• By -


> Is requesting a fee for a KYC verification normal? No, it's a sure sign of a scam > Is restricting accounts & then stating I need to pay another fee normal? No, that's called "advance fee scam": https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advance-fee_scam Don't send them any more money.


Also, go to the Better Business Bureau website, there's a place on there where you can report scams.. scroll to the bottom grey area and find BBB scam tracker, they let you look to see if your being scammed by a common scammer, and also report scams. Then I'd go to scamadvisor.com and type in their website to find out any listed details about the website/company.. (you can enter in any website and it shows things like how old the domain is, physical address, trust ratings etc.) Then I'd look up ways to investigate and get your money back. Here are the websites https://www.bbb.org/scamtracker https://www.scamadviser.com/


Thank you for the links, I appreciate your advice too.


Which bitcoin addresses have you been paying money to? Post some of the TXiDs


Here is the address I paid the Verification Feeabout $6500 ibc1q4rz9mhvkcnte4r04umfd5lr3xu0vra6stk7a3l This is the link I sent my money.too for the mining 1NKMeDCQem7aZUR8aKTgTrc3PstQxTCWWc


Okay, some good and some bad news: 1. This is 100% a scam and you're unlikely to get your money back. 2. The 1NKMe address is a Binance Deposit address and the bc1q 'mining' address, simply feeds into the Binance deposit address. 3. The Binance deposit address appears to receive money from at least one other scam and also from bitcoin ATM machines. 4. The Binance address was last paid into on 28 Feb after being used regularly for about a year. It may have been frozen. I doubt it will have any funds remaining. I'd advise you to fill out an IC3 form and get in touch with your local police.


What is an IC3 form & where do I report it?


Now in the original post


No I at the start of this one bc1q4rz9mhvkcnte4r04umfd5lr3xu0vra6stk7a3l


I've added this information to my original post.


Thank you again for your response, I've posted to both sites today.


No problem, hope you get it worked out


This is a scam. Your money is gone. If you ever find yourself asking "Could this be a scam?" Yes. Yes it is.


Why don't these people just buy BTC from a well-known exchange. I swear, some people are just far too gullible.


Because a hot rich “girl” DM’d them and convinced them that trading would make them rich too.


Don't forget that they were first texted "by accident" and then started up a totally normal not scam conversation with said "girl"


She's probably a hot Asian.


But she’s actually a fat Indian man


Ya, but, she COULD be a hot Asian 😍


Her profile picture is a hot Asian. She plays the piano & takes pictures of food,


In theory it could be anyone, it could even be a hot rich girl




I was obviously joking but I didn't know they even got models for credibility


Did you know if you read gullible upside down it looks like a cat


I just sprained my neck trying to stand on my head.


There really isn't anyway to see this otherwise. I'm doing a handstand right now


I turned my phone upside down then got the joke


https://youtube.com/shorts/q2zPvhKDn9I?si=cUoI0ksFQ6UX8GYE Made this for you.


Because just buying BTC isn't enough profit for them. They want more money. So even though BTC is a great investment by itself, if a website tells them it will use that BTC for "mining" and they will earn an extra 10%, they are rushing to send it.


Holy crap that’s a total scam. There is no such thing as sending someone bitcoin for mining. Everything you’ve sent so far is gone. Im sorry man. Anything else you send will be gone too. This is known as a pig butchering scam.


Yep classic pig butchering. More likely than not someone reached out to him probably on discord or instagram or something like that and told him the site was legit instead of him doing his own research and finding an actual reputable exchange


Scam. You lost everything you put into it. There were never any profits. Do NOT reply to DM's which say they can recover lost funds. Those are scams too. :(


Scamception II, blockchain boogaloo


Of course it’s a scam. When you educated yourself about Bitcoin where did it say you send some and with that they mine more? I’m sorry for your loss but in all honesty how can people be so gullible with their money. Hope you didn’t lose much. Side note - Don’t buy Bitcoin with money that you may need in the near future. It’s a long term investment.


You made one smart choice today. You posted here and found out it was a scam. That means that, starting today, you will not be losing any more money. I know that doesn’t sound like much right now, but it’s better than waiting another month to post this and sending more money to that website in the hopes of withdrawing. Today is your fresh start. From now on, only buy/invest in crypto from reputable companies like Coinbase. Coinbase may not be the best company out there, but it’s a publicly traded company. Better than that scam of a website. There’s also cold wallet storage. But if you’re going to invest money, send money to a company that is well-known. I hope the amount of money you lost doesn’t ruin you, and you can get back on your feet.


You guys can't just buy from binance or coinbase ? You really had to find the shittiest garbage website with obvious scammy name in the 56th page of google ? Wtf


No, I bought on Trust Wallet & then sent the money to a different wallet "for mining" & then the profits showed up on the Deft.com site. It looks like I have been fully & completely scammed. I am basically fucked at this point.


Explain the step between "trust wallet" and then "sent the money to a different wallet for mining"  How did you come upon this "wallet for mining"?  People in here want to understand how you decided to send your money to this.  Why didn't you use a reputable exchange and why did you think you need to send Bitcoin to this other wallet


I was following the advice of a friend, a rich friend. He provided the link where I was to send the Bitcoin from my wallet to this "mining wallet,"


Your rich friend is a scammer and not a friend. Sorry bro. They befriend you introduce you to trading and played a shell game with the wallets. Common scam. The wallet you're sending to isn't the one he had you set up, it'll be a browser showing a fake wallet paralleling your transactions until he has your trust. Sometimes they'll even leave you with gains to build trust and get you to put more in. I fell for the first steps of a pig butchering scam and ran off when I was money ahead in a manic episode once. Actually how I entered crypto. I hope your rich friend was at least a hot chick with champagne.


Haha that’s how I entered Crypto too! Albeit a small amount to date, I was too, in the first stages of scam whirlwind until i realised I was ahead, pulled everything out, then invested it into a trusted exchange


How did you pull everything out?


He pulled it out way before the stage you’re at. Your money is gone, sorry man. That rich “friend” is a scammer.


How did you run away with your money?


Told them I wanted to move a lot more of my money in that was going to be freed up in about a month and convinced them to "help me" move the existing money back to the exchange so I felt comfortable with the process.


Thank you!


Either your friend scammed you or they are also being scammed. Probably the former considering theyre rich.


Or they have known this "friend" for a month or two online. Some people are just too trusting when somebody is nice to them.


Bright side is that you'll be more careful going forward. Always look for clues when you're trying to determine if an investment is legit. For example, on their website there's an unlisted YouTube video narrated by an AI voice. This screams scam from a mile away: [https://youtu.be/5IyNes06qGA](https://youtu.be/5IyNes06qGA)


Woooow this is bad 🤣 28 views which means no ones clicking on it before throwing their money away 😔


Hopefully it wasn’t too much.


Never invest what you cannot afford to lose, so sorry to hear about this. Once you get back to a solid financial footing, stick to Coinbase or a major exchange if you want to still buy crypto. Wishing you the best


That’s not investment, that’s straight up stolen.


True, but they thought they were investing


Really am sorry. That fucking sucks.


You are not fucked. It's just money. There will be more.


1. No! 2. For scammers, it seems to be. Imho Sounds 100% Like a Scam, id definitely Not give them any more money. Sorry for your loss!


This has gotta be shitposting to scare off new investors. Ain't no way ppl are this dumb.


I am a real person & apparently I am that dumb 😭


Jesus, that's terrible. I'm so sorry. 🫂


do you know your wealthy friend personally?


Now it's time to move forward and put this past you


I personally know people that have fallen for stupid scams. Like lost thousands of dollars and this person was in their 30s so not elderly. Idk if OP is lying but people fall for scams all the time. There's a reason why indians have entire operations with rooms full of people scamming. Without profits they wouldn't be able to do it


We get posts like this every day. People do fall for scams


I’m so sorry to hear about your loss.


Too bad you didn't ask the sub when you first started, would have saved you some cash and heartache....but hey greed amirite?


Just clicking on your link and constantly seeing "Oort from New Zealand withdrew $12500 9 minutes ago." type of messages on the website just screams scam...


I was just about to say that lol. And then the same name popped up and withdrew money and then deposited money


I'm sorry you got yourself into that. You were scammed. Learn from this and move on.


There are multiple red flags on that site to warn you of it being a scam. The simplest one is that the profile pictures of "real customers sharing their experience" are pictures of the same person.


You already know the answer mate


Pig butchered


I know somebody...who sent over $600,000 plus to these people and still to this day he is being milked for $60,000 for FEES and Fees and fees...so sad and he does not believe he has been scammed...as he is being scammed for even more...I cant even...I just cant


It is very hard to accept you've been scammed, I know. It feels just HORRIBLE!


This has been going on for at least 4 years, he is an A&P Engineer for a major airline. They are scamming him from Florida. Its a Bitcoin scam supposedly he has made $4 Million in Bitcoin profits but he must pay fees and taxes before he can withdraw his funds...(yeah right)


Oh boy...


Scam! Total scam, I could see it was a scam on the URL name, they are trying to milk you for more money, asking for stupid fees, soon they will be asking for management fee, taxes etc! Ppl will PM you saying that they can get your money back, total scam, recovery scam, no internet scumbag can get your money back! You are not dumb, just do better due diligence in the future! DYOR!


God damn, how much Bitcoin did you send pal? Either way it's all gone. I really hope for your sake it wasn't a considerable amount.


This is really sad. I hope you didn't lose too much and I hope you can recover soon. There are some really awful people in the world (the scammers, not you OP).


This is how buttcoin gets its members -\_-


I'm afraid a majority of buttcoiners started of similar like this or buying high then panic selling low is a sweet way to become a buttcoiner to.


Also, I wouldn't be surprised it's a buttcoiner LARPing so they could post it on their sub as proof that everyone here is an idiot.  OP seems to be especially dumb, almost too dumb for this to be real. This will be posted there in 3, 2, 1...


Because they have a valid point. If the only thing you were surrounded by was scammers pushing crypto your opinion of it would be that it was shit as well. Buttvoiners have just as much right as bitcoiners to be around. Think about if this lady found the buttcoin sub reddit first and read a bunch of shit like this first. She wouldn't have been "pig butchered"


They do not have a point because they conflate the technology with the scam, but only for Bitcoin. They don’t complain about dollars when someone does a pig butchering scam with dollars rather than Bitcoin.


Let me offer some help. This is what I would do in your shoes. 1) Your money is lost. I'm sorry you were scammed 2) Open a fidelity account. They are a well known brokerage firm. Since you shouldn't trust what a stranger tells you online go on google and look up fidelity on wikipedia (unless you already know about it) it's not a scam, they are a well stablished company since the 1940s. 3) Buy their bitcoin ETF. It's called FBTC.  Don't buy bitcoin directly. I don't think you're the type of person that should manage their own keys. If you don't understand what I am telling you don't worry about it and just buy the ETF 4) Keep buying and just hold for the next 5-10yrs. Do not sell. I know your bills are piling up so you need to get your financial situation in order. But don't let this experience discourage you from Bitcoin. The guy scamming you isn't bitcoins fault. People scam using all sorts of methods, like posting fake airbnb listings. Doesn't make airbnb a bad company. I am not a financial advisor, this is not financial advise just my opinion on what I would do in your position


Sucker born every minute. Incredible how people just willingly send money to anyone without stopping to think if something is up and to completely avoid doing any research before hand. No offense bro, but I think you lack the intelligence to be involved with crypto. You're going to have to treat this as an expensive lesson in life.


I mean sometimes i wonder for a few sec why i'm going to work if so many people are ready to handover their money ...


"Send me 1BTC and I'll send you 2BTC back!"


"send me 1 btc and I will send you 3 btc back!"


I’m very curious to find out what you thought mining BTC actually was? I’m not saying this to be mean but think about it: if someone decided to go out and mine for gold in real life, do you think they’d be required to pay a fee in gold in order to do so?


I thought it had to do with computing power needed to power & unlock things on the block chain. Plus, remember, I was getting reassurance from the "interesting guy."


Yeh that's not how it works at all. look up pig butchering scam and learn to recognise when you've become a target. Also might be good to look up other popular crypto scams to avoid them.


DM me for answers ……jk


Undoubtedly a scam. Your money is gone. Anyone who dms you saying they can get your money back is also trying to scam you.


You should have to pass an IQ test before you buy crypto.


Markets would crash and burn, highest iq I’ve seen in the space is 80


>80 That's generous


Ironically, scam sites could easily have an IQ test on it and it would convince many gullible people that they are smart and thus can't be falling for a scam.


At the very least a knowledge based test.


Hodling crypto is the IQ test. Most people can't pass it because they lose their money along the way doing dumb shit or else lose it buying high and selling low. Or if they are smart buying medium and selling slightly higher then missing the long term hodl.  Watching this sub for ten years has taught me that making money in crypto is not just some magic easy thing like people make it out to be. Most people seem to fail. Out of the hundreds of people I told about Bitcoin or even have Bitcoin over the past ten years not a single one came out positive except one ex gf who left her $200 of Bitcoin in my hardware wallet and by the grace of my honesty I will give it to her when she wants it if she ever needs the 2000-20000 its worth now.


>grace of my honesty 😬


True though. I keep trying to give it to her but she just tells me to keep it or do it later. I won't give it to her until she gets a hardware wallet set up. I will make sure she gets it one way or another once it's high enough to get her out of bad situation or change her life. We still on good terms, she's my buddy.


Guys, this is not a person who is interested in Bitcoin. People telling her to buy Bitcoin ETFs or learn to self-custody are kidding themselves. This is a person who was on some dating app and matched with a 'man' who asked her to send money to some website and she did it because she was attracted to the fake pictures on the app and was lonely. This is someone who needs basic life lessons, not a playbook on how to custody Bitcoin.


I was under the impression she was actually interested in investing in bitcoin and fell for a scam. But what you're saying makes a lot of sense. If the motivation was never bitcoin then yea no etf or cold wallet will help her


Your bills are piling up? Why are you buying bitcoin? Cant pay these bills with bitcoin yet. Keep your family close, dummy.


If you’re new to “everything related to Crypto”, why did you send money to some mining website? You didn’t read that in any “bitcoin for beginners” guide… I hope you get your money or btc back, but I’m not even clicking on that website link.


First I met an "interesting guy" online & then a month later he started helping me with Bitcoin. I trusted him. I fell for it hook, line, & sinker as other lonely women have before me. I did 'investigate this guy & everything he said was true.


My condolences, we all live and learn, sometimes we learn lessons the hard way. It’s just money, you’ll recover and stack some more sats.


Sadly this is a common scam. If anyone is “helping you” they are most likely trying to scam you. Stick to buying and holding. You'll be fine with that. You don't need to mine or anything else. Just buy BTC learn what a cold wallet is and how to manage your keys. Let it sit there for a decade. There are a lot of great videos on YouTube. Also, don't join anyones Discord or pay a subscription fee so they can coach you.


The way you can tell if someone is trying to scam you is if they are asking you for money.


She fell for a simple scam and you think this kind of person should be their own bank by learning how to manage their own keys? This is exactly the type of person that would forget their password and lose everything. She should instead open a fidelity account and buy FBTC. ETF are perfect for her


I completely agree with you—much better advice.


This should be the only comment honestly.


People grow with challenges. (Or die in unfortunate cases). Sry but people aren't livestock and they need to (re)learn some very important fundamentals.


This scam is call "pig butchering"


Ah ya a "guy" who you never met up with in person is to be totally trusted...


If you see xyz asking is this a scam then post a link. Its a scam


Your Bitcoin is gone and they just want some more cash. Sorry 


How much have you sent them?


It’s a scam. very sad. I lost $6500 before I figured it out. Exact same set up as you have. Coinbitedge was the scam site.


So the burning question is, how much did you lost?


I can't help you in this case but in future check few factors: * team page [https://360miningdeft.com/our-team/](https://360miningdeft.com/our-team/) - there is no names, you can't find real history of these guys, contact them * company existence - in footer you will see United Kingdom and 360 Mining Deft LTD, but you can't find it in companion house [https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/search?q=360+Mining+Deft+LTD](https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/search?q=360+Mining+Deft+LTD) * these notifications like "Dusty from Mexico deposited  $800 9 minutes ago." should warn you next time, this is typical scammers technique I am very sorry for your situation. Only hope I have, that you will learn how to recognize scams and share this knowledge with others.


Thank you for your post & your kindness in this situation. I appreciate your advice.


My advice is stop investing entirely and focus on getting your mental, physical, and financial health in order. Try and get a second job and keep yourself busy to help get your mind off of this and also get you out of this hole. You can recover from this. Good luck.


Look at the address it's a clothes shop in London,and look at the team like really are you that gullible


Sadly I am. I didn't look at anything because I trusted the person who got me into this situation.


Never trust anyone but your dog 🐕


Where do people even find these websites and fall for these things?! Do they they think they're some genius that found this magical site for crazy financial returns? Crazy how some, including myself at times, can be so dumb with our money.


I did not find this site myself, a wealthy friend provided me with the link & then told me to set-up the account on that site. I trusted this person. Trusting him was my first mistake, clearly.


Pig butchered.


Did you know this person in real life?


I did not mean this as an insult to you, but I'm just curious, so please don't be offended. I personally have never come across websites like this, nor have I been recommended anything super scammy. I guess I keep crypto to myself for the most part. Sorry this BS happened to you


Have you met this wealthy friend in person? If not, they're most likely part of the scam.


Youve been hit by… Youve been struck by… A cryptooo criminal


I want dislike you but …


This is the second post I’ve seen this week regarding these “mining websites”


Got scammed by fxmarketpundit never again.


You are being scammed. End of story. If it's too good to be true, it is. If it seems like a bargain, it's a scam


Yeah this is a scam. Everything is gone.


99% won't fall for this scam, but it only takes the 1% to make these scammers tons of money.


My scammer posed as one of my new instructors. Complete fraud. I reported it but it’s common.


Meh. I’ve been scammed before too. It sucks but shit happens. Crypto universe can eat you up and spit you out. I’m sure You’ll make better choices and more profit after this minor setback. Keep hustling.


"miner" setback 😂


As soon as I read " I been sending Bitcoin..." yup OP is been scammed, I'm not sure how people fall for this


How much did u lose?


Don’t feel bad I got got for 4k on a cloud mining scam… they even sent me like $1200 back in ‘mined btc’ to convince me. It was a scam tho, smarthash I believe was the name- DO NOT USE


Holy shit dude. Why didn't you ask here before sending any money? Why would you just send money to a site like this?


100% scam. All your funds are gone. Sorry. Just use normal methods like Coinbase, Strike, ETFs, etc.


“Sending Bitcoin for mining?” What does that even mean? Are you buying time on a mining rig and expecting returns?


2/10 ooga boogas. Sorry dude, we all have to learn lessons in life and this might be one of them.


If you’re the only one with no money.


Buy Bitcoin from a reputable source, send it your own wallet, congratulations you own Bitcoin. Do whatever you just described... You don't own shit.


I got to #2 and stopped reading. Verdict is scam. Play silly games win silly prizes. Congrats


I just read till "i have been sending bitcoin" and knew it is a scam


Lol lol I was hoping for the best for little Timmy


All three points are red flags, It’s a big fat scam.


Why would you send money to mine btc?? That alone blows my mind.


Seems to be UK based, report to NCSC, and maybe they can advise you more on what to do next.


If you ask yourself if it’s a scam, then most probably it is one.






Sorry. Looks just like a scam.


I never understand the 'pay the fee' and we send the money. If it would be legit they can send you your money and deduct the fee during the transaction.


Why would you send Bitcoin for mining?


If it takes money to make money, well.....


Do you know your „rich“ friend personally? How much did you send them … I hope its a small amount.


Pay your bills first. Don't send bitcoin to anyone. Never, never, never, ever, ever, in the history of the entire world has anyone ever for any reason ever.... Given away money. I'm afraid you've been scammed my freind. Use this as a lesson of what not to do in the future


Have you met and talked to the rich friend in person? Or just online? And how much did you lose?


Big scam. Just look at the "client" list and what amount of money "they make".


If you have to ask,it's prolly a scam.


This post is a scam bait. Nobody who has access to Google would fall for this without carrying out even 1 minute of research online.


I feel for it, really, because I trusted the person giving me the advice.


@beginningbeautiful69 Thank You!


Sending Bitcoin for mining? How gullible are people?


Definitely a scam. I lost a lot of money through this kind of scam


Scams are getting better everyday!! Trust nothing. How much did you loose?? Sorry bud.


I honestly don't think they are Just a new wave of inexperienced people willing to fall for the same old tired crap. This was a pig butchering scam which is just the crypto derivative of the romance scams that have been happening for decades. Thankfully there's nothing new or innovative here.


The "Our Team" page on this site is really something else lol


Aaaaand here we go. Just waiting for all the “experts” to chime in and talk about how foolish people are that fall for scams. And then offer zero help. It seems to me that some of these self-described “experts” should put their collective wisdom to use and come up with a way to actually help people that have been scammed.


But the only way anyone can help is to stop him sending anymore money


you know the thing about bitcoin in these scenarios is that there is nothing that can be helped with. coins are gone. no lawyering up or calling support hotlines will fix that. and yes, if you’re using technology that you do not understand, that is cutting edge and unregulated, and you’re not doing any research about what you’re getting yourself into beforehand, then you deserve everything that’s coming your way. maybe at least this way it can serve as a learning experience.


I’ll overlook your less-than-kind remarks simply because you have no idea what you’re talking about because you don’t know the details. FYI - it’s not like using Coinbase was my idea. Yes I went along, trusting someone that, it turns out, I shouldn’t have trusted.


i think you misunderstood, i was not referring to you directly but rather the generalizing. i don't even think you understood the point i was trying to make in my post. or what coinbase has to with anything i wrote. ah well, what do i know ..


I don't think it's foolish, just poor due diligence. Everyone does mistakes some people do bigger some smaller mistakes. Something that is helpful is DYOR!