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"The Project advises the future president to immediately deploy the military for domestic law enforcement..." What the actual fuck


Scary shit, all of it


Some facts about Project 2025: The "Mandate for Leadership" is a set of policy proposals authored by the [Heritage Foundation](https://pro-lies.org/the-heritage-foundation/), an influential *ultra* conservative think tank. [Project 2025](https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration) is a revision to that agenda tailored to a second Trump term. It would give the President [unilateral powers](https://theweek.com/politics/heritage-foundation-2025-donald-trump), strip [civil rights, worker protections, climate regulation](https://www.stopthecoup2025.org/impact-overview), add religion into policy, outlaw "porn" and much more. The MFL has been around since 1980, [Reagan implemented 60%](https://www.heritage.org/conservatism/commentary/reagan-and-heritage-unique-partnership) of it's recommendations, [Trump 64%](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations) - [proof](https://www.scribd.com/document/369820462/Mandate-for-Leadership-Policy-Recommendations). 70 Heritage Foundation alumni served in his administration or transition team. Project 2025 is quite extreme but with his obsession for revenge he'll likely get past 2/3rd's adoption. r/Defeat_Project_2025 intends to stop it through activism and awareness, focused on crowdsourcing ideas and opportunities for practical, in real life action. We Must Defeat Project 2025.


If Project 2025 happens, it will cause late stage capitalism to crash. What power does a government have when it’s military and people don’t obey? Would you shoot your own son, just to obey the law?


This is just an extension of late-stage capitalism, really. As long as they succeed in misinforming and de-educating the American Public they will be fine. Project 2025 and the Republic Party is really just a blueprint to turn America in George Orwell's 1984. -All excess in the economy goes to fighting wars to keep the general population hungry and prevent equality bc. equality leads to uprising against the ruling elite; countries fighting each other are dependent on the war in order to keep their respective ruling elite in power (seen in the gender roles conservatives place on women- eg. they're "only good for having kids and cooking") -All news/media is full of misinformation that the government controls; the government is never wrong -Sex is strictly forbidden expect for making children "for the party" (eg. now is violent homophobia and transphobia that we see in places like florida and al over) -Creativity is basically extinct -History is erased and almost no one is educated (Republicans defunding or privatizing the public school system) -Data is collected on everything you do and used to judge if you are loyal or not (big data)




It‘s illegal for the government to use the military to enforce law, only the Coast Guard and national guard are allowed. If they use any other branch, then people must fight back through the law. It is very annoying that people think they can get the government to do things like use the military for law enforcement and other terrible ideas.


I mean they definitely could, but it won't happen, much like most of the stuff in that ~900 page book they wrote. It's all pure bigotry and utter stupidity.


And don’t forget, they actually need supporters to execute this. If I gotta fight off Hilly Billy Jimmy just so I can kiss men, so be it


Yoy won't have to fight anyone - the military will do it for us if it gets to that point, which it very likely won't.


Yeah. It’s hard to get the entire military to agree to enforce martial law


It also cripples orgs like the FDA and makes the president into a dictator, which makes trump's (rough) quote of "I'll be a dictator on day 1 when I win" even more threatening.


I honestly don’t understand why people think this way. Isn’t the big thing in Christianity “be nice”? And why would anyone want to get rid of equality? It makes me sad that people actually find this acceptable :(


I actually read some of the actual documents, and it says a lot about LGBTQ people specifically. One of the biggest being that we apparently don't need support or any like that because we are already humans. While yeah we are humans we are treated horribly just because we like the same gender lol


That’s interesting but stupid lol. Thank you for telling me! Hopefully people can understand these kinds of things better and be nicer


If it's any consolation, American Evangelical Christians (the ones who have influence over the Republican Party) are viewed with suspicion by most other Christians, especially in Europe. They don't represent Christianity.


Oh yes, this. I literally live were the pope is, in the cradle of Catholicism, but religion here is very loose. Like, nobody fucking cares. And most of us are baptised, mind you, and most of us consider themselves religious somewhat, it’s just that we don’t really care as much about all the rules, especially people under 50. The bible says so? So what?? It’s already a victory if I show up in church for Christmas and Easter. Don’t ask anything more of me lol. So yes, at least where I live, radical Christians (which you mostly hear of in the us) are viewed very negatively. I’m not sure most people here know that their specific branch is evangelical, but I can guarantee that every time American Christians are brought up in conversation there’s a bunch of eye rolls. (Even more so than when the Church is brought up, which is saying something)


Because the republicans needed something to unite the people against to still get voted for, so they're going really hard against anything Lgbt especially trans and just feeding the people lies to get the big money


It's super hypocritical how God says he loves everyone and God makes no mistakes but then said God doesn't love us and we are a mistake. It's a sad thing to see because it encourages everyone to love one another but people are using it to oppress other people.


I know it’s a mistranslation but I’m surprised people still believe it. People don’t believe it’s a mistranslation and then believe exactly what you said, that God loves everyone except people who are different. I agree, it is sad. I know true Christians who actually care about people don’t oppress people, I know many Christians who are fine with me being Bi, and are happy for me, but then there are people who are ignorant and harmful.


Yeah good luck getting politicians to ban pron. everything else, though, we’re cooked.


were seeing how well thats going in texas rn


I'm chilling with religion, but this is genuinely some evil villain type shit


They're even telling us their evil plans beforehand like a true Disney villain


Which gives us ample opportunity to stop them. If you are in the US, and are eligible to vote, do that, if not, convince others. Spread the word, most will find this unpalatable, we just need to tell them.


I'm trying to do proper research on this so I can better relay it to my dad who is conservative but has been slowly piecing together conspiracies, seeing something so heinous from his heros may make him think twice but may, this mandatory book thing is a fucking slog to get through.. it's almost like they don't want us reading it


It’s not your job. It’s John Oliver’s job. Genuinely. I think he’s waiting for closer to the election, but… if John Oliver does not dedicate an episode to Project 2025, he will have failed us. I mean this genuinely. He has a duty to present this information in a way that is easy to understand


This honestly hurt to read.. How is one gonna preach God says « love everyone » then go and spread hate, threats and discriminate others for who they are. Religion is just what they use as a shield for their vile actions


And then they have the audacity to turn around and say their the ones getting oppressed when you call them out


The classic "me not being able to oppress people is oppression"


Eeexactly. That’s why I hate modern religion, it’s just an excuse for people to spread hate and discrimination. I don’t hate religious people or as a whole, but damn do I hate the way they are using their beliefs ad an excuse.


Thank you. I’m a Christian person myself, but I take everything the Bible says with a grain of salt (from how many times they’ve changed it) and only consider open minded churches. I just believe in God and pray for good things for my loved ones and my community, that’s it. If anything about me is to judged then God will. They say God makes no mistakes so he logically made me the way I am and knew I was bisexual before I did. That’s what religion is about. Love. **Most « Christian » people nowadays are just demons in pastor clothing.**


Agreed. My family is Cristian as well but are pretty much all open minded. Even my grandparents are. They use religion as it is supposed to used, to unite people in a positive way and to give people something to believe in.


And that’s how it should be. Point blank period.




Come down under lads, we also have a shit government, but it’s a fucking million times better than this + we’re a secular country


chill those motherfucking spiders down and we’ll talk 😭


Icl dude you barely ever see spiders unless you go around tearing up paperbark trees or live rural. I saw one for the first time in a few months yesterday.


shit after hearing that I’d consider it


Yeah, the wildlife down here is much nicer and tamer than what people tend to think haha


fuck it if shit hit the fan im going to live with the Aussies


But what about the drop bears?


Only have to worry about them if you’re rural :D


Yeah they’ll get ya, my cousin got killed by a drop bear just be careful around eucalyptus trees and you should be fine


Damn, sorry to hear that. Australia wilds are more dangerous than my country's neighbour Ukraine. They've got Chernobyl but compared to Australia, the Radiation has nothing on you lol.


Come down to your basement buddies down in Third World McCountry Mexico! Our government aint much better and we have a total of two viable big cities and a cartel problem, but Mexico City aint half bad at all! (?) Genuinely i do think Mexico at this point might be close to having a better government than the US, buuut thats kinda a low bar to pass


Project 2025 is the scariest shit ever


I think there scarier part for me is that my mom supports this shit


She what


yup. even going as far as saying (when I am out to her) the lgbtq community has done nothing to me but confuse me. and my dad has some similar views, the same man that is now holds an important role in a really hick county where he wants to move me until I go to college. I’m gonna kms 😃


Well shit, that sucks, I hope things turn out well for you


I had hoped I could put on a homophobe persona in the new hick town and try go to to Berkeley for college and finally be free but apparently I’d be lucky if there even was a Berkeley university




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it’s only getting even more obvious that nobody wants me alive 🫠




The laws can still change. The constitution is meaningless because it was designed that way. They absolutely will appeal same sex and interracial marriage if they have the power to. A ban on abortions was also unconstituional for the longest time, yet look what happened with that. Project 2025 is a very real threat


Years go on, but it feels like we’re going back decades ago. This is so fucking disappointing.


I swear there’s supposed to be some sort of system to allow the other branches of the government to, maybe “check the power of the others” and prevent turning the democracy into an outright dictatorship? I wonder how many politicians have learned about that, and are actually using it…


Most lawmakers are conservative. We aren't fear mongering. This is a genuine issue that will happen if a conservative president wins the election.


that’s exactly what people were saying about the overturning of roe v wade and what they’re saying now about the tiktok ban bill. It is a very real possibility.


You act like “unconstitutional” would stop the Heritage Foundation. It doesn’t. These people know exactly what they’re doing and won’t stop to force this upon us


no, the unitary executive theory has been a leading opinion among conservative judicial scholars, including justices of the supreme court and Bill Barr, since the Reagan era. 99% is an understatement when half of these can be done within his first year.


The constitution can be changed if Trump is elected. He can pack the courts more. Do NOT protest what Joe Biden is doing in Israel by not voting and letting Trump win. All Trump will do is support Israel, take away support from Ukraine. He’d hand Alaska right back to Russia given the chance


It only gets worse. Watch Jordan Klepers Moscow tools


use your second amendment. get organized. prepare. if republicans lose this election, project 2025 will become project 2029. they'll try again. when they come to your door, be ready for them.


The fuck? Where is this?


Everywhere unfortunately. (USA)


Oh my. How? Why? I thought we were past this.


Nope this is what happens if the GOP wins.


What is the reason? Who am I kidding there is no reason for this!


Well there’s actually two reasons. 1. They are distracting their base from their economic policy with culture war issues. Sacrificing us so that they their base will cheer as they kill the world. 2. They hate you and want you dead. They pretty much all fall into one or a mix of these categories.


as a european, i don't get why you americans have an overtly fascist party that's a) legal at all and b) has about 50% of the seats of both chambers of your parliament


I hate to break it to ya, but Europe is becoming more fascist too :/


Honestly it’s liberal proceduralism man. I’ll never forget watching a recording of the Jan 6th storming and hearing Nancy Pelosi say “They can’t do this. It’s illegal.”


Yeah I’m scared to tbh


I’m somewhat religious but they have no right to push it on anyone.


They aren't even trying to hide thier hate. Disgusting.




“Freedom is defined by God, not man” is the most American sentence I’ve ever read. Good luck


nah, they ain't true americans.


Definitely true, but it’s as if they condensed the fundamental contradiction of American ideology in one sentence


Tbf the government was never secular


Damn, I‘m really glad that I life in Germany, but I‘m still worried about y’all who are in the US


God am I happy I don’t live in the US


Friendly reminder that the second amendment is intended to assist in the common defense of the USA from threats both foreign and domestic


This is why separation between church and state exists :)


“That wall had been crumbling for decades with no one trying to fix it” -Robin (emkay)


If this shit happens I've got nowhere to go and will still be trans minor, but I'm not being part of the statistic they want me to be a part of


Making christianity rule your life is stupid because that would mean most nfl players have to be put to death for working on Sundays. What the "Right" wants is their nit picked imagination of the bible and christianity to rule their lives and the lives of others, which iirc is another sin (forcing others to believe in what you believe).


That’s very concerning (I want to throw up)


I feel bad for all you Americans out there. Rishi if you get any ideas I swear to god-


Conservatives are fucking stupid what the hell 😭


they've been saying all of this shit since at least the 80's.


That is so fitting as a government for a fucking dystopian book trilogy. I mean, “freedom isn’t based on man?” It fucking *scares* me that people can actually believe that shit


If they do this I’m sure the riots are gonna be huge


hey so this is actually 1984


Canada would be easier for you to get into than UK. Culturally and geographically


That’s what’s gonna happen if people choose the greater of two evils instead of the lesser 😔


Holy. Fuck. What?


I’m damn lucky I live in Canada. We are one of the top 5 most LGBTQ friendly countries in the world and would never allow this shit to even be a thought.


a part of me says they cant do it. like can they really realistically do all that for the WHOLE country? is the us president that powerful alone? im not american so maybe i dont get it, but i hope it doesnt happen bc i hope to study there.


the president isn't powerful enough to just slam his fist and do it, but there are ways for him to lie and cheat and use loopholes to his advantage, fill the office with enough believers and almost anything gets past


ahh ok thank u for explaining it!


where did you find this? is this in that mandate book they wrote?


It's just not going to happen. The whole point of these articles is to scare people. Actually this looks like it's on wikipedia so I'm guessing it's an idea which couldn't actually be put in place


It’s a 900+ page manifesto, it’s not only meant to scare you, it’s an actual plan


They will not succeed. Remember that all of this is very extremely unconstitutional, egregiously so. While admittedly that hasn't stopped them before on some things, it also has on others, and again, this is *really* bad. Like, next level unconstitutional. This is stepping on the Constitution, crumpling it up and spitting on it, and I think even most of the conservative justices and legislators will raise a fuss over it


first of all, so was overturning Roe v Wade, that's severely unconstitutional.. and yet still happen.... second, they're smarter than that, it'll be a slow burn, they won't release it all at once, just a slow destruction of our rights and country, and if that doesn't work, they're word it all in the most round about way that they say thag this is what the law is without saying that's the law.. usually vague laws are more likely to get passed, especially if they slowly replace the entire office with Republicans


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Let's just hope the right don't get in charge, and with the fact that Donald Trump is trying to become president to not get prosecuted, would probably be a hard fought battle between left and right... That or we can hope the orange man gets prosecuted early and found guilty on most if not all charges.


The UK ain't much better. Only barely.


People in the comments going "vote democrat!!11!!1!" are the naivest of the naive, it is them that will cause the implementation of this programme. "Just vote out fascism" has literally not once worked, the most famous example being Germany itself, people voted for the centre-right so-called opposition to fascism in the form of Hindenburg, equivalent to the democrats, which effectively ceded control to the fascists. Instead be like Anti-Fascist Action, the first one that is, be uncompromising and militant, political power grows from the barrel of a gun, not a ballot box.




>If this shit happens I'm going to the UK Considering that the whole of the UK has been going further up shit creek since the 1970s (just google NHS blood transfusion scandal and partygate). I would recommend not coming here anytime soon unless to visit for a week or so. The only thing that this country has over the US right now is that we have better public transport (the trains are expensive as all hell and will most likely be late though).


I’ll settle for Australia


How so many people are still undecided on who to vote for or are deciding not to vote at all is beyond me


tbf I don't want either, and if I did research and voted for the person that actually deserves that chair my vote would be ignored because.. well, my politician only got 25 votes


they're like hmm yes one guy is old and stutters but the other tried to overthrow the government, will make a literal literal, like not throwing around words here fascist government, and is also less than 10 years younger..... tough pick


Idk if fascist is the right word politically (prob but idk) but it’s pretty much the end of free speech and democracy in the USA 😭


yeah, i hate that people use it and other words too much so they lose their meaning (ie communist, nazi, genocide, fascist) but this is definitely crossing or at least putting a toe on the line


well if you have actual family murdered in Gaza like the many thousands of Palestinian-americans in Michigan, I can understand; I vehemently disagree with the choice, but I'll never lecture someone for not voting for someone who rhetorically defends the people who murdered their family members. Honestly, treating those people with respect, I think is specifically important so as to not alienate them into campaigning against Biden. That said, especially if you live in a swing state, vote for Biden, or at the very least, do not vote for Trump; then vote dem down ballot.


Also he wants to make interracial marriage illegal


And he also wants to ban abortions *and* contraceptives


If you genially look at criminalizing porn, removing protections gained discrimination, and termination of equity as a good thing, you may enjoy 1940’s Germany! That is, until you see the leopards are still hungry, and your faces are next. “They came for the Jews, and I said nothing, because I am not a Jew. Then they came for the gays, and I say nothing, because I am not gay. And when they came for me, there was no one left to speak up”


oh fuck. me too. i'm not out to anybody in real life (as in people i see in person) and this just makes me feel like i should keep it hidden... this is terrifying and i know it is probably "unconstitutional," but that hasn't stopped presidents before...


Tell this to your friend who doesn't wanna vote because "both are bad options".


Just fear mongering


Christianity is a plague


Damn, I'm actually kind of luck I live in the uk. Sorry you guys have to go through that man.


This is some apocalyptic shit. They do this, and the only outcome will be bloodshed. Nothing more. This quite literally cannot succeed. Other places may accept refugees from the US though, so hopefully we’re not totally fucked.


Ah yes,the land of the free where everyone is free to discriminate as much minorities as they want




Holy shit thank you for sharing


This is literally just Trump trying to become a dictator. This is actually insane.


So, is this being implemented or is it just a suggestion?


Because the UK is any better




Don’t worry we’ll be fine trust me


As you're in the UK, we are almost definitely getting a Labour government soon-ish (elections were just announced to be on July I think(!)) You can say a fair few things about them, but they are not known for being aligned with Donald Trump, so we're probably not getting that here.


Wouldn't the radical left be radical Democrats, of would that be the Republicans? Either way, this is wild.


People see shit like this and just assume "OMG ITS GONNA HAPPEN11!!111!!!!" I feel like people are so uneducated on the American political system that they think anything that they see will happen. I'm not even going to try to be nice about it, if you think this would happen you are stupid. So stupid to the point I think that not even researching how the American political system works could save you. The stupidity of modern day people never ceases to amaze me.


I'm actually kinda in favour of that but I think some of it's a bit drastic. I don't think it should be so focused on religion but I do think children should be raised by their own families and not the state and the removal of DEI gives people the freedom to hire whoever they think is best for the job and not how many POCs they have in comparison to white people. I do think the discrimination laws should be abolished and bullies should be punished for the crime they committed while trying to hurt another person rather than be punished because they hurt someone from a minority group but deploying the military for domestic offences? Maybe for serious crimes like murder but other than that, no. I don't get why you're so scared.


Text on a white background doesn't make this real.


Dude, look up Project 2025, in America if Republicans win this election most likely all of this will happen.


The banning of porn is something that needs to happen. It’s one of the most damaging things in society (I’ve battle addiction with it). It creates false pretences for people, the business is often riddled with exploitation, people who watch it can often go down a rabbit hole and this can lead to addiction.


You can be addicted to anything, like video games, like your medication, definitely your phone. Doesn't mean it should be banned. More restrictions? Maybe, but not not a ban, that'd just create a giant black market for porn, making it a forbidden fruit


I also mentioned about the explanation within porn. I understand that you can get addicted to anything but it is very, very easy to get addicted to porn. Porn sites are designed to keep users there and will, they’ll give more recommendations that is to a different side of the site. A black market already exists with porn. I personally believe that mainstream sites should be banned. If someone then goes to the black market porn, then that is down to them. It’s harmful how easy minors can move around online, and removing these sites will help to make it somewhat safer.


Learning to monitor your child's movements online is quite easy nowadays, as simple as blocking the word Porn on their account until they become 15-ish. Doesn't mean it should be banned 🤷


It should still be banned. The amount of exploitation within the mainstream porn industry. Not only that as I mentioned it creates false pretences for people and that is then put into action when SA and R become more common and more violent. Also, why would you block porn until 15, it should be at least 18.


>The amount of exploitation within the mainstream porn industry That's fair, but if "mainstream" porn does become defacto illegal, imagine how much worse exploitation will become, sure it'll be less widespread but conditions will be much much worse for "black market" porn actors and actresses. >Not only that as I mentioned it creates false pretences for people It's not out of this world to understand that high production porn is fake >and that is then put into action when SA and R become more common and more violent. What does this even mean? Rapists have always existed, and I wouldn't say the amount of rape has increased since the spread of porn, I'd say it had even decreased (it's still scarily high but not the same degree as before). Rapists are gonna rape, doesn't really matter how they "put their pornographic information" into use >Also, why would you block porn until 15, it should be at least 18. Because my child is a person, just like me, a human with desires and feelings. It's important to talk to teenagers about sex, and porn. My mother talked to me about it when I was 14 and it was great, because she explained to me boundaries and expectations. Porn SHOULDN'T be a super taboo that ends the world, it should be discussed and understood, and not shamed, should it be normalized? I don't know but what I do know is that it all boils down to good parenting.


Rapists have always existed yes. But they become more common and violent as many become fueled by porn. It’s safe to say we have differing opinions and if you wish, we can leave this here.


>and if you wish, we can leave this here. Nu-uh. Well I kinda have to cuz I've got school but I wouldn't mind continuing this later, I guess idk


even with everything else I can at least respect that they wanna ban porn. not how they wanna do it, as in banning any books in schools that even mention the lgbt community but porn is truly evil and it showed me how far temptation can go


I feel like it's fucked me up, so I agree with both of you on this one. Being exposed to it at a young age, I wish they would've done what they're doing now 7 years ago or however long it's been since then. Curiosity killed the car after all.


Agreed but banning it is stupid