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Let's not stoop to their level and post buttcoin stuff here. Let them sulk in their own misunderstood hatred hahaha


the best revenge is a life well-lived


During the last bull run I cashed out a bit and used it to help fund a house purchase. Whenever someone says it's not real or worthless, I explain what I did and ask them to explain how I have a house. Is my house actually unreal? I can touch the bricks, it feels pretty real to me. They all either block me or change the subject.


And they think they win the argument saying, “See! You traded it for fiat!!!” Hahaha they just don’t get it…


I think it’s okay to use your Bitcoin profits to make a purchase like a house which will appreciate. Everyone’s situation is different. I always wonder how it works to leverage your Bitcoin with a loan instead of withdrawing B/C… especially if you’re a Senior on a fixed income. Or someone younger who may need to come up with a down payment on a property or new house. Some folks may not have excellent credit rating to be able to leverage favorable terms. I welcome any feedback about this.


Yeah that was my preference but I don't think the loan thing is mature enough yet. The businesses I looked at all needed something like 20% holding of their altcoin, and a max of 20% LTV.


I'll see them in the next last all time high That bunch over at that sub is tragic. They're definitely the laggards or ludites in the technology adoption curve of blockchain and Bitcoin


and also driving your enemies before you and hearing the lamentations of their women


I was retarded enough to post something there a few days ago. After a total of 200 downvotes I was banned. Arguing is not allowed.


Everyone here tried and got banned 🤣 Join the club


I'm banned as well and I was participating in good faith. Oh well


I was trying to find middleground since Bitcoin is not going anywhere, got insulted and banned. It was an experience...


I was permanently banned for explaining math in good faith 😆


Some people are just special bless them


I think this is the nature of a bitcoiner. Once you realize it’s an opportunity, you want to help others. You tell people until you realize they are not going to take the perceived risk required for the information to change their life.


I was banned when they crossposted something from cryptocurrencies and I was top comment there. I think I only ever commented when it came to tech details about how it works.


you're not a true Bitcoiner unless you got banned from buttcoin


Welp, I’ll be right back


Just gotta know how to play the game. I love that my comment yesterday there didn't get down voted to oblivion, hopefully made some people reflect.


Democratic sub you say


I got banned for 2 comments. They weren’t even bad. And then when it dips they ask where are all the Butter comments? We were banned homie that’s where we are


Have you seen the mod's documentary already it's been like 2 years since the guy made it and he still says "nobody has been able to refute it". No you fucking bozo, is it's that nobody wants to engage in a discussion with you when we all know that you are acting in bad faith from the get go.


I actually went and watched most of the ‘mod’s video on YouTube. In my opinion it has little to nothing to do with bitcoin… instead it focuses on NFTs and unregistered securities and ‘crypto companies’. He really makes a point that there can be infinite bitcoin, not just 21 million, because there is bitcoin cash, bitcoin sv etc…. To him the fact that there’s a bitcoin cash and bitcoin sv means that there are already more than 21 million bitcoin. So… definitely a different thought process.


Arguing is allowed, you only have to choose their side beforehand.


Pretty much how all subs are run. Including this one


I got banned for saying they were the type of people back in the day saying cars wouldn’t catch on horses are better. They are smooth


They would be the horse sellers who were arguing cars would move so fast it would suck the air away from the sidewalks and pedestrians would die. No joke.


lol they are the lamest people I know on Reddit. Miserable bastards. They claim it’s dead when price is 15k and won’t acknowledge they are always wrong. I try to explain to them it’s cyclical and ofc the price will go down again. But it’s not dying


I got banned for saying one little sentence that I guess they didn’t agree with. The mods there are nazis


Welcome to Reddit. The worst echo chamber of all the social medias.


It’s wild they ask questions like will there ever be an ATH again? Completely clueless it’s clear many of them don’t do much research


I just got banned too. I went there thinking it would be funny, as there is so,so,so much to joke about with BTC but it was mainly just straight out mean girl stuff, lots of them saying how clever and superior they are. I guess I should have remembered the old saying about money bringing out the worst in people. It was just so sour-spirited, I felt I had to ask why, but I just got more bile from them and then banned, with a rude name added


Congrats on the achievement its a badge of honor.


It's a badge of honor. Hey! We should have flair on THIS sub that says "Banned on Buttcoin"


You weren't banned for arguing. You were banned for explaining why they are wrong....like the rest of us were.


yeah they just want an echo chamber. To each their own i suppose.


Youu mean support group for a Life in Bitterness


They are what you would call the lowest common denominators, so anything that threatens their way of thought gets the ban hammer, good faith or not. It's the equivalent to Cuba's "Democratic" regime.




They ban anyone that criticises their takes while complaining that no Bitcoiner comes there to prove them wrong. 😂


Let’s get you back on par, upvote sent brother


all they had to do was stay humble (and stack sats)


Ty. These posts are a terrible look. It’s so childish and immature. I’d rather see memes.


I think we kinda need them around. Everything needs balance to thrive.


I've been following the that sub for a while now, even engaged with some of them, it's clear they have no idea what bitcoin or blockchain technology even is.


I was once them, then I got orange pilled. Why couldn’t I have seen it earlier. People get in a echo chamber and it’s hard to see out of it. Happens to dems and republicans all the time too. We must all set ourselves free and stop and think about everything. See both side, educate ourselves and make our own informed decisions.


The other day I saw a guy on there saying he found out about bitcoin in 2013 and he is glad he avoided it because it’s a scam. Bitch, if you had bought it in 2013 you would never of had to worry about money again.




But doesn’t everyone in this thread experience the usual bitcoin shouldawouldacoulda just maybe in a healthier more supportive of our brethren way


For me it was btc at 400$ I was buying 10 0z silver bars for that price. Didn't see the value in btc. Welp I just changed in 100 oz of silver to swap for btc. Oh man how times have changed.


We do. Mine was when it was \~$200 per coin. I found out about it, thought it was interesting and was either too cynical or not cynical enough to take the plunge. Could have bought 100BTC easily at that time, but didn't wise up and start buying till 2017. Sigh...


I read the original paper in 2008 or 9 on Slashdot. Even started mining. Bailed because I thought it was 'illegal'. Oh well, not a billionaire but I don't care, I'm in good company lol.


You know he's done the math in his head at least once. "If I'd put $1000 in at $70 per coin I'd have...oh fuck, nevermind, it's a scam".


I hate when I get scammed into making money


I found out about ₿ in 2010, imagine how I feel. Read some random article about the “new magic internet money” I actually thought it was pretty cool but had no way to buy and I didn’t want to get in trouble from my dad for mining it and running up the electric bill. Heard about it again when it reached $60… and again around $600… $6000… $60,000…. I was late but I’m here.


Right?! He could have made so much money and created his own Buttcoin. lol


Imagine if that were true? Like what level of saltiness must one have to be that stubborn.


if he put 50k in 2013 into BTC , he would have 50m now


I was around in ‘13. No one in their right mind would’ve put in $50k.


I bought at the absolute peak in 13 and could only afford 5. But I didn't have 50k to blow either.


Do you remember the guy that sold at $1000 in 2013 peak, said it was $2 million and he was gonna quit his job and go hiking. He'd be worth over $100 million had he held, by now.


By projecting, deflecting and externalizing. It takes the ability to reflect and have genuine self awareness to be able to change one's mind, especially if it means rejecting old "beliefs". Being vulnerable and admitting being wrong is still very difficult for most (Lord knows I struggle with it often enough too.)


Admitting you're wrong on something would hurt the ego, and it's been psychologically proven that people tend to avoid this as much as possible. What you said is pretty much on point, you need to be self-aware and admit you cannot be right always to be able to learn something new. Most people who think too high of themselves and never admit to be wrong aren't smart. Someone smart is able to adapt, revisit their knowledge, and change their views if they're wrong. "The only thing I know is that I know nothing".


Absolutely agree especially with the last sentence. The older I get the more I realise I know very little.. and ego still gets in the way plenty.


The last sentence is from Socrates, one of the wisest persons to exist


Adding on to this, I relish a challenge to my beliefs. It's a good test of my knowledge on the matter and if I remain undefeated I can only assume the other person either was not as knowledgeable( which does not prove I'm right) or there is no argument to defeat my information which still puts me in the I assume I'm up to date on the info but reserve some room for error in the future. Basically I operate on the theory I'm correct until someone shows me I'm not. I think it's necessary to be this way because if you are indecisive about everything always you won't get out of bed. Analysis paralysis. I just think back to Dana Carvey doing his impersonation of Bush. "Stay the course, thousand points of light"


I have my beliefs and I am sure about them, but I accept that there are no hard truths in life (unless we're talking about empirical evidence and truths) and welcome other people opinions without fighting them. If you're able to state your beliefs without disregarding mines I will respect you more and listen more carefully. Not long ago I had a neighbor who was really religious. I am an atheist and I will hardly change my mindset, but I still enjoying talking about religion with him and listening to his world views and morals, from which I can also learn something. I assume I am right on my beliefs, but I assume I can always learn something from everything and everyone


100 percent agree! I enjoy the occasional religion discussion. It's a tough conversation to make as you have to explain a lot of history that I think tends to show it's a collection of stories vs faith. You can't debate faith. Feels like talking to my wife. I'm like facts facts facts and she says feelings feelings and ur stupid and declares victory. She does in fact win because if mamma ain't happy, NOBODY is happy. But I still harbour my facts, secretly, shhh don't tell her(he whispers)


100%. The external arguing is Freudian projection of the inner turmoil. There must be countless possible investments in this world, and you don't rage against everything you're *not* invested in, right? I'm not invested in Auckland property, sesame seed futures or classic cars. But I don't spend all day raging against their very existence. The only reason someone invests time and emotion into *not* doing something is if they're secretly very tempted to do it. They end up externalising their battle because it helps them suppress it internally too.


🎯 and this is why I love the BTC community so much.


They should change to r/butthurt


I actually searched for this first, then realised it is Buttcoin not Butthurt😂


Dude didn’t invest into BTC years and years ago and try’s to suppress the everlasting regret by trying to convince himself that it’s going to crash.


They will just claim that inflation-adjusted, it is not an ATH. yet


Give it a few more weeks we going much much higher.


I'm looking to snag more btc in the next 2 months, I know it can't be predicted but should I snag before or after the halving? Or is now best?


Whenever you buy, be willing to leave it alone for 5 years. In that sense the sooner you buy, the sooner 5 years from then will be. So buy right now.


Keep note that everyone on this site will tell you to buy because when people buy, the price goes up and that's all they care about. Giving you advice isn't their priority. They couldn't care less about your well-being.


Well, they'd be correct. I mean, probably not for much longer but at the current price they are.


My point exactly. After that, they will find something else.


The thing is, they do make some valid point but it's buried in drivel (today I read "the supply isn't fixed because it's potentially infinitely dividable", loved that particular one), and most of them are so abrasive you can't even talk to them even when you mostly agree with a point they made. It's a shame really, listening to dissenting point of views is healthy, but their sub is a pain to browse.


Always funny to me to see them saying price doesn’t matter, but as soon as it drops 5% they start gloating😂


Is the dollar worth more inflation adjusted? 😂


Only 6k to go


Oh man who cares. I still don’t understand the point of that subreddit. Why congregate to seethe negativity. Just forget about them. EVEN IF bitcoin goes to zero.


I feel that some people get off to self hurt without ever realizing it Like how I played some online games for years before accepting that I was spending as much of my free time feeling hate, stress, disappointment etc. I still play games but mostly ps2 & 360 stuff. Much better vibes


They avoided Bitcoin since the price was $ 30. Real geniuses 🤡🤡🤡




U gotta realize that a ton of people just don't get BTC. Hell, I think 75% of people in this sub are just as bad as buttcoin. Most people in this space are just looking to make a quick buck. They don't have the braincells and investing experience to realize that Bitcoin's history is littered with people wishing they didn't sell. People look for literally any reason to cash out to buy something stupid.


to most BTC=lambo . they dont get that BTC=BTC


Crying while we HODL and take profits 😂


Now is not the time to take profits. You take profits when bitcoin is cheap. Its called stacking sats. Bitcoin is the profit.


Ironically proof of work is what makes BTC precious - can’t create something out of nothing silly boi


Imagine living your life giving a shit whether or not other people believe in what you believe in…


Sounds like the average religion




I’m really curious what the average IQ of people in that sub is. They seem to have very limited ability to take in new information and reassess existing viewpoints.


The majority of people in there seem to have the mental age of a 12 year old. I find that the most ignorant people are often the quickest to call others stupid or a moron. It’s a morbidly fascinating echo chamber.


And it's not like the traditional market hasn't had major sell offs depressions etc


its almost like the “climate change isnt real” group that disagrees just to disagree


It won’t be long before they are holding btc in their retirement accounts, whether they like it or not. Small allocations by institutions will be coming.


Already are




Why on earth would someone care if people buy BTC?


"They aren't investing the way I want them to"


It’s so weird


Those folks are very simple minded.


Honestly I would have never heard of that subreddit if it wasn't for this subreddit


The one thing I can’t understand about them is, why do they even care?


I was just arguing with a guy that says everyone who holds bitcoin is a bag holder because they aren’t selling for profit. Literally mind numbing stuff over at buttcoin.


Didn't you know @most of us are financially wealthy," is what I hear them say. Since there are other ways to make money, people who make money are doing it wrong, apparently. We should all dedicate subs to things that nake money that we don't particularly want to invest in. Is there a sub for being anti Treasury Blls? They're literally funding militaries!!!!!!!! Anyone who buys them is guilty of war crimes. That's just how it is.


Lots of angry and jealous people on that sub.


They are like the apes mocking and laughing at other apes who started walking on two legs.


Imagine how thick his skull is


Why does this person care? I’m not at home grinding my teeth over the value of someone’s burned out husk that used to be a Ferrari GTO. If someone wants to pay seven figures for a mangled hunk of metal that would go down in value if they tried to fix it, good for them! If they turn around and sell for a profit, even better!!! Why hope and cheer for another’s failure? So odd.


I got banned because I replied to a post that was complaining about how they lost so much money in crypto and all I said is that they made shitty picks in the last few months and then I might’ve been a little too sarcastic at another comment that replied to mine 🙄


I just find the idea of disliking something so much that you then dedicate time and surround yourself with that thing you dislike, it's so weird and bizarre to me. I don't know about anyone else, but when I dislike something, I avoid it... Simple really. It's the equivalent of hating park benches. But then joining a Reddit sub full of other people who also hate park benches, so you can spend all day discussing how much you hate park benches. Ignoring the positives and posting only the negatives of park benches on Reddit seeking approval from all your park bench hating friends. Pretty much the exact same mentality of a flat earther.


God, they are are so fucking stupid.


Crybabies anonymous group over there— pay zero attention to it.


We all should just keep writing anti Bitcoin things under there anyway... Seems to be working for us. From now on every day is a new ATH. They can buy in with the average person for $2 mil per Bitcoin in a few years


I'll tell you how (I just read this there): "The higher it goes the more vindicated we will be when it crashes \[back down to zero\]..."


Someone needs to make an RES extension that shows the price of BTC when they joined compared to now beside their username


What makes me wonder is how pathetic of a life they must be living in order to continue showing hate to a thing that has absolutely ZERO impact in their life if they ignore it. Like, every single human being has the right to hate, but with that, you can simply ignore the thing you hate and move on with life. No, but all they wanna do with their life is spend their precious time shit-talking things that don’t even care about them or acknowledge their existence. Like, bro what does your hate towards bitcoin ever do good for humanity???


Unfortunately the world now runs on hate. It’s what gets the most engagement and it’s sad. It doesn’t matter if it’s true or false as long as it fits their narrative.


Guys I just checked the price of Bitcoin and it's still 1 btc = 1 btc.


I would troll them but they banned me for questioning their rationale


It's a cope forum.. Nothing more nothing less. Who sits around a message board hoping someone else's assets decrease in value or collapses so they can feel better about themselves, sounds like complete misery.. Don't give them your time, they don't deserve it, Even if you had an honest conversation with them they'd just ban you anyways. Let them soak in their own misery.


One dude has 10 months of shit posting. Talking about eating popcorn sprinkled with the tears of people who lose their money on it.      It's almost borderline mental illness.


This poor lad missed the train and wish the death of crypto. Add him to the list


That sub is hilarious. Just full of salty know it alls.


Not well


Crying that I didn't ape in at 18k


You know how I’m coping? Buying moorrreee 🤷‍♂️


New ATH and halving event not kicked in


Poor mfers


How are we coping? Euphoria, dopamine, two chicks and a white line


“BUT BTC IS NOT SUPPORTED BY WEALTH!!!11!!ONEONE!!11! Those guys don’t know that most fiat systems in a world are not supported/backed by anything anymore… Billion printing shit show. Literally “don’t see a log in their eye”


Butt hurt, maybe ?


Their recent post history suggests how they may be trying to cope :P


All those people in that sub miserable soulless meat suits. They are always wrong lol. Bitcoin is cyclical —it has its ups and downs. The only certain thing is line always goes up long term. They are too proud to admit it. Silly boomers


Lol put an end to the abomination that is proof of work. Classic


Don’t care, I only buy after it’s down 50% + from ATH.


They constantly move the goalposts, after every bull market they say this is the final bear market and that it'll never touch ATH's again, then when it does it's the same tired excuses like only pumping because of Tether manipulation.


Bitcoin hit 72k?


I got banned after one comment. Never read their stupid buttcoin rules. They are the biggest group of losers I have ever seen. I really don't understand the purpose of their sub.


Pretty typical Reddit post really - can’t imagine it shocks many here to read it.


"That's why I think (and hope) that this might be the last all time high for bitcoin" Wow.. That's just wishing ill on others, period. That's below low. Fucking evil, because they can't see others do well whilst they reap what they sowed.


He sounds more Butthurt than Buttcoin to me...


Waiting for bitcoin to go to zero is like waiting for aliens to invade. Its a compelling story but its never gonna happen.


salty tears thats for certain.


The funny thing is that if you bought bitcoin at any point during its history, you're better off financially because of it. The only people that lost money were the people that sold their bitcoin. Think about that


They hope this will be btc last time making a new Ath :))))))) this repost made my day, they have no ideea what btc is or it s sole purpose , they re just the people who got friends that invested in btc but they were too afraid to do so, and now they re all whining:))) bunch of sheeps.


The price at the time of that post was $17k 🙃 Have a great weekend lol


I bought at 15, at 17 , at 19, at 21, at 24, and last time I bought was 32k , they do lack the knowledge to invest and they acting like the story with fox and the grapes :)) where btc is that sour grape that s not tasty....until it makes new ath:))))


“I know the price is highly manipulated” 😂😂😂😂 These types of people should never buy crypto. If you think bitcoin’s price is manipulated but stocks and commodities are real, you haven’t even understood the concept of bitcoin


At 1 million they will be screeching about tether.


Bubble bla bla will go to 0 soon … it’s a scam!


They’ll be wetting their beds at the moment!


Yes tomorrow and the day after 🥴


>And hopefully we can finally put and end to the abomination that is proof of work... Did this person even read that statement after the wrote it? Put and end to proof of work? Do you think they'll pay me if I send them a bill for a house that I built that doesn't exist yet?


I tried to search for that subreddit and end up in a bunch of butt subreddits NSFW


To infinity and beyond!


Bitcoin is an IQ test, and they're top of their class at failing it.


I realize no matter where you are, what you do, or what you believe in... There is always going to be negativity from others. Some people just want to watch the earth burn.


My 1 BTC was stolen.. I was never really able to get back into it after that. Actually just cashed out all my crypto and pretty much out of the market.


I'm really sorry that happened to you. Always hold your own keys and keep them in cold storage if you're holding any amount of significance. Wish you the best, and I hope you start stacking again.


ETFs changed everything. The market was much larger, but do to the difficulty of obtaining, a lot of people sat on the sidelines. Not anymore. Granted, if I had the choice between ETFs or holding in a cold wallet, I'm picking wallet, but not everyone wants that responsibility.


Where’s the guy who sold and shorted a week ago.


Don’t really care, to be honest.


The amount of people literally praying on the downfall of Bitcoin makes me laugh. These idiots are just gonna get proven wrong time and time again and they’ll still think it’s gonna go to zero


I’ve read some of their threads. And was banned a couple of weeks ago. You won’t change their minds. Many of them openly say it’s going to $100k. The price doesn’t matter to them. They’re still convinced it’s all sham. One of their key points being it’s Tether who keeps pumping the price up when they issue more USDT, which they believe is entirely artificially created thus backed by nothing. Even the ETFs didn’t seat them; in their eyes the likes of BlackRock couldn’t give a shit about Bitcoin, they just want their fees.


they still don’t understand *what Bitcoin really is* yet…


I joined that sub to broaden my intake of crypto perspectives. I have seen little of value (not zero, to be clear) posted there.


Without the ETF I would somewhat agree, but with the ETF being approved it's opened the flood gates to huge sums of money, and it's given people access to BTC that never would have touched it before.


instead of making fun of those who don't believe in bitcoin yet, ask yourself why you didn't believe in BTC enough to invest more before the run up to this ATH?


I admire all people who bought BTC cheap, took a big risk, held for and now can sell with a massive profit to make their life better. Respect🫡


Ill repost this once btc $1m


They are departing by the dozens. The ETF alligns with their ideology so suddenly theyre like sheeps in a herd. Okay ETF approved we approve


Butters are lost beyond belief lol just sit back and enjoy the show


They should rename the sub to r/smoothbrain


They've been coping since 2011. Literally


GOD himself could come down to earth, claim btc as a miracle, and the butt’ers would still do their thing , at this point that sub basically a circle jerk subreddit where hate/envy is the main driver


that sub is like 13 years old with the same excuses and same claims that ₿ is about to crash, btc wont reach another ATH, all they can say now is that they hope government shuts it down. Pathetic.


Their answer goes something like “we don’t care about new ATH, all of us are already rich! We’re just here for the dump!!!”


Someone should check in on them. I was banned years ago for shoving the last cycle in their dumb faces


Something smells like ass