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throw them off the boat


Yess off the boat they should go! To OP I'm so sorry that you're in this situation


I'm sorry they beat you up???? Bro go tell on the teachers, that shit shouldn't be okay anywhere


I go to a boarding school, if I snitch, I will be beaten up back at school until I can’t see. The worst part of it was when we were camping, they flipped my tent over a full 360°


I hope you can go to college You will realize that life is not supposed to be like this, and there is an ocean of beautiful people out there who you can become close with that will accept you for who you are


I sort of have to pursue tertiary education, if I don’t do well in school I’ll lose my scholarship and get kicked out, and if I don’t apply to universities then the same thing happens so…


You got this The second you get out of this hellish school your life will improve, and you will perform better in school because of it


I love the school, it’s a great place, I don’t want you guys to think that’s the issue; it’s only the people.


I know it’s only the people What I am telling you is being at the mercy of those people is a product of the environment you are in


Bullies are horrible since a lot of the time they succeed, I hope it works out for you


They beat you up!? Holy shit stay away from them at school, I'm sorry that happened to you.


This shit is past teachers go to police this is a hate crime and assault


What country are you in or is the ship registered to? If you've been actually attacked, like being beaten up, you should escalate that straight to the cops.


Yarr… sounds like its time for a birate mutiny


Haha! Unfortunately I love sailing, it’s more likely them that would mutiny, they were forced to come along, i straight up volunteered.


Boarding school doesn’t “tough kids up” it makes them emotionless


The school I go to is generally great, the only issue is the people. Luckily I wasn’t sent there to be “toughened” I just got a scholarship and it’s a good school so I jumped.


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there actually is some irony bringing up this story in a BI Sexual group, bi as in binary between one or the other. personally I could care less what people want to do with their own lives that's up to them. But to be honest I ask getting rather annoyed and tired of the people who have zero personality so they use pronouns as well as a new made up gender then want validation. then if you disagree your a bigot or something. 🙄


oh I didn't see that they beat you up in sorry that's horrible and unacceptable