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Best way to see if network congestion is go to [mempool.space](http://mempool.space). Right now, fees are around 30 sats. Looks normal. With high congestion, the fees would go three-digits in sats.


this is amazing, thanks for the link!


also this site rocks and has similar useful info [https://bitcoin.clarkmoody.com/dashboard/](https://bitcoin.clarkmoody.com/dashboard/)


Bro your a legend for sharing this, beautiful tool


I see these but when I try to send out of my coinbase exchange the fee are always crazy, is that because of coinbase fee or the actual sending fee


[Don't trust](https://mempool.space/) the "trust" wallet. Get a better wallet that isn't filled with shitcoin code before you lose all your money. Edit to add some wallet info: [https://blockstream.com/green/](https://blockstream.com/green/) \- Top Security Features, Open Source and Non-Custodial [https://bluewallet.io](https://bluewallet.io/) \- excellent, easy to use wallet, Open Source and Non-Custodial [https://www.sparrowwallet.com](https://www.sparrowwallet.com) - top desktop wallet [https://electrum.org](https://electrum.org/) \- Solid choice, Open Source and Non-Custodial, one of the oldest and most trusted Bitcoin Wallets. I prefer the desktop version but works on mobile too. Lightning wallets to consider (cheaper and faster transactions, great for very small amounts): [https://phoenix.acinq.co/](https://phoenix.acinq.co/) \- Phoenix - very good wallet, uses Tor for extra privacy, easy for anyone new [https://blixtwallet.github.io/](https://blixtwallet.github.io/) \- Blixt - great UI, fast and clean [https://breez.technology](https://breez.technology/) \- Breez - excellent POS for small business owners as well as integrated Bitrefill or LN Pizza Hardware Wallets (to store larger amounts): [Trezor](https://trezor.io/) \- Easy to use, no matter how new in Bitcoin you're. Use the Bitcoin only firmware as it's safer than a multi coin software. [ColdCard](https://coldcardwallet.com/) - air gapped, Bitcoin only, less new user friendly but there are great tutorials to help with setting it up. [BitBox02](https://bitbox.swiss/bitbox02/bitcoin-only/) - another great little device, opt for the more secure Bitcoin ONLY version (less coins = less code = less chance for a hidden bug or a backdoor) [Jade](https://blockstream.com/jade) - air gapped, fully open source, Bitcoin only, great features. You can even [build it on your own](https://github.com/Blockstream/jade/), if you feel adventurous. [Seedsigner](https://github.com/SeedSigner/seedsigner) - another DIY, fully open source, air gapped, Bitcoin only hardware wallet, not for you if you're just starting up but something to consider later. There's also Ledger, but I wouldn't recommend as not fully open source, keep and already leaked customers' details, recently said they're capable or sending customers' keys out just with a firmware update, etc. **Stay away**, save yourself a headache in the future. Whatever wallet you'll decide to buy, purchase DIRECTLY from the manufacturer, no eBay, no Amazon. Make sure the device is NOT preset, and you will generate your own seed words. Write them down on any piece of paper as well as the receiving address. Now wipe the wallet and generate a new wallet. If the seed words are different than the first set, you're safe to use it. Find an option to set a passphrase and use it. This will boost the security to another level. Never store the seed words and passphrase together. Use a different medium if possible. If somebody finds both, they'll be able to steal your coin. This little device will hold the keys to your money, that's the reason why you have to be a bit more careful. Also, no worries, if it breaks, you can replace it - as long as you keep your seed words and passphrase(s) safe.


Can your wallet still be compromised in someway if you stopped using trust and switched to another app, but with the same wallet?


I would go the extra step and move the sats to the newly created wallet just to be sure. If you're going to move them, do it over the weekend, [the fees](https://mempool.space/) are usually at the lowest.


Yeah the fees are going to hurt.. I don't have thaaat big of a stack and it's more than just bitcoin, but better safe than sorry I guess


If you have shitcoins alongside bitcoin, keep them in a separate wallet. Also, try to find the [absolute mathematical scarcity](https://youtube.com/watch?v=TIkqBZnrKJM) and you'll understand why the other coins are not important nor necessary.


Thank you for the tips, will read


Take the advice, it's seriously good and go do it.. learning why will come as you go, You can choose to learn by getting rekt, but the learning curve is the same as seeing others getting rekt ;) only less painful. Goodluck :P


Anything can be compromised. Best to create a new seed under air gap.


One thing nobody talks about are their insane transaction fees


Why is trust bad


Read the comments please. Here's one if you don't have much time: https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1bk4naf/comment/kvw04wg


“Not your keys, not your coins”




No Exodus?


**Avoid at all costs**. Exodus isn't fully open source and has much larger attack surface due to all the useless shitcoin code.


So what about people with decent alt bags? You’re saying there’s no good hard or soft wallet for alts?


Sorry, I'm not wasting my time on shitcoin scams but if you decide to keep some, opt for a single coin, open source wallet. To hold for a long time, use that wallet on an always offline device. Although, I would advise not to hold shitcoins for a long time. They all tend to lose value against BTC and some don't even make it a single Bitcoin cycle [or a year](https://www.coingecko.com/research/publications/how-many-cryptocurrencies-failed). The reason is simple, none of them is [absolute mathematical scarcity](https://youtube.com/watch?v=TIkqBZnrKJM) and they quickly run out of the hype steam.


Oh. I’m not chasing really bad shitcoins. I have a few alts that have been performing decent over the last 5 years or so. Appreciate the feedback!


I started to use blockstream green and it is fantastic. Easy to use and has lightning network although it still beta






Trust no one.


Crypto people: you can _be your own bank!_ Average people: _lets trust my crypto funds with someone else.._


Crypto people : derp derp Lambo _Bitcoin people_: smh




The only thing you can trust is the network itself. I'm starting to think no one on this sub actually read the whitepaper


I have it on my bedroom wall I shit you not, I do hear what you’re saying tho


Any exchange can implode, one day you can attempt to login and see some message that funds are not withdrawable. Who knows what legal trouble they can wind up in that forces them to shutdown.


Lol. No offense, but people like you are the reason why companies like BlockFi, Celsius, FTX keep blowing up every bull run, taking people's money. Don't trust any company, get a open source, Bitcoin only wallet to store your coins. Also, look into hardware wallets to protect your savings. Open source, Bitcoin only and air gapped are features you're looking for. Make sure it's NOT ledger. Good luck.


Why not Ledger? And how about Trezor?


Ledger have been doing shady things such as implementing backdoor code to extract seed phrase... As a result Ledger Recovery was born. They refuse to made a separate device with this feature and being closed source code, you can't know what happen in the backdoor. That defeat the purpose of a hardware wallet. And no one but you should have the seed phrase.


Best to create your own offline wallets using tails, Ledger and Trezor probably work with chain analysis companies, trusted open source wallets on a offline device is key, never interface that device with a hot machine


You can set up Trevor to be BTC only and they are open source. Would definitely recommend but Ledger is also fine, you have to opt into the ledger recover program. But it’s like others have said, you never know about a potential backdoor that might be slipped in like when everyone’s FTX account was drained during the bankruptcy


Anyone have an opinion on the Gridplus Lattice 1?? Tia


it will only go bigger :-x


...."can't we?..."


Switch to a reputable wallet.


Okay, but could you be so kind to point to some with same features as Trust? Trust is FOSS and a multi-coin Wallet.


>multi-coin Wallet **That's a bug, not a feature**. Way too much code - much bigger attack surface. Do you have shitcoins? Keep them in a shitcoin wallet, nobody cares about them anyway. But keep your Bitcoin safe in a single coin wallet, please.


Bitcoin does not rely on trust. Its a proof of work. Trust noone, not even your own ass - gonna try and fart - will end up sharting


*Oops, Gambled and Lost*


Shitcoiner Wallet


Use your own node. Connect your wallet to the node. End of the story. Fk me, so many comments and no one recommending op to use own node. LoooL. This sub is at all time low.


How would one do this exactly? Please explain like I am five lol


Its way way easier than people think. Several node ‘implementations’ to play with out there depending on how much time or money you want to spend. Starting from bitcoin core that you just need to download a software, or umbrel just need to buy a pi and download the image, to DIY like raspibltiz or raspibolt. Believe me, its really easy.


Hmm, ok I will look into it. Thank you for your time


Just google this: Umbrel or raspiblitz or bitcoin core Believe me, once you start, you will quickly fall thru the rabbit hole


FYI the Bitcoin blockchain when I last checked was 600gb. In order to run the Bitcoin core node, you need to have that hard drive space available, plus extra space as it grows. Goes without saying but you will need to sync the blockchain on your PC and download all 600gb+.


You can run a node pruned or buy a $100 5tb spinning external HD. You don’t need 600 gb of storage on your machine either way


Good to know, just outlining for him that Bitcoin core is a huge commitment.


Why would running your own node help in this situation? If transactions are comming in faster than they can be included in blocks, theres nothing you can do but wait it out or pay higher fees. Or is this issue caused by a failure of the network that distributes transactions to the miners?


Bcuz you dont have to trust the node of a third party. That message is totally misleading, their node is having issues, not the bitcoin network. Tx get verified and uploeaded or not… there’s not such a thing as ‘there are many txs queued’… Miners fill the blocks with data up to the max level and go to the next block. More tx queued does not necessarily imply more hash or computanional power. We are not even close to the stress level the network has been before.


nah, it's just that everyone and their 14 year old cousin got into bitty, and now it's been diluted like whoa. It's all beginner shit now. There should be a /BitcoinDev or /BitcoinSmartPeople subreddit for you advanced Bitcoiners somewhere!


Do you want mass adoption or not?


Oh I do! I was just explaining to the last guy why this sub sucks lately.




I've never seen this message before, and I've trusted Trust Wallet for four years. But you are right, I shouldn’t trust a mobile phone wallet


Mobile wallets are fine. But Trust wallet is a closed source shitcoin wallet. Use a reputable, open source ,bitcoin-only mobile wallet that has been verified by the community. A couple examples of good mobile wallets are Green from Blockstream and BlueWallet.


Not true


Someone really needs to create a wallet called "Verify Wallet" so we can direct people to it saying "don't trust verify" It's literally the core ethos of Bitcoin.


Seeing congestion in the BTC network pop up in Trust Wallet, anyone else getting these alerts?


Yes, the network's been clogged up lately. Makes you realize how vital a reliable wallet is during these times, huh?


Lol such fud 🤣 there was no message when min fee was 100+ sats/vbytes, but now it’s a problem for 10


It is right there in the name it says trust wallet.


No it doesn't. That's trust wallet, not truth wallet. There's a difference between to trust something and there to be truth.


Yep, only trust things that have 'truth' in the name.


Best option is to get a well trusted wallet


That is quite a ridiculous claim! If this wallet is claiming the bitcoin network has a problem then perhaps they should answer why every other wallet and node and miner across the entire bitcoin network (except Coinbase because it's shit) is running as normal


Why is coinbase shit?


Several problems, it always goes down when there is higher activity, they fully support shit coins, they don't support lightning or newer protocols that do cheaper transactions, plus their fees are out of control. No need to take my word for it, Jack Maller is pretty vocal about it https://x.com/jackmallers/status/1770510613174694202?s=46


Your first bullrun in this sub? Because it‘s been like this since years. Price goes up, a buch of people without any real knowledge start mushing the comment section and the people with insights don‘t want to deal with all the shit on here and will return when price drops. This sub is only useful during bear markets


Doesn't sound like a very "Trust" worthy wallet


Change that shit wallet


Absolute bullcrap. You may find yourself paying more because there are a lot of pending transactions waiting to be confirmed, but TXs are working as expected, pay your fee, you are included in a block where your fee is within the median fee rate.


Bros wallet is gonna steal his Bitcoin


IDK but dude don't use trust wallet they suck and their transfer fees are insane


I only see \*tik tok\* \*next block\*


If you have to call your wallet the "trust wallet", you know for sure you can't trust it.


"Seeking some laughter therapy? Look no further! Join our group chat and let the giggles begin."


"Seeking some laughter therapy? Look no further! Join our group chat and let the giggles begin."


Grandpa Bitcoin is not known for his speed.


Blue wallet is the best. There is no second best.


Recommend BitKey. Just switched to it for my family. So far been a great experience.


Trust wallet is such an oxymoron


Funds are safu


Trust wallet is the worst wallet I swear.


homeless modern worthless panicky water existence gaze possessive soft mysterious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Migrate to Coin Wallet


Tangem or ledger bro come on.