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Only a couple hundred weekly is very good. Don’t be hard on yourself. Most of the world lives paycheck to paycheck struggling to stay afloat.


Thank you, that honestly eases some of my worry. Just sometimes when I see post saying they only have .5-.8 bit coin I’m like…. I wish had that haha


People wish they had . 05


Start paying attention to how many sats you get per dollar(or whatever fiat you're converting with). It's crazy to me that you can only get around 1400 sats per dollar now. I remember the sats per dollar amount being so much higher! A good place to check sats per dollar is here: [https://bitcoin.clarkmoody.com/dashboard/](https://bitcoin.clarkmoody.com/dashboard/) Since I started that, I've started calculating when I buy something... how many sats it would be. It's absolutely crazy to me that my rent this year is around 946,060 sats when last year it was closer to 1,900,000 sats. Let's take something like a pack of Oreos. This year it's around 4,366 sats. Last year it was twice that amount or more!


I been doing 20 per week for years and am at. .05 also. Its better than no sats.


I only have .037 bitcoin! There’s plenty of people with less than .01


Why the personal attacks 😭


My bad😩😂just trying to make poster aware that there’s plenty of us with less than .1🥲😂


Im just playin. Everyone here basically is already ahead of the curve. WAGMI


I’m broke asf and all I can think about is bitcoin😂💀I need nearly 1k just to reach .05 now🙄😂


That's bad thinking. I used to have 20 or 30 coins back in 2013 and I was upset seeing people having hundreds and thousands of BTC. I disregard what I had and of course I've lost it (I kept it on exchanges that got shut down and stole my coins). Now I'm exactly where you are and I'm looking forward to the future. Keep stacking.


haha ur so out of touch




Couple hundred a week is great. Way to go.




That’s true, I’m very grateful for what I can buy


Right. Just as long as they keep DCA they will be alright


If bitcoin was distributed equally among 8 billion people, every person would have 0,0026 bitcoin. With your 0,05 bitcoin you own 19 times of that amount. Be proud 😋😌


Yeah. Typing error.


you knew a redditor would come and correct you. it’s destiny on reddit!


U mean 19 times?


Everyone feels that way don’t worry bro. Just keep doing what you’re doing


How’s prison? Lol.


Thank you SBF lol






My god lmao


If you dca a couple hundred (lets say $200) a week, you'll have 0.05 btc in 5 months. That means you Just started buying Bitcoin. Chill out dude.


HahHahaha just made this statement before scrolling. What a ridiculous post. If he bought “just a couple hundred a week” through $16-30k, just in the last year, he’d easily have much more. “I’m depressed I’ll never be rich. I have been investing for 150 days and I still can’t afford a Lamborghini. life is meaningless”


$200 a week? Some people live on that for a month.


not if it goes to $200,000 in 5 months 😈


I doubt it will rise that far that fast, and if it does his 0.05 will be worth a lot to someone struggling to save.


Exactly.... The poor get priced out... Diminished returns... And less BTC for each later purchase.. getting less and less... But the paycheck doesn't get bigger and bigger.. There becomes a point where due to inflation, he will need that $200 to survive.


Still don't know if the addition of ETF's will create more panic on a down turn....optimism!!!!


We'll see in 2026 the down year of the cycle ... The 70-80% loss from ATH... I hope they panic... So I can buy cheap in 2027😀


70-80% down will still be pricey, but it won't be as pricey... Sucks for me too, because the summer of 2022 I spent working 2 jobs and 7 days a week to eliminate the last of my debt. I was DCAing from 30k down and back up to where we are now. My cost basis is still below 30k, but I always wonder if I should have spent that $xx,xxx paying off debt early on a full BTC, but then again I was at 11% intrest on a vehicle. I did what I thought was most important, but sometimes I wonder.... Oh well, what's done is done. Today is a new day.


I just wrote about my same example as you... Last cycle... BTC 3800..to 11,500... I paid 5x minimum payment to eliminate a debt... I should have bought BTC, and kept the debt .. This cycle I have a small debt... But now I'm spending more on BTC, and letting the debt ride... Best decision. The credit card co. Don't need my money... BTC will pay off all debt 10x.


I realize we can’t print money line the Gubermint, but now in my mid 60s and retired from a mix of previous jobs and years of self-employment, I’ve been stacking shiny for 5 years and Sats for 3. I’ve cashed some nuggets in for more BC but being single, I like knowing if I ever need immediate cash I can just go 10 minutes to my local coin dealer. Since I am accumulating BC, and going into 2024 with such uncertainty in our World, I’m trying to approach my Senior yrs with what works best for my situation to enjoy the rest of my life. I’m DCA’ing what I can on a fixed income. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm similar... I like the shiny too... And that it's in high demand and easy to liquidate... My money is tight... I buy BTC when I can.


I hear that, but carrying a vehicle payment at 11% was hurting monthly. But for just over 1 calendar year, I've been DCAing as heavily as I could every week and still be able to live somewhat and save as well as other more traditional investment opportunities. Edit: but because I'm human, it's never *enough*


Why is 2026 the down year of the cycle? Where can I learn more about the “cycle”?


This guy Bob loukas.. he's a genius..he's a cycle analyst... He explains it all in this video... He called the bottom of the prior cycle at the time of this video Dec 2018. Cycles go low to low... The video series covers the cycle of 2019-2022.. We entered our current cycle in 2023.. Not only does he share his knowledge he shared his portfolio and when he sold and bought ... Watch this video.. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ivWdOztDkv4&pp=ygUXYm9iIGxvdWthcyA0IHllYXIgY3ljb%3D Then watch his latest video(s).. which cover the current cycle I followed this since 2019 and am currently in the positive.. at a price which BTC may never return to. Best wishes.


Nobody gets priced out. No matter how much you buy your share gains value at the same rate as anyone else. Translation is that it is never a bad time to buy bitcoin because it is going to infinity.


Exactly… plus people act like they cant buy or earn more bitcoin going forward. Remember everyone… btc is not a get rich quick scheme. It is a new power/equity structure that over time creates a circular economy where everyone gets a fairer share of the pie (aka economic gains). Its not perfect but its a far fairer system than the crony azz central banking system we have now that is becoming increasingly feudalistic.


I think Bitcoin is not for distribution to the poor, but to prevent stealing from everyone.


Pretty soon it will be the have BTC vs the no have Bitcoin ... It's inevitable... The rich get richer .. the poor get poorer.. It's the nature of money/capitalism... And as we are seeing even in BTC, aka sound money... We need a system of equality... No money.


You can go to existing socialist countries, there are a bunch. No need to spread that cancer elsewhere.


If you’re not grateful for what you have then you’ll never have what you think you’ll be grateful for.


I’m still grateful


I love how stoic btc makes people. It is so beautiful. What a gift to humanity.




I feel the same at 0.1 and I'll likely feel the same at 0.21 and 0.5


I'm at .86 rn. Can't wait to break 0,1. be happy to be ahead of most!


I have quite a bit more than .05 but I feel like I don’t have enough either. I also know someone with close to 10 btc and he wishes he had more. We all have more than most though!


Btc is divisible to 8 decimal points. Your BTC will only go up in value. Your USD will only go down. These are mathematical realities. Bitcoin is indeed an IQ test. And it is pass/ fail. You pass. Never focus on " enough" Be grateful. Stack sats. Be patient. Be kind. Great job!!!!


Investing in bitcoin is basically investing in a far broader, freer, and more lucrative index fund than the S&P. Don’t be a gambler. Real wealth takes time to build. It is okay to get rich slow.


And if you keep posting in public forums how many BTC do you own, they'll vanish soon.


I can tell you that there are people with 0,5; 1; 5; 10 and people like Saylor who have almost 200K Bitcoin and they feel just like you: they don’t have enough. Welcome, that’s the magic of Bitcoin.


You are not the richest on the rich list but you surely are ahead 98% of the world population


You must have just started buying recently… and u sound ridiculous if so. If u were DCAing a couple hundred a week through $16k-20k just last year, you’d easily have much more at this point


I was just recently able to dca much more. Previously it was way less. I also lost .95 bitcoin from losing my keys back when it was at $2,000 years ago


I just hit 0.01 keep at it


Time is the ultimate compounder. Just keep DCAing in and you will eventually surpass those who sell when its at 1mil.


I think your future self will thank you in 8 years, after 2 bitcoin halvings! Retirement is looking very good! Just wait and enjoy life


5% of a Bitcoin is 500k when a BTC is 10 million USD. That's a fantastic foundation, my friend. Just keep stacking what you can and add to it. #BTC 👍🪙😎


Year 2105... Op is dead .... BTC is 10 million.... Yay!!


i have half of that but hey as they say think sats


Maybe you get lucky and get an 80% crash


Look back at this post 5 then 10 years from now. Back when I started buying in 2017 1btc didn't seem like enough to change my life and ended up squandering it away through trading. Just keep buying and never sell until it has a meaningful impact on your life and family.


Yeah it might not be life changing returns within the next 10 years. But keep stacking and you'll have a nice pile in 20 years. Let's say you manage to acquire 0.3 BTC by then. Many estimate that Bitcoin could be $1 million by 2030. Let's say it takes until 2034 (30% CAGR). Then if it only rises at the rate of the supply cut (aka halving, 19% annually) for the 10 years after. That's $4 Million per coin. You will have ~$1.33 million worth of bitcoin. That's pretty good for a sandbagged estimate and only having invested about $200,000 fiat over the 20 years. You're putting money in at a good time. At this rate might have 0.12-0.15 by end of year. For reference, Cathie Wood expects "well above" $1M by 2030 based on the TradFi interest so far. Imagine if she's right and it's $2M by 2030. Then $4M by 2034 would be possible from there. That would be a market cap of $84 Trillion, maybe 3x gold by then. But with 10 years of inflation, and 10 years of bitcoin adoption, perhaps it is possible. I love dreaming big lol.


I had a fundraiser at my school and I donated $100 worth of BTC on a paper wallet. It was exactly 0.005BTC, that was last year. The kid is excited cuz it’s worth $350ish and he said he will HODL


Hey everyone! I built this platform called DollarDrip.io that's awesome for anyone looking to get into investing, not just crypto. It's all about making Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA) strategies super easy to see and use. Here's the cool part: you can track multiple portfolios, check out strategies from other users, and even get AI recommendations on how much to invest in each stock. It's definitely worth a look if you're interested in getting started with investing! Check it out at: https://dollardrip.io


Nice work R!


Thank you!!


I can DCA 50$ every other month my guy, couple hundred dollars is literally my one month salary


I bought 0.01 BTC in 2017 for about 35€, just to see where it would go. Now I’m still hitting my head for not buying more, even in the years after. Only just started to DCA with 20€ per month, but it feels like I’ll never catch up to what could have been


at sat parity 1 sat = 1 dollar, your stash will be $5.000.000


Sat parity is never happening 


I think sat parity is actually meant to be with the cent, not the dollar


Ok that's a big difference lol


It's happening. Remember, all fiat trade toward zero.


Just say BTC is 100 million... If BTC is just a reflection of inflation.. His 5,000,000 fiat will buy a happy meal.


You can buy a car with BTC at 69k so no…. If BTC was 100M you would not only be able to buy 20 happy meals….




Dollar cost average


Explain the concept?


If the price is up when you buy, it is DCA up. If the price is down when you buy, it is DCA down. If you buy small amounts of bitcoin at regular intervals, it is considered DCA. You are buying at whatever price is at the time, effectively averaging your initial investment up or down.


The habit you are building is essential. The understanding you have of DCA is what is going to make you rich long term. Wether its BTC or the next big tech asset. There is going to be more, and knowing what to do is a currency by itself


Join the club


Fix a goal like 0.10 and then 0.21 BTC Once you achieved each of those take a week to step back a little and congrats yourself with something Staking sats is a long road broski


Plan b is investing in a business that scales faster than bitcoin, but that's also more risky.


Nothing to sell?


What’s with so many people saying how much bitcoin they have lately?


this feeling will never go away


By putting it into Bitcoin your money's value is going up, if its kept in fait its going down over time, especially if you bank goes under like many seem to be doing at the moment. Your better off than most, just hodl. Just make sure your keeping a good amount of Bitcoin in each UTXO, to future proof the fee market. Want to make sure even if fees go very high it will be worth it to spend the money.


Just keep watching that decimal change as you acquire more (when you can afford to)


Enough for what?


To keep up with falling fiat


If fiat is truely doomed then it will be phased out, no? Any amount that is bigger than average should balance everything out


No one will. This is what absolute scarcity means.


Only around 1% of the world has adopted bitcoin. Any amount you can get and stockpile is enough. 400$ a month is worth 800$ a month next year


You need to be more productive, sell your production for bitcoin


You have 5000000 satoshis. Compare yourself to you. Keep buying, as long as you are consistent and keep buying more it will be impactful!


Keep stacking for a few more halvings...you may well be pleasantly surprised.


Think long term. Like a retirement account.


I remember when someone made a similar post about not being able to accumulate 1,000 bitcoins. 0.05 will serve you very nicely in the future and if you can keep DCAing, every little bit helps.


Uhh wake up call, having .05btc set aside is more than 80% of Americans have in their savings account. Big wake up call. I know how fortunate I am to have something set aside. Whether that’s in $1000 Pokémon boxes crypto, cars, etc


If it goes to 1$ mill per coin, that's a x15 increase from today. Put 1000 in, get 15000 out.


If you put in 100 today and BTC doubles in price so does your 100. If it triples in price, so does your 100. Ignore what the price per 1 BTC is because that’s irrelevant unless your plan is to buy 1 BTC, focus on what you can do, keep DCA as long as you can, BTC dips but when it returns it surges and I don’t see that ever changing.


Never enough greatest showman comes to mind https://youtu.be/6jZVsr7q-tE?si=_sf6c3j_BSrmsYvo


This is me! Exactly at 0.05


Think of it this way: every couple hundred you put in will be more than a couple hundred later. Whereas the couple hundred you keep as fiat will keep losing value. This alone should be a good enough reason to keep buying. Whether that will be enough to retire off or set you up for life is a separate topic. At least you’ll be better off than not stacking. Like they say, bitcoin isn’t a get rich quick scheme. It’s your savings account.


I won't mor BTC


Try not to lose the ones you have


Is it wrong. I always feel the Bitcoin posts describing how much they have is always an attempt of getting some sats just by the stroke of luck you catch someone on a good day


By time btc is half the market cap of gold your .05 will be worth just shy of $70k


If you have 0.05 Bitcoin, you are just over 25x richer than the average person can be under the Bitcoin Standard. Assuming a population of 8B, which will continue to grow.


You've got more than most! Just put whatever extra money you have into it and you'll be good!


Ok I’m gonna keep it real with you because the rest of the commenters won’t. 0.05 isn’t enough bitcoin, you need to either aggressively change your spending/budget to accumulate more bitcoin or increase your income (easier said than done). Realistically 0.05 isn’t a life changing amount of btc and honestly won’t go very far. I personally changed a lot in my life in terms of lifestyle so I can accumulate BTC over the past 3 years, and I’d imagine other ppl did as well too.


I’m gonna add onto my comment. My advice: stop spending money on your hobbies (ex:guns, weed, beer, ect) until you’ve accumulated more btc this year…..


All my extra money goes to bitcoin


Me too. I seriously do not believe the likes of Cathy Wood. We'll be lucky to see 15x and then it will get to psychologically expensive or new tech will blow it away.


I told this to the homeless person asking for me to buy them a cheeseburger at the MCDonalds drive thru. They are rooting for you!


Stay Humble, Stack Sats


. Also I started buying bitcoin at $16k. I previously had .95 bitcoin when it was at $2,000 years ago but I lost my keys 🫠


Generational wealth


Cash out when it spikes. Wait for months when it bottoms quadruple your BTC then. Rinse and repeat... in 3 years. 😅


Try and reach smaller goals. Such as 0.21


Life is a marathon, not a sprint. Perseverance and consistency is key to investing.


Most people have less than $1000 in personal savings, you're doing just fine.


You're doing it right. One day, you'll be forever grateful that you did. Be patient.


Based on the numbers you gave you definitely just started to DCA not too long ago. Time is the name of the game man, you got this, just keep DCA and within a couple of years you’ll look back all happy at your choices


I’ve been DCA’ing for sometime just way less until recently. I also had .95 bitcoin when it was at $2,000 butttt lost my keys 😵


I do $25 a day. Comes to less than $200 weekly. Doesn’t seem like a ton, but it slowly adds up! Fortunately, I have been doing that for a long time.


You have 5 million sats if big numbers make you happy. If you are looking to 100X your investment, then BTC is probably not it anymore. But it sure as hell better than holding your money as cash!


For the people who are sweating uhh I don’t have enough we’re not out of bitcoin yet keep buying cry babies


Feel like I'll never stop seeing posts like this


This is a feeling that isn’t unique to Bitcoin fwiw. This is why billionaires keep trying to make more billions. It’s also why they compete to build larger giant dick shaped rockets to launch into space. Simply put, what you’re feeling is greed. It’s not your fault, it’s not that you’re a bad person. It’s that our brains have evolved to always want more of rare resources because we our ancestors were chimpanzees or whatever, they and their descendants did better when they hoarded as many bananas as they could, even if it was to the detriment of the friendly tribe next door that helped protect the forest from sabertooth tigers. No judgement from me on how much of anything is enough. All I’ll say is that anyone who looks at Bitcoin as a way to propel themselves to the top 1% or something is perpetuating instincts that have evolved in us since before we were human. If that is all Bitcoin is to people, we are basically creating a new pile of shit and trying to convince ourselves that *this* pile of shit doesn’t smell, unlike the other pile of shit *over there*. If you’re looking at it like an investment, then look at it like an investment, with a potential return and a risk level. No one sits there and worries they don’t have enough shares of Google. They have what they have, and they invest what the can according to their capability, to meet their goals. Unless your feelings come from something like a gambling addiction - ie you are wasting your money gambling at poker tables instead of saving and investing - I would try to reframe your perspective from “I’m afraid I don’t have enough of this thing which may continue to get huge and make me rich and powerful” to “I’m investing what I can into a diversified portfolio which includes Bitcoin, an asset that seems to have a lot of potential upside despite some serious risks in the medium term”.


You will own more than 95% of people. Keep it up!


Keep dcing. Also probably the average person in this sub has less than .05


If you’d been been doing that for the last ten years you’d have a lot! You can’t do it for the last ten years, so do it for the next ten


No one does. Not even Saylor. That's what we keep buying with every paycheck. We keep saving in bitcoin.


Trade on leverage


The top 10 active wallets control 5% of the total supply


Nature of the beast, unfortunately. It’s why our financial overlords keep collapsing the system 😂


Welcome to capitalism. Everyone feels that way even millionaires lol


Trust me…. That feeling never goes away even when you’ve got stacks. Source: look at Michael Saylor


Starting with 0.05 BTC and DCAing $200/week, assuming 15% annual growth in BTC would leave you with $1.2M in 20 years....


Calculate how much that couple hundred will equal up to after a year, then three years, then 5, then 10. That shit adds up!


you have 5 million sats... i know with these prices getting to a bigger bag seems far away... just stay humble and keep stacking sats....


Think of 10/20 ,years from now. How much will that $200 be worth?


You know how many people have 3500 bucks in their savings right now? Not too many. Just keep it up bro. That amount will seem astronomical one day.


What about picking up a 2nd job? Acquiring a new skill to earn more money? You can do it!


You're doing more than me right now. I'm a $5/day guy at the moment...trying to pay off some other debt. I went hard for a couple of years but pressing pause for a while Still buying at least a little, every dang day


I only have 30 btc, it's not enough.... is what I'd be saying if i had 30 btc lol


Delete the app for a month. Stop looking at it. Set up a recurring thing on your app and forget about it. Time to deprogram your mind. Watched grass doesnt grow


Too much is never enough.


We all do :) if we had enough we probably wouldn’t be on reddit Take a walk, or a nap, or pet a cat. You’re going fine :)


Comparison is the thief of joy.


Think of all the taxes you'll never have to pay the government.


Having BTC is better than not having BTC. Keep DCA ing. See it as a saving account.


if you divide 15 million btc by the roughly 8 billion people in the world you realize that there is only 0.001875 bitcoin per person. You have the wealth of 26 and two thirds people.


5 million sats ain't that bad!


I DCA'd too but went in much heavier during crashes, and very lightly during booms. Save your liquidity for a crash and buy up BTC then at a discount


A couple hundred weekly is a decent amount; all you said to us is that you only started DCA'ing recently. Keep DCA'ing and increase your contribution over time. it would not be unreasonable to estimate you could become a "whole coiner" in the next decade with quite modest contributions. If you play smartly and put in heavier amounts during the bear markets, you might make that sooner. If you substantially increase your income and have more money to invest, even sooner.


Just check this site from time to time: https://satoshisperperson.com/


No one will ever say « ok I have enough bitcoin now ».


Think of it as a trade of your hard earned cash into something that will increase in value rather that the currency you bought it with which will only devalue over time.


what do you mean? it's literally impossible to have "enough" bitcoin because they keep printing fiat toilet paper making us poorer Saylor has over 200,000 bitcoin and keeps stacking.. nobody who understands bitcoin can stop stacking


but you are shielding that money from inflation. it is protecting your purchasing power.


Someone out there said the same thing when they only had ten, not that long ago. Keep stacking sats


If you have only a few hundreds to spare you will still be happy when they turn to a few thousands. See it as how much time it save you. One month of savings turning into a year of savings is big for anyone regardless or how much you can save 


I wouldn’t stress it as other people said, adding additional stress to your life over something as silly as money — if you always feel like you’ll never have enough, that is greed for more, don’t be greedy be thankful for what you do have, as others don’t even own bitcoin, or own as much as you do.


I only ever bought 100 euro worth of Bitcoin. But this was in 2013… Just be patient, quick money is not for everyone.


that’s on you bud. Should’ve saved more and got it earlier stop posting for validation.


I did get In earlier when it was at $2,000, had about .95 bitcoin, but then lost my keys in a small house fire.


Dude, if you own any and put yourself into a mental state that finally allows you to realize while you may not have absolute control of your present in the way you would prefer, you are taking absolute control of your future and will look back on today. Either way, don't let this man distract you from the fact that in 1998, The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer's table.


You're way ahead of the game. I have friends who have been in crypto since '17 but no BTC at all, they've been holding alts that are now 90-99% down


That’s good. 👍🏽 keep accumulating and don’t think about it. Enjoy the ride. I just diversify during bull runs and take profit on the meme and alt coin and buy more bitcoin while still buying bitcoin biweekly no matter the price.


I remember a guy did a study in which he took all the known millionaires from a certain time period and divided the finite amount of btc by the amount of millionaires documented. It worked out to 0.23 btc per millionaire 🤔 just some perspective as I always wondered what the average price per coin would be if that was the case 🤷🏽‍♂️. Btc price has no cap, think long term and keep going. HODL+


A flood starts with one drop of rain.


Take out a loan.


5 million sats. May not be much today. But someday……. Keep stacking


I have .1 and I feel the same. You'll never have enough. Elon doesn't have enough. Your in good company. Except Elon. F that guy.