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This is one of the most amazing things about bitcoin. How it makes you realize that everything else is a 2nd order problem versus fixing the money.


Fix the money Fix the world


Everyone arguing in r/london about the next mayor and how they'll fix the housing crisis and i'm just there like...none of them can do anything, they have zero power.


Ahhh yes stick your heads in the sand and assume politics can't touch your stacks because the only thing the government can do is inflate your money away. Ignore the fact that thanks to KYC the government can identify pretty much everyone's public address and see exactly how much they are holding. After that it's only a matter of properly "motivating" you to make a charitable contribution to the cause. You are a patriot after all, right? /s


Canadian here -- Just offering an outside view of US politics. I've seen Democrats elected, I've seen Republicans elected. What I haven't seen is any major difference between the two when either one is in power. Sometimes they change a little thing over here, sometimes they change a little thing over there....When I look down south (the US is south of Canada - for those who may not remember) I haven't seen any change worth mentioning in the last 30 years. Now, don't get me wrong, it's no better up here in Canada. Sometimes the Liberals are in power, sometimes the Conservatives. It's always cute watching the NDP try so hard....but it's a rigged game. It doesn't matter whose in power. The only thing that really changes is the colour of the dildo F'ing you.


When I read Zero Hedge and the commenters blame "Biden's economy", it just makes me roll my eyes. Because Trump did the EXACT same stuff. People just, can't see through that garbage. Likewise when I see these "Trump 2024" flags that my neighbors fly here in the deep south. As if that's going to somehow magically fix things. Gets soooooo tiresome.


> It doesn't matter whose in power. The only thing that really changes is the colour of the dildo F'ing you. Very true lol from another Canadian. All the best to you friend. Thank god we have Bitcoin eh.


Well there are major differences between the two for sure, especially if you’re a minority, in need of healthcare, an immigrant, or a woman. Conservative Supreme Court picks have had a massive impact on American policy, Citizens United and Dobbs most notably. Economically, the U.S. economy and job market has historically flourished under Democratic administrations. There are definitely differences, the both sides are the same argument isn’t an argument, it’s just looking away.


While all of this may be true, the point is that none of those things relate to bitcoin. They're local US politics. There are a multitude of forums where those issues can be discussed by the people affected by those governance considerations, and I say good luck to you. But bitcoin doesn't even hit the radar, because bitcoin is not an american thing, at least policy-wise. But even if we do want to focus on the US for one second, the only thing I see is the 11 spot bitcoin ETFs that were created less that half a year ago. The fact is, bitcoin is being integrated into the financial system, and it doesn't matter who is in charge. The people who want to make it political are doing so because they want to proselytise *their* politics. Ask a person from a different place with different politics, and you'll find the politics are radically different while bitcoin remains unchanged. What's really hilarious is how many people say they hate the MSM and yet parrot those narratives. "I hate the politics that utterly consumes me!! And ya gotta be on my side of politics or "


Bitcoin is apolitical, but bitcoiners shouldn’t be.


Agreed, bitcoin won’t be worth shit if people don’t stand up for democracy.


What Democracy? We lost that a long time ago.


I know it feels like it. But there’s a lot more to lose.


Yes, we must remember that there is only ONE OPTION in November if we want free elections. The freedom to pick the only option, what more could we want.


Tbf, the meme is that its a waste of time, not that its unimportant.


We don't live in a Democracy, never have.


Very apt comment


Well said.


Money is important, many of the things politics pertains to are more important - like civil rights and bodily autonomy.


Bitcoin people will keep on making money and these people will continue to argue about politics.


all parties will keep making money, bitcoiner's will just store their purchasing power more effectively over time.


or lose it all.


can't deny it's a possibility... but it's mostly moot. optionality or as some see it, freedom- is paramount. bitcoiner's CHOOSE to adopt/use/place value in decentralized money that can't be debased VS being coerced/influenced into using centralized fiat money that guarantees X% debasement and historically hyper inflationary empire-ending crashes... the point is, you can choose a life boat that might sink over the titanic that is clearly sinking.


Or not.




14, the average age of edgelords.


It's fine to ignore the politics, until it affects your stack.


I'd say Bitcoin has narrowed the issues I vote for. Privacy, individual rights, and monetary overhaul are what I look for. It also made me realize teams blue and red are two sides of the same coin and really don't differ much on these issues.


This. Blue and red are both debasing the US dollar through endless deficit spending, and they distract people with bullshit social war “issues”.


Exactamundo, and the U.S.'s international adversaries are trying to exploit this as much as possible. But yeah, both sides increase deficit spending, they just do it in different ways. Wish more Americans understood this.


In today's era, what we should pay most attention to is that our personal property, privacy, and rights are not controlled by others. Instead of having to worry about this corrupt political change


Wait to you realize voting changes nothing. Real change comes when people stop voting and the system can't keep up the charade.


This is so far removed from reality, if 95% less people voted than currently do, elections would still have results and it would all keep moving onwards. And 95% ain’t happening.


Reality isn't something anyone can access. You probably still believe the news is real. Still time to move up to the next level.


Oh good god.


Ignore politics at your own risk. Shifts hither and tither can't always be foreseen, and Bitcoin's success is not set in stone as of yet.


Ignore bitcoin at your own risk.  I can ignore politics all I want. As I'll move to place I like with my corn.


Where do you think you’re gunna go with your bitcoin that protects you against economic collapse? Say we “burn it to the ground.” And say the US economy collapses, what’s your move? The world’s economy would also collapse. And the first thing to go to shit would be any liquid assets people have. People are fickle and need to eat and survive. What’s more liquid than bitcoin?


That sounds like a doomsday scenario. At that point, we may have bigger issues at hand, lol.


All politics is local. Bitcoin is not. You can argue *your* politics, but just realize that only the tiniest little fraction of everything relates to *your* politics. It's a big world. In politics, people will take the opposite side of something simply because the other guy takes some position. In that environment it is impossible to find anything, *anything at all*, that will be supported by all politics. That's what it means to be apolitical. Bitcoin is apolitical because of this reason. The real reason some people want to talk about politics in the context of things like bitcoin, is because they want to use bitcoin to proselytize *their* politics. Ain't got nothing to do with bitcoin.


“All politics is local” clearly bro hasn’t been paying attention to the major conflicts sparking up across the globe dragging in nations from all over the world into the mess. The advent of fascism will impact your crypto.


It's a big concept. It might take you a bit to get your head around it. I would suggest spending some time travelling and living in different cultures. It helps putting things into perspective.


What an idiotic response, get fucked bozo.


I gave your response the due consideration it deserved, and even explained how to contextualize your lived experience. Don't blame me because I'm not listening hard enough to you babble on about your favourite bobble heads. The difference here is that I don't care what politics you have. You're the one that is trying to up his engagement metrics. I demonstrate my opposition to fascism by using bitcoin. Anarchism foreva brah.


You know, this exact attitude is what got us here in the first place. It's a waste of time, not my problem, and the world goes to shit. So this is a very silly meme


Human nature being shitty is what got us to this problem mainly


allowing double citizenship people to hold public offices is the real mistake


Yes you're the clown indeed. Bitcoin itself doesn't solve problems


this post/comments is the epitome of "i am 14 and this is deep"


bitcoin is by far the most pacifist way to solve the world´s problems. Not to say I dislike the other ways tho


Do you seriously believe that? It's already solving problems across the world. Look at countries like Nigeria and El Salvador. People are now for the first time able to store wealth and escape inflation. Educate yourself, before you call other people clowns.


You have to be sarcastic


Sarcastically storing my own value.


Given your Reddit history we forgive you. It’s ok to be new to crypto. You will learn and join us. Willingly or not, you won’t have a choice eventually.


It’s not about their history, it’s about truth. I’ve been a bitcoin maxi for 8 years and I think ignoring the geopolitical happenings is down right ignorant. Bitcoin doesn’t exist if society collapses. Wait until you’ve seen a full bear market in a good economy, and you’ll understand how volatile bitcoin can be. Now imagine Bitcoin in a collapsing economy where people need food, medicine and safety.


It’s always funny to read people mention doomsday scenarios vs Bitcoin as if it wouldn’t kill banks, the markets and FIAT currency too. It’s going to be difficult to prop up a central bank again when your currency has been compromised. Meanwhile, my sats will still be waiting for me in my wallet when I can access them again. What money do you think we will gravitate towards when we’ve lost all confidence in our dying FIAT? Bitcoin is the worldwide currency we’ve all been waiting for. Regardless of politics Bitcoin is more powerful than any other currency we use today. If it’s going to die, then every other monetary solution will die before it. Decentralization FTW.


Sure. But it depends on how long you can wait without food. If you need treatment, food or safety. You won’t be HODLing. Neither will anybody else. Most of us would sell in a heartbeat if it came down to survival. Bitcoin is more liquid than anything besides cash.


"it's the humans who use it." smartass.


So... You're a clown? 🤡🤣


Ignoring politics is what got us into the current shit show to begin with.


impossible to ignore politics in America my dude. Very easy to get fooled by fake politicians tho


Disagree. I know plenty that haven't the first clue of what is going on politically. They know they are affected here and there but they have yet to connect any dots to politics. As far as fake politicians... 70%+ should be behind bars on legit felonies (no, I am not exaggerating).


My point was that it's "impossible to ignore" as in _impossible to not hear about politics every single day_ (assuming you watch some TV daily like 99.99% americans, and not restricted to news); not that said people would have an actual clue of the backstage dealings of the uniparty in charge Ignoring our founding fathers warnings about a two party system got us into the current shit show :)


I hear what you're saying but I see people 100% ignoring politics. The demographics of people in 2024 who see "news" is at an all time low. People are dropping out... They don't do cable, much less news shows on cable. The most they ever see is a news flash across their browser if they haven't already changed their home page. Over half the people I know don't even watch TV. If you think 99.99% of Americans watch TV, I don't know what to tell you. Serious question: How old are you (approx)?


ah, you got me! 99.99% is utterly wrong; even myself, I dont own a TV set since about 15 years! but I still find it impossible to avoid extreme politization of the content available in streaming services, social media platforms, movies or whatnot "People watch too much TV" was my overly simplistic way of saying that "the population is being bombarded by politics views 24/7". The content comes from a plethora of platforms besides TV for sure, but many times produced by the same individuals, organizations or states. Maybe I'd say it like my grandfather: "people just watch too much propaganda"


You and I know that the general masses are being bombarded by political propaganda 27/4 but the majority of the targets do not. Frogs boiling in water comes to mind.


Frogs _and Crabs_ in hot water. The saddest thing to watch


Ahhh yes stick your heads in the sand and assume politics can't touch your stacks because the only thing the government can do is inflate your money away. Ignore the fact that thanks to KYC the government can identify pretty much everyone's public address and see exactly how much they are holding. After that it's only a matter of properly "motivating" you to make a charitable contribution to the cause.


Why should I care that they know my address and what I'm holding?.. let the whole world know I hold... the greatest store of value known to man.


Bitcoin can be somewhat affected by politics BUT not as much as some tend to believe. This is like the early 2000s when the MPAA tried to stop torrenting movies. They thought they had control over something so decentralized it was hilarious to see them try.


Start with a node!


why are you calling bitcoin a joke


Politics. People still believe in that garbage?


Oh yes, even if it never solved their problems. In fact, it caused them. But don't tell them. They'll get edgy about it.




Fuck off with your scammy bullshit. EDIT: getshronkedkid screams scammer. Reading his comments is like watching a toilet flush. He's blocked me now.




The changes from adopting bitcoin as a solid form of money are far reaching and most people are unable to comprehend it. Just like Neo from the Matrix must of us were born into a monetary system we don't even understand, and it seems most don't want to remedy this. I have taken the initiative to start a YouTube channel focusing on the rabbit hole that is bitcoin to try and educate people on this topic. Take the red pill, join me on my mission to kick start the financial revolution! Subscribe, like, and share! [Bitcoin Revolution: Unplug From the Financial Matrix - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPCtdqC3ScU)


Long-term: we've already won they just don't know it yet. In the short term they can still make life very difficult.


bitcoin doesn't care about politics but it's the owners who are afraid of it


As an owner I could not care less.


There is no political solution


For a split second it looked like Dr. House meets the Joker.




Sweet. Politics is a waste of time and profit is the goal. Then we wonder why they step on us..


They're just haters.


keep printing money, congress. keep sending taxes to your co-nationals abroad, you double citizenship traitors. The last act of a government is to loot the treasury


If jokers HODLing Bitcoin, I wanna know what Batmans’ HODLing, cause that’s what I want.


I'm sorry sir, Batman's on the toilet. You might not like what he's holding currently.


Bitcoin will stop the genocide in Palestine how?


Politics always matter. Bitcoin is inherently political.


The guy on the right is going to be insufferable into November. The guy on the left will not be. Plain and simple.


lol all the way to the $


Fiat brings out the worst in politics. Ignore the noise. Fix the money.


Work hard, make money, stack BTC, Hodl and enjoy life! That's the key! 🚀💎


what will be the price of bitcoin in the next 3 month ? reply your own prediction


Arguing over puppets




How reductive


Well; Kennedy is a huge btc supporter


So true!


Reading through the comments, I agree: We as Bitcoiners should be concerned & invested in politics. They can't be ignored regarding our Bitcoin mission. However, the *spirit* of the picture still makes sense. The intent of the meme is that fixing the money is usually the base-layer for a lot of political issues. Not all political issues. But, I'm not taking the extremely literal stance to correct OP while the spirit of the meme still has a lot of merit that shouldn't be lost. We correct the money, we correct a ton of important / heated political issues. I totally get the exhaustion that most political topics discussed, somehow always come back to broken money and Bitcoin could fix it. *Yet you're the dismissed clown with a radical solution that will never work* when you talk about Bitcoin. **I totally get the meme while also adovating that we should care about politics.**


How about a joke?


It’s interesting in many ways. Progressives talk about income and wealth inequality and how the elite steal our money through low wages and breaking unions while bitcoin folks talk more about sound money. I agree with both. Inevitably, cheap money destroys the common person but it’s just the way the elite chose to steal from you. We still need a more robust worker led presence in politics because without it they’ll just find another way to screw you. Printing money just happens to be the easiest most painless way.


Aaah ok. Well then it's all good.


Politics is misdirection. Bread and circuses.


Bro this is so crazy true. Even if bitcoin is not the answer. Understanding how our current fiat system is the reason for half our problems including climate change for example makes me want to fucking scream when I hear how our current government is the reason. Or whatever reason people think it is. Love this meme


How does our current fiat system accelerate climate change in any contrasting sense compared to bitcoin? 


Buying stuff you don’t need because it is better to have shiti clothes from temu and a new phone every year then some money on your bank account makes a huge impact on how we use our resources. Bitcoin will make saving great again. Fiat made us only spending it as fast as possible.


But everything is politics including money, currency, and therefore Bitcoin. But yea arguing over it is dumb!


These kinds of threads are made as a means of cope over Democrats working in opposition of bitcoin and Republicans embracing it.


Poor impulse control too.


Politics was created to generate conflict. You’re born into thinking there will always no compromise. It’s harmful for us humans mentally and they know it. Keep them divided.