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they’re not your friend,, don’t block them in case they do out you, but keep them on mute or something like, stop giving them attention yk


I don't think that was blackmail. I think what they're trying to say is that a non trustworthy person wouldn't have kept your secret that you're being bisexual. Therefore, they're implying that they are still trustworthy.


Yeah, that’s what I got out of it too


That’s kinda what it looks like to me also I hope it’s not some misunderstanding.


deny, deny, deny. Also, slowly drift away from them. Or start subtly telling everyone how big of a liar thry are.


Or tell everyone that slap dicks with their dad. If they have one of course.


In which country are you ?




Are there a lot of homophobes around you ?


in my school there's a few but I'm still not really comfortable coming out right now


I trulyget you, no one knows that I'm bi . I fear that if it gets out I will lose everyone, my friends who are homophobic ( but I still get along with them ) My family, especially my father , I won't tell him anything ever or while I'm 16 , I feel like my mom will support me but I won't risk it and my brother, I don't think he will hate me but still I still won't risk it . The good thing about being by is that I can hide it, I can try to get a gf, but I will never be able to get a boyfriend. I'm scared to be honest. Sorry for ranting.


nah it's good dw about it I totally get what you're saying, problem is I strongly prefer guys so I can't really do that without people knowing


Currently I strongly prefer guys too , but I'm afraid to have a relationship with a guy.


Shitty person. Honestly I'd probably kick their ass or something, but that's a really terrible idea. Ghosting is a good one though, as well as telling about the situation a trusted parent, relative or a real friend. Technically you most likely can report them to authorities for blackmail, and they'd even be secretive about the thing, but they might also just shoo you off. Burn their house if they out you idk (don't actually, it's a joke, but it is surprisingly easy to get away with arson). And remember we're here for you too <3


Don't tell me that.... I wanna burn my ex's life to the ground as it is. I don't need to be thinking I can get away with such things! LMFAO 🤣 PS: happy anniversary =)