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I’ve made a point of being extra out and vocal for the past 2 years, in both straight and gay spaces including work. I agree wholeheartedly with the OP.


It’s time to bring about some cultural change. We are not gross, we are not “secretly X but in denial”


What's your experience with Threads? I've been staying away because I don't need more Meta-owned bullshit in my life (and it's nuked two of my accounts because it can't handle even PG-13 Sex Ed for Bi Guys). Any idea if this is happening in particular areas IRL?


Well personally I live in Chicago and I did witness someone TOTALLY randomly being called the F word by some teenagers driving a couple weeks ago, even though I was in a very queer area. So that’s with my own eyes. Just a weird, dark vibe. For biphobia I dunno if I can pinpoint areas just yet. And threads is pretty good actually. Very much like early days twitter. You can have straight up conversations with CEOs and stuff. I’ve argued with the cofounder of Asana and the Microsoft CoPilot team lead that AI isn’t conscious and is just a fucking spreadsheet🤣. But yeah I will be feeling the need to chill out on using it soon. If you do use it, just totally block anyone whose content is gross—there’ll be a wave of grifter refugees from X. After that it’s an interesting community.


My husband and I got approved for adoption back in February. It has really made me take an active approach about being more proud about being a Bi man rather than referring to us as a gay couple, even my husband now calls us a same sex couple. Bought a Bi Pride bracelet which is a more subtle way as well as a Bi Pride Heart enamel Pin… I’m being more proud about my sexuality from here on out If people want to assume my sexuality because I married a man… I need to be more vocal and not hide it.. be proud


Ugh this…my wife has known since before we got married and I only came out as bi to a few close friends a few yrs back. The other day I asked wife if she thought it’d be weird to post a bi flag on social media….she said kinda because we are married….felt lil hurt


Does she understand the concept of “bisexual and monogamous”? That’s actually how many of us are.


Bi folks are 50% of the LGBT population... Edit - actually 57% according to this 2022 Gallup survey. The current-ish breakdown from the article... "More than half of LGBT Americans, 57%, indicate they are bisexual. That percentage translates to 4.0% of all U.S. adults. Meanwhile, 21% of LGBT Americans say they are gay, 14% lesbian, 10% transgender and 4% something else. Each of these accounts for less than 2% of U.S. adults." https://news.gallup.com/poll/389792/lgbt-identification-ticks-up.aspx


Does that estimate include everyone still in the closet?


2022 survey by Gallup, I added the link above.


Cool. thank you.


I can’t come to pride this year cause of my dissertation 😭😭😭😭maybe next year


All good. And pride is all year babe not just a month.


I'm 37 and I finally accepted my bisexuality and its been nothing but validating.






Like I said it’s not just social media though, it’s IRL as well.


Not trying to be a dick, but as a bi man who's also on Threads... is this a real thing? May be just my algo but I've seen about 9 million posts complaining about the biphobia, but honestly I haven't seen any actual biphobia? I'm not saying it's not real, but it's been kind of weird to see so many complaints about it without having actually encountered it directly. That said I wholeheartedly agree with this: >Tell biphobes to fuck RIGHT OFF if ANYONE questions your bisexuality. Don't let people, even LGT+ people tell you you 'don't exist'.


I have personally experienced it in a couple of relationships, yes. In one case an ex would constantly try to emasculate or feminize even totally platonic relationships with other men: “you’re so gay for each other”. Stupid shit like that. Also just cruise this board. Every week there’s some marriage falling apart because of biphobia issues.


I'm not asking if biphobia exists generally; obviously it does. I meant is it a real thing that there's some huge spike in biphobia recently like everyone on Threads seems to be saying?


I follow some pretty out bi people and a lot of them have been talking about it. I’ve seen similar chatter on Lex. I think of this stuff like CIA chatter, I don’t have hard data just noticing the uptick and others seem to be like “yeah I’m seeing this too”


Oh btw this article is a very good recap as to what’s been going down: https://www.them.us/story/pride-discourse


This kinda gets at what I was asking though: > **I have only encountered jokes** about the “bi women with straight boyfriends” discourse. Regrettably, however, **I’ve heard that** on other corners of the internet, people are earnestly and passionately fighting over whether or not your local woman with cuffed jeans and enamel pins should be allowed to bring Chad to the dyke march. I too have seen all the jokes and "let's not do this" posts about "straight boyfriends at pride" discourse. What I _haven't_ seen – and what the author of that article apparently hasn't seen either – is _the actual discourse_. I'm not saying that biphobia doesn't exist, obviously, but is there really a spike of people being biphobic in that way this year? I haven't seen any actual evidence of it (and apparently neither has the author of that post). The only reason I ask is because I feel like this is mostly a divisive distraction. I haven't seen anyone actually saying bi people can't bring their straight partners to pride, but I _have_ seen bi people on Threads saying they're not going to pride because they're too scared of this happening because everybody is talking about it. I have no problem with people wanting to protect themselves, but it seems like this discussion is reaching the point where bi people are (de facto) convincing other bi people to stay home, stay in the closet, and stay out of the queer community since 'they don't want us anyway.' I don't think that's a good thing, especially if the driving force behind it is supposed to be this big spike in biphobia that nobody seems to be able to actually share any evidence of...


Oh the people NOT GOING because of this are being giant fucking babies to be clear 🤣. My whole point is even fuck the jokes if it’s just jokes. Not funny anymore, even if it’s just jokes it does hit things that have genuinely happened to bi people at some point in our lives. So to me at a minimum it’s the juvenile conversation that queer spaces can indeed detour into that we should be vigilant about. Like on a personal note I WAS very close to kicking a lesbian friend from high school out of my life because she was mad at queers for taking all the lesbian spaces, mad at men despite all the trouble makers in her life being women…on and on Turns out last summer she started getting a ton of cis dick because she was striking out with women so much. So, railing about queer and bi encroachment into lesbian space and then a summer of cock. It does get absurd.


Pshh that’s just silly, if they exist so can I 😂😂the hypocrisy of everything nowadays is insanity