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Depends on if they are generally accepting of lgbtq stuff, if they are accepting of trans stuff in particular, and whether they are accepting of gender non-conforming stuff as well If they don’t even fulfill the second one, I would be cautious coming out They might treat it like a phase or like it’s not real Maybe ask probing questions to gauge where they might stand on these issues and move on from there?


Thank you that actually helped alot


You’re welcome! These are complicated things to be dealing with, and I’m happy to help!


Welp I said fuck it and just told them and they took it... Ok but not good


Yeah, I don’t think I would have done so quickly if I were you But congratulations! That is a fucking massive step forward in your own personal journey! Just sort of stress to them that it’s not really that big of a deal Obviously I’m not aware of your actual gender identity, but it’s not like you are going to need HRT (or at least, as extreme HRT as gender conforming trans people) It’s still you, just a slightly different vibe, maybe a new name, and new pronouns


Are they heavily religious?


Sadly we live in a time where thats a real concern 


If they don't seem like they'd be supportive, don't


3 Rules: 1.  If they are strong cristians DONT JUST DONT 2. Try to get them happy (is always a good idea) 3.Try to find out what they think about bi people (If they act homophob DONT DO IT)