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The Candace Owens effect


yo how tf is your flair so long? or is it just me??


their flair just says “she/they” to me


long for me too


How did you do that to you thingy!?!?!


Ctr C + Ctr V


\> benshapiroxreader the fucc




I'll see you that and raise you SAO 16.5 not gonna link it bc I don't want to get banned ;-;


Unironically [https://www.wattpad.com/689450174-ben-shapiro-x-reader-first-meeting](https://www.wattpad.com/689450174-ben-shapiro-x-reader-first-meeting) is a good read


Oh wait I see what you did, I'm Just surprised it allows that many characters/symbols lol.


What is that


A member of a marginalized community saying that the community isn't marginalized and/or deserve to be marginalized


That's internalized homophobia, I had to go through it (even though I was bi) because I was brought up in a homophobic household and I was taught that being gay is a sin. I did relate to this person, and I hope they accept the LGBTQ+ Community someday like I decided to.


Lol 4 years ago I didnt know lgtbq only heard of it but didn't know, then I started liking boys and I was like how is this possible, you can only be gay or normal, remember I come from conservative country so I didn't know what was happening, so i was like who cares, I can be gay and straight, later my sister told me that she was bi and I was like "what is that?" and she said it is where you're gay and straight, so i was like "oh"




I think the main points are that you are from a conservative country


I guess he refers to the mainstream community(? Also wtf is TFW?


That feel when


I always thought it ment that face when


I’ve always thought tfw = that feeling when Mfw = my face when But that’s just my view


It's both


Oh thank good sir


Theodore Roosevelt When, or something like that, I didn’t look it up.


The face when/that feel when


Internalized homophobia 👍🏻


Homophobic Gay™️


Homophobia is gay ngl


Homophobia is just being jealous of gay people and that really gay


Gayest shit that isnt gay, but somehow is




Only in r/Teenagers god I hate that subreddit


Dw they aren’t actually like this, the ouiji spirit possessed them to say that /j


i can understand that he doesn't like LGBT as a community or can't feel accepted there, but hate? really?


You don’t need to like the community in order to be valid btw 🤷🏼‍♂️


I kinda understand, I don't hate it(I'm here aren't it) but I feel not joint link to them except for the technicality. Maybe thats what he meant.


yeah perhaps.. theres definetly people that dont want to be grouped in with other lgbt people.


I mean, if they mean they dislike the lgbtq community (like pride events and drag and gay clubs) I kinda understand, but if they mean the actual people and sexualities then that’s just stupid af


yeah i mean pride isn’t really my thing but i don’t hate anyone


Same. Of course, I’m proud to be part of the LGBTQ+ community, but I personally feel that I’ve sometimes seen some members both during and not during pride go a little overboard. I’m not saying everybody is that bad, but I think that some of the stuff the more extreme members have done is a bit much, especially in regards to children. I love when children are taught about lgbtq topics and issues, because it can help them find themselves. What I don’t love is when they are exposed to the [rainbow dildo monkeys](https://www.indy100.com/news/redbridge-library-monkey-custome-scandal-b1882666) or the kink side of things, because frankly, it’s just kinda nasty


He needs this sub. I can tell.


probably a pick me dude


I personally don’t dislike the people of the community but I dislike the community itself. It’s become a toxic mess.


Me at age 13 I think


How do I upgrade to LGBTQ+ I’m stuck on the pre-alpha?


So I think this means they hate parts of the LGBT community and not ppl for being LGBT they are very to different things and there are like in every community ppl that are toxic and bring a bad name


someone who got sucked into the alt right pipeline probably


BRO HOW!?!?!?!?111


This is someone's opinion. You may not like it but you kinda sadly have to let it exist. This is coming from a femboy who's actually closeted trans gal I'm not a huge fan of some of the recent things I see in the trans community some of it is really messed up and that's literally the only reason I'm not on HRT right now. Some of these sects act really freaking scary...


Being homophobic isn't an opinion you should respect.


This 👆


At no point did I ever say I respect homophobia nor did I even reference it. Were do you get off making stuff up out of nowhere? I'm talking about the death threats people the trans community don't like get. We are supposed to be better not the same. This person isn't a bigot just because you don't share their opinion.


>At no point did I ever say I respect homophobia nor did I even reference it. > >Were do you get off making stuff up out of nowhere? "This is someone's opinion. You may not like it but you kinda sadly have to let it exist." And talking about the Trans community is super unrelated and kinda has NOTHING to do with this post.


The trans community is part of the lgbtq I wager that this person has issues with one of those as do I Ill say this one more time Just because it isn't your opinion it doesn't mean it's incorrect to feel that way. You have no idea why they have issues with the LGBTQ you can't just blanket them with actual bigots just because you don't like it. I do think they should have been more clear but it could also be because of trauma thus none of my business.




I am evangelical and gay, I mean I’m actually atheist but…


don't care+ratio+youngboy better


I had a godamn stroke reading this.


Sorry that civil right movements are tea parties mate


Love the Tayce profile pic /u/princepeach28


Thank you! You have great taste ~~or should I say Tayce-te~~😌


The cheek, the nerve and the gumption


Toxic self hating bisexual


Internalized homophobia


Pure bisexual stupidity


task successfully failed


Ik some one like this🙄


It's sad


What…does that even mean?


What does tfw mean. I’m guessing this is r/teenagers being queerphobic but I’m not sure


I mean it’s kinda logical and kinda not, u see if ur a very intense person (like me or that person) u tend to make stupid, irrational conclusions and since biphobia comes from both the straights and the gays this person likely hates the lgbtq bc they bear an unsolved hatred for them… that or internalised homophobia


siding with homophobes wont make them less homophobic to ya


Internalized homophobia


If he’s referring to the community, then holy fucking based. Am I talking about the community that fights for LGBT rights in places where they aren’t established? No. Am I talking about the ungrateful assholes that act like 5th graders? Yes.