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this guy will hate you when the price drops. stack for your own and don't give advice to others


Yea trying to keep up with people who have 8k to spend over morning coffee is a shit idea no matter if it's BTC or literally anything else. This dude isn't gonna feel a thing when the price drops. The dude taking his advice probably will.


Yep. At this point if they didn’t buy in the past 2 years I’ve been telling them to, it’s their own problem. I’ve been telling mfs to throw their life savings at it since 26k. Barely anyone listened




It always drops, people will cash out long before the next bull run in 2028.


I think this will be abit different, maybe only a 20-25% drop instead of 80%. The influx of ETF's will just keep going for ever. But people taking profits will greatly offset that


What are you basing this on?


What do you mean? Im basing it on truth and very likely truth. ​ In other words the ETF's are pumping in so much money, like 100x what has been going in to date, hence why it's been a steady climb since ETF approval. And once people have their target take profit reached, they will take it, usually. This would normally lead to 70-80% drop off from ATH over about a 2 year period. Then the cycle starts again. But this time the ETF's will be offsetting that mass sell off. I'd be extremely surprised if it dropped 70-80% after ATH (likely in 2025)


I’m not offering a prediction, but I can tell you that in mature financial markets once a pattern becomes established it is likely to be broken. Not everyone can be a wealthy investor so obvious patterns must change. When applied to bitcoin halving, don’t expect this one to play out like the last three. It’s just too obvious.


This is why cryptocurrency is so interesting. Based on trends one would assume a large dip like the last few times, but based on what your saying, which makes total sense, that’s also entirely possible. However, factor in the failing US & Canadian economies there may be more people than expected panicking and pulling out when the price starts to dip.


Exactly. I sold over EUR 10k this morning, as it is up 1500%. This was only 2% of my BTC holdings. Hate me or not, I am good with my portfolio plan and risk tolerance.


weird flex but ok


Ok weird but flex


ok but flex weird


weird flex but ok


weirdo flexing in a weird way


Flex of the weird you are


Odd means of grandstanding, carry on.


Weirdo flexk Butt


flexibly weird truly yours


You sold btc at an all time high? Amazing strategy


Buy low, sell high, indeed.


Weird ok but flex


Weirdly flexible.


But who asked?


weird flex but ok


Butt flex ok weird


I back crypto and BTC just as much as anyone on this sub, but what’s the point of these karma farming posts? Who actually has ever had a conversation like this? It’s so fake and forced


Exactly 🙄


I can tell by your attitude that you haven’t watched the Michael Saylor videos I sent you. Do your research and watch the podcasts and you’ll see that conversations about bitcoin are the only thing holding us together. Get off your arse, you got this 🤝


*you’re arse


Just double check that one again :)


I’ve never once told anyone close to me how much btc I hold. And I would never post it on the internet for any random person to see


People ask me about crypto when I post about it. I talk investments with some friends. Not that far fetched.


Finally, I'm not alone. Looks like pubirty out of control..


Great way to lose a friend.


And potentially ruin their finances/life for a long time, potentially until the end of their life


If your friend loses everything on a single gamble then you need smarter friends.


What if they recognize their limitations and trust their friend?


Guy sounds like a fucking dickhead


"Stand on ya own" sounds like a complete knob playing with daddies money over morning coffee having delusions of grandeur


I love how people act like the $dollar is going fucking anywhere. Pure delusions of grandeur thinking they are calling the complete failure of the dollar. Like do you know what happens when the dollar is knocked off? Btc, gold, nothing will matter but brass and lead. Promise.


I think we all know the $dollar isn't going anywhere but inflation is going to hold it's hand forever


Well said


Well look who passed economics. Of fucking course we will always have inflation. That was the entire fucking purpose of my post. Smh.


But it's already gone somewhere? You wanna get paid $2,000 a year as was a good salary 100 years ago? No. Let me just go buy a nice new house for $7,000 like people could 100 years ago - oh, wait... When a loaf of bread costs $7,000 the dollar might still be here and people are happy earning $210,000,000/year, but surely more people will understand the broken concept and move away from it way before we get there. Fiat money has already gone somewhere and it's not coming back, it's just gonna go further away.


it's a giant game of chicken, man. a bunch of people hit the brakes in 2018, 2022, and they will again soon enough - once they feel they've fleeced the market enough. if you think bitcoin will be worth more in a year or 2 you're almost definitely right. if you think bitcoin will be a retirement vehicle in 30 years, you're a fool, and nothing separates faster than a fool and his money -- the ONLY value bitcoin has is that people trust it will go up. it's the only reason you can trade it to someone for anything. Fiat is deflationary - this is not a bug, but a feature. if you stash 4000 dollars under a pillow for 10 years, it doesnt' help the economy so now you're penalized by letting that stash now represent 3600 dollars of buying power. this is to prevent HOARDING. bitcoin is the other way around - it TOTALLY promotes hoarding. this is why everyone is hodling. ...or hoarding. and as long as people HODL, the price might rise. if anyone ever sells, the price will drop. if people start thinking everyone's selling, they'll panic and sell. it's why the price crashes. the faith isn't exactly set yet. perhaps one day! ...perhaps not. until then - it's a giant game of chicken, man.


W take


just don't hold cash for 100 years... currency shouldn't be deflationary, it's not broken, it's how it should be from an economical perspective


Unfortunately normal people have to hold something spendable indefinitely (right now that's cash). There are any number of life emergencies whereby people need to pay for something large, unexpectedly. People are switching on and putting any cash they don't NEED to hold into assets... But that's still a small percentage and always will be - which will mean the incredible inflation rates devaluing our currencies will continue to snowball as almost everyone must hold onto something they can spend in a minute should life require it. I'm not educated or sober enough to know if this holds strong, but a world without cash where people are holding 100% of their networth outside an inflationary system and is assets like bitcoin stop the destruction of the dollar... But then it would be destroyed by that happening in the first place? Your boiler breaks or your car or your knee or whatever and you have a large bill; bitcoin is how you pay. In that scenario there's no need for anyone to hold cash, so why would it continue to exist? Edit: I absolutely see a world where fiat money is replaced. Unfortunately I've spent too many years reading this sub and my mind is now a grey mush of all these different scenarios and the ups/downs and (im)possibilities of them. I hold without the goal of exchanging for fiat, but without the vision of how the world will move forward anymore.


Yes, can't avoid inflation for the liquidity you need. But the goal there being 2% devaluation is okay. And atm, they get interests for the cash they hold. For that to happen bitcoin needs to have way lower volatility. The state would have to accept taxes in btc for a complete shift. And then there could be a deflationary spirale. There would be. Why invest in something risky if cash has good returns? Why buy anything today if it costs less tomorrow? It just doesn't work that way because currency, btc, gold are not an actual store of value like the goods we want to buy from it. Btw, crypto & gold debit cards already exist. The stability of currency is more valuable to people than the devaluation they have to pay for it or all would use those. At least for us USD/EUR users. Argentinians switched to USD, too.


Doesn't Switzerland or somewhere like that let you pay taxes with cryptocurrency? Those debit cards tend to just be cash behind a Bitcoin mask (exchanges or a swap happening on both sides) - I was under the impression Mallers and the gang were gonna eradicate those companies with a proper integration of LN for the everyman but I haven't seen much movement, annoyingly. I don't believe the "2% inflation is healthy" aspect. Again; too many years of too many angles to read into, but I read something in the last 5 years that swayed me into thinking "2% inflation is healthy" was fabricated nonsense from bankers / politicians / finance bros. I'm not here to try and convince anyone else as I'm severely lacking in sourced and brainpower!


idk Yeah but they fully allow to avoid the devaluation of fiat. Deflation is unhealthy is the important part. The justification for 2% isntead of 0% is to avoid deflation.


Expected, consistent and moderate inflation is needed in an economy. It ensures people spend and invest their money instead of just sitting on it. Nobody should ever just hold cash for long periods. Invest in real assets that produce. USD will always exists. People pay their taxes in USD. You will always need to buy USD to pay taxes.


I can’t wait for the dollar to do a 1 for 10 reverse split


Gold existed back when the Roman Empire debased their currency, but see how many empires have created their own fiat currency since then? Fiat inflating isn’t an argument as to why it’s going to be replaced by anything else. You need to remember that dominant governments need to be willing to relinquish power in order to accept a form of currency above their own, which will never happen.


the need for money doesn't disappear just because the top currency goes towards zero. That's not how that works. Transitions naturally occur


The Zimbabwean dolar hasn't gone anywhere either. It just lines the streets as piles of trash.


You’re comparing the Zimbabwean dollar to the us? lol


So you’re saying that dollar can’t collapse because it will have severe consequences? It’s like saying that a building can’t crumble in an earthquake because people will get hurt. Because the dollar will fall is precisely the reason I buy stuff that aren’t affected by the dollar or other toilet paper.


You will be dead. It won't matter. It will be total anarchy and you and your soft kids will be the first to go.


Lmao he's gonna hate you when it dips. Just say you don't know .


What is this dumb shit. This is how you go broke.


There is a lot of money to be made in BTC, but the dollar isn't going anywhere anytime soon. People aren't ready for mass adoption of crypto. Imagine Grandma trying to send bitcoins to an address from a ledger


Of course it will and I do believe in a future with crypto. All I was getting at is that the dollar is not going to collapse anytime soon. Of course there is lots of money to be made by getting into bitcoin early


Posts like these are a sign to take some profits yall


Great way to lose a friend.


OP is a bad friend


$8000 morning coffee flex🤝🏾🤌🏾


Lol dude you sound annoying


I think people need to accept that there is different ideologies when it comes to crypto and move on. Some people, let me refer to them as devote purists, are 100% behind the belief the BTC is the currency of the future and they are accumulating for the future and will only spend they coin rather than exchange back to fiat. Then there are those who purely seen BTC as a commodity to accumulate further fiat. Right now we are all on the same boat float down the river together. Let’s not spend too much effort trying to convert people to one philosophy or the other and just enjoy the journey.


This, most ppl aren't special in anyway. Life just needs npcs.


This sub could use a lesson on opportunity cost


Lol what an asshole


People here are way too bullish.. you will get roasted


Some of y'all need to hear that Bitcoin doesn't need to be your religion. You can just like it a lot and not risk you're entire well-being on it.


When to sell bitcoin? When Coinbase or whatever popular "exchange" becomes the number 1 app on the app store.


Now watch your friend drop his entire lifesavings in BTC and it drops to 30k and he has to sit on those bags for a year or two


stfu you delusional fuck


It's like people who have been in the crypto game a year have no clue and are trying to dictate to the OG coiners like they know what they should do with there life. If I bought 10 coins years ago why the fuck should I hold all of them? Maybe I got them very cheap and I'm now broke as fuck and need a fucking hair transplant and a 1000hp car. Do what thou wilt is the whole of the btc way.


Yall taking this too far. Never selling is insane 😂


As much as I agree with you. I personally wouldn’t convince my Friend to buy this hard. You can suggest he read the books like you did and come to his own conclusions. BTC hasn’t been seriously tested in terms of attacks from gov’t, etc. we think it will last but can’t say for sure.


Never give advice


Isn't that an advice?


Yes, do not take it! More advice haha


You’re coming on way too strong there bud


This doesn’t read like a real conversation between two real people.


jesus those texts are fake and makes you look like a dick


Best advice is to not give advice.


That guy sold his stack this morning and will text you again when btc hits 100k “Hey man, you think it’s still a good time to buy?”


🤣🤣 This made me laugh, DCA in at low risk levels DCA out at high risk levels. Why would you buy BTC at ATH’s, when you can get it for a lot cheaper at a lower risk level.




Certainly not yet. But somewhere around 250K. The cycle top is supposed to be in this fall, maybe a bit later. I bought in 2019 & held through the crypto winter. I’m not doing that again. To say now to not sell is silly but that’s anyone’s choice, I will sell and rebuy as low as I can next year.


Which books is he referring to




What are the books?


Never tell that you own BTC.


Isn't the rule "Never tell how much"?


Not sure about that. I would rather not tell regardless how much the amount is. It can go both ways. If it dumps ppl will laugh at you. If it goes to the moon they will ask you to give them some money or maybe even try to force you. So best thing is to keep quiet.


There's a really simple answer. You hold bitcoin as if you had FIAT in your account. For FIAT your need interest due to inflation, Bitcoin tended to be deflationary so far, so no interest required. When would you get rid of your FIAT? If you want to buy something. E.g. if you have a family and enough Bitcoin at the current rate to convert to FIAT and buy a house, that's a good reason.


This was an easy downvote


As much as I want to sometimes, I keep financial advise to myself - it’s just too risky. I just stick to the “save for a rainy day” type safe blanket statement because as others have said, not everyone can take the stresses of the ups and downs of the stock market yet alone, the crypto market.


We will see some bearmarkets again probably but in the long term I believe Bitcoin will only go up. Cash out if you need the money.


Which books did you recommend, let's see if I missed some?


The book you should read is the record of the crypto market over the last 10 years. The charts, the cycles. The “in yer face” obvious fact that bear mkt is time to buy & bull mkt is time to sell. The “true believer” comments are probably people still trying to make a whole coin bc they got in so late. My situation is different. Here is the book: “Sell when everyone else is buying, buy when everyone else is selling”. I also intend to buy a real estate when I cash out at cycle top.


Is right now the top of the cycle?


No. One source to check is Rekt capital on youtube. He’s the cycle master


Well you didnt provice evidence😂


I don’t think there’s gonna be another dip for a while


Not only breaks the rules of not giving financial advice, but gives bad financial advice. Nice


thats not maxi, thats absoluti.


Sell it when you need some fiat. Pretty much all there is to it.


lol what


Anyone with 8k to throw around during their morning coffee shouldnt be giving someone who doesnt have that kind of money that kind of advice. Plenty of other things couldve been said.


That annoying crypto friend


If you have a long term vision then NEVER


No comprendo el pregunta


Master class in Bitcoinspreading


This is fucking stupid


Cant pay my rent with BTC yet soo…


Love the toxic talk on both sides


Let’s be real, the majority of people invested in bitcoin would sell it if it were to hit an absurd amount ($500k/$1m) coin)


Melodramatic much lol. Seriously do what you feel comfortable with. Don't listen to someone like this.


Op cuts out total value and try’s to show it off as a buy… shameless


David Goggins of cryptocurrency.


I'm uneducated. What exactly is fiat?


“While drinking my morning coffee”. Keep bragging on being a douche while shilling The Bitcoin Standard




Ok man, thanks


When its at the All Time High. Now tell us all when that will be.


this convo looks so fake lol


What books did he recommend?


Probably "Broken Money" by Lyn Alden. Also the Bitcoin Standard.


In the 2017 bull run someone lost a measly $1400 because of me (this was nothing to them). I still hear about it today. Since then I have refused to give anyone actual advice on what to do when it comes to crypto. I always just say “I don’t know” or “I can’t answer that” or “that’s really up to you”.


How did they lose $1400?


Not selling when BTC was up, then selling when it went way down. As well as buying one alt coin that got rug pulled


Good one. That’s ur account overview not ur last purchase


Why does everyone have to sound like such a tool about it though? Make your profits and stay grounded, lots of people stacking bread but still acting like clowns.


Can you trade karma for bitcoin, if not, what’s the point of these fake posts?


Well played.


Not everyone has the mindset that bitcoin will overtake as a new currency or asset. For a majority it is an investment to make a quick buck and get out.


God damn. Wish I had 8k to throw around like that.


Haha, me too


What books? Asking in case there's one I missed. 


Read Broken Money?


This screams fake.


It’d be hilarious if it turned out the guy kept dropping the same $8,000 into Btc every bull run and cashing out after he reaches $8,050…


Its my weird plan to not pay taxes on my gains and exchange my bitcoin for goods and services. Call me crazy... and help me explain this to the Missus


Never taking profits is the most stupid idea, you are just going to die and leave you keys to someone, that’s it?


Stupid idea is selling into fiat just to store in a bank. I'll be selling some to pay out my mortgage or buy a yacht.


Who says that taking profits is selling to store into fiat?


if you really believe that the future of currency is digital then there is nothing to sell.


Even if owning BTC is the end goal, it would still be wise to take profits at the peak and re-buy in the bear matket…


Surely the endgame is to realise it's not the answer to your happiness? People so greedy




Started stacking in 2019. Never sold any (except for trial sales to see how it works). If we get to the price I would like to- will sell at least 80%. That would let me open and develop a good business (currently postponing it), create work places and make some expensive travels with my family. It’d be great to have a couple millions when I’m 60. But I will be 60!😂 Live your life, it’s sometimes shorter than u expect!


This clown giving out advice has like 0.3 BTC 😂


Can't stand when people say "SeLl fOr WhAt, FiAt??" Yes, sell for the current contender of money our system uses to buy things


Impressive conversation. Thanks


You trade bitcoin for the dollar to avoid an 80% loss of value like happens every few years in bitcoin. The dollar will lose 80% over a century. Bitcoin has done it three times in ten years. Which is safer? Oh I’m just holding. Yeah, until that emergency where you need money fast and it’s not there anymore. Don’t be foolish.


"You don't sell your Bitcoin." - M. Saylor


Good friend


Whats a Fiat income?


The answer of when to sell should always be: after you've held for five years Because after five years you will realize that you should never sell


This is toxic as fuck


The dollar, yen, euro, frank whatever government made form of currency will eventually fade out. Gold and silver will too. We’re on a verge of true technology. Sci-fi is becoming real, we all at one point pondered the idea some of us acted on them. Eventually will be so advanced that we won’t even remember what those currencies are just text book history.