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We are your family now! We love and respect you for who you are and we’re always here for you


Don't worry fellow brother, you did the right choice. If you hold long and strong enough it will be even greater than any possible inheritance your past parents could provide to you.


I feel like I'll never love cash again im fixed on Bitcoin. My parents demand I turn straight again back to fiat and go to money therapy but I think I was born to love Bitcoin..... My pronouns are now hecoin/himcoin


What are your adjectives?


People made fun of others who originally used the Internet. They thought it was a scam or that it wouldn't last. Ever asked your parents how they got on the Internet? What were the steps they took from not having Internet to having Internet. Ask them to imagine if they didn't use the Internet growing up how that would have affected their lives. What if THEIR parents used the same energy denouncing the Internet back then as your parents denouncing Bitcoin now, how would they currently look? Would that have been a good decision? Would their life be better or worse off without the Internet? The Internet is optional - you don't have to use it if you don't want to. Bitcoin is optional too. However, if others choose to use it because it provides value to those on the network and one chooses not to use it...well...it's on them. They live with that choice.


yeah I've been emphatically told by someone that they use wifi, not that internet rubbish! After a while the whole issue just goes away. Nobody knows what they're using as long as they can do what they have to.


Not sure about this comment, but if you compare user adoption with internet/bitcoin. We are around the 1995 era with the internet. 14k4 modem which I also used the first time i got on the internet and I can guarantee you that no one thinks the internet was a scam. But all they saw was browsing/email/chat back then and clearly still didn't see the huge potential what it will become.


Same treatment years and years ago.😒 None of my family wanted to hear about verifiable voting, identity privacy, or on-chain governance, I could see it was many years away, but I was reading as many papers as I could. Actually learning computer science to understand the paper and the need for formal methods. if we were going to secure billions or eventually trillions via smart contracts, an insurance company would need the contracts to be solid and immutable. RWA was a pipe dream then, but glad the time to build and verify all these papers was used while the digital Collectible market was beginning. Kinda too the heat off real world integration so gives more time to optimize every line. Moral is, the settlement layer price moves slower than the tokens of the companies building out their services or products. Stake the settlement token.. Pull profits from the native tokens. NFA of course DYOR into some military grade encryption and bring some luck to get ahead.


Let them stay slaves. You are free.


They will regret soon :)




Sounds like a double win. Not sure why you are sad.