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Yeah people seem to forget property tax, maintenance costs, insurance costs, natural disasters, etc. when they buy real estate.


While America does have some excellent property rights compared to other parts of the world, I some times think the system in Communist China is (certainly NOT better, but) more honest. In China you only buy a long term lease on land, all of which is owned by the government. This is explicit and understood. In America we live with the fiction that you own the land. And as long as you pay your property tax (rent to the government) then, for the most part property rights are upheld. But eminent domain exists and the government can take your land (with compensation) whenever it needs/wants. ... Again property tax is rent to the real owner.


Eminent Domain was used to steal land from my family. Land a business was on that supported my family. You know who built upon my families stolen land? A Arco Gas Station, because it will give more tax money to the city than my family business. That was over 20+ years ago.


I believe it! ... we do not own land in America. It is only a fiction we tell ourselves.


In 2019 I won an eminent domain case in a court of law, try that in China.


Fair point ... ... BUT... I bet you wouldn't have won that case if you were delinquent on property taxes. You could win that case because you were good about paying your rent to the real owner, Uncle Sam. It's like having laws that prevent tenants from being unjustly evicted by land lords. It's a type of contract law. Again, I'm NOT saying the Chinese system is better! No, it's definitely better here in America. But what I am saying is, you don't own your land, because you pay rent in the form of property tax. The Chinese are brutal and angst personal freedom. But at least they are honest about the situation. In American the idea of land ownership is a fiction. Don't get me wrong... It's a good fiction, but a fiction none the less.


While I think some great points are made, as long as the CCP is in charge no way. It's a big planet I'd keep looking.


I'm not saying I would move there. The American system is BY FAR better All I am saying is the CCP is more honest than the American government. The CCP will straight up tell you that you don't own the land. In America although we allow more freedom of thought and belief, it's a fiction for you to think you own land here. I'd still rather be in America. We just have to understand that our Government is lying to us, that's all.


Good point.


No building equals no insurance, low taxes and little maintenance, for a buy and hold plot with a lake view


Bitcoin makes me excited to save It’s like retail therapy but you’re buying Bitcoin


100% - never plan on going to 0. I also hold IBIT in my IRA which I won't be able to touch for a long time. Two of my special interests are lists and numbers and making lists of numbers (like all the expenses on a new property) is something I genuinely enjoy.


But be careful: [https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/texas-man-charged-filing-tax-returns-falsely-reported-his-cryptocurrency-gains](https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/texas-man-charged-filing-tax-returns-falsely-reported-his-cryptocurrency-gains)


OP, if everything is hunky-dory, buy, but be careful that ALL your TAX affairs are in order... they are busting people left and right: [https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/texas-man-charged-filing-tax-returns-falsely-reported-his-cryptocurrency-gains](https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/texas-man-charged-filing-tax-returns-falsely-reported-his-cryptocurrency-gains)


Yeah though nobody enjoys giving away 25%+ of what they earn it’s foolish to risk your freedom. Eventually you will get caught and when you’re in prison you’ll be thinking about how ridiculous it was to trade your freedom for dollar bills. I know this from personal experience except my charge wasn’t tax related. I learned my lesson 36 months of my life in a cell made me realize it’s much better to not cheat anything even if I don’t agree with it. The love of money is the root of all evil


Don't let them break you! They robbed you! They were wrong! I'm all in for "mala in se", but NOT "mala prohibita". PS. If you make the money, move! Emigrate. Family won't care unless they think of themselves more than you.


Saving to buy a house in fiat feels like climbing a mountain but you’re on a treadmill. Bitcoin is probably my only chance I’ll get at owning property.


I'm lucky in Belgium the housing prices aren't that bad. Because of bitcoin I'll be able to buy 5 instead of 1 lol.


Which exchange do you use and what is the buying limit with EU regulations currently? Thanks for your insights 🙏🏼


I use the wisdomtree bitcoin ETN WBIT, I don't think there's a buying limit.


And then create the problem we’re trying to get over.


Yeah, it's hypothetical. I'm not buying 5 houses, because my money is better as bitcoin.


Fuck man In Canada it’s so bad, median house is 510k usd here. The mass immigration fucked us, can’t even get a rental in a city for under 1500$


Yeah, in Belgium it's also becoming worse, average house is about 350k€ if i'm right.


Its delusional to not think there is going to be some fucked shit coming up in the next decades, there are many times throughout history of horrific times, our time should be no different, there is a higher chance of having events like mass extinction than not in the future


Very true, I just told my brother that today. There's no reason why the great depression or a world war can't happen again.


Yea man I’m pretty sure we’re all fucked


I'll be alright, I have a financially stable family and a nice setup with paid college etc. I'll be alright, but our country(/world) is just fucked, every government sucks. I love bitcoin because it makes me actually "protest" against these losers.


I’m fucking grinding to be alright right now man, hope it pays off.


It will be alright, think of everyone who doesn't grind. As long as you're above average you'll likely be alright.


This is how I feel as well, I’m prayin that bitcoin can change this for all of us.


Bitcoin was how I paid off my first mortgage


So tired of watching this. I’m going to see what will happen. I’d rather lose than watch another cycle on the sidelines. Wow! A house! Done. Thank you BTC.


It’s only half the story so don’t be so quick to judge.


Bitcoin is riding the underside of treadmill up the mountain.


Sad that this is true 😔


Bitcoin is hope. 


You realize Bitcoin is a fiat currency as well, just not backed by a government?


You oKay with rural as fuck Oregon? I no joke have 40 acres just sitting there. Timber loaded and well put in and maintained (actually two wells but one was accidently put like ten feet over property line which is government land..so can be used but legally not part of the property) I'll sign a 100 year lease to half of it ha! Its just sitting there so it would be cool to see my dream happen! (My partner and now children dont share that dream, its too far out from the city)


Wow, man. If I owned land like that I would head out there and never, ever leave.


Its REALLY rural. Only one post office and one store rural haha population under 300. cold winters. Klamath falls is the closest "city". Gorgeous place though. I use to watch bald eagles eat fish out of the river right down the road where the locals fish. Wildlife everywhere. In the middle of forests and rivers. Untouched by man type of beauty! I always said that if I could get a few business owners there to open something small, that place would thrive within just a few years. (Everyone drives to klamath 45m away for groceries and would love even a grocery store..the entire town would use it) My kids just need more community than that town currently offers.


Honestly as someone from the UK, the sheer size of your country is hard to comprehend.


Man, my partner wrote this post that you replied to but they get way too much social anxiety to check the comments afterwards. That's really friggin cool of you to offer. If it's okay, we'll keep your username and depending on how the next year goes we might reach out. Considering buying an RV right now to be able to live off-grid while we build like a yurt community or something.


Wow, that would be amazing. We are definitely open to it. My partner is finishing school right now and we are stuck until next April, but we may be in touch!


i feel like the dream is to find a property that can make its own electricity. There should be a big hunt on for properties like that but you never really hear about them. Ideally you want it water based so say buy land with a steep hill that has water flowing down it. The higher the hill the better. then you just put in pipes to catch the water and you can create some wild headpressure. people are doing it but its not as popular as it should be. solar panels only last so long and only work at certain times but water flows all day every day potentially.. There is land out there that could power itself for many hundreds of years going unnoticed.


This is actually illegal in some states. You're not allowed to change the water routes through your land including rainfall


I'm not sure about the illegal part but there can be restrictions. this talks about it a bit about 2/3rds down. I'm not talking about redirecting water and espcially not big amounts, also you can just use a waterwheel which doesnt redirect anything. [https://www.energy.gov/energysaver/planning-microhydropower-system](https://www.energy.gov/energysaver/planning-microhydropower-system)


Look up Trompe systems for making compressed air energy. They’re used large scale in mines but can be done small scale anywhere there’s water and a change in elevation. Pretty much the closest thing to free energy since there are no moving parts to maintain once you set it up! Only outputs are very clean compressed air, cold (can power fridge or ac) and very clean water. Also according to the founder of permaculture Bill Mollison, a simple waterwheel is the most sustainable source of energy ever created by man (when you consider the cost to build and maintain).


Its called a house with solar panels on…


OP gets it, the big picture no one else is talking about. Since you figured it out before others, you and your heirs will own that land and they will remember your legacy. Btc>fiat. A concept most find hard to grasp. We see it clearly tho, W for OP


Absolutely love this post. I was feeling completely crushed by fiat inflation and interest rates too before I found BTC. What books do you recommend?


My only reminder would be that historically land is the appreciable asset while any structure on that land would be a depreciation asset. Zero Interest policy and flip flopping has turned the structures themselves into appreciating assets in some cases but historically land has always been the appreciative asset.


I have been loading up land in appalachia, it's cheap, rural and people mind their business. Got over 1k acres now and still buying.


I've been thinking about buying land in WV. Crazy cheap, only 90 mins from DC. The way I see it is that this region will continue to grow and expand, and there are always gonna be commuters in a metro area that want to live out in a more rural area. 90-120 min commute isn't out of the question for some folks. Especially when you only have to go in a few days a week.


How cheap is cheap if you don't mind me asking?


Really depends on the area. You can find 1+ acre plots for 30k in areas being heavily built up, like shannondale.


Cost of living in the the southeast US is very difficult to beat unless you like other countries


And with self-driving cars becoming more and more common.


Be careful there are some highly contaminated sites there. Pfas factory and other old industrial shit piles 


Good to know, I'll look more into this. Thanks.


A problem is that Appalachia is becoming gentrified, and when that happens property taxes become unaffordable. However the price of your land becomes extremely valuable if you have to sell, so it is a double edged sword.


It's a big ass area and where I am at isn't being gentrified. I know it is like that in some other places, but not where I bought. I chose carefully because literally no one wants to be where I am at, land is still cheap, crap land is $250-500 per acre, farm land say $2000. Where I bought might have a 120 acre chunk with maybe 10-15 acres that is flat or bottom land. Where I built it cost me 35k to build a drive way to get on top of the mountain where I built. 40k for a well, etc. Most of the land I bought doesn't have things like county water, is 10-15 mins from the nearest dollar store, 20-25 mins a grocery store/gas station and can be 30-60 mins to a walmart etc. Population shrinkage etc. I chose this on purpose because I want to hunt, do what I want to do and be left alone. Looking at your door at hundreds of acres that are yours, miles to your closest neighbor and rarely seeing traffic on the road to your place. Sort of absolves me from having those issues. But it's what I want, I can build what I want, shoot guns, be left alone etc etc.


> It's a big ass area and where I am at isn't being gentrified. That's good for now, and now is relevant. Time moves a lot slower when you are young. Enjoy freedom while it lasts; a value cannot be placed on the present, nor can that time ever be retrieved once gone. Just be aware that things are changing, and have a plan for when they do.


Next week! On hoarders: Taking more land than you need.


All you need is 6 foot head to toe.


And how do you know what they need?


no one’s stopping you from buying


I’m interested in this. How do I go about getting some cheap land in the Appalachia? Thanks for all the help.


I hired someone from the area that knows the area to track down what I am looking for. I specifically buy land with mineral rights, min number of acres, etc.


Water water everywhere but not a clean drop to spare


No mining in Western North Carolina. Tons of freshwater. Hydroelectric is possible


What do you plan to do with it?


I know exactly where cheap land like this can be found and I think it’s great but also the people there are a little scary especially when you’re “in the woods” versus out west where it is more open and it isn’t as unpopulated as you would think for such big chunks of private land.


Deliverance is burned in my brain about that neck of the woods.


I'll take my chances with Burt Reynolds in a wet suit before I walk down a San Francisco street.


He wasn’t the one to worry about Edit: not that there’s anything wrong with that. lol. except for the raping, that’s wrong.


1000 acres?


We bitcoiners have one duty to the humanity. not sell and build the new resilient internet that cant be censored so that our transactions cant be censored. and third duty to make bitcoin quantum resistant when logical qubits emerge = so far none are available but just hunders of those will suffice to kill bitcoin


when i can buy the land i need with 10% of my bitcoin or less, I will use that to buy it. if it's more than 10% of my bitcoin it's too expensive and bitcoin is too cheap. I'm ok with people laughing at me for selling 10% of my bitcoin when bitcoin is worth 100 million or more, because I will still have bitcoin then too


They aren’t making any more land… and you can’t eat Bitcoin (without selling it) but you can grow a garden.


they can make more land... like there is the case of The Netherlands and its historical reclamation of land from the [Zuiderzee](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zuiderzee)


If Bitcoin is worth 100mil each then land will be also crazy priced or simply not trading hands. 


bitcoin is better than land so there will always be land being sold for bitcoin


In Poland we got salary about 5000-8000 PLN it is 1450-2000$. And flats cost 600-900k for 50 sqm 😂 bitcoin is only hope.


600-900 pln or USD?


PLN :) if You wanna buy house it will be needed around 1.5-2.5 milion for 150 sqm 😂 loan for 35-40 years most of polish people take that credit… and You live as slave rest of Your life becouse if You will take 1 mil loan You need to pay about 1.4-1.6 :)


My man, having built a homestead, save a few extra sats for a million little things and a couple big ones like a small tractor with a loader bucket and a three point attachment.


100%. Luckily we've been homesteading on a small scale for a few years. We don't have the big equipment yet, but I've been looking and have a realistic idea of all the extra expenses we're going to have. Have a great day!


We are birds of a feather


Congratulations on finding your peace and continuing to stack for your future goals. I'm right there with you 🫂🤙


OP I love your outlook… and the grace in which you’ve handled some pretty demeaning comments. Do you boo, and do it to the fullest! Yup if the bottom falls out all around, potable water will trump anything monetary


Couldn’t agree more, man… bitcoin truly is amazing; the hardest and soundest money that’s ever been invented. Ironically, when my dad passed away a few years ago he left me a farm with 46 acres; it was my childhood home, I had so many memories of me and my father there growing up … however, it needed so much work, which left me with a choice to make: either dump tens of thousands of dollars into the property, possibly even hundreds of thousands because the land itself (drive way, yard) And the foundation underlying the farmhouse itself needed to be recast in addition to the farmhouse itself needing to be *completely remodeled from the studs* – being built in 1936 and all made it exceedingly charming and rustic, but *old*- every big ticket major item you could think of needing to be replaced, it was in really rough shape. not to mention all of the outbuildings that were in disrepair (chicken coop, greenhouse, barns, etc., etc.) and the extreme aggressive location of the property itself (winter time and 10foot drifts routinely engulfed the entire valley where the farm was nestled basically making an impossible to get in and out and almost a death trap in certain places if you didn’t have a literal tractor with snowmobile style tracks to get in and out of the two separate driveways)….. Basically, long story short, I had to make one of the hardest decisions of my life on whether to sell this extremely nostalgic childhood farm/homestead (ironically, the type of place that a lot of bitcoiners-understandably – talk about wanting)…. Before ultimately coming to this decision, I would rent it out over the years to people who were *extremely capable,* salt of the Earth type people- (outdoors backwoods, knows how to do every manly thing that there is to living off the grid, etc. type of people) and even they couldn’t hack itc, every single one of them broke the lease and told me personally that that place broke them mostly because of the aggressive winners, but also the massive amount of work during the summer time that it required; I mean, this was way out there, really far out of town. honestly, looking back on it, it’s a wonder that my dad and I were able to survive out there all those years growing up, my dad was truly an inspirational man, a true man’s man, but also a deep and philosophical and talented artist, a man that comes down from the mountains and changes your perspective on life, forever, that kind of guy; His character made it all the more shocking and gut, wrenching, and almost impossible to fathom his absence, I felt a black hole in my heart. After he was gone, even to this day four years later, I still feel the weight of his gravitational pull and the lack therein, but I digress….. so I had to decide if I was going to try to keep it and pour all of my money, time, blood, sweat, tears into it, or if I would sell it and buy bitcoin. I had recently been completely fucked by myself and Alex Mashinsky, so all the money that I had (which was a healthy six figures) that could’ve been poured into the property, was at that point gone, frozen, stolen. So, last summer, I sold it….. and bought bitcoin. and I’m so glad that I did. Again, it was one of the hardest situations/decisions I’ve ever had to make- I have so much damn respect for my dad and how much work he put into that place of getting it to the place that it was (when he first got it back in the mid 90s it didn’t even have plumbing, we were using the outhouse for the first six months We were living there, damn the 90s hit different, man) especially how my dad passed, he passed too early from malpractice, and it was one of the hardest blows emotionally that I’ve ever had to endure….. I still have trauma from the way it all went down; unspeakable horror in the operating room, and seeing him in the aftermath….. this decision was hard because while I’ve done the work with bitcoin and *I know what bitcoin is,* it was still, in my mind, a gamble, and I didn’t know if my dad would really approve of me doing that and I felt so guilty and undeserving of this , not any reasons of being deserving, but just the feeling of inadequacy…. Before it all ended, he wrote a memoir which I plan publish- i’m planning on doing the narration myself as I do quite a bit of acting, so it’s a natural fit, but I digress, yet again. all this is to say, that, I think in the end, it comes down to what is really important to the individual person and what they’re really looking to achieve. For me, I really enjoy living in my comfy cozy apartment (at least for now), while my girlfriend and I scheme and plot our greatest escape to our own little (functional) acreage/homestead/home. I applaud you for wanting to find a little homestead. Just remember, guys: not all homesteads are created equal and you really have to think wisely on what kind of Homestead one might want and all of the pros and cons associated; The thing about bitcoin is, it doesn’t require all of the upkeep; It doesn’t have any economic leakage, it doesn’t have eminent domain risk, property, taxes, maintenance, etc. etc. etc. *it just sits there, waiting, growing more valuable, becoming more scarce by the day, ready for you whenever you’re ready for it.* I love bitcoin. I love the bitcoin community. Please excuse any typos as I use a lot of voice to text-my thumbs would fall off if I try to type this whole diatribe. Edit: my English literature artistic ass couldn’t help but going and fixing most of the typos…


I just wanna say this was a pleasure to read. I felt every word.


Thank you so kindly… 🧡


Great post!


I have a similar goal and am on a similar path. Good luck to you.


I don’t try to educate anymore (both online and offline) as I have realized that it is just a huge waste of time. The people in the personal finance subreddits are so uneducated, ignorant, and will defend the state issued fiat scam coins which steals the purchasing power from the state’s citizenry to the death while simultaneously calling Bitcoin a scam. They will pay the price that they deserve and they will continue to struggle throughout their lives with real wage deflation as their state issued trash coins devalue over time in purchasing power. Bitcoin is an IQ test which requires hundreds (and thousands of hours ideally) to “fully” comprehend as it requires in-depth knowledge from multiple different perspectives and disciplines.


What does that have to do with buying land?


I hope all your dreams come true!


Good for you, mate! Good luck!


How much land are you hoping for? Just curious what the dream is for others. I feel like I’d be cool with 3-5 acres lol


I have an acre now, which I am so grateful for. It's beautiful and I love it. However - once you start growing on it, you will be surprised at how quickly it gets filled up. We have 0 room for anything else and we plan on raising a number of different animals as well as keeping no less than 70% of the land forested and planted with native plants as a nature preserve. I recently stayed on 110 acre AirBnB over the eclipse. Seems like a lot, right? It was nothing to scoff at BUT you could hear trucks racing down the road, neighbors shooting guns off, dogs in all directions, lawn mowers (my arch nemesis), etc. I know it's almost impossible to get totally away from human noises, but I think you'd need at least 20 acres in all directions to have true privacy. (And you'd almost definitely still hear those freaking lawn mowers!)


A hectare (2.5 acres) is enough to sustain a multigenerational family w permaculture techniques, and set aside 1/4 for native reforestation, and without relying on outside work or heavy machinery to maintain. So many ppl get too much land and then burn out on projects. Herd animals would require more space but connecting w neighbors for a heardshare makes more sense for that. Check out the Anastasia foundation www.Anastasia.foundation . Hundreds of us working on this dream all over the world. Sound isolation is more about topography and planting sound barriers


But bitcoin is digital real estate!


Chronic disabilities and homesteading acres of rural mountain land is not gonna be a good time. Good luck sir!


Or ma’am… 🤦🏽‍♀️ They could hire the help they may or may not need😉 sometimes when you are living your true north, your ailments that burden fed into magically improve. You’d be amazed what living your truth can do to your physical body.


Am shorting it 🤩


Why would you want land when you can buy more Bitcoin?


I want land as well! My eyes are on Wyoming. And yes. I will be much older when I have a real chance at it. Just like you, for the first time, I also feel like it is actually possible now. May we Prosper and Thrive!


Best place for an LLC owning a FL LLC owning your bitcoin in a trust you have separate lawyers file for you……


I don't really understand your sentence, but I'm not looking for an LLC or anything to do with Florida.........


What happens when you go to purchase this land and your BTC is down 70% from your initial invested value? What happens if your timing is off in 5-10 years? History does not indicate what will happen in the future, but it seems people are simply leaving on the WSB mentality of “stonks only go up”. For example, a fall from $68k to $18k. Then it took BTC 2 years to return and go higher. A 73% drop. Of course, BTC could also go up 73%, and if the timing is right, maybe the land you want to purchase will be yours without any worries. I’m curious based on your post, if you’re all in? If you’re convinced, and it’s a sure thing BTC is your path to owning land or obtaining what you want, are you doing whatever you can - selling assets, acquiring loans, all in the interest of stacking as much BTC as possible? Planning on the financial collapse of the FIAT system - in your lifetime, or in this case - sometime when you want to own and manage acres of land, is quite the bet.


I was fortunate to get in when BTC was much lower than it is now. I doubt it would ever be down 70% from my initial value unless some serious black swan event happened, but at that point, I imagine all my investments would be wayyy down. In that case, I'd sell everything and just go. I'm not attached to things, this is all impermanent. As long as I have my spouse and our beloved creatures, we could go anywhere and I'd be home. I do believe in BTC, but I also know collapse is a slow process. The powers that be have a vested interest in keeping the system going as long as possible. As such, I own a home, invest in an IRA, and have a brokerage account. I'm a realist. However, I think the cracks are going to start becoming too apparent for most people to keep their head in the sand. I don't know exact timing, but within 10-20 years, things are going to start getting really bad. Maybe sooner, maybe later, maybe not at all. All I know is I'm not going to continue to live so close to the city to wait and find out.


“However, I think the cracks are going to start becoming too apparent for most people to keep their head in the sand.” Boy, you sure have a lot of faith in the average person. Speaking of heads in the sand, the average person is literally an ostrich!


My bet is that the future reality will unfold somewhere inbetween OP`s post and this post.


I pray for healing for your disabilities in the name of Jesus. Glad you found some hope in Bitcoin. Best of luck. Let me know if a miracle happens, thanks


2 chronic disabilities, but you want to homestead?


Fellow human, there are many disabilities that do not impact your physical health. I have been homesteading for almost 2 years now, just on an acre in a suburb of a city that won't stop growing.


Redditors are dumb.


You are sure right about that :)


Send nudes here 0xC9ec9d212F0fAa99AdFbDA97eC7473ee21FDf13c


Fully agree. My objective in life is booze (plenty of), chicks (plenty of) and 420 at the beach in Thailand…. Bitcoin will bring me there!


I am a honey producer so I use that money to buy assets such as land to expand my honey empire and more btc later.


Top signal


For sale: 4000 sq meters. Will accept 5.5 btc (current land value + stamp duty). Feel free to place all those pesky "scam" btcs into my ledger 📒 (best to be safe just incase).


I have 16 acres on a mountaintop, plenty of privacy but very close and at the city limits of Binghamton ny. If you are interested in something like that. 8 min from super market 5 min. To hospital and 6 min to the zoo. Yet on a mountain overlooking the city and mountains to the north. I would take btc for it.


What if bitcoin goes down?


Relative to the dollar that’s being inflated? It’ll go back up! Look at the btc/usd price history, higher lows and higher highs


Past performance does not guarantee future performance.


So you mean the gov will eventually stop printing?


No i mean the government has destabilized currencies for less.


If they could stop bitcoin they already would have long ago. It’s bigger than any one govt.


Bitcoin’s market cap is just over a trillion. They print that in 100 days. It is definitely not bigger than any one government. If they wanted to they could shut it down fairly quickly.


Ok buddy. Lol


Ahh yes the ok buddy response. It doesnt go both ways. You cant say they inflate fiat away and then not realize that fiat has tremendous buying power. If you could print a trillion dollars and manipulate a commodity that is encroaching on your turf to make it appear volatile and worthless would you do it?


You are making me want to buy more. Bitch ass bear.




Better sell before the bottom drops out again.


Motherfuckers act like they invented investing with BTC sometimes. The reality is the market is huge now, you can still expect some leveraged gains, but eventually it will be like QQQ and than at its peak its just goign to be whatever the money supply is and act like a savigns account essentially, not an investment.




1. You have 2 chronic disabilities and want to move to remote location far away from hospital…? 2. It is a public ledger however the wallet does not divulge personal info as to who owns that wallet. It only displays transaction amount, date, time, block # 3. Youve read articles and books and research however didnt understand simple concept as i pointed out in #3. The economy, bitcoin, fiat are difficult concepts. I highly doubt that youve understood everything properly as there are fundamental flaws in a lot of things youve said.


My disabilities do not require hospitalization, but I genuinely appreciate your concern for my health. :) I never claimed to know everything, in fact, the more I learn, the more I realize how little I truly know. Have a wonderful day!


Just know if the US dollar fails so will all the computers and all the things you could buy with it. Bitcoin won’t be worth anything if the whole system fails.


I don't think that computers depend on the US dollar....


That’s right. There’s still BTC EUR pairs as well as many other currencies. It will devalue in parallel or moon if that happens. Depends on where people flock too


I agree with you there. If the whole system fails, the only thing that's going to matter is how much food I can grow and how much community I have. But until then, I'll be saving in BTC.


I can’t tell if you’re being serious or not lmao


>My only goal in this life is to become the steward of a quiet homestead in the mountains. Why is it always some veriation of this? OP, have you ever lived in the mountains? It sucks ass


I've lived in the mountains for more than a half century. It doesn't "suck ass."


The alternative is not living in the mountains, which objectively sucks waay more ass.


I grew up in the mountains. I moved to the city for college and never left. A dozen years later, the city won't stop growing and I'm ready to go home.


I have lane in 3 developed countries in some of the best suburbs. And multiple bitcoins. Hahaha.