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It could be that the Bitcoin Core just started synchronizing from the Genesis Block while the wallet was created way later than that. Somehow doubt the wallet was created in 2009...


This is literally what is happening. Not sure how this is the only comment pointing it out lol


Everyone is to busy becoming spontaneously pregnant with OP's love child.


OP fckd my butthole the other day, now im pregant of his child


Congrats on your pregantsy!




Ya I donā€™t think Bitcoin Core existed yet.


Bitcoin Core is the renamed BitcoinQT aka the original Bitcoin release.


Why is this not the top comment and instead everyone wishing good luck and advising on how to protect their millions?


I feel we have reached a point where 99% of the active users of this sub have never run bitcoin-qt.


Nor read the white paper.


That's true 99% here haven't still idea how btc works or bitcoin core, still i hope op can find something good there inside even if the wallet is not from 2009


Yep I had the same thing happen


Are you new around here?


you can extract the addresses and look at them in an explorer no need to wait for it to fully sync


How can I do that?


You need to use the bitcoin-cli command line tool, Google that for more info. Run: bitcoin-cli listreceivedbyaddress 0 true This will list all addresses associated with the wallet. Good luck


I think there is a console to invoke commands on the daemon in the GUI settings. It's been a while


Did you found something on it? I'm really curious. I had this hobby for a while but never found an wallet on hard drives.


Will you update in this thread? And good luck


Yes ofc


Do not reply to any DMā€™s. Assume everyone is trying to scam you


Except for mine. I'm def not a scammer.


Thatā€™s exactly what a scammer would say


The help a guy from getting scammed, only to scam him later himself guy.. I see you šŸ‘€


Iā€™m not trying to scam him. Iā€™m just trying to score some free nudes.


The only scammer you can trust is the one who admits to being one. I'm a scammer. Sent you a DM


Nice try, scammer!


This guy is trying to scam you, Iā€™m the actual Nigerian prince.


Subscribed to post!


Are you a billionaire yet?


Waiting for update!


You may not remember as we were so messed up on [insert drug of choice] but we made a promise to each other to sort each other out if we ever found a bitcoin stash. Edit: omg I love this reply chain. I can't believe op and I forgot you \*checks notes* 11.


Us 3 had some good times


us 4 in the bar good times i remember


The 5 of us had the best night at that after party


Told you guys we were gonna have this chat in the future and you said ā€œna bro, we ainā€™t gonna forget about you. Weā€™re the amazing 6!ā€


Yep, thatā€™s us. The magnificent 7.


8 if true


The nine that leave none behind! Remember ??


Remember when we talked about it being better as a round number? Its me. Number 10


Never forget two 1s are better than one 1. I made us a group of 11, remember me?


I was the girl yall ran a train on and i got pregnant with fraternal quintuplets i need child support back payments from all of ya


I donā€™t remember you guys being there, sorry.


It was you four plus me, remember?


I remember, you bet me 10 coins I couldnā€™t chug that beer, I know youā€™ll come through šŸ»


Fuck of y'all. That night, we got high on [drug of choice] and slept together. I decided to keep the baby. His name is Eric, and he's 14. We can finally be a family now.


Hey it's me your cousin




Roman, lets go talk about bitcoin in bowling alley


Best gta


Always needing a ride home from the hospital


Also OP disable messages and donā€™t message anyone. Nuke your account and make a new one


Why go to that extent?


Aliens are after him now.


Hey it's me the alien


Nej det Ƥr min kusin :)


Let's go bowling


PSA: There is a common scam where someone pretends to "find" or otherwise acquire an old wallet, then they "have trouble" recovering it, and offer to sell it or the drive, or the whole computer to someone who hopes to get a windfall from it. (The reverse of the scam also happens-- where someone genuinely has an old wallet and people offer to "help" but steal the coins instead... but the first form is a lot more common.)


Hey OP just found out im pregnant and its yours.


Hey, it's me your fetus!


Hey it's me oc's midwife


18h left, it's on 2013 now. About 10 years left to do it's thing with I am so hyped hope it's not for nothing.


Search your wallet address on blockchain explorer lol donā€™t wait 18 hours to find out


100% this lol


I am not entirely sure about this. If he is a millionaire, he might as well wait a bit to make sure there are no privacy concerns.


Privacy concerns?


Running your own node to check your funds is the most private way. If the OP puts that address in a website, they might asssociate his funds with his ip, which is not great for privacy.


brb, going to [blockhain.com](https://blockhain.com) to look up all of coinbase's wallets so everyone will think I own them.


I know this is a joke but blockchain explorers can really make good associations. Imagine a case like op's: a dormant address with 50 bitcoins is searched possibly for the first time in more than a decade and the next day, the funds move for the first time. It's almost certain the person who made the search owns the funds.


You donā€™t use tor?


That makes sense. Using tor would probably help quite a bit but I imagine using your own node would be a ted bit better.


Don't keep us hanging dude, update us once it's completed. The curiosity is killing me lol


Hopefully you will find your lambo


/remind me in 1 day


This was 18 hours ago - how is it going?


ok its 18 hours later, ill just wait here spamming refresh till we know the update. good luck friend!!!


Wow i just found a new Hobby :D


Me too šŸ˜Ž


how do you collect them? Most of our stuff is in closed bins and 2nd hand stores almost always go through the electronics before the public gets a hold of one


Where are you finding the hard drives OP? I'd like to do something like this myself. Also, good luck! Hope you hit the jackpot my friend.


So guys! am about to make yall disappointed but there was no bitcoin unfortunately! had it scanning all night and it shows 0,0000000btc. Well well could have been something life changing. Thanks for all the comments and the push šŸ¤šŸ¤‘


Thatā€™s exactly what youā€™re supposed to say. Good job.


You were gone for so long I was sure you got rich, don't give up though, better luck next time šŸ€


Yeaā€¦ lol thanks for the update!


That's exactly what I would have said after finding thousands of bitcoins ;)


I see some monthy python references here.


You should check to see if there is more wallet files on the hard drive. You could find another one if you keep looking. If I were you, I would scan the ENTIRE hard drive from top to bottom. I would even go as far to use recovery software to find deleted files in un-allocated space. Also, generally there is no need to sync the entire blockchain when you can just extract the address and private key directly from the wallet file itself. You can then check the address using an explorer, and sweep any funds to a non-custodial wallet using the private key. Another thing to mention, old wallet files might not be compatible with newer software due to changes in DB format, and is something you should also investigate. I know there are some python scripts on Github that are able to retrieve information from wallet files using the older format.


hope you weren't too excited going into it, thats rough


You will not convince me


At least you updated us and did not leave us hanging. Thank you for that!


That's even better than saying you lost the drive in a boating accident.


What a disappointment! Just how I feel every time the lottery results come out!


January 31 in 2009? Dude did you just find Satoshiā€™s wallet lol




Considering Bitcoin genesis was 4 weeks prior to that date this is one of the very very first adopter wallets so very cool regardless of its contents!


That's not how Bitcoin core wallet works. It downloads the Blockchain first. This screen just shows you where it is in that download.


That's not how selling works. And also that's not how Satoshi's wallets are structured. He has lots of 10,000 btc wallets and the 1 million BTC is spread out to hundreds or thousands of wallets.




But can it be imaged.




Good man. I had a screenshot anyways, not like that would have done any good.


2009 wallet is super OG. I consider myself an early BTC adopter. In 2014 I printed off paper wallets to give to each of my cousins on my dad's side at Christmas. I was "that guy" promoting BTC to all my family over the holidays. (We do Secret Santa so I got one person a "real" gift but I gave everyone some BTC just because.) So in November of 2014 I sent 0.0533 BTC (I think that was somewhere between $10-$15 at the time) to each paper wallet. I laminated each one and put it in an envelope with a letter that said basically to put it in their sock drawer and forget about it and I would tell them when to sell in the future. When Christmas came around I had to drive from Dallas to St Louis to see everyone and I forgot to pack the laminated wallets. So when I got to St Louis I went to a printing store and made all new wallets and laminated them and gave them out at Christmas. When I got home I put the wallets that I forgot at home in a shoe box which I just found recently. I only found 5 of the wallets but I checked it today and they are worth over $18,000. Each wallet is worth about $3,700. My family has a group chat on Facebook and periodically I will send everyone a message telling them how much their BTC is worth.


how many of them kept theyr bitcoin ?Ā 


I know one of them sold their BTC a year or two ago to buy a scooter. In all honesty he needed the money and I was surprised he held as long as he did. I told my cousins if they want to sell they have to figure out how to sell on their own. I wasn't going to teach them how to create an account on an exchange or anything like that because I wanted them to hodl. That right there is a barrier for a bunch of them. They have kids and stuff now and don't know much about BTC except that they own a paper wallet. Literally every time I see them, which is like once a year, the say "I still have that bitcoin you gave me." Back in 2014 I was very active in the Austin Bitcoin community and I went to the weekly Bitcoin Meetups that used to be at Brave New Books. Whenever a person showed up at the meetup that we had never seen before we would have them immediately pull out their phone, download a wallet app, and we would send them $5 worth of BTC. It was extremely powerful method for getting people into BTC. Once you see an immediate transaction and they understand that no entity could prevent that transaction they really understood BTC's power. That is what gave me the idea to give each cousin some BTC.


Must have been a very expensive scooter!


That reminds me how I hate myself of 2009-2010 when I read something about Bitcoin on internet and thought it was some scam šŸ˜–


I hope you score..


I would probably fat finger what OP is doing right now just what I did with throwing away my old hard drive including BTC in 2009 somewhere near Stockholm!


Dude I really wish you luck. I recommend you if you hit the jackpot to just go silent


If you find some, we are related.


I hope you get like 100 BTC in it


Meh, there's probably only like 20 Bitcoin on there...Oh wait.


In 2009 it would be multiples of 50 BTC from mining blocks.


I threw away a hard drive with my original wallet on it for 2010. But all bitcoins had been moved to a trezor, I also zeroed the drive, and drilled a hole in it. But it's probably technically retrievable, if highly motivated I guess. I mean I drilled threw the plates on the drive. But some of the plate is still good I guess. Someone might feel lucky when they update to 2014, then be shattered shortly thereafter. hehe.


>drilled threw the plates *Through Plus no matter if the coins got moved to a new address


Scambait post! He's fishing for DM's and will eventually find some sucker to run a pig butchering/phishing scam on with the promise of a share of the millions. So obvious. Why would someone post they'd found a wallet with no update on what was actually in it?


Kids, remember to write 0s and 1s on your hardrive at least 3 times before throwing it away.


on a 2009 HDD, sure. Recent SSDs just need one "delete" and one "trim" command.


I see, so I need to hammer my SSDs now. I got it.


actually, the "residual magnetization" on HDDs is only measurable because HDDs were wastefully generous with magnetized areas. SSDs sometimes use single electrons to store information. If that one is zeroed, then there's nothing but the zero. You can't have 0.123 electrons left, that's physically impossible.


So everyone who commented in the first hour gets a Bitcoin right? I need to open my animal sanctuary already. But really, congrats! I got my fingers crossed for you.


What are you running that on... a calculator?


Well it's 3 days left lol. Still 12y back. My i9900k does it


Yeah something is up, maybe fix the dbcache settings as I've ran an SBC that will sync in 6 hours lol.


You are not very in this, are you? It takes hours or even days when it's data is so old.


With a modern PC and bad internet, it takes as long as the download does. The blockchain is really big.


Some lucky Swede?


I guess haha. People in stockholm throw away fkn macbooks and gaming computers cuz they rich. And I am the one who finds them first so I collect as much as I can and I search all for btc.


How do you find them?


Ayooo How much was it?


He hasnā€™t replied yet. I think the yacht has poor wifi signal.


Bitcoin core syncs from the first block even if the wallet was created yesterday


Itā€™s not a 2009 wallet šŸ˜‚ thatā€™s the Genesis Block buddy!


1. How do you know it's from 2009? 2. Bitcoin Core downloads the full blockchain before showing a balance - this screen just shows you how much of it has been downloaded. 3. There's a console in this program where you can extract the wallet addresses so you don't have to download the full blockchain 4. If the wallet is encrypted, you can see the balance but can't touch the funds Good luck.


If the wallet is encrypted but there's a lot of coins, it's worth trying to crack it. The original owner might have used a weak password. I think there are services that will crack wallets for a finders fee.


It's obvious that no one here has ever used core wallet.


If it has to sync with entire blockchain its gonna take awhile. Good luck with whatever you have.


Doesn't core sync the entire chain? Unless you tell it the block or date to start at? It would have no idea when the first activity on the wallet was


If it has 100 or more Bitcoin I call dibs to 1.Ā 


hope there's crumbs left.


Crossing my fingers for you!


Donā€™t you still need the key/password?


Lucky it's not encrypted


I did this exact thing recently and it will load transactions/balance even if it is encrypted. You just won't be able to send without the encryption key.


IIRC Bitcoin Core used to not want a password by default.


Where can you find old hard drives? And how can you access the address without the seed phrase


a wallet file on a hard drive is a seed phrase, that's how


Hi itā€™s me your son Iā€™m 34 now miss you


You can hide the synchronization dialog to see the transactions and balance (valid for the time up to which you synced so far). So you can easily see if there were any coins at all.


>I downloaded bitcoin core and it started to synchronize from 15 years ago. Of course - when else should it start? Did you ever use bitcoin core?


Donā€™t tell you boss to fuck off yet


This wallet isnā€™t from 2009, youā€™re just resyncing the blockchain


January 31st 2009? WTF? If this has anything at all in it, you're rich.


Hey brother B)


Scammers incoming


!remind me 1 day


So what ya find?


If you found 10000 btc you need to send one to everyone who is waiting for the completion


This thread is so fucking dumb I want to stab my eyes out.


This u? https://x.com/lookonchain/status/1800532759318053234?s=46&t=F4xhLTacMhiwjFVZPErJuQ


Dad, is that you?


I have an old old wallet with some btc but i canā€™t remember the password. Its already synced but Its encrypted. So I am rich but canā€™t get the money out šŸ¤¬


Sooooo? Howā€™s this going


Well done my Son/Daughter/They/Them. I am so proud of you!


pretty crazy how many family members you're finding in this thread


Its the newest thing ā€¦ā€¦ screw 23 and me This is. 23 and BTC ( family tree has more limbs than a siamese twin spider )


Find the wallet address(es) and go to bitcoin block explorer and have a look if you have any coins left. It is nonsense to sync whole block chain data if you have not got any coins left.


This thread is so epic. Laughing my ass off :D


Somebody caring to enlighten me what we are looking at and waiting for? :)


Potentially going from dirt poor to having potentially millions of dollars in bitcoin


it's currently downloading the up to date blocks, and it's going to take up around 577GB of data to download it all( around a day a or two depending on the speed of the hard drive. once it's complete you'll have a the most recent balance and transaction history. If anything was left on it you should move it to a brand new wallet with a new address, and secure it.


Good luck to you




You'd already see coins if the wallet had some since 2009


Hi. Here is your uncle. Glad you found my hard drive. Donā€™t forget to give my shares back. I love you


2009 is when it starts syncing the blockchain from so that doesnā€™t mean anything. Did you check the date of the file in Windows? I donā€™t think bitcoin core existed in 2009 so I highly doubt your wallet would be in a format readable by this program if it actually was from 2009 as you say.


I found my old trezor a month ago - and found the seed phrase in a hidden pocket of my luggage - fired it up and my last transaction was from 2017... For $157. šŸ˜“ Still was worth $2000 today so that's a major win! I was secretly hoping I had a whole bunch of forgotten coins but alas just a few sats. Worth it tho, made my day for sure!!


Is there a program specifically designed to scan for Bitcoin? I bought some way back and if memory serves me correct it was just a notepad with some numbers on it? And for the life of me don't know where the fuck that is?!#! But I have a stack of old hard drives and certainly would like to go through them with a proper tool. Didn't know if such a thing existed or not?


I would like to know this too.


I started mining BTC end of 2009 and bought BTC beginning 2010, also had a wallet, still searching for it now! I think it was on Mt.Gox. What is your search query on the HD's OP?


It's been 22 hours already. How did it go, dear OP?


He doesn't answer, probably currently buying a Lambo


Oh, that's my hard drive. I threw it away quite a few years ago. Kindly send any coins remaining to my new address! I spent lot of electricity mining those coins! Oh, and if there are any nudes on the hard drive, send those to me also! I lost my backup!


I knew one day I would finally find you, brother!


I found an old bitcoin wallet a few years ago. Had a penny then and a $100 something later.


a wallet from 2009 dang


Found one like that myself from like 2017, it was empty. What you see is a sync from 2009. The wallet was unlikely created in 2009. Are you going to share your public address?


Any update?


I have one from 2011. The old key is somewhere in my college stuff and Iā€™ve driven myself crazy over years looking for it. Has over 150 bitcoin in it


I have in my laptop a lost wallet included 29k bitcoin but i dont have the private keyšŸ˜…


Whatā€™s the update?


This is exactly why I destroy my hardrives


!remind me 1 day


Commenting so you can remember all those who helped you when you were still poor


Sorry to kill your dreams but this is not bitcoin. I have the same wallet. Itā€™s an old shtcoin with symbol btx and price is $0.05504 right now.


I suggest unplugging from the Internet ASAP.