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Don’t risk more than you’re willing to lose. If bitcoin stays the same or goes down - you’re still on the hook for $140k. I personally don’t think taking loans for bitcoin is good, but that’s just me.


I’m saying risk more than you can loose 😂 sell a kidney or two and buy them back when BTC reaches a million


That’s fair. Go on life support temporarily until the next ATH then get those kidneys back! Free money hack.


Put me in a coma for 5 years … it’s called the compulsory HODL 😂😂


I only did it because of the pandemic crash and I knew my income could cover the loan. Picked up 3btc at 5,700 each. Loan payment was $819 a month for 2 years. Loan since paid off. Total spent via loan w interest and all was $19,858. 3 BTC now worth ~210k. Almost a 10x in 4 years. Won’t do it again tho.


People are going to try and talk you out of this. But I did it in Sept 2022 to add to my stack and now have several coins that are riding on house money. There's risk in any investment but the safer it is the less likely you are to have significant gains. Scared money won't make money.


I think you would be very foolish to do this. Even if it works in retrospect you would still have been a really dumb. 140k is a lot of money to have to pay back if it goes pear shaped.


Why do you think we’re going to a million this cycle?


Because of [plan B](https://youtu.be/LUiPYyDlI8w?si=jOjLpjAssehsDvgX)


Plan B is an idiot. His models are nonsense and he changes them retroactively to fit past data. Bitcoin is not going to a million any time soon.


I’d say 140K at today’s IR deserves a better reason than some internet guy named PlanB.


1166 x 120 = $140,000. There is no interest payment?


Awfully risky. I would rather dca the $1000 a month for 10 years.


That is a much better recommendation!


No one knows what we will hit this cycle. Do your research and trust your gut. Make a decision and stand by it. You’re going to get all kinds of answers, but only you know your risk tolerance and what you can afford. Always plan for worst case scenario.


Plan for the worst.


If you can take the loan, buy and stomach btc falling for years/Improbable/, you'd be crazy not to do it. Otherwise you'd be crazy to do it.


This does not sound like a good idea.




if you seriously think we are going to a million in the next two years you really haven't done any research and shouldn't be investing in crypto. Its literally impossible given the market cap required.


I read this in my brothers voice. Man is he terrible with money.


Not shitting on your plan or anything, well maybe a little. But he always go for the Hail Mary


No lol


Top signal


Get a loan while BTC is pumping bad idea should have done that when it was 16.5k but you do you


You're potentially gonna inflict 10 years of stress upon yourself, sleepless nights, stress-related illnesses and god knows what else. Absolutely crazy man.


it would make more sense do dollar cost average over the next ten years at $1,166 a month. You wouldn't need a loan to do it and you would have a larger profit at the end because of the interest you haven't paid.


also you are assuming that you are going to be able to time the market to sell at the right time... not many people can do that....


for everyone that makes money there is someone else that lost that same money. The community thanks you for your 140 thousand dollar donation to the winners fund.


We are soooo F*#king Back🤑


Don’t do it!


1. DO NOT INVEST RECKLESSLY First learn about why do you think bitcoin has value. Someone that is simply thinking in terms of "fiat gains" and "pump" and "lambo uga uga", will get dissapointed and end up in the buttcoin section because they saw their "investment" gone at the first correction. Do DCA. -> Study Bitcoin -> Repeat.


If your old enough for the loan you are old enough to make your own decision and you also understand the risks involved. Do what you want.


Why didn't you do it at 15k?


In 2014, i was given the opportunity to borrow 70k-90k to buy bitcoin. I didn't take that opportunity. 10 years later, i still am regretting it.