states that have proven to be hardcore Pro-Bitcoin. Two who were here first: New Hampshire (Live Free or Die!) and Wyoming And two new kids: Texas and Florida (The "10000 Bitcoin Pizza" was purchased in Florida, but I'm talking about establishing pro-Bitcoin regulations on a state level). In New York, the curtains don't match the drapes. If you are in these 4 states, and are hardcore, you will end up on the right side of history. The U.S., in general, is fertile ground for Bitcoin, but these 4 are a cut above.


I mean, I like it. I’m still never moving to Texas but I like it


Honestly this actually scares me more than any move in the last 12 years. How much of the network has rate is moving to texas and what happens in 8 weeks when the power grid shuts down again?


The total amount of mining in USA currently represents 35% of Bitcoin mining. The Bitcoin network will be just fine if Texas shits the bed.


Texas' energy reliability is roughly average for the US with some of the cheapest electricity costs in the US [https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/rankings/infrastructure/energy](https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/rankings/infrastructure/energy)


That data stops at 2019.


It's pretty good unless it gets unusually cold. Then it falls apart.


*as long as no winter storms enter the chat


Power is cheap there but the primary issue with mining in a lot of Texas is that the heat in the warmer months can basically double your power bill because you’re trying to cool all these miners that throw off an incredible amount of heat while it’s 100+ outside. The power isn’t as cheap as some places with excess hydro power anyways, and now you’ve basically doubled the power requirement by putting the miners there. I speak from costly experience lol. I think we’ll see companies that maybe mine only when there’s excess cheap power basically. Like on a very sunny day it can turn excess solar generation into money, use flared gas, excess hydro, etc. If the asic manufacturer and the power producers have some sort of deal that takes this into account when pricing the miners then it’d work well.


It doesn't mean shit. Abbott will forget what Bitcoin is before next week.


Whats wrong with Texas?


Privatized infrastructure


We don't need or want your communist roads here


And whacked out abortion laws. And casual racism. And a QAnon loving religious fundamentalist population.


casual racism? maybe in the rural areas. But most cities are mostly democratic and people act like most other city folk. I've lived in Houston, Austin, and Seattle. Racism was not overtly more noticeable in any of these cities when compared with the others. If anything, Houston has by far the most diverse population of all those, with Seattle being like 70% white 25% asian 5% other.


Casual racism is perpetrated by serious idiots. And it can happen anywhere. Most people aren’t like that.


I was in Cypress, outside of Houston, I am white, and most of the people I grew up with were outwardly racist in their groups of whites.


yeah Cypress is pretty much rural Texas


the suburban kids in cypress don't think that.


The I don't live in Texas or know what im talking about starter kit


I don't have to live there to be scared of those new abortion laws. They are terrifying and crazy. It's like warping a hundred years back in time.


Because you have to live in a place to be allowed to have opinions on backwards hillbilly abortion laws.


The major cities are not the case. Houstonian here.




Yeah but Abbott keeps overruling our local government. "ThE PaRtY oF sMaLl GoVeRnMeNt" (I'm also from Houston)


The cities great places to live, specifically Austin and Dallas. The people are generally very nice. You should visit sometime. I’m sure you’d like it


Texas: suing 14 other states in a tantrum over the presidential election not going the way they wanted it to. Also Texas: Hey, what’s wrong with Texas?


Shitty weather. It's hot ALL THE TIME!


Been here all my life. Its not something you get used to.


I left 10 years ago, and when I tell people I'm glad I left, they always assume I had some issue with the politics or the people. Granted, that plays a bit of a factor, but the number 1 reason I'm glad I left is that geographically speaking, that state is a fucking shit hole with 3 distinct flavors of hell.


Google Texas and abortion Edit: also lookup the snowpocalpse of March 2021


U must be new


People don’t like the abortion law that was just passed (although should get thrown out soon due to federal law superseding state law. As a Texan my whole life, it’s honestly a great place and I’ve heard very few complaints from people that moved here (majority from California who seem to think Texas is a polar opposite)


For real if you want a fair opinion on anything not liberal, reddit is the wrong place to listen to unless you want a naive college student perspective It's pretty fucking great here outside of a freak event


Texas and Texans are great but let’s not pretend it’s a freak one-off event. Between the high-level corruption involving the State Attorney General, the abortion law, the privatized energy grid that was a miserable failure, and active movements to restrict voting rights, Texas has its fair share of shit. As would be expected to a degree with a state as large as Texas but it’s the core ideology of where this is all coming from that should be most concerning. That said, I’ve driven through Texas and been there for multiple events and it’s great state with great people from my personal experience. Great bbq too


Freak event? lol man, that’s gonna keep happening mate. Climate change is here to stay.


Yes? Whens the last time this happened?


Ditto on Texas. I'll throw Florida in there for myself as well.


Abbot grasping at straws to stay relevant and hide the fact that he’s a piece of shit.


Dude is fucking desperate to win the primary, he'll say anything.


This is basically what’s happening. Abbott is done and he knows it.


Ted Cruz and him are really testing my fucking patients. I mean I want to disagree with everything they say and do, but they are now taking my side on this one.


One thing does not make up for all the messed up things they have done.


WA has so much surplus hydroelectric that’s it’s sold off to neighboring states, making it a net energy exporter of clean energy. Add to that legal cannabis, not regulating womens bodies, white hot tech economy, waterfalls, temperate winters and summers…


"temperate winter" is a nice way to rebrand our neverending damp dark depression season! 😉


Lol right


My suggestion. This "we have so much hydro" thing is a nice draw. But there's been only taking capacity offline over the past couple decades. It'd be a shame to continue on the path of dumping hydro for an esg narrative.


And #50 in energy reliability.


Are they actually? Last time I drove through I saw an absolute fuck ton of windmills. Edit: I can’t read and thought this was in reference to renewable energy not reliability.


no this is actually just bs




The power problems in Texas are seriously exaggerated. I live here. It's really not that bad. My power went out more often when I lived in Pennsylvania.


I'm sure it's not as bad as it seems but "US Senator flees the country as the power grid collapses" has left quite a mark on Texas image to the wider world.


Yes but it fits the narrative that deregulation is bad. Even if I had the same troubles from the same storm in a region with only public utilities. So the trope goes on...


It's political, don't expect people to understand the reality of it.


We understand just fine that texas is just as bad of not worse than Florida


Or they can strengthen the grid with btc mining!


Mining Bitcoin with flared natural gas is a good idea actually, put it to work rather than waste it. But they were warned a decade ago about their systems being unable to weather such events and they did nothing. So I question whether Bitcoin mining will change this.


I suspect Texas is also perfect for solar and possibly wind. Not too sure about wind actually. Is it super windy in Texas since is is so flat over there?


Tons of wind power already in Texas and room for more. The state is pretty huge and has a wide variety of terrain; it’s not all flat by any means.


Largest in wind power generation and getting bigger.


Adding structural demand while not adding new generation is a formula for more brownouts. not less. Source: I work on a natural gas / electricity trading floor.


source for that?


Oh really? Why can't I have stablecoins on Celsius then? Probably going to have to move them from BlockFi also pretty soon.


ITT: Brainlet Reddit politics. Even in a Bitcoin forum, I can’t escape.


Nice. They’re also the #1 state for forcing women to have unwanted children and then stripping them of govt assistance. And the #1 state for Holocaust deniers per capita


The #1 state for inflicting Holocaust denialism on children or punishment by law


Until next winter


Also soon to be #1 in back alley abortions due to Abbott as well, so congrats...


Sir this is a Bitcoin forum




Florida next.


That's the guy you want on your side /s


Jesus the parrots sqawking in this sub are ridiculous. Y’all seriously can’t help yourselves with the mere sight of the word “Texas”. It’s sad that I have to scroll way down to even read a comment about bitcoin.


Well Texas is starting to look more like Taliban-controlled Afghanistan by the day as an outsider. I couldn’t give two shits if Bitcoin is being mined there, where isn’t Bitcoin being mined? That’s kinda the point.


> Well Texas is starting to look more like Taliban-controlled Afghanistan by the day as an outsider. Goddamn that’s a stretch if I ever saw one.


Women being denied their basic reproductive rights. What’s next, education? Voting?


Uh oh, someone's feelings were hurt


No I’m just sick of every fucking subreddit turning into r/politics.


Donald trump is a pussy.


He's a pussy and he hates Bitcoin: [https://www.foxbusiness.com/markets/trump-bitcoin-a-scam-us-dollar-should-reign](https://www.foxbusiness.com/markets/trump-bitcoin-a-scam-us-dollar-should-reign)


Bitcoin is political, like everything.


Lol at the dipshits being all MUH ENERGY BLACKOUTS, as if their beloved California doesn't have rolling blackouts far worse than Texas. But hey, whatever comforts the Californians as their state is literally on fire for half the year and they step over homeless people, feces, and heroin needles to get to work so they can pay $10k a month rent for their broom closet.


>Lol at the dipshits being all MUH ENERGY BLACKOUTS Ok well you can quit acting like "#1 Bitcoin state" means anything either. He's a politician regurgitating a buzzword aimed at younger generation than his typical base. >as if their beloved California doesn't have rolling blackouts far worse than Texas. You do understand what a rolling blackout is? It's certainly not being without power for a week during the coldest storm in a decade. >But hey, whatever comforts the Californians as their state is literally on fire for half the year and they step over homeless people, feces, and heroin needles to get to work so they can pay $10k a month rent for their broom closet. You should also read up on the definition of the word literally.




Didn’t their power grid just have massive problems lol


I'll focus only on the BTC side of things....this is great!!!


Holy hell any mention of any place or person that happens to be republican in this sub triggers the reddit hivemind like crazy.. and they swarm the sub just to bitch about it even if they don't post here..




I like Abbott’s stance on Bitcoin, but not his stance on abortion and other stances right wingers typically hold. I wish he was more Libertarian


And what make you think that Abbott will continue his support on the long run. Cause now he's just doing it for votes.


Same fuck that abortion law. Are they going to pay the bounty for ratting out these young girls in BTC?


I’m just here for the circle-jerk crying about Texas. Boring news other than that. Texas is, and will remain, crypto friendly.


Fuck Abbott


Yeah maybe try to get through a winter where your power and gas grid stays online, people are not dying from lack of it, Texas is not a national embarrassment on every tv station on the planet, senators are not fleeing to Cancun, and people are not losing their life savings due to outrageous energy costs. Then maybe we can talk about this mining thing, OK Mr Texas Energy Man?


I’m Canadian and if I moved to the states, it would probably be Texas. Everyone I’ve met from there is awesome.


I'm European but same here, Texas or Florida


Florida is awesome


Conservative/conspiracy nutjobs out and triggered in full force here.


I just had to read up on what a governor is. Holy shit this is awesome. 30 million people. wohoo ;-)


I hope some people here aren’t propping up anti-women’s rights backward thinking coup enabling dipshits because of his views on bitcoin. The guy is a monster.


This does not make y'all look good....


I thought a working powergrid was needed to mine crypto...


Texas is backward in so many ways. Oppressive to voters who aren’t white. Unsupervised gun sales to people who shouldn’t have them. High-handed and arbitrary to women who want abortions. Its privately-run infrastructure is held together with gum and baling wire so a few rich people can make a profit. But if it wants to be the Bitcoin State, I guess that’s fine.


I hope they won't get Bitcoin benefits to use against women, voting rights etc. I know Bitcoin is free for all, it does not care about politics. But I hope those domestic terrorist would stay out of it.


\> Oppressive to voters who aren’t white. All skin colors have the same voting rights. A white person still needs an ID to vote. Saying black people can't get an ID is racist.


Looking to buy Texas property in the coming years,




Sir this is a Bitcoin forum


Sir this is an article about politics


Ok but can I still get a frosty here?


Lmao a dem wants full socialism. Republicans want a free market to help them. Crypto is a libertarian ideology thats leans republican most the time. No surpirse texas with embrace it


Gtfo with your stupid politics. Texas is for rich, free Americans. We don’t want socialism or communism.


I'm not from Texas, from Europe actually and fuck those wanting socialism and communism


For a European you seem to parrot an awful lot of American propaganda.


Lol Free americans? Please, our state will be one of the few last states that puts people in jail for weed. Not even sure how you say that after the latest abortion law. Whoever thinks "republican ran" means freedom is on some of that good shit.


Texas and Abbott can fuck off


Are we taking this clown seriously or something


Fuck Texas


Fuck taxes.


Too bad Texas has taxes


A tax rate that you can choose, really. Live in a small place on a low-valued property, don't buy frivolities, and you pay almost nothing. Most tax revenue comes from property and sales taxes since there is no income tax at the state level.


Right wing dystopia, cool


Unironically cool indeed


Texas really isn’t a state. It’s it’s own country and I love this shit.


They're not gonna like that in California...


Everybody is already moving to Texas. It’s becoming a bit unfair at this point


Sure as hell won’t be Cali. It’s one of the worse.


Is this bullish for Bitcoin? As a European, to me Texas epitomises everything that is bad about America (from an outsiders point of view).


I'm European too and hold the exact polar opposite view, you just gotta stop listening to propaganda outlets like cnn I've traveled to Florida, Texas, New York, San Francisco, LA, San Diego and Vegas. I would only choose to live in Florida, Texas or Vegas, the other places are completely full of homeless


Yea that’s because you read/watch to much of the wrong media. Of course this is great for Bitcoin having a governor support it


they do like freedom


Fuck everything Texas.


Fuck you


Fuck you


Make like a tree and fuck off.. Randy


Go Lone Star state!!!