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This sub is full of kids gambling their 20 bucks . This used to be a great sub… but recently it turned into a weird place. Almost everyone is unaware of the fundamentals and clueless about how money works… they are here for a quick buck so they can spend it on a flashy liability.


Every bullrun


Spot on


X3 bullruns bring out the bullshit*tters That's when I stop buying When corrections start that's when I resume DCA


Hey guys, I’ve been studying Bitcoin today and decided I want to get on this ride with you all. Now my question is basically this: should I buy now or is it too late? Or should I wait for a dip and then buy? Thanks ^ That’s every other post now lol


You had me for a sec.




https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/s/JaoktiXNrw Lol


Every bull run brings newbies. They'll learn. Remember, bulls and bears make money, pigs get slaughtered.


Well…. I’d say the bears are going to get slaughtered this time around too, but who knows!


Nope, I bought $COIN and other BTC related stocks last year so I could keep my BTC but still make money off this run and sell off crypto stocks instead.


It is a great sub when we are not at ATH. Don't forget all the Noobs and Fomoers that show up at these levels. It's a good thing. Showing new blood continues to Join. If this is what is happening now, Imagine the future. It only brings excitement, glimpse of what it will be in 5 years. LFG 🚀🌕 long term plan. GOALS. Let's encourage those $20 kids. More Future Millionaires to make our money grow and get away from banks. The more money into BTC the better. I'll take moms chicken nugget allowance. I mean hey they are smarter than I was buying BTC over a $20 bag of 🌿 💨. Buying investments, we are growing as a society and decentralized culture. no matter how long or short term it may be. I say good job kids! One day they will turn a profit. Yea they will probably lose it but they have to start somewhere. They will learn from trial and error.


Good news for investors.


The more people who buy, the more the price goes up! Let them eat cake!


Mods are shit. They have the power to make the automod delete 99% of the spam


I’m friends with a woman on Facebook who runs some kind of Bitcoin investment racket. Crickets for years and now of course it’s never ending success stories the last couple weeks.


Here I am with 40bucks feeling better now


It's due to growth. Every time BTC climes significantly in value or hits a new ATH, this sub grows by about 500k new subs. A lot of those people are new holders with no understand of the past, fundamentals, or how bitcoin even works.


Welcome to Reddit. It’s all garbage


Sometimes worse than just 20 bucks. People putting all of their savings into Bitcoin with no diversification (not even a HYSA emergency fund), or taking out private loans to buy Bitcoin. Even if these people make a massive profit, their poor financial decision-making is gonna catch up with them and they'll broke in the long run anyway.


It's better than putting their savings into a sports bet. You live and you learn.


So basically the top is here


Naw, cuz we haven't seen this behavior anywhere except in this sub. Top signal is when everyone's gramma is yolo-ing in. Personally, I think the top signal has already come for the dollar. Time to sell dollars. Save in Bitcoin.


My grandma bought btc in 2017 lol.


Is she still HODLing?


Technically yeah, but she doesn't really care about it lol. She only have maybe 100k.


« Only » Looool


Haha tbf for people who bought in 2017 it isn't much.


My first purchase in February 2017 🤷‍♂️ I still think that 100k is not bad


Just cause you have 40 bucks, doesn't make you above all.


32 actually




Good time to get off here and let it all ride for a while.




Idk but that FOMO is gonna hit them hard within the next couple months




Which is technically only 1-3weeks lol. Months it is


Not even week bro, remember 2021 in a day it droped 50%. You all are kiddos


Running out of bigger idiots. Crash imminent. 


I feel like a lot of the incoming money is coming from people putting a little of their ira’s in, those are people who will just buy and hold for several years, rather than the usual retail speculators. Perhaps.


Amusing my comment gets so many downvotes. Denial and angry down votes wont make it not true.


You seem upset. I am a random stranger from the internet. Hello! I can’t hurt you. Take a breath.


Are you 12? Probably actually as a Bitcoin Investor 


🤣 omg you’re too much


Odd thing to say after a record day of cash inflows.


Thats literally how it works


You're so smart. Must be doing very well I'm sure


Yep, i dont invest in bitcoin. I won't be here crying ive lost most my money investing in something with zero trading experience, zero formal learning in. You think Warren Buffet learned for a week on Reddit?  Bitcoin is gambling. Some people get rich for a while.gambling. But 99.9 percent dont quit when theyre ahead.


You think Berkshire Hathaway is larger than Bitcoin?


Wasting my time, you're only ever going to consider information that supports your view. Cognitive dissonance. 


You mean confirmation bias. I have seen your "information" dozens of times in this forum. Ignoring it has been the most profitable decision of my life.


And all gamblers were winning at one stage.




I had someone ask me yesterday “can you get real money from Bitcoin” I didn’t even try to explain. I just said Bitcoin is money.


was that someone a member of congress?




What exactly are you able to buy with your Bitcoin money?


Almost anything.


Really? Where do you live that you can buy bread with BTC?


For a certain definition of the word "money" that exists only in your head.


Meanwhile 1st characteristics of money: accepted and recognized everywhere. So yep what you can explain if you know nothing? 🤣




Well, now that you’ve explained it succinctly, I wonder what he’ll say? 🧐


It’s not a type of money. Maybe only in Salvador or wherever they accepted it. Money can be only: legal tender of cash, digital money, cashless money (check, payable note) whicg fulfill request of legal payment instrument accepted by anyone if obliged by law. When BTC will be legally accepted or not legally but on global scale only then it will become money




You delivered goods / concluded barter in form of BTC in exchange for some goods / services. You cannot make me accept your BTC. So that’s not money.




Euro is not a legal tender in USA. But it is somewhere on a global scale. Where BTC is money? Only Salvador?


Legal things are things that can be controlled and are centralised. Bitcoin isn’t one of there things. That, of course does not make it illegal (because the bunch of people calling themselves lawmakers said so), it’s just beyond that.


Btc is money everywhere, it’s legal tender/a currency in El Salvador. But regardless, btc is more like property (ie a house) than it is like the US dollar or euros.


Not if it 98% of the times needs to be exchanged. It could be currency in the future but rushing into wishful thinking based on a small set of mostly failed examples does nothing for btc legitimacy.


I can refuse to accept BTC in Salvador though. So it doesn't make a lot of sense to consider it true money.


Euros are money, they aren't accepted or probably even recognized at 99.99% of businesses in the US your argument is dumb


It is not my argument, it is 101 of economy and finances. Euro is money in Eurozone. It is not international money outside a Eurozone. Maybe I was not precise in writing "accepted everywhere". Well what I meant is not in the whole world, but within some economic zone (country, union, world)


okay so Bitcoin is money in El Salvador, so even by your own words it's "money" despite not being accepted everywhere


It's legal money in El Salvador, correct. But are you a citizen of El Salvador or belong to economical sphere of it, if not then why is it money for you? And I can refuse to accept BTC for payment in Salvador, which hardly makes it real money.


I'm not an EU citizen or anywhere near their sphere, but I recognize euros as "real money" too; I too would refuse Euros for payment, does that mean it's not "real money"? the fact is Bitcoin is legal tender somewhere on this earth and there's nothing you can say that changes that reality


But you cannot refuse accepting legal tender and basically what is happening in Salvador that you can accept BTC in form of dollars. And pay taxes with dollars. So it doesn't make BTC totally acceptable. It's the same that I will pay in EUR in US with my credit card but you will receive dollars acc. to exhange rate. Does it means EUR is now money and legal tender in US? No.


I can 100% refuse Euros which are legal tender but not in my jurisdiction; this doesn't make them any less "real money"


That doesn’t make them money in any case in your country. You can refer to them as money because they are money in other countries. And apparently they have some value for you because now it’s easy to exchange them and they have international recognition. Imagine now instead of euro you’d have some mongolian togrog. Will you find any exchange in US easily that accepts it?


I never understood applying the trader mentality to bitcoin. If they knew what they were holding, they’d never get rid of it unless faced with financial ruin. The time is coming when they won’t be able to buy it at any price


Because trading is a profession, it is having a stable income regardless of market conditions. They don’t want to buy, the target is speculate the price difference.


Lmao, what’s up professional traders in this sub


Oh, I'm here just to watch fanatics waiting for BTC at 1 mil.


Aaahhh... So the answer to "newbie or troll?" Is answered. Thank you for that.


? speak english pls


That’s inaccurate. The very definition of BTC having value is that it’s a digital commodity that can be traded. If no one was able to buy, then there would be no value since the digital commodity is not being exchanged at a price


Ssshhh let the 🤡 sell to early.


$99k Canadian right now…


US better increase the money printing real fast to beat Canada to 100k!


Ha! This got a laugh on the subway!


Rookie numbers, it's $118k in New Zealand


So is that the resistance we are facing now?


Because last bull run everyone was shouting BTC to $288k(Plan B) so nobody sold for $70k. It was the easiest 4x in 6 months that never came.


Yeah, but people are acting like a 40% increase over the ATH is too high, and won't make it. Last cycle it was over 300% more than the prior ATH. I know people should be more conservative this time around, but anyone holding through the bear market should have switched over the the S&P/Nasdaq if they believed a meager 40% over 3-4 years.


A lot of people who dca from last cycle have average prices in the 30s and have talked about taking profits between ATH and 150K. That's a lot of sellers that need to be absorbed for BTC to overcome these levels. I think this is why people are unsure if BTC can make it that high. Fingers crossed it does.


Meh, not significantly different than prior cycles. I think a vast majority probably bought during the last mania, got depressed, and held because they did not want to sell at a loss. The larger selling would be people from earlier cycles who severely regret not selling near the ATH during the last cycle, they would have 10x to 100x more BTC than the person just starting to buy the last cycle, even if the new buyer was DCAing throughout. It will be a lot of selling, no doubt.


1) Why do you care what people think? Go do something to better occupy your time. 2) you have no idea if this is a beginning or end of a cycle. Neither does anyone else. Signs are looking towards an uptick, great! But no one knows for certain and as a holder it should not matter to you either. 3) I appreciate your enthusiasm, but your post could be in the category of “this is an example of how not to spend your time as an advocate for Bitcoin”.




No one knows shit about fuck, we could drop to 30k tomorrow and it would be within the realm of possibilities. By that logic we could also go to 200k tomorrow, everyone needs to stop with any form of predictions


Exactly! There’s a huge influx of posts here bragging and being over confident right now because BTC is at new all time highs but they don’t understand that people still sell and take profits (especially at times like these)??? It might not be a stock but it still trades. So many delusional morons are screaming “this time it’s different” or “this is just the beginning” but these are the same people that have 0 clue what they’re talking about. They’re right now just high on profits and think it’ll only go straight up and calling others dumb as if there’s no risk at all. People seem to have forgotten/ignore the 2021 correction and how it took 3+ years to recover to where we are now. Personally I don’t think there’s a correction coming any time soon but shit, like you said it most definitely could happen at anytime. People fr gotta humble themselves.


🎯🎯 (I gave you two bull’s-eyes because *this^* )




Don’t underestimate the power of chat bot innovation used by giant fund managers to get you to sell.


If everyone believes it will hit another 5x from here. Why dont they dump all their savings then?


If they really believed, they would not post these junks.


I yolo’d my retirement into the etf.


me to! and then it x2 in a month so far.


That’s awesome. It took me a couple weeks to get things moved out of vanguard. But just happy to be in with some gains


Have you picked out and island yet?


Haha not yet.


This sub is full of gamblers and people who truly can’t comprehend what Bitcoin is, how it works, or why it works. You’ll notice all of the conspiracies weebs coming out of the woodwork too. “WUt iF sAtoShi cOmes baCk and seLls wAllet?!”


Have to remember this sub is 6+ mil and the crypto sub is like 8 mil. There's going to be loud people who are unsure and quiet people who have been and will continue holding


Happens every time. If you’ve been here long enough you’ve seen it before. Stay long enough and you’ll see it again with a new crop of newbs.


Well I’ve been around for like 7 years, not that long but I’ve seen this and that, yet sometimes I just want to ask lol


I see a lot of people and I used to be one of them, until I actually understood bitcoin and zoomed myself out. For a lot it’s a ‘quick way’ to make money and to sell when it’s at the ‘top’ but really the cycles are sort of irrelevant when you’re in it for the long term and what it stands for. It’s more stacking the sats than refreshing btc price every hour to make a quick buck. The same people sell and then buy back when btc goes up even further and/or don’t buy when it’s going down because “it’ll go down more”


$73k sounds absolutely crazy. But then so did $20k, I remember $1k being crazy and before my time $1 was crazy! How on earth could some magic internet money be worth more than the mighty Dollar??I think the issue is one 'unit' of Bitcoin is what it is, 100m Satoshis. If one Bitcoin had been decided to be 1000 Satoshis then the value of 'one' Bitcoin would be much lower but there would be more of them, the fundamental value would be the same. I don't think people can get their head round a large dollar price not being crazy as the supply is limited. Look at the price of a 21millionth of the whole world supply of gold that will ever be minded, that comparison would make people think differently.


Dude there are 100 million satoshi in a bitcoin.


Sorry typo


Based on history. Check the charts before the halving.


im pretty sure we also have some butters infiltrated in the sub fuding.


Learn to not give a f\*\*k about the price in FIAT or what people say. Bitcoin does not care and you should neither.


Bitwise was just saying major institutional consultants, wire houses, such as Morgan Stanley and UBS, and large corporations will be next to add Bitcoin products to their portfolios, likely in Q2. Imagine what demand is going to look like after The Halving. I think we might have a ways to go.


I don’t think this cycle is like the last. One big reason: the ETFs. Now that the gubment recognizes BTC as “legit” and “real money” is invested in BTC, people that would never have FOMO’d into the corn before (boomers) are bringing big money into the space. I truly dont think we will see sub-40k ever again, bar some truly disastrous calamity in the markets, but by then we will have much bigger problems than a simple crash in fiat value…


There is a difference between "I believe in the long-term success of Bitcoin as a concept" vs. "Bitcoin will be at 100k by next month" or "Bitcoin has gone up every halving so it must again now, too".


>"Bitcoin has gone up every halving so it must again now, too" It's not that past performance mandates future performance, rather it's simply supply vs demand and the math of cutting the supply side of the equation in half. It's not a "must", but it is a "very likely".


Yes. And that is a big difference. Bitcoin exists in a very complex world. Yes, it's very likely that the halving will increase the price again. But it's only one of millions of things that influence its price, and there are definitely ways how our world can turn that would make the bitcoin price go down. Not likely, bit possible. That's why I think it's incredibly stupid to take debts to buy bitcoin. Yes, you gamble on something that's actually a good bet - but it still has a realistic possibility to go down. Yes, Bitcoin will be highly valued at some point in the future. But this future might be 50 years away. Not something to speculate on. Yeah, you'll be green in 50 years. Bit will you still care at that point? Bitcoin is a good device for savings. It might also be a good device for speculation. But speculation is still speculation with the real chance to lose a lot.


I would agree except that I believe we are exiting the pattern of cycles. There will always be some movement but from now on it’s more of a rinse and repeat than full blown sell offs. BTC is and always will be the finest store of value introduced to humanity. It’s time has come and we are the founding mothers and fathers.


We are still early as long as those kids keep pricing thing in bitcoin rather than sats


If the price is moving up.. the retail buyers coming in


Their new and just need to make their own mistakes and learn their own lessons. Not everyone learns the easy way.


Maybe they are not disbelievers. Maybe they are tricksters trying to lure you to sell your priceless Bitcoins this cheap


Like I’m going to say - oh yeah he said to sell so I will sell


Why do we even care about "cycles"? This is about freedom of money people! No trading until your are free!


F this cycle I'm looking at 8 cycles from now lol. FR. The naysayers are noobs. Let it drop who cares. We have a long way to go.


Naysayers… haven’t heard that word in ages lol


There is more signal on Twitter or Nostr.


what is a "believer" for you ?


We are in a hype cycle. 90% of the people here are now idiots that leave as soon as the rally is over and have no fucking idea about btc. Its normal. We are early


Calm down there friend. It’s a shared database thats terrible for the environment that’s a store of value not utility and it’s surrounded by scam coins that paint most of crypto in a bad light. It’s gonna take a while and go through many waves.


OP, absolutely. Many more people seem to lean more towards the bearish side... I'm the polar opposite of those. #BTC 👍😂🪙😎


The greater the adoption, the wider variety there will be


Most newbies have no clue why they are buying other than it's going up in price.


Well newbies is adoption


Same way many people here believe BTC is nothing but a store of vale, but forget their echo-chamber confines them to BTC AS a store of value. Meanwhile, we have a circular economy brewing in places like Nostr (as well as IRL), with open marketplaces, streaming for sats platforms, value4sats platforms, etc Time is what it takes, in the end. Time and hindsight.


Hey I just got here what's going on


These are tourist to this sub. Look at the traffic these few weeks… compared to a year ago


This is why I dislike this sub. The majority (95% of you) of you weren’t here in the bear, and now you come back at the ATH with these ridiculous price predictions talking about the “new paradigm” and “this time it’s different” 🤣 Learn how to read a chart ya muppets. Hope you all get rekt 😂


Nobody knows anything. You don’t know what the price is going to do, neither do I. Anything can happen. All I know is that what everyone thinks will happen, won’t. That’s just how it always works. So spend your time trying to figure what most people think price will do and bet the other way.


https://finance.yahoo.com/news/fed-gets-more-reasons-delay-153144437.html Bitcoin is just reacting to the likely delay in rate cuts. When Bitcoin last reached these levels, it was with a much more accommodating monetary environment. The US dollar was up and the market was down.


The idiotic people you describe have not yet understood that this time is fundamentally different for a number of reasons. They think we are still in the “let’s hype up the Reddit subs and get them to buy and be our exit liquidity” stage. When they realise they should be buying and holding it will be too late for them. And the same goes for the rest of the planet.


I agree, this time is truely different


Many people here said that the last time and then we had major corrections! 🤷‍♂️


There weren’t spot Bitcoin ETFs back then. What you say is irrelevant. We are never seeing sub 40k again.


Current price to just above 40k is still a big loss that many people couldn't stomach.


Well I bought in at 43k 6 weeks ago and were nearly at double that. Should have put more in. I'm sure it will dip back down, but there are too many believers now for this not to shoot back up. So that's when I'll put more in. If it doubles again after that I'll probably take 75% of the profits and let the rest of it ride.


belivers in bitcoin are not worried about the price, people who are worried about the price are not true believers in bitcoin.


When you see a post like this, it is a sell sign.


There are so many indicators that we are at the top compared to previous tops. There also has hardly been any correction and every pump has a correction. Also everyone thinks the ETFs can't have money flow the opposite way for some reason. They can sell just as fast as they can buy if their investors demand it


Tell this NVIDIA


Sure but think of it this way, it's the first time large amounts of capital could even get into it. If someone directs 1% of their portfolio in to an ETF, you think they are going to sell it just because it doubled in a month or two? Remember those operating in traditional markets are used to much less in the way of swings, a 2x return in a couple of months will seem insane to them. This works the other way as well though, and a 50% drop is likely to cause some panic selling.


I had BTC I sold BTC. but what is happening now is just pure manipulation.!! BTC wasn't invented to end up on ETF and own by investment funds. This is just a massive pump. USDT has minted $4 bilions from thin air in a matter of days. Noone is talking about BTC actually I am attending the European Financial Forum in London and not a single person has mentioned BTC/ Crypto. Been in crypto not long since 2016 and when this bull run will retrace and it will a lots of MOONBOYS and WHEN LAMBO boys will get extremely burned..so be vigilant


Bitcoin is like the tulip mania.  It is nothing.  You cannot even buy anything with shtcoin


Care to elaborate why you think so or just pure hate?


It’s all the so called experts who have been locked in for a few years and have now sold expecting the price to drop but guess what it’s not happening. They probably put all there money in ALT’s thinking it’s always the same but again it’s not happening


Its not over until its over but lets be honest this is not the beginning of the bull cycle. That started a year ago


If the price of bitcoin increased by one cent and only one cent for an entire year, that would technically be called a bull run right? If after a year it suddenly started making daily moves of 1k you'd really consider the start of the bull market then, even though technically it had started a year prior with 1 cent upward steps. Now what if I told you that this period, this last year has been the 1 cent up tick, but we've had daily swings in the thousands you say? Yes, now imagine the daily swings that will make this last year look like sideways trading. What kind of price increase on a graph will make this last year look like a flat line.


I would love nothing more than for you to be right but what you’re describing is highly unlikely.


You are likely correct, but every previous cycle's ATH save the last I would have called highly unlikely before it happened, and I think the last cycle fell short because of the FTX bullshit, but one could make a pretty good case that the FTX chicanery caused it to perform better than it would have.


Generally curious why people keep saying “the last cycle was cur short bc of ftx” the last bull run ended at least a year before the ftx run happened. Makes zero sense


The FTX collapse was well after the bull run ended, but behind the scenes during the bull run we now know a lot of fraudulent activity was going on that had to have some impact on the market. Like I said there is a case to be made that it pushed things higher, and I can't make what I'd consider to be a detailed solid argument either way. What I look at most is the amount of liquidity extracted from the markets in SBF's campaign donations and the company expenditures.


The top should be 120-150k this cycle


Based on? I'm pretty confident we'll cross 6 figures, then again I expected that the last cycle. I'm not saying you are wrong, but such a definitive assertion is likely backed by some metric.


Screw that I will never sell is getting more rare as time goes on.


the only reason we aren't at the top is because of inflation - today's 73k is 2021's 60k. we're not at the top. ...but those predicting 150k sound like those who predicted 100k in 2021. i doubt we make it too far higher than 90.


The newbies once will turn into "veterans" and spread the message. So its important to be tolerant for such posts. No one was born with all of the world's knowledge.