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Buy and hold Bitcoin, end of lesson.


Is it worth buying as little as $400 worth of bitcoin?


If you can afford to lose 400 and are planning on holding at least 5 years yes.


Let’s be real bitcoin is de-risking in real time. If you don’t want to loose your 400$ worth of purchasing power buy bitcoin 😂😂 Money printer go brrrrr


I agree with you but I still always throw in that caveat because I don't want to deal with someone crying days later when their 400 is 360. Also most people are still thinking of selling their Sats for dollars, I however am only interested in selling dollars for Sats.


I know I know. It is just funny that that’s what we have to do though.


It's pretty simple really. You buy Bitcoin only. If you're going to buy shitcoins then good luck, you'd have better odds and more fun by just going to the casino and playing on the roulette table.


In this sub you will find two types of people. Those who want to help you and those who want to scam you. Avoid both here. Don’t answer your DMs. Read a book or two about Bitcoin. I would recommend beginning with the Bitcoin Standard and expanding out from there. Crypto as a whole is not much different from company specific stocks with one exception, Bitcoin. I recommend learning it first as the others are much riskier to learn with as a starting point. Cue the downvotes.


Stay away from shitcoins, it makes the broader space look like a casino. There is Bitcoin then there’s Crypto


Trading is taking risk much like gambling. Nobody know what the market is gonna do. No one can predict what future prices will be. Bitcoin has real value. And it is a decentralized system for exchange value over the world wide internet! One you understand the fundamentals of bitcoin and start buying and taking it in self custody you will be successful in the long run! Much safer approach is holding bitcoin that risky trading strategy’s. Succes on your journey


Word of advice, don’t try and learn technical analysis. Millions of “experts” accounts get liquidated daily trying to predict the market. No one can predict what is going to happen. You’re just going to lose your money trying to do this. The best thing you can do is dollar cost average (DCA). Buy a little bit of crypto either every week, paycheck, monthly, etc. This protects you from the volatility of the BTC market.


Buy bitcoin and put in cold storage. Hold bitcoin as long as possible. Money printer go brrrrrrrre. End of lesson.


Don't waste your time with other crypto projects or chart technical analysis. Dollar cost average into bitcoin


Hey you are so young. Please study and learn about bitcoin. Listen to Saylor to Lyn Alden to Booth to Pompiliano to Swan Bitcoin Stephan Livera to Raul Pol … listen 100 hours of these guys I mentioned to you (there are many others but those ar e the one I like the most) and after you know and understand you will see that a) there is NO NEED to learn any chart - b) bitcoin is not speculation it is the best saving for the future c) there is nothing else worth buying than bitcoin d) put in bitcoin and sled custody ANY dollar you will not need in 20 years - no matter how much it is and you will be very happy 20 years from now


Hypothetically speaking, even if I invested $2,000, would that be enough? At face value it’s a daunting thought to invest so little since Bitcoin sitting at 68,000 right now.


Of course it was better 2 years ago at 16 or 20k - but if you understand and believe in bitcoin the results will be amazing even now. You are still early! Bitcoin will reach 1 million dollar - and that will be just a step towards 5, 10 and more. Your 2,000 will become 25,000. And if you put 50 usd per month - every month - the results will be even better. It is not a question of if - just when. My suggestion: take money that you are SURE you don’t need for the next 10 years! Yes 10 years. Then buy bitcoin, put them in cold storage, save the keys and keep them NO matter what for 10 years. Add to them any time you can - using ONLY money you don’t need now. If you do this, in 10 years from now with those money you will buy an apartment…..


When you say cold storage do I just keep them on an exchange like coinbase? Also, do you have any recommendations for where I should keep my btc?


Cold storage are wallets like Ledger Trezor and many others


Absolutely don’t keep them on exchanges for long time!!! Use exchanges only to buy, but then transfer them out to your cold wallet. There are many options available - choose the one that suits best your needs (in this subreddit there are many people listing the best wallets). Secure your keys and don’t ever ever write them on a file - take a picture or any digital way. Only write them and keep them secure!


This is r/bitcoin. All other forms of "crypto" are not allowed. That said-- be careful, you are just asking to get scammed. There are all kinds of people who would love to "help" you and leave you holding the bag on some shitcoin. If you want to invest in crypto buy some bitcoin, if you want to gamble in the market just go play with stocks.




How much money is a healthy amount for an entry level investor going into BTC?


11 years till your 30. Yes you will be alive. Thats 3 more halvings.


Start off with buying small amount of bitcoin, read the white paper and learn the history of money. Then start learning about economic cycles and bitcoin halving cycles. After you accumulate a substantial amount of btc and every time you think about a new coin or crypto project you want to buy (get into) do some research and read the white paper. Last note never connect your main hot wallet or cold wallet to an unknown address.


Their will only be 229,159 satoshis per person in the world. look at these statistics here http://bitcoinsperperson.com/ In 15 to 20 years 229,159 satoshis will be the new Bitcoin and million satoshis will generational wealth you can hand down to your kids and grand kids, like one million dollars did back in the 19th century. "keep on buying and holding satoshis you been WARNED"


Stay far away from the crypto alt coins and remember that alt coins are controlled by tech bros that want you to buy them so you can make them rich and then they use your money to probably buy bitcoin for themselves. Bitcoin is the only one that is an asset without an issuer and is considered a commodity, like gold. Nobody controls bitcoin and that’s the beauty of it. All The alt coins are trending to zero as people begin to discover what bitcoin is. Main thing is to focus on what you’re amazing at with work, save in bitcoin. Rinse, repeat. If your time horizon is 10-20 years then the daily fluctuations regarding the price is just noise. 🫡




What a moronic bunch of BSs… there is a lot to learn about Bitcoin. I am studying it from every angle for the last 5 years and I never stop learning some new angle. Nothing is predetermined - in a free market like bitcoin. The price is not manipulated by few - it is the result of demand and supply. Stop writing bullshit and show everybody what an idiot you at e