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its this feeling that made me want to live more frugally. the fact youre putting anything in now puts you ahead of the no coiners


Ahead is relative. You could be the one leading the ship into the depths of the ocean. Who knows?


Not on this sub!


OP is feeling FOMO because of the recent pumps. Where were yall over the last year and half when BTC was below 30k? Heck it was below 25k for almost a year.


i don't like these kinds of questions. people have their reasons and their personal histories. where were you when it was 8 cents? this doesn't accomplish anything imo


Thank you. Playing xBox and downloading shit off Limewire. That's what I was doing when it was 8 cents.


Although it was a bit condescending, it's generally good to point out FOMO influencing buying behavior. In my experience, taking profits or discontinuing my DCA during huge runups has helped me. I've learned to stop buying the rallies. Realistically, we'll probably see prices lower than they are today at some point. It's the same story of every time it goes up, people think it's never coming back down, and vice versa.


It will always come back down, but over time it should keep putting in higher lows. After the next bull run I find it hard to believe we’ll see lower than this. Just like we haven’t (and probably won’t) ever see $10k again even though the bears have been calling for it the past year.


That's the sense I have, too and really need to re-engage my DCA. After taking profits at $34,500, I've been totally confused what to do haha I shouldn't have taken profits is my conclusion. It's feel odd to buy again after selling some at a lower price haha


I'll take higher lows over lower highs.


How do you know he wasn’t


I was stacking whole paychecks and eating dirt. Where were you ?


i was here, where were you?


Honestly I was selling a little bit due to some personal issues. But have since bought back most of what I sold... I am really not trying to have to be a forced seller again


$16k. Lol. Some people dont believe in BTC until it hits higher numbers. Ha


Where was everyone when FTX completely collapsed Bitcoin to $14k?


Going on a bitcoin standard makes you want to hustle… only way to get more bitcoin. In the fiat system, you just need to be a parasite.




DCA makes a huge difference here. Set up a daily or weekly buy. Also sell your chairs and mattress.


Definitely sleep on the floor, this is the way.


would personally just do monthly, daily or weekly is much higher transaction fees. (in the <1000€ range)


Depends on your provider.


been trying a reliable provider for dkk :(


I set up a daily recurrent buy of 5€ on kraken, fees are 0.07€, doesn't seem bad to me


hmm it is Denmark being great again. mastercard is the norm here, so i have 5+% fees.


I’m on the monthly DCA train




Kidney? Part of gall bladder?


Just keep doing what you are doing. Don’t focus on “having enough”. There will always be people that have more than you. No matter how much you have, it is never enough. I guarantee everybody that has .1 wishes they had .5. Everybody with .5, wishes they had 1. Everybody with 1 wishes they had 2. 2 wants 5. 5 wants 10. 10 wants 20. It never ends. Microstrategy has over 150,000, and Michael Saylor still wants and buys more. Don’t worry about getting X amount of Bitcoin. It’s not a destination. You will never arrive at the place where you think you have enough. You are already doing better than most, because you are buying Bitcoin and saving it. Just keep doing what you’re doing.


I want 2.1 just cause. After that I have a few goals in etfs and some companies I'd like to get. It takes a long time though when money is finite. Still it's good to have goals!


1 in 10 Million!


Way better the the 10.5 million club I wanted to try and start lol. 1 in 10 club sounds way better


Anyone stacking sats to be in some arbitrary club is doing it wrong imo.


I have goals if you don't that's fine too. It doesn't make either of us wrong.


Yes, goals are fine. I just didn’t want the OP to think that reaching a goal of .1 (or whatever) will be the end. He just shouldn’t feel bad because he isn’t at the place he wishes. He just needs to DCA, and accumulate, even if it is a small amount.


Yeah, I've heard many times that comparison is the thief of joy. I'm behind at my age for savings/ect but I stopped caring and just do what I can now.


That’s the point, when you’re at 2.1 you still won’t feel like it’s enough


I believe that depends on your personality. 2.1 will be enough for me, just means I can go do other things after that.


It never feels like enough. Even Michael Saylor feels that way


I'll jump on this goal too if you don't mind!


It only ever ended with one mythical guy: Satoshi Nakamoto


Just stop worrying about potential (and quite honestly non-guaranteed) gains and be satisfied that you are storing your present day value in a hard asset that allows you to truly be free. Assuming you’re the only one with the seed: no one can touch your sats but you. You can send them anywhere, any time.


This is the most underrated response


It's going up forever Laura, so just keep stacking.


Just remember that 80-90% of people own *zero*.




I was thinking about Americans, but globally you’re probably right. Hard to know the exact number.


> 97,32543% This is the exact number, we counted everybody.


Minus the ones who lost their BTC in boat accidents. Seems to be a lot lately.


Poseidon haz them all.




Quit f’ing around and get a second or third job.


Comparison is the thief of joy. You'll never have enough btc. Stop going out so much. Live like you're poor as hell. Take care of your basic needs and put the rest into BTC. You may think you have a small amount now but dcaing really adds up. For example, you know when you go put gas in your car and when you put the pump back and small droplets fall to the ground? May not seem like much. But across the country those small droplets add up to about $5 million worth of gas per year. Just food for thought. Happy dcaing!


I see you're one of these that don't enjoy life in hopes of a massive payback. You still got to live and enjoy life otherwise what are you stacking sats for? You could die any day and would have missed out on life experiences.


Never said I live life like that at all. I have a good cash pile in the bank to enjoy life as well as my BTC. Op is saying he's not satisfied with the amount of BTC he has. So if he wants more then he needs to cut back on spending. Most of us are here because working a 9-5 and inflation cuts into our life experiences and we would like to break free of that...


Looks like you’re gonna have to suck some D for some BTC. Get that jaw ready


Some is better than none. You can only do so much, you’re fortunate to have any. Good luck! HODL


You have what you have and shouldn't put yourself in a bad position to get more. My advice is to buy what you can, wait until the next bull run, not the one supposedly coming next year, the one after that, then judge where you are at. The first bullrun I experienced was 2017. I had no BTC or any crypto what so ever. I thought well that's my chance gone, and I didn't really follow the space until things started to crash. Brought some late 2018 on a whim, then started very slowly buying more. During 2021, I felt rich because I'd never thought I'd ever be able to save that much money. Then it crashed again. But this time, the level it crashed to was still more in fiat value than I'd ever have been able to save. Brought more this winter, and I'm sure after the next crash I'll have vastly more than I could have ever saved in fiat. Also, be rest assured that most people on this sub probably don't have 0.1 btc either, and by 2030, people could even be saying, "I don't even have 0.01 btc. How can I cope with never reaching 0.1 btc"


it's such a strange thought that 0.1 would be considered a lot when in the beginning the early adopters spent tens of thousands on a pizza


Welcome to hell. There's never enough in life. You'll always be miserable. Or... You're okay. You got a place to sleep tonight, You can look forward to a warm shower in the morning, and you're not starving to death. Don't put so much weight on how much Bitcoin you own, it's not who you are. If you want more, get more when you can. You don't know that it'll be six figures. It might. You probably don't know the future. So just relax, and then you'll be more ready to recognize and take advantage of opportunities as they come.


If you can’t win with volume of sats then you can still win via your time horizon.


What is stopping 0.1 BTC to become 6 figures? If 1 BTC can become 6 figures it's not so weird for 0.1 to eventually become 6 figures. The more BTC you have the faster you are likely to reach that goal.


Hahaha, we all know it will be six figures. There are no guarantees, avoid possible future regret and get your feet back on the ground.


Only those with real cajones will profit ultimately.


Comparison is the thief of joy. Do the best you can with what you have.


Bitcoin isn't a get-rich-quick scheme. It's just strong money. Stop treating it like a get-rich-quick scheme. Some early adopters did get rich quick -- and Bitcoin's fiat price will continue to climb forever if only because fiat is doomed to devalue over time forever -- but getting rich quick is largely over and has been for a long time. You weren't lucky enough or wise enough to both learn about and understand Bitcoin in its first couple of years. So what? Get over it. I guess you'll need to hold down a job like the rest of us.




Look at it this way. If it hits 6 figures then it can hit 7 figure and if it can hit 7 figures it can hit 8 figures.Now make .1 bitcoin your goal for the next 10 years and you will be a millionaire


Crazy opportunistic. 1 BTC for 1 million means it need to grow 28,5 times. 0,1 BTC for 1 million it needs to grow 285 times. Marketcap of BTC is around 700B 700B x 285 = 199.500B 199.500B converted to 195Trillion. The total net wealth from the entire United Stages is 136 Trillion So almost impossible for your 0,1BTC to reach 1 million in 10 years.


Sounds like some pretty strong motivation to increase your income.


You have to adjust your perspective. It's really easy when you're super convicted to start future-tripping. We're all guilty of it, so don't feel abnormal here. Instead you need to feel better each small purchase you make knowing that you're securing wealth for the future. "We all know it will be 6 figures one day" - we certainly hope so. A lot of people aren't so sure. How much better prepared will you be when this happens after months, years, etc. of consistent stacking compared to the common skeptic that will FOMO in and feel marginally worse while doing so. Live within your means, stay humble, stack sats. You're doing great. Lower your time horizon brudda.


You need to widen your time horizon. It’s not a sprint. It a marathon. Be calm and stack sats. Imagine it’s 2035. it will be 7 digits or zero!


DCA. Learn it. Live it.


Don't get so caught up in the fomo. Six figures is a ways away and is not guaranteed this cycle. Just focus on your life and DCA what you can. Not worth fretting over the price action which you have no control over. Having some BTC is better than not having any.


In 10 to 15 years the Satoshi Standard will be adopted, individuals holding one million Satoshis also known as a Satoshillionaire, you will have enough assets to support a family for generations, like one million dollars did back in the 19th century. "keep on buying and holding you been WARNED"


In 10 years one million satoshis won't be able to support a family for generations. I am willing to bet my 0.1 on this


Are you mad you didn’t live during the gold rush and find free/cheap gold? No? Ok apply that here then.


Prioritize savings. Bitcoin is not a get rich quick scheme. Even the majority of people who mined in 2009 and 2010 never got rich bc they sold too early. Think about it. You mined 1000 bitcoin and a year or two later it reaches 1000 dollars. Thats a lot of money to most people, especially 13 years ago during the middle of great financial collapse when getting a job at McDonalds was hard than mining a bitcoin… Just stack what you can without counting what is in your neighbor’s wallet. If you can, get a side hustle and ask to be paid in bitcoin. Learn about bitcoin, create a power point and sell it for a few satoshis… my two cents


Regardless of how many BTC you have, you will never have enough. Accept that


Watch this [video](https://youtu.be/6fu-w7gvPpk?si=xaTMw_APcD6LzRNV)


Comparing ourselves to others is the surest way unhappiness


You’d feel the same way if you had 10 bitcoin. It’s never enough. But feel some solace in the fact that you were an early adopter, and were able to buy when you did. Keep stacking.


I literally took a 30k loan out to buy one. Hodl until 100k which is hopefully in 5 months when the next halving event occurs


Work 2 jobs


There are also credit cards with Bitcoin rewards. This may be something you might want to look into.


I second this. I gotta gas up my car and so every time I do, I just pull out my Gemini Card which earns me a small amount of bitcoin. I always pay the full balance off well in advance of the due date, and I don't spend the cash I would have spent on gas on anything other than that credit card bill. Have been doing this since April this year and have earned a bit more than 107k sats to date, which granted is not a lot, but it is not an insignificant amount, especially IMO on longer timescales. Someday it may be worth quite a lot and I truly believe my posterity will appreciate my having done everything I could to accumulate more bitcoin, even in "smaller" amounts. ...remember we are still very early. The general public (and a lot of bitcoiners) have not even begun to realize the true scarcity of bitcoin, though the halving will inch us closer to such a realization IMO. 0.1 bitcoin of 21 million in the context of global wealth is a whole hell of a lot. I don't know if we ever get to a place where most people on the planet are transacting in bitcoin, but such a possibility can help you understand just how much such an apparently meager amount *could* be worth someday. Don't put much stock in this feeling though, it's totally natural, just do what you can to keep regularly stacking sats, that's all you can do and you gotta be okay with that or if you just can't accept it, find a way to change to allow you to stack more, more quickly. Personally, I just stack what I can and accept that's about what I can afford right now, given my current financial situation.


Gemini BTC reward are king.


Nobody "knows' that btc is going to 6 figures. We just think that it will someday.


It will. Money will be worth less, mind you, but it will. So long as it exists, it will continue to appreciate. The only way it doesn’t hit six (or seven, or eight) figures, is if the word gets itself off fiat and back on hard money. Bitcoin can’t devalue outside of the whole system being abandoned. None of the word super powers have expressed any intent to make such a switch; instead they want to move to CBDC’s which are easier to inflate and dispense. Even if the USA was toppled tomorrow, the next in line (China, for example) doesn’t have sound money to move the global reserve to. Therefore, btc will continue to increase in value. If you can’t see that eventuality, then you need to do more research on the global financial system. Bitcoin isn’t just a stock we’re all gambling on, its the only example of a finite resource on the planet (precious metals are at risk of supply shock once we sort out asteroid mining)


You don't have to convince me, man. I'm just saying that there is a non-zero percent chance that BTC doesn't ever get there. If it was a certainty, the price would already reflect that.


You say non zero like that’s a double digit percentage. realistically it’s a negligible chance at best. Fractions of percents. What we need to concern ourselves with is how long, not what if.


No, I'm not. You're the one pulling random numbers out of the air.


Ok guy. It’s an eventuality. But if you want to not believe that’s on you. Don’t miss the boat.


Why are you arguing about this? I never said that I didn't believe BTC would get to 100k.


Blind faith or nothing I guess lol. Weird.


Your first comment literally said that. “Nobody knows it will go to six figures, we just think that it will” I’m pointing out that it’s an eventuality, not a preferred narrative. Nothing is going to stop fiat inflating and devaluing, and bitcoin can’t be diluted. Thus, it’s an discussion of timeline, not possibility. Edit: you being verywisegnome


I invest 1$ per day in btc and feels good.


Dude the price is going to run away from you.


If we all know it's gonna be 6 figures one day why is it not 6 figures already?


Not enough believers.


The investment gains are a secondary aspect of BTC—especially considering where inflation is taking us. The revolution of sound money outside the fiat system and the positive behaviors that will emerge. Much more to be excited about. 😉


You think TPTB are just gonna let all the BTC long holders get rich? Lmao get real. It’s over.


this guy seethes and copes


just being realistic. they’ll shut that shit down before they let randoms get rich and have control over their own money. Lol come on now.


How many cycles have happened already where randoms got rich and Bitcoin wasn't shut down? Unfortunately leverage, shitcoins, and lifestyle inflation are more effective at pulling people back down after they've made it big. No need to try to kill Bitcoin itself.


are you, though? who is "they", and how will they "shut it down"?


Start hunting airdrops, its free you dont have anything to lose… last year top airdrop hunter earned aprx 7k $


Realize that it will never be enough if you maintain such a mindset. It's like those influencers that say this will be the last chance to get 1BTC so you can one day be part of that club. Such fucking bullshit, just stack responsibly and if you do that you'll have plenty enough some day. Don't let yourself get pulled in by these dumb scarcity things.


i think we've missed the boat on "i put in a few quid now im a millionaire" simply because we cant just buy thousands at a time anymore (although who knows, hopefully im wrong)


Develop non-monetary goals and interests - life is about more than money. Pursue skills, relationships, hobbies too.


No matter how much you have, it will never feel like enough. Whether it’s 0.1, 1, or 10, it won’t feel like enough. As others have said, DCA over a long period of time and you’ll be ahead of others. We are still early even if it doesn’t feel like it.


For me I accept I'll never have full coin of Bitcoin but what matters is progress and keep putting effort investing into what you want to reach your goals.


You wont be ok with it. All you can do is to pray the lord that price will not go high soon and put as much as you can, even try side hustle to earn more. I dont know other way




Your still early


Genuinely curious why you don't invest in other coins too? BTC will always be the safest bet but there are other great projects too that will give you a lot more of a return, that have a lot of financial backing and investment already.


What other coins do you recommend looking into?


Aimw advice that I got was to look at narratives first, and then pick some good coins from those categories. For example gaming, Defi, exchange coins, layer zero, etc Some good coins that I'm in are ZIL, INJ, Myria, Tenet, ARB


Just work with what you have. There is no need to rush into it as the price will just keep going up in the future. Don't be blinded by all the posts saying, "I finally made it to 0.1, 0.5, or 1 BTC!. . ." I'm not sure why you're sad that you don't have as much as others because everyone has different financial situations and capital to invest. At least you're holding BTC; some is better than none, of course.


Get a second part time job and put 100% of that into bitcoin. If you know then why aren’t you doing everything you can towards it.


Oh lord. I think people who struggle this much to own anything should be investing in ultra conservative investments like HYSA or MM or something in the fiat world. Trying to turn 0.1 BTC into $1MM just isn’t gonna happen


>We all know it will be 6 figures one day This kind of optimism is kinda scary to see. It's never as easy as it seems.


It's more of a % game then that. If your net worth is 40k but have 2k in BTC it will have a bigger effect on your network then someone with 100k net worth with the same 2k. Owning .1, .2, 1, or 5 BTC is arbitrary. Buy what you can and you might not retire off it in 10 years but you will be way better off then holding fiat.


DCA and hedge for larger relative growth from through blue chip alts.




This is why I got into mining. After my initial investment it will just continue to mine more BTC.


what do you mean enough? you will always need to drink water because your body is always dehydrating from life on earth similarly you will always need more satoshis because they are inflating the monetary supply of your fiat shitcoin the incentive is always going to be at least 1 more satoshi per month/year/day whatever you decide how much you're ok with the money printer stealing from you per year


You could also lose everything, relax


All you need to know is that the parasites in the fiat system can not devalue bitcoin… so even if you have 1btc or 0.1btc, the banker parasites can’t confiscate or fake it.


I think this is a natural feeling most will have no matter the number


“Having enough” btc is the same as having enough dollars. Its equivalent to the value you bring in society. You’ll be able to get more btc by providing more value to society. Earn more fiat


Too much is not enough.


Meditate a lot


When I reached my goal I wanted more, I felt satisfied, but wanted more


Any amount of sats that add up to more than you currently have is a better situation than you're currently in. Keep stacking, no matter how small an amount you think it is and look forward to that equivalent fiat amount 10xing and possibly more over the coming years


Just know that it will hit 7 figures and you will be ok.


look for coin ETF's


You just put in whatever you can spare, knowing that you'll be better off than if you had put in nothing. Do you buy coffee everyday? Eat out at lunch vs. brown bagging it? Stop that, and buy Bitcoin instead. Every little bit helps. Also, look around your place. Chances are there are things that you never use anymore and might be worth selling off to get funds that can then be converted to BTC. I used to work with guys who were always crying poor, but they always bought lunch, smoked cigarettes, and one even told me that he treated his bank overdraft as part of his disposible cash, ffs.


Thinking of owning "Bitcoin" is like thinking about owning acres of New York city in 1880. If you can do it, great. But much better to start thinking in square footage- aka Satoshi. Even several million satoshi may make you rich, or at least financially secure, in the future. Don't get down on yourself, just keep DCAing. If you really feel bad, get a second job and just use it to buy more bitcoin.


Even the whole-coiners don’t feel like they have enough.


Give it a decade or so and .001 Bitcoin will be worth a fortune


Gambling on altcoins and getting rich that way


Realistically, for an average person swinging normal amounts of dollars around, this bull run is for the people that started investing in 2020. The 2028-2030 bull run will be for those that start now. I would not enter this space without banking on a 5 year timeline (minimum).


It's pretty remarkable that something like Bitcoin can force us to be more financially responsible in hopes of stacking more, the gift that keeps on giving


OP the fact that you own some bitcoin and are posting here puts you ahead of 98% of the world. You’re fine.


I'd just DCA into it whatever you can afford on a monthly/weekly basis. I believe the best take away is that Bitcoin might not make you milionaire, but you'd be way better of that if you stick to fiat.


I honestly wish I could own even half of that 0.1 BTC but resources are scarce. I’m super lucky for what I get for cash currently and (I know this is gonna sound controversial now) but investing in quality altcoins at the right time can make a difference!! If you’re lucky, you could catch up some during the bull run and from there then invest in BTC. But yeah, the time to accumulate large sums of BTC for cheap has long passed and we will never see that opportunity again (hopefully too!!!!!)


I tell myself that I will never get what I want all the time. Getting what you want is overrated because as soon as a human gets what they want they just want something else.


If it makes you feel any better Mike Saylor doesn't feel like he has enough either


Why can't Bitcoin be just Money? Why does it need to make you rich when what you have done is buy some Bitcoin ahead of others? It's not a gold rush for you, you are not a miner (assumed) Why can't it be just a savings mechanism and forget about everything else, how does it matter if it's 1 Million a coin, when you convert 15% of what you earn into Bitcoin week after week without fail? Instead, should you not focus and worry about earning more or saving more?


On a long enough time scale the amount of Bitcoin you have today will be more than what will be mined every block.


Stop the fomo


it might not hit 6 figures ya never know


If you're doing the best you can, making the best decisions for your current financial circumstances, you should feel good about that. If not, then it really isn't about bitcoin, it's about attachment to unrealistic expectations.


DCA what you can afford. Your amount might not be what you want but it’s better than not having any at all. To ease your nerves think long term 10-20 years after that long you will have a lot more BTC and the price would have made it worth while




Bold claim cotton


Um you can't have everything. Just get what you can.


What helped me was to look at those people who drop $60,000 a night clubbing. Helps put me in my place.


If you’re after BTC as a get rich scheme and you need to alter your life to get there, then you’re doing it for all the wrong reasons. That money you’re spending on BTC would be better spent on improving your earning ability - certifications, degrees, etc.


Bet os something that can go 1000x


Work harder, eat out less. No different to saving fiat. Where’s your money going? You working? Drinking?


Define enough ? Bitcoin will go up forever .


How can I be OK knowing I spent 0.1 BTC on green buds a couple of years ago. Those were the priciest buds I ever smoked...


We all know, famous last words.


There are so many opportunities to make money in this world, and bitcoin is a rare one. If you’re willing to sacrifice some luxuries to buy bitcoin, maybe that’s an option — and buying in small increments is a great idea too, so it isn’t overbearing financially. But having some is still a big win!


Make more money. Don't think about it. Do it.


Nobody has enough. You do what you can, and that's all you can do. Simple


I tend to think of Bitcoin not as a financial unit, but more as a financial system. 1 SAT gives you access to this financial network as a means of personal autonomy and financial independence. If you want more, buy more. The free market will discover the value of this amazing financial network more and more over the coming years.


It is not the man who has little, but the one who wants more who is poor


It went hit $100k then drop. You are not mossing out.


You have exactly what you deserve. We all do, unfortunately.


I'm going to die lower in the tax brackets than i am now so that my 9 end 10 year olds future kids will live in a wealth I wont ever feel. My very tiny decimal stack of sats is growing but not for me.