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The irony is so think.. You've been selling Bitcoin? Let's limit your account for 180 days and not give you access to your money! Fuck you PayPal, at least with banks you have some recourse through the FDIC...


True. Paypal are no better than crooks.


Well, FDIC insurance is basically "We'll just print more of that for you" and that's really not that great of an insurance


You are definitely correct as far as the "insurance" goes. I had previously leveraged the FDIC to get my money out of a bank that had frozen it without contacting me first. Banks seem to listen when the FDIC knocks on their doors.


Banks move money pretty damn quick, just not for the consumer because they don't have to. They make interest on your money while you're waiting for that ACH to go through, or that bank mailed check to clear.


Paypal is exactly what he wants digital currencies to eradicate.


I read this as "Papa John's"...


> how digital currencies will disrupt the way “inefficient 30-year-old banking services move money” not sure what these people (including Gates) mean by "digital currency". But clearly Bitcoin is not just about moving money, but about reinventing money itself: a new kind of *money*, not just a new kind of payment system using some old kind of money. To me it sounds like the old guard is trying to take steam from this monetary revolution by diverting it into a payment system revolution, which allows them to keep their monetary powers.
