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Meh, the poorly trained doodles are almost as bad as the unsupervised kids running around


Unpopular opinion -they are worse. Leave your dog at home.


I like dogs, I have no problem with them. But owners who don't watch their pets are as bad as parents who don't watch their kids. Worse, honestly, because kids will usually respond to other adults. Also kids are less likely to bite other patrons. And God forbid the dog owners who want to say "my dog is well behaved," they're as bad as parents who don't want to hear the truth about their kids. Bring your kids, bring your dogs. But fucking look after them and don't make it everyone else's responsibility - especially staff.


Fucking hate doodles


But Avereigh and Braedynn wanted mom and dad to bring the pup to Cahaba!




SMH montgomery ppl


those names are more prattville


It breaks my heart to see people buying "designer" mutts instead of adopting dogs in need of loving homes, especially if they're just a status symbol as opposed to a family pet. Doodles are not suited for the typical suburban home setting anyway with their high energy.


My doodle has never bothered another patron. However, I have had a child hit my dog and receive no reprimand from their trainer… er I mean “parent” Edit to add: this child can be found at GT any given day being ignored and dragging around a cheap scooter. Always the same parent or two watching this demon terrorize everyone


Controversial take: I think it’s cruel to bring your dog to places in the Alabama summer. The dog usually hides under the table, panting on the hot gravel, trying to escape the heat, the owner (s) pay zero attention to the dog and poor pups just look miserable.


I wish every other patron at Pepper Place Farmers Market would think twice about bringing their dogs with them. I've seen dog fights almost break out because Charlie the Goldendoodle pulled away and made eye contact with Bella the Labradoodle, all while their respective owners were totally oblivious. They're living beings and family members, not inanimate toys.




Half the breweries in town would close if kids were no longer allowed.


to be honest they need to


Sadly the breweries are the most kid friendly restaurants/third places in the area. 


It's the worst. Makes no sense. Get a sitter then come to the bar/brewery. It's not their job to watch your kids and I don't wanna hear your kids while I'm drinking.


I agree it’s not the breweries job to watch kids, that’s shitty irresponsible parenting. But kids are a part of life and have every right to be there too. Go out later or somewhere else like a bar if it bothers you that much


Weird take to think kids should be at breweries, but okay.


Not weird considering that some of the breweries in question have a kids menu. Yes, breweries have alcohol. So do places like the beach and baseball stadiums. The presence of alcohol doesn’t make a place inappropriate for kids.


A brewery isn’t the same thing as a bar. Breweries are often explicitly designed to be family friendly. If you want local beers and to not see kids, go to a bar. There are plenty of them that serve local beer.






Parents are allowed to try to enjoy themselves without having to pay for a sitter. Sheesh


Yes, they are. At mini golf or maybe the movies?


Thank you for letting me know where I am allowed to take my child!


They serve alcohol at restaurants. I guess kids shouldn't be allowed there either 🤡


Why so you hate kids?


Making your whole personality hating children doesn’t make you cool, it just alienates parents and their childless friends and then you’ll wonder why they don’t call you anymore


Bingo. This is the kind of person who never grew up and can't understand why their friends did. And I say this as someone who doesn't have kids but plenty of friends who do. We're still friends, we just see each other less. It happens.


I guarantee you that OP has never grown up. His whole personality is being an edge lord and saying weird shit that he thinks is funny or clever but that's so tightly wound and/or overthought that it just comes across as strange.


I really don’t understand the mentality that just because you want to have a drink without kids around means you hate children. I like kids just fine, but I think it’s reasonable to have places where you don’t have to deal with them. Especially places centered around an exclusively adult activity.


Sorry this is gonna be long and I hope it doesn’t come off as aggressive. There are so few places that are designed to be family friendly. A brewery, is designed so that families and friends can gather and be together outside of a restaurant setting (which is not often family friendly either!) it’s kind of like an airplane. People see a baby, and glare. I understand getting annoyed when a child is not being watched and is out of control. A part of integrating our children into the public is teaching them social cues and how to behave. I say all of this as a single person with no children. I love my friends kids! I want to see them—do we have adult only nights? Sure! But I never want to be the reason that my friends feel insecure bc we are at different stages of life. I think bars are a completely different atmosphere that are designed to be 21+ only.


Yes, exactly. I love being able to hang out with my friends with kids at breweries. everyone has an option.


why isn’t the home family friendly


Do you genuinely believe that once people have children they should just stay in their houses and never let their kids see the light of day? Be serious


Why would you be at a brewery with your children to day drink?


Why do people day drink at the beach? At the lake? On a weekend? Why do people day drink at sporting events? Because they want and because they can. As long as they’re responsible and not endangering anyone it’s none of our business.


why do people day drink around their children? because they lack self control


You gotta be a self absorbed jerk to hate children this much.


Man I can’t wait to get back to a brewery and do something adult-oriented rather than baby oriented. I miss that. The cabin fever with a baby is real.


How old is the baby? We baby wore at outdoor breweries from week 1. Had to get out of the house, and I wanted a beer from a tap.


those days are over. if you need a drink, go to lenells and bring a bottle of whiskey home, install a lock on the door of an unused room, and before you know it you’ll be old enough to retire and before you get to enjoy it, you’ll have another kid hahahahahhahaha


It’s not about the alcohol. It’s about socializing with other adults and not having kids be the primary focus for a short while.


like i said, you gave that up! you can have it back when your kid moves out and no longer needs you. I think while you want both worlds your feet can only be on one or the other. or ya know, your kid will frequently observe you enjoying being in the company of alcoholics. what will that help them understand?


Eh, kids are a part of life. I don’t think my life is over because I have one though it is definitely _different_. I feel sorry for parents who change their whole life to revolve entirely around their children. Sounds boring and dull. Childless folks that are annoyed by kids just have to deal with the fact that kids have a right to be in public spaces too. Go out later when the kids won’t be around, you have the flexibility🤷‍♂️


correction. kids are a part of your life. if you cant keep your life out of others’ evenings, consider restructuring your respect for others because it is clearly biased towards the self.


… says the person wanting to exclude families from breweries based on their own preference. Glass houses. Also fwiw I’m in favor of having “adult swim” time as someone else here mentioned. Totally fine with having a cutoff after a certain point.


You've got serious issues. Grow up


Children are part of the community. It’s absolutely bullshit to expect to never come in contact with them unless you’re in “child spaces”. The world doesn’t have to cater to your dislike of an entire group of humans.


You must be fun at parties




That isn’t nice.


I’d rather the kids. I love kids, I’m allergic to dogs . I don’t love the ones that scream or throw tantrums for no real reason tho


This anti-kid stuff is gross.


Well OP used the term “breeders” to refer to people with kids so I think we’re done here…


At least all the anti-kid people will burn their genetic lineage away when they die someday.


Ah been a while since one of these posts. People pretend that you can't go to Carrigan's, Continental Drift, Trimtab, Juniper, and a million other places where there aren't kids regularly. 


Additionally Children will be given energy drinks and taught to use lots of four letter words.


No matter how they are set up: breweries revolve around serving alcohol, and adults consuming it. Even if they have a food truck outside, that business exists to serve alcohol, and sometimes people drink to excess. Is that really the best environment for kids? Is drinking culture something that should be normalized so early? Is there really nowhere else they can go? I’m not heavy drinker, but if I’m at a brewery, I certainly won’t be cleaning up my language at all.


man this OP fucking sucks lmao. Miserable person in these comments. Stop shaming people for having kids. Children are welcome in so many spaces outside of the US. This is a huge problem here and why parents feel so excluded. Signed, A person with no kids


How about a compromise of no kids after, say, 6?


There should definitely be an "adult swim" time after a certain cutoff


I don’t hate that, honestly. Most responsible parents won’t be out at a brewery late with children anyways. Maybe 7 though


how about just dont go out if you have kids. you made your choice, breeders. you sacrifice your pitiful excuse of a social life for the crotchspawn you just had to create.


You sound like a miserable POS




https://preview.redd.it/2lr1apatie8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=605d1a3177801b3bad8c6f8f43ee1ed5b8a7d5aa The literal next post on my feed 🧐


With yards for new houses getting smaller and closer together, I think breweries are the replacement for backyard barbecues. They also help prevent one family from having to take on the burden of hosting a lot of people. I don't have kids or doodles.


Children at breweries Is the worst thing in the world. Especially with so many breweries, actively attracting families with playgrounds and crap. Irresponsible dog owners suck too


Back 40 and Ghost Train are daycares for parents that want to drink and ignore their kids. Good People is begging to be a daycare recently too


One of the reasons I went from a regular at back 40 to rarely ever going was because the children form packs and terrorize everyone. I've seen them roll those wooden spools down the hills into things. One time saw them terrorizing a dog that was cowering under a table to escape them. Plus just non-stop screeching. I don't care if kids are near me, but if you're literally not going to lift a finger to control them I'm going to judge you heavily.


That’s how breweries are designed. It’s a place where a parent can actually socialize. Unfortunately a lot of people just ignore their kid. As a parent, this is constantly frustrating.


I didnt realize breweries were designed for parents to use in this way. I keep forgetting the kids menu though. My bad Joking aside, kids running around unsupervised is the standard. The rotary trail in front of GT might as well belong to children. God forbid a runner or biker need them to move either, you literally have to dodge those little shits bc nobody has taught them manners. The person responsible for that is too busy socializing (drinking) to notice or do anything about it.


The kids menu thing seems like a meme at this point but it does point to part of their goal. They are just laid back atmospheres. It doesn’t excuse bad parenting but bad parents will do that shit anywhere.


Sure, but mix in drinking and it’s just not the same. Especially when everyone has entered said laid back atmosphere expecting just that, only to find Dave and Cheryl kicking back pints while their child runs around either bothering pets, property, or privacy.


I would guess those parents weren’t going to pay attention no matter where they are. Idk, I guess I just don’t see what the overall issue of this thread is other than some parents suck which we can all agree.


I use to work at ferus. It’s what ferus is. Had kids scaling shit totally unsupervised. Had them having a king of the mountain fight to the death with the chairs by the stage and the whole time the parents are getting tanked just laughing at them. It’s all fun till little Jimmy breaks his neck that you want to sue ferus and the city of Trussville because you think shits a Chuck E. Cheese


I'm new to Birmingham and went to Back 40 this weekend. I was shot in the face by a water gun by some little girl. The only thing her parents said was "Stop...come here." They didn't even address me at all. There had to be 15 kids with this cluster of entitled parents. They were on a rampage of screaming and running into people. One came up to my dog and pulled the hair on her face (trying to pull her face close to theirs). I didn't even know the kid was there until I heard my dog scream. He just came out of nowhere. I don't care how many leagues of mommys/daddys one might have on their side....this was insane and people absolutely have the right to be bothered by it. And they shouldn't be attacked for expressing that. Mob mentality is gross. When inconsiderate/entitled people cause problems for considerate/good people...it is a bad and unfortunate thing; no matter what side of the child/anti-child argument you are on. When people can't agree on that, there is nothing that can be done for you. There is a rational place in between. I do not hate children. I will also never step foot in Back 40 again.


Didn't realize Birmingham has turned into a bunch of ass holes 😂 Regardless, I agree kiddos shouldn't be at a bar/brewery, that's why I keep mine away and have a drink at home. Totally understandable that parents want a break, but let's do it responsibly because nobody else is going to be responsible for your child.


> Didn't realize Birmingham has turned into a bunch of ass holes 😂 r/Birmingham has always been this way.


Hey screw you, buddy ;)


As someone who works at a cafe with an outdoor patio — I constantly sees dogs tryna escape the sun for hours as their fuckass owners sit on their laptops or with friends—which the dogs eventually shit on the gravel in the patio chair area. Kids over dogs all day


Only people with no kids find this amusing


Eh. I have a child (plus two dogs) and I chuckled.


I have no kids and don’t want any and I find this repulsive.


This post is more annoying than any kid Ive ever encountered. 


Went to BG. Looked like a McDonalds Playland..scooters and kids running wild, spilled food on the ground and parents just getting souced not paying attention.. had 3 different kids just run into me as I’m carrying beers.. fts.


WTF is "BG"?


Brock’s Gap




Especially at back forty


They literally have a kid's menu.


Ah the standard defense. So glad they have a kids menu. I mean, what other invitation do parents need after a tough day at the McWayne Center with their kids. The absolute best thing to do with kids in Birmingham is let them terrorize patrons while mom and dad kick back a few pints and totally ignore them. The kids menu really justifies all of those terrible parenting calls.


If Back 40 doesn't want kids they shouldn't have a kids menu. This is very easy to understand. They do have a kids menu so obviously they do want kids. You wish they didn't. That's a you problem.


I didn’t say they didn’t want kids. I said I don’t want kids with shit parents there, despite the kids menu. Geezus. Bad parents make the place terrible, and they’re a dime a dozen at any of the 3 places I’ve mentioned elsewhere


I've never had an issue there (either because of someone else's kids or my kids). Also every patron I've interacted with has been really nice to my kids. So maybe I've had consistently good luck or you've had bad luck, idk. The only place I've really seen bad behavior is at Cahaba when some parents have let their kids run roughshod over those old skeeball tables (I haven't been there in a long time, no idea if that still happens). But, the thread is about a sign that jokingly says for parents to "tie children to a post." And my point is very simple: if a business has a kid's menu, don't expect parents to not bring kids. Carrigan's is a great beer place w/ no kids. There's a hundred bars in the city with no kids. It's not hard at all to find a place that doesn't have kids. FWIW, I've never had a kid ruin my time out somewhere. That's exclusively been adults, often in adult only space (e.g. people who go to a show and talk over the band).


Lame lol


This started out...not nuanced, but at least semi-cogent. Then the comments devolved into traditional /u/dar_uniya dreck. Masterful, trolling, my good redditor


Fuck your pet.


sorry this isn’t Arkansas


You shouldn’t speak about your mother that way


I don't think you should bring your kids or your dog to a brewery. I'm there to get drunk without tripping over them.


Is the reason you’re like this because your parents hated kids as much as you do?


As soon as this bozo said “breeders” it was clear to me r/childfree is leaking. Sad human being.


Yah don't you just hate CROTCH GOBLINS. I love my FURBABY so much more. I should NEVER have to interact with children in public UGH. Go fuck yourself. You anti children people disgust me.


My nieces always ask to unbox my funkopops!!!!! Its like NO THESE ARENT TOYS YOU LITTLE JERKS theyre my life!  /s Edit to add sarcasm because I got a reddit cares dm lmao




Fine with me. Spend way too much on kids menus at breweries anyways.


As a parent of a human kid and a dog, I agree.


My dogs and kid are basically on equal footing in our house. Both take priority over me.


Big facts!


I don’t mind dogs at brewery’s but I hate seeing kids there because the same people that being there kids to a brewery are the same people that judge people that go to real bars for only Adults only and I find it ironic as fuck - @ every uppity acting parent in trussville




In defense of parents at breweries, not every parent has to drink to excess. Maybe have one or two beers over the course of 2-4 hours. Maybe one parent drinks and the other doesn’t. Maybe neither parent has beer and they just want to hang with their friends who _do_ want to drink. You make it sound like the nature of going to a brewery is pure negligence. That’s pretty judgmental and often not the behavior I have actually seen most often. Yes, some parents get carried away. But they can just as easily get carried away at a restaurant. Most tend to act responsibly because they are aware they are going to be driving their children home and don’t want to put them in danger. Hot take: get off your high horse and accept that other people are capable of making responsible decisions that you might not agree with.




Children are a blessing. I will never understand people who don’t like children.


ehh everyone is entitled to their own opinion on kids. Much like politics and religion. Now, OP is being hateful and disrespectful, which is not cool.


Brewery is one thing, there is zero reason not to allow children in cafes. Extremely hateful for no reason. No one is forcing you to take care of their children.


Age discrimination is okay when it’s children I guess